i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
Ключевые слова
intercultural discourse / advertising text / cultural discrepancy / advertising campaign / international cooperation / межкультурный дискурс / рекламный текст / культурное несоответствие / рекламная кампания / международное сотрудничество

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Turetskova I.V., Nalichnikova I.A.

The article explores peculiarities of functioning of advertising texts on the material of the Russian, German and English languages in the context of intercultural discourse. During the analysis of advertising messages of Russian, German, American and British magazines, the types of advertising texts are established. The specifics of reflecting the socio-cultural component in advertising are considered, cultural differences that require advertising adaptation are determined. The authors prove that each culture is characterized by a kind of thinking specific only for this cultural community, patterns of behavior, customs and traditions, the ignorance of which leads to the failure of all marketing and advertising activities. As a perspective of the study, the authors see the development of criteria for the effectiveness of advertising texts in the intercultural space.

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.


В данной статье исследуются особенности функционирования рекламных текстов на материале русского, английского и немецкого языков в контексте межкультурного дискурса. В ходе анализа рекламных сообщений русских, немецких, американских и британских журналов устанавливаются типы рекламных текстов. Рассматривается специфика отражения социокультурного компонента в рекламе, определяются культурные различия, требующие адаптации рекламы. Авторы доказывают, что каждая культура характеризуется своеобразным, свойственным только данному культурному сообществу мышлением, шаблонами поведения, обычаями и традициями, незнание которых приводит к неудаче всей маркетинговой и рекламной деятельности. В качестве перспективы исследования авторы видят разработку критериев эффективности рекламных текстов в межкультурном пространстве.


тынглагъанланы къоркъув къуршагъан - хомуз болгъан ишни гьакъында аян кюйде хабарлагъан. «Вместе с перепуганными слугами Али вошел к хану.

- Я тебе приказываю, скажи, ты принес весть о моем Гусейне? -спросил его злой хан.

- Да, мой хан, принес, - ответил Али и заиграл на изготовленном им куму-


Струны кумуза [словно], застонали, заплакали. Слушающим слышался голос человека, взывающего о помощи, и рёв какого-то зверя. Всех слушающих охватил страх - кумуз ясно рассказывал обо всем, что случилось».

2. Обычного вопроса-повеления, т. е. простого побуждения, распоряжения, поручения совершить какое-либо действие в форме вопроса. Для высказываний, выражающих данное значение, характерна спокойная и ровная интонация. Значение поручения может быть выражено формами как 2-го, так и 3-го лица повелительного наклонения глагола: Къурдашларым, ойлашайыкъ, биз не этейик гьали? (К. А.) «Друзья, подумаем, что нам делать»; Яшым, тынгла, анагь не айта? (У. М.) «Сынок, послушай, что говорит мать».

3. Призыв, обращение, мольба, выраженные вопросительным предложением. Для реализации данных оттенков значения для исследуемого языка характерно использование экспрессивно-побудительной частицы да, присоединяемой, как правило, к сказуемому в форме 2-го лица повелительного наклонения. Она придает речи оттенок мягкой просьбы, мольбы: Айт да, шунча негер кюлейсен? (У. М.) «Скажи да, над чем столько смеешься?»; Билигиз да, къачан гележек къ-онакълар? (З. А.) «Узнайте да, когда придут гости?»

4. Приглашение к совершению совместного действия в виде вопросительного предложения: Къайда, ятайыкъмы энни? (Б. А.) «Ну что, ляжем спать?»; Гелигиз тергейик, ким гючлю экен? (У. М.) «Давайте проверим, кто сильнее?»

Побуждение к речевому акту выражается в кумыкском языке с помощью речевых глаголов айт «скажи», сёйле «говори», билдир «сообщи» и др.: Айт,

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сен кимни осал гёресен? (З. А.) Скажи, кого ты считаешь слабым?; Сёйле, неге сёйлемейсен? (З. А.) «Говори, почему не говоришь?».

Практически любой вопрос может сопровождаться словами типа сёй-ле-сёйлегиз, айт-айтыгъыз. С помощью подобных слов мы можем усилить вопрос, подчеркнуть его, требовать определенного вмешательства. Однако часто использование побудительной части становится лишним, так как сама форма вопроса побуждает слушающего ответить. Приданию глаголу в повелительном наклонении оттенка мольбы способствует также частица - са и ее варианты: Айтсана, мен кимден эршимен? (К. А.) «Скажи-ка, я некрасивее (хуже) кого?».

