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Ural Mathematical Journal
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The best simultaneous approximation / Modulus of continuity / Upper bound / n -widths

Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Muqim S. Saidusainov

Some inequalities between the best simultaneous approximation of functions and their intermediate derivatives, and the modulus of continuity in a weighted Bergman space are obtained. When the weight function is γ(ρ)=ρα, α>0 , some sharp inequalities between the best simultaneous approximation and an m th order modulus of continuity averaged with the given weight are proved. For a specific class of functions, the upper bound of the best simultaneous approximation in the space B2,γ1, γ1(ρ)=ρα, α>0 , is found. Exact values of several n -widths are calculated for the classes of functions W(r)p(ωm,q) .

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URAL MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2023, pp. 