Научная статья на тему 'Some issues in lyrical publicism of Userbay Aleuov'

Some issues in lyrical publicism of Userbay Aleuov Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
lyrical publicism / Userbay Aleuov / poet

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zaripbay Yakhiyaev

In this article detailed information concerning some issues in lyrical publicism of Userbay Aleuov is given.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Some issues in lyrical publicism of Userbay Aleuov»

Some issues in lyrical publicism of Userbay Aleuov

Zaripbay Yakhiyaev Karakalpak State University

Abstract: In this article detailed information concerning some issues in lyrical publicism of Userbay Aleuov is given.

Keywords: lyrical publicism, Userbay Aleuov, poet

At the beginning of the 21st century, the poet Userbay Alevov, who achieved a certain level of development of the poetry of the Karakalpak people, carried out the development of philosophical lyrics, skillfully mastered lyrics based on new ideas in the development of national poetry. Although he began to be recognized as a young writer in the 70s of the last century, he became a master of words in the 20s of the 21st century. The fact that the poet studied at a postgraduate school in his youth, and then began to write candidate and doctoral theses, caused him to hesitate to write more. However, his passion for poetry did not go unnoticed even when he was busy with science. On the other hand, art and literature were also mastered. Because his soul was beautiful, his inner world was beautiful, his feelings were delicate.

Ko'ngli nozik insonlar, The people with tender heart,

She'r yozmay tura olmas. Can't stop writing poetry.

Zarurdur unga osmonlar, Needs the heavens,

Yurakni egallasa tosh. If stone gets in his heart.

Olim edim el bilgan, I was a scientist that people knew

Hamroh bo'lgan soddalik. Simplicity was friend with me.

O'rganganim ilmdan, What learned from science,

She'riyattagi go'zallik. Beauty in poetry.

It really did. The feeling that fills the heart in poetry did not give peace to U.Alevov. Seeing the beauty of the world of poetry, the great power of poetry always attracted him. Therefore, he enjoyed the beauty of poetry along with the science. Since the poems written by the poet in his youth were often published in the press, most of them were preserved in his notebook. He was also interested in enjoying science. As a result, he was inspired by both science and literature. He received spiritual nourishment from both. "I was attracted by the elegance of the lyrics and the philosophical thinking," the author said about himself. This interest has allowed him to publish about 10 poetry collections in recent years. The spirit of the nation is revealed in these poetic collections, and the national character occupies a special place in all its manifestations. This situation was a natural phenomenon for wordsmiths.

According to the poet, a nation is a set of customs, traditions, and ideas that are not similar to other peoples, historically formed in a certain area for centuries. In essence, a society with a common language, cultural customs, traditions, and psychological mentality is a nation.

In fact, it is a happiness to live as "the nation is delicate, contacts through the relativity, you are waiting for the nation, and the nation is waiting for you". This is a unique gift given to man by God. The first feeling of the lyrical hero of the poet who sacrificed his life for the nation is his conscience. This is its life-giving force. Of course, every nation's child must first of all be loyal to his nation and live worthy of its name. Staining the name of one's people is like death for a child. Every person should protect the honor of his nation and protect his dignity. It is a sign of a person's humanity. At the same time, there is a national character that is unique to each nation, each people. We can clearly see this in the poet's lyrical publicism. For example, in the poem "Qoraqalpoq kelinlari (Brides of Karakalpak)" he describes: Barchangiz ham an'anaga sodiqsiz, All of you - loyal to tradition Oson emas qoraqalpoq nom olish Not easy to get a nickname Karakalpak In this poem, it is said about the national tradition, customs, mentality of the nation and the bride's modesty.

Har xalqning o'z an'ana, odati, Every nation has its own traditions, customs, Bizning xalq mehman kutar har kuni, Our people welcome guests every day, Kelinlarning o'rgatilgan soadati, The blessedness of brides taught, Xizmatiga shay turadi kun-tuni. Is ready for service day and night. In the poet's lyrics, it is said that it is one of the national traditions to meet a guest sincerely and respectfully. In it: "Every nation has a place recognized by the people" is a sign that enhances and flourishes its national character, that guests from abroad always agree with our national customs and look at them as an example, as a result he describes the spread of the Karakalpak people's great national traditions to faraway countries as follows:

Xalqimdagi mart odatga bosh urub, Bowed to powerful habit of my people, An'analar ko'p ellarga tarqadi. Traditions spread to many countries. Kelgan mehmon xursand bo'lib, ochilib, The guest who arrived was happy, frank,

Bizning xalqdan o'rnak olib otlandi. Left taking example from our people - he concludes.