В кумыкском языке имеются определенные слова-побудители. В основном это побуждение к речевому акту или привлечение внимания, в роли побудителей или повелителей выступают следующие слова къара «посмотри», тохта «подожди, перестань» и т. д.: Къара, аривмю шу уьйлер? (З. А.) «Посмотри, красивы эти дома?»; Тохта, о не тавуш болду? (М.-С. Я.) «Подожди, что это за звук?» К мыслительной деятельности призывают глаголы ойлаш «подумай»; ойлашып къара «поразмысли»: Ойлашып къара, гьали биз не этип болабыз? (М.-С. Я.) «Подумай, что мы можем сейчас сделать?»

Таким образом, наличие типов вопросительно-побудительных предложений, выражающих приказ, повеление, призыв, обращение, мольбу, просьбу и др., имеющиеся слова-маркеры, побуждающие к речевому действию, свидетельствуют о том, что императивно-вопросительные, или вопросительно-побудительные предложения относятся к одному из типов несобственно-вопросительных предложений в кумыкском языке.

Условные сокращения источников

З. А. - З. Атаева; У. М. - У. Мантаева; К. А. - К. Абуков; Б. А. - Б. Атаев; И. К. - И. Керимов; М.-С. Я. - М.-С. Яхъяев.

1. Пауль Г. Принципы истории языка. Москва: Издательство иностранной литературы, 1960.

2. Тыбыкова А.Т. Исследования по синтаксису алтайского языка. Простое предложение. Новосибирск: Издательство Новосибирского университета, 1991.

3. Бердник Л.Ф. Вопросительно-побудительные предложения в современном русском языке. Русский язык в школе.1989; № 2: 88-91.

4. Лекант П.А. Современный русский литературный язык. Москва: Высшая школа, 1982.

5. Кононов А.Н. Грамматика современного узбекского литературного языка. Москва - Ленинград, 1960.

6. Балакаев М.Б. Современный казахский язык. Синтаксис. Алма-Ата, 1959.

7. Закиев М.З. Татарская грамматика. Синтаксис. Казань, 1995; Т. 3.

8. Тикеев Д.С. Основы синтаксиса современного башкирского языка. Москва: Наука, 2004.


1. Paul' G. Principy istoriiyazyka. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo inostrannoj literatury, 1960.

2. Tybykova A.T. Issledovaniya po sintaksisu altajskogo yazyka. Prostoe predlozhenie. Novosibirsk: Izdatel'stvo Novosibirskogo universiteta, 1991.

3. Berdnik L.F. Voprositel'no-pobuditel'nye predlozheniya v sovremennom russkom yazyke. Russkijyazyk vshkole.1989; № 2: 88-91.

4. Lekant P.A. Sovremennyjrusskij literaturnyjyazyk. Moskva: Vysshaya shkola, 1982.

5. Kononov A.N. Grammatika sovremennogo uzbekskogo literaturnogo yazyka. Moskva - Leningrad, 1960.

6. Balakaev M.B. Sovremennyj kazahskijyazyk. Sintaksis. Alma-Ata, 1959.

7. Zakiev M.Z. Tatarskaya grammatika. Sintaksis. Kazan', 1995; T. 3.

8. Tikeev D.S. Osnovy sintaksisa sovremennogo bashkirskogo yazyka. Moskva: Nauka, 2004.

Статья поступила в редакцию 22.12.22

УДК 811.11-112

Turetskova I.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Orenburg State Pedagogical University (Orenburg, Russia), E-mail: swabra@rambler.ru Nalichnikova I.A., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Orenburg Institute of Railways, Branch of Samara State Transport University (Orenburg, Russia), E-mail: nal-inna@yandex.ru


article explores peculiarities of functioning of advertising texts on the material of the Russian, German and English languages in the context of intercultural discourse. During the analysis of advertising messages of Russian, German, American and British magazines, the types of advertising texts are established. The specifics of reflecting the socio-cultural component in advertising are considered, cultural differences that require advertising adaptation are determined. The authors prove that each culture is characterized by a kind of thinking specific only for this cultural community, patterns of behavior, customs and traditions, the ignorance of which leads to the failure of all marketing and advertising activities. As a perspective of the study, the authors see the development of criteria for the effectiveness of advertising texts in the intercultural space.

Key words: intercultural discourse, advertising text, cultural discrepancy, advertising campaign, international cooperation.

И.В. Турецкова, канд. филол. наук, доц., Оренбургский государственный педагогический университет, г. Оренбург, E-mail: swabra@rambler.ru И.А. Наличникова, канд. филол. наук, доц., Оренбургский институт путей сообщения, филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения, г. Оренбург, E-mail: nal-inna@yandex.ru


В данной статье исследуются особенности функционирования рекламных текстов на материале русского, английского и немецкого языков в контексте межкультурного дискурса. В ходе анализа рекламных сообщений русских, немецких, американских и британских журналов устанавливаются типы рекламных текстов. Рассматривается специфика отражения социокультурного компонента в рекламе, определяются культурные различия, требующие адаптации

рекламы. Авторы доказывают, что каждая культура характеризуется своеобразным, свойственным только данному культурному сообществу мышлением, шаблонами поведения, обычаями и традициями, незнание которых приводит к неудаче всей маркетинговой и рекламной деятельности. В качестве перспективы исследования авторы видят разработку критериев эффективности рекламных текстов в межкультурном пространстве.

Ключевые слова: межкультурный дискурс, рекламный текст, культурное несоответствие, рекламная кампания, международное сотрудничество.

The relevance of this study lies in the need to study the influence of the media, namely the role of the institute of advertising on the effectiveness of intercultural interaction.

Today the media has taken an increasingly significant place in the context of intercultural discourse. It should not be denied that advertising text plays a crucial role in the media. The Institute of Advertising today no longer belongs to the purely economic sphere. Turning to the value priorities that represent the world of ideas, advertising text acquires a position not only of an economic, but also of an ideological nature.

The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of the perception of advertising texts in intercultural discourse.

The aim of the study determined its objectives:

- to describe the factors that need to be taken into account when creating international advertising;

- to consider how the socio-cultural component is reflected in the advertising text;

- to determine the types of advertising texts in Russian, English and German, taking into account the structure, function performed, language form and lexical content of advertising;

- to identify cultural differences that require the adaptation of advertising in intercultural interaction.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in identifying the socio-cultural component in the text of advertising and the need to create effective advertising texts in the intercultural space.

The practical significance lies both in the possibility of using the results of the study in practical advertising activities, and in the educational process in the disciplines "Intercultural Communication", "Practical course in oral speech", "Practical course in the culture of speech communication".

Within the framework of this study, we consider advertising text as a medium of information that not only conveys certain knowledge about the product, but also forms the interest of buyers, their needs, stereotypes and preferences. By influencing a person's consciousness, advertising creates certain ideals, images, models, the mass replication of which further changes the lifestyle of people. Among the research works on this topic it is necessary to note the works of A.N. Kochalkin [1], T.A. Komova [2], V.V. Mironov [3], G. Buzzi [4]. In the above-mentioned works, great emphasis is paid to both the national-cultural features of speech etiquette in the media and public speech, the role of the media in creating social nominations, as well as the place of the media in the field of modern popculture.

Advertising text is an active reproducer of cultural values, traditions and features of different peoples. Currently, the most urgent is the problem of interaction between different cultures and different ethnic groups. Therefore, it is advisable to consider some features of the perception of advertising texts by representatives of different cultural communities.

Effective intercultural discourse means that participants have a high level of intercultural awareness, which consists in the presence of a system of knowledge and skills necessary for a correct understanding of speech meaning and speech behavior. It is culture that is the link on which intercultural relations are built, being a support that helps to understand the life and characteristics of peoples. Many scholars note that the advertising text in its content expresses the values that prevail in society. That is why intercultural discourse in the context of advertising space should take into account the cultural values of the regions, as well as the peculiarities of their economic and political development.

In connection with the growth of interstate and international contacts in all spheres of culture from politics and economics to art and religion, the importance of advertising texts in the context of intercultural discourse began to occupy a leading place in the international space. Advertising text forms and creates a new reality using language, visual methods, as well as psychological techniques of impact. To justify this idea, we quote the American sociologist G. Buzzi: "Advertisements play a fundamental and incomparable role in creating habits and customs, in disseminating and consolidating cultural and historical clichés" [4, p. 125]. According to V.V. Uchenova, advertising "has taken a strong place in global iformational processes - and each new step in approving the information civilization that is replacing the previous ones with inevitability also leads to the expansion of advertising texts" [5, p. 23].

As A.V. Sivkov rightly observes, "Modern information and telecommunication technologies with their rapidly growing potential and rapidly decreasing costs open up great opportunities for new forms of international cooperation both within the framework of certain spheres of public life and society as a whole. The range of such possibilities is constantly expanding, despite the geographical boundaries of human communities" [6, p. 14]. The study of the peculiarities of intercultural interaction is carried out not only by linguists. Many sociologists, psychologists, historians, culturologists, philosophers, teachers and literary scholars in their scientific works explore issues of intercultural discourse.

One of the characteristic features of advertising services is their localization, that is, in each country advertising has its own distinctive features inherent in this na-

tionality and consisting in the peculiarities of mentality, economic conditions, national preferences, folk ideals and idols.