In this poem, the poet shows the many aspects of the Karakalpak nation that serve as an example to foreign nations, tells that the social life and livelihood of each nation is evidence of its nationality, that these two: the national traditions of the nation and its expression in poetry have entrenched relations.

U.Aleuov, speaking about the national characteristics of the Karakalpak people, in his poem, which begins with the lines "Every person has a high place of value", he explains that someone is in the high of the yurt, someone is at the door of the house, and even if someone is head of mahalla he does not have the right to sit high. Thus, the devotees of the poetry are interested in knowing the secrets of nationality. At the same time, he describes that the guests have their own place to sit, the women and brides have their own behavior, place. For example:

Har insonning qadri baland o'rni bor, Everyone has a place of high value, Kimnikidir to' rda, Someone' s high, Kimnikidir yonida. Someone's on the side.

Gohilar biy bo'lsa ham yo'li tordir, Somebody's path - narrow even leader,

Buni xalqning o'zi tanlar, The people themselves choose it,

Hayron bo'lma. Don't be surprised.

Urf-odat tutashtirar avlodni, Tradition binds generations,

Tatuv qilar, Makes to be friendly,

Yo'l bermaydi g'arazga. Does not allow malice.

Tartib, The order,

Talab keltiradi baraka, And require brings a blessing, Buning bari izzatingdur xalqinga. All this respect for your people. Thus, in his poetry, the poet skillfully expresses the commitment, loyalty, and hard work of the young men and women of the nation. We can see this from the content of the poem "Mazlumkhansuluv" (1967), written by the poet in his student years. Through the images of the main characters of the poem, Munir and Mazlumkhan, the bravery and delicacy of the young men and women of our people are described with a very meaningful and unique skill. The poem is one of the best works of the 1980s due to its skillful description of the national identity of our people.

In recent years, the poet's work has developed even more. In addition to expressing the joy and sorrow of the lyrical hero, the character, problems, issues related to the destiny of the whole nation, and the human feelings of the people of the nation are described in a very meaningful way:

Insonlarning pastligiga jahlim chiqar ba'zida, Sometimes I get angry at the inferiority of people,

Biz tufayli odamlar ezilmasin, kuyinib, May the people not be oppressed by us. Ishi bo'lsa bitirib, If have a job, help them, Tegmaylik hech ko'ngliga, Let's not hurt the heart,

Yashaylik-chi dunyoning nafisligin sezinib! ...Let's live feeling the elegance of the world! ...

These lines are expressions of the true behavior of the people of the Karakalpak people, who are accustomed to the love of humanity that they love the people. In particular, the poem describes the psychology of the lyrical hero belonging to the Karakalpak nation, his generosity, human qualities, and courage directly, not adding anything. In particular, the poet managed to reveal the national characteristics of the Karakalpak people, their unique actions, and the national symbols separately. As a poet, we can say that the ideas about nationality of the creator, who received spiritual strength from the language of the nation, the nature of the nation, and the upbringing of the nation, were formed from such sources. In the work of the poet, the spiritual world of the Karakalpak people, their life feeling, dreams, and thoughts permeated with the spirit of the nation are expressed. Because, as a person and a scientist, he mastered the history of the nation, traditional programs, psychology of the nation very well. According to the poet, the concept of nation is the natural preservation of the spirit of ancestors in the inner world of a person. A nation has its own language, through which poets create and live with aesthetic pleasure. A poet with such an understanding loves his nation more than his soul, and he got absorbed in its world and died on its way. Through this nation, he lives in love with the nations of the whole world. As a result, he lives happily with his nation. Lives inextricably mixed with his nation. These circumstances encourage each person to be a loyal child of his nation. This is the main goal of the artistic word master in expressing the nationality in his work.

Yashar millat eli bilan bir bo'lib, Lives together with the people of the nation,

Umidin oqlagan o'g'liga suyanib. Leaning on his son, whose hope justified.

Menga doim milliy tuyg'u, I always national feeling,

Milliy rux, The national spirit,

Kuch beradi millat o'g'li bo'lishga. Gives strength to be a son of the nation.

Thus, the national feeling in the poet's work gives a person the strength to love the nation, protect, love the motherland and strengthen his will.

Another feature of the poet's creativity is that, despite the fact that he raises issues of various topics in his work, he describes the national concept in a coherent idea. Through these peculiarities he succeeds in promoting the unified nationalism of the Karakalpak people. Many of his lyrical works describe the history of the Karakalpak people (especially the novel "Ernazar Alakoz"), their appearance as a nation, and the fact that the Karakalpak people live in the same place where they were formed as a nation ten centuries ago. In the work, it is impossible to separate the people from the nation's livelihood, the nation's lifestyle, and the social space in which it lives. The thing that clearly shows us the impressiveness and unique features of the poet's work is the combination of his national content and national faith. Our people have the nature of analyzing social events, their joys with various difficulties,

always thinking and finding a way with intelligence. Therefore, the lyrical heroes of the poet U. Aleuov also think on the basis of national psychology and national understanding. They act on the basis of the national behavior, attitude. Probably under these influence the new ideas appear in his poetry. The national features, traditions, simple behavior, deeply humane assessment of the event, and others that described in his work have wide place. As a result, U.Aleuov formed a holistic artistic thought based on the national concept and the skill of making unexpected conclusions through his works. This is his great contribution to the improvement of nationalism in Karakalpak poetry. Through these, the poet managed to prove that the Karakalpak people are a wise and thoughtful nation in every way.

The poems of U.Aleuov differ from the works of the creators of the Turkic-speaking nations of Central Asia, as they are examples of creations that hold fast to the nationalism. In his works, the "lyrical digressions" that make people think are given very skillfully. Especially he is an unique poet, whose examples of the philosophical creations have been improved in terms of content and form. As a result, he enriched the Karakalpak poetry in terms of content and artistry, and improved it in terms of nationalism. The poet's creations are a mirror of the nation's happy life and difficult life path. We can see this from the poetry series "Qarekennin tiregisen, Aralim (You're the basis of our nation, my Aral)", "Ha qazagim, qazagim...(Hey, my Kazak)". The author does not stop describing events, processes, accidents that he witnessed during his life. Through his lyrical characters, he expresses his opinion on behalf of the whole nation. He stands out as a great person who expresses the thoughts of the nation.

The poet's poetry contains national views characteristic of the only Karakalpak people. Why, in the works created by the poet, special attention is paid to the fact that one of the unique national characteristics of the Karakalpak people, the unity of the nation, the strength that holds its internal unity, is the tribe. The characteristic of a nation is the unity of its tribes, and the tribes are the main source of distinguishing the different aspect of this nation. Through his poetry, the poet delicately explains that the tribe is a sign that clearly shows the character of the nation. And in his poem, which begins with the words: "Each tribe has its place in the nation":

Har uruvning xalq ichida hurmatli, Every tribe is respected among the people, O'z o'rni bor, It has its place.

Boshqa ruga tenglashtirsak, Equating with another tribe, Biri og'a, biri ini, One is brother, one is sister, O'z yo'li, Its own way,

Ko'rsatadi qoraqalpoqni zor tekli. Shows the Karakalpak gentle. - he describes. As the poet's understanding: "The tribe will make the nation respectable." The Karakalpak nation is distinguished from each other by its tribes. It is also

consolidated as a whole nation through its tribes. The symbol that unites the basic unity and solidarity of the Karakalpak nation is the tribes. The tribes, with its separate name, inextricably unites the nation. The poet wrote about this in his poem:

Uruv birlashtirar ekan millatni, As the tribe unites the nation,

«Tanke shal»ning to'rt bolasi teng jari... Four children of "Tanke Shal" are equal...

Birin biri hurmat qildi, o'stirdi, Each respected, were grown,

Chiqib turar tushunmasning or-sari. Appeared misunderstanding rarely.

Thus, the poet tries to make the Karakalpak nation known to the world by showing the unique characteristics of the Karakalpak nation in his poetry. He also provides information on the nation's history, lifestyle, outlook, and national characteristics.