By creating advertising, it is necessary to take into account the target audience, for which this advertising will be calculated, namely the traditions of the country where the advertising will be broadcast, and the people for whom the advertising is created, the peculiarities of their perception, interests, tastes and preferences. This remark applies not only to advertising an unfamiliar product, but even a brand. It is worth taking into account the difference in perception of some words, gestures, symbols and even a tendency to a certain color scheme. To this end, producers of advertising texts explore the promising market; study its characteristic properties in the context of brand perception. A special emphasis is placed on folk traditions and habits. For example, residents of Norway "sit in front of the TV" much less often than residents of France and Spain. And in Scandinavia, time for TV advertising is very limited. Each country has its own perception of morality. What is the standard in one country, in another country can go beyond the norm. This may not only apply to religious values. Advertising creates paradigms of traditional consciousness.

The United States is a leader in almost every area: finance, business, technology. Of course, this is the world center of creativity. The best, largest advertising agencies come from the United States. They are looked at, they are guided, they learn how to do the right thing, they are imitated. We can say that American advertising is international advertising. Its characteristic features: logic, rationality. If you don't have to break your head over meaning, message, if you perceive and understand the idea literally from the very first seconds, as you saw a video or poster, this is an American advertisement. It is perfect, ideal in terms of canons, rules and principles of advertising science.

Advertising in the UK is quality, elegant, intelligent. The English spirit literary flows: tradition, history, gentlemen, the Queen, red double-decker buses and telephone booths - all of which evoke associations with foggy Albion, Britain's island. English advertising is extremely understandable, but at the same time, refined, cinematic (if we are talking about video videos).

The main characteristic signs of German advertising: logic, turning to facts, argumentation and beliefs, instead of emotions and feelings. Numbers and characteristics, maximum reliability, which is supported by high quality visualization, design in print and videos. German advertisers know how to surprise with creativity, gradually gaining positions in the world market.

Let's look at how the socio-cultural component is reflected in the text of the ad. Ad text is often presented as a slogan. The word "slogan" is derived from "slogorn" which was an Anglicisation of the Scottish Gaelic and Irish "sluagh-ghairm" (sluagh "army", "host" + gairm "cry"). Currently, the "slogan" is understood as "a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising".

American advertising often uses the name of a famous person for the name of the product: for example, "Jordan" (sneakers), "Fred Perry" (clothes), "Ben Franklin" (pencil), "Lincoln" (fabric). The cultural component is reflected not only in the name, but also in the associations that these names cause. Associations do not always align in the minds of people who speak different languages. Such a phenomenon is called asymmetry of national cultures by linguists-sociologists.

Consider, for example, the phrase "garage sale", common in America, which means selling used things at lower prices than selling new goods in stores. The money received from the sale data goes to charity. When translating this phrase into Russian, it turns out literally "sale of garages". This phenomenon is typical of the United States and gradually began to spread in Russia. However, in the mentality of Russians, the word "sale" is associated only with the period of discounts.

Such phrases carry a certain sociocultural background, realizing socialized meanings. The conceptual content of such background vocabulary contains the national identity of the phenomena it designates.

The following types can be distinguished in advertising texts.

In advertising texts, you can select certain types. The classification is based on the following criteria: the structure of the advertising text, the function performed the language form and the lexical content of the advertising. We have reviewed advertising texts in Russian, English and German. The study material was selected by us from Russian, German, American and British journals (Telesem', Karavan, Spiegel, Brigitte, Zeit, Cosmopolitan, Reader's Digest, VITAMIN DE, National Geographic, WirtschaftsWoche). Using the collected actual material, we will present the following types of advertising messages.

I. Advertising texts based on the cultural component of the country where this advertisement was created. The purpose of this type of advertising texts is to: use cultural identity and generate consumer demand for a certain product. So it's important for ad creators looking to create ads for other countries to scrutinize their cultural characteristics. This group includes:

1. Advertisements containing in their text idioms, proverbs, sayings of famous personalities, phrases of folk idols, etc., which are inherent in this or that cultural community.

Take fur per soul (Advertising for a fur clothing store. The text is based on phraseology "to take sin on the soul", reflects the tendency to natural furs of the inhabitants of cold Russia).

Kreislauf gut, alles gut (advertisement for a medical product). In this case, the proverb "Ende gut, alles gut" is the starting point. Compare also Gegen geschwollene Beine ist ein Kraut gewachsen (advertisement for a medicine) with the original proverb "Gegen den Tod ist kein Kraut gewachsen" [7, p. 122].

2. Advertising texts containing names or references to cultural realities, symbols:

A health ad telling the story of a window cleaner who becomes a hero every day: dressed as Spider-Man, he amuses children's hospital patients. Spider-Man acts as a symbol of kindness, courage and heroism.

Image of a cowboy in American "Marlborough" cigarette commercials. The cowboy is the embodiment of the American spirit, the images on the advertising posters reminded of the real heroes of America who once conquered the wild prairies.

3. Advertising texts, including value guidelines, cultural traditions, tastes, preferences, which distinguish representatives of this culture:

Russian bogatyr. Said - done (advertising freight transport). (Reference to the strength and endurance of Russian men).

Elegant clothes, elegant life. (Reference to English elegance and style).

Yves Rocher. Culture bio - das Beste der Pflanzen, das Beste für Ihre Haut (the German predilection for all things natural, eco-friendly and environmentally friendly).

II. Advertising texts characterized by distinctive linguistic features.

1. Advertising texts containing certain grammatical structures:

Don't overpay. To "Nakhodka" turn. (Stores with low prices)

Have a Pepsi Day! (Pepsi)

Eat Fresh! (Subway)

Life is a journey travel it well! (United Airlines)

Nimm dein Abfall wieder mit! (Abfallwirtschaft Tirol Mitte GmbH) (Take the waste with you!); Tierversuche töten. Stoppt die Qual - jetzt! (PETA) (Stop torture - now!) [8, p. 152]. The advertising texts cited contain incentive constructions.

2. Promotional texts based on word-sound similarities:

Have idea. Have IKEA. (Furniture store advertising)

Haribo macht Kinder froh und Erwachsene ebenso! (Haribo makes children happy and adults too! - Advertising of a fruit marmalade manufacturer).

Das neue Jahr, das neue Haar. (New year, new hair - hair dye "Palette") [8, p. 144].

3. Advertising texts with lexical content and carrying a positive-charged rating. Such ads can be represented by dialogues, messages and even short stories.

- Can you hear me? I love you. - Do you love me? She's silent. "What do you want? It's just "Fanta". ("Fanta" beverage advertisement)

III. Advertising text is a game with the recipient.

1. Language game

Go Ahead with AHEAD - in this advertising text the lexeme 'ahead' and the acronym "AHEAD" ("Asian Health, Environmental & Allied Databases") are homonyms because they have similar pronunciation and spelling.

Harzlich willkommen! (an advertisement for the famous Harz National Park in Germany). Here, wordplay is achieved by the similarity of the name of the region Harz with the word herzlich ("heartily").

2. Advertising text riddle:

Ovip Locos - Socol Pivo (beer advertising).

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Laminate pet animal (laminate advertising).

Race fast, safe car (car advertising). The riddle is based on the mirror image of the words.

3. The advertising text is a joke:

You're going to burst, kiddo. Pour and get away! (Juice "My Family").

Den Opa zum Friedhof bringen. Und auf Wunsch wiederzurück. ("Take Grandpa to the cemetery. And back if you wish".) This is an advertisement for an annual pass for public transportation in Berlin. The point is that such a ticket allows you to take another passenger with you for free (on weekends and in the evening hours).

Texts representing the same advertised object in different linguocultures must correspond to the views, interests, needs and traditions of the given cultural community and differ from advertising texts broadcast in other countries. Ignorance of cultural characteristics or careless attitude towards them can cause difficulties in the perception of this advertisement, and sometimes completely entails the failure of the advertising campaign and the lack of consumer demand for this product.

Based on the research done on advertising texts in the context of intercultural discourse, we can conclude that errors in advertising texts, which consist in a careless attitude to the cultural characteristics of the country targeted by advertising, traditions, preferences, value guidelines, can lead to problems in understanding, indifference to advertised products and even aggression, and as a result to the complete failure of the advertising campaign. The issue of creating a successful reclassified text in the context of intercultural discourse, as well as the problem of identifying negative circumstances that impede the correct understanding of the advertising text, requires detailed consideration, on which the effectiveness of the planned advertising activities in all parts of the world depends. There is a need to create criteria for the effectiveness of advertising texts functioning in the intercultural space. This may be the subject of our future research.

Thus, each culture is characterized by non-standard thinking, patterns of behavior, customs and traditions, ignorance of which leads to the failure of all marketing and advertising cooperation. In this regard, national and cultural analysis in the creation of innovative advertising activities for each country in the context of intercultural discourse is of great importance in the introduction of any product in the foreign market.

Библиографический список

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Статья поступила в редакцию 09.01.23

УДК 81

Teng Yue, postgraduate, Department of General and Comparative Historical Linguistics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: aurelia3927@gmail.com, ORCID: 0000-0003-0814-3164

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