To sum up, the poet U.Aleuov is a creator who enriched Karakalpak poetry with national content specific to our people, improved it with new ideas, embodied national characteristics, and further developed national poetry with figurativeness. In his poems, the unity, integrity, bravery and simplicity of the nation are described enthusiastically. In particular, we can say that U. Aleuov is a creator who entered Karakalpak poetry with his philosophical thoughts unlike other poets at the beginning of the 21st century. He opened a new direction in Karakalpak poetry with his works. His philosophical thoughts awaken new ideas, national pride, loyalty and love in a person. Many aspects of U. Aleuov's works, which are thematically rich, still require a lot of scientific research.


1. U. Aleuov. Mazlumxansulu (Mazlumkhansulu) (Verses and Poems). Nukus: "Bilim", 1917. - P. 132.

2. U. Aleuov. Fikr dunyom (My thought world) (Verses). Nukus: "Qaraqalpaqstan". 2018. - P, 136.

3. U. Aleuov. Tuyg'ularim (My feelings) (Verses). Nukus: "Qaraqalpaqstan". 2019. - p. 148.

4. U. Aleuov. Dunyo, seni bila olmadim...(World, I could not know you...) (verses). Nukus: "Qaraqalpaqstan". 2020. - p. 152.

5. U. Aleuov. Ernazar Alakoz. (A novel written with verses). Nukus: "Qaraqalpaqstan". 2020. - p. 96.

6. U. Aleuov. Ha, odamzot, sen kimsan?! (Hey, human, who are you?!) (Verses). Nukus: "Qaraqalpaqstan". 2021. - p. 152.

7. Usmonov M. T. Mathematical Proofs. Incomplete Induction, Deduction, Analogy. The Concept Of Algorithm And Its Properties. International Journal of

Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) ISSN: 2643-9670 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 26-29.

8. Usmonov M. T. Means of Information Protection. International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR) ISSN: 2643-9603 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January -2021, Pages: 27-30.

9. Usmonov M. T. Organization of E-Mail Protection. International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) ISSN: 2643-9085 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January -2021, Pages: 36-40.

10. Usmonov M. T. Organizing Internet Protection. International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) ISSN: 2643-9085 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January -2021, Pages: 24-28.

11. Usmonov M. T. Origin and Equal Strength Relationships between Sentences. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions. Structure of Theorem and Their Types. International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) ISSN: 2643-640X Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 45-47.

12. Usmonov M. T. PhysicalSecurity. International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR) ISSN: 2643-9603 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 58-61.

13. Usmonov M. T. Practical Security Management. International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) ISSN: 2643-9085 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January -2021, Pages: 71-74.

14. Usmonov M. T. Problem Solving In Primary Schools. International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 72-83.

15. Usmonov M. T. Reproduction. The Laws of Reproduction. International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) ISSN: 2643-640X Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 36-40.

16. Usmonov M. T. Security Models. International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) ISSN: 2643-9123 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 18-23.

17. Usmonov M. T. Solving Problems In Arithmetic Methods. International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 58-61.

18. Usmonov M. T. Stenographic Protection of Information. International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR) ISSN: 2643-9603 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 31-35.

19. Usmonov M. T. Telecommunications and Network Security. International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) ISSN: 2643-9085 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 57-61.

20. Usmonov M. T. The Concept of Compatibility, Actions on Compatibility. International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) ISSN: 26439670 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 10-13.

21. Usmonov M. T. The Concept Of National Security. International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR) ISSN: 2643-9603 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January -2021, Pages: 73-75.

22. Usmonov M. T. The Concept of Number. The Establishment of the Concept of Natural Number and Zero. International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) ISSN: 2643-9670 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 18-21.

23. Usmonov M. T. The Concept of Relationship. Characteristics of Relationships. International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) ISSN: 2643-9670 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 38-40.

24. Usmonov M. T. The Concept of Size and Measurement. International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 36-40.

25. Usmonov M. T. The Emergence and Development of Methods of Writing All Negative Numbers. International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 48-50.

26. Usmonov M. T. The Purpose, Function and History Of The Development Of Mathematical Science. International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) ISSN: 2643-640X Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 8-17.

27. Usmonov M. T. True and False Thoughts, Quantities. International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 1-5.

28. Usmonov M. T. Virtual Protected Networks. International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) ISSN: 2643-9123 Vol. 5 Issue 1, January -2021, Pages: 55-57.

29. Usmonov M. T. What Is Solving The Problem? Methods of Solving Text Problems. International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) ISSN: 2643-640X Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 56-58.

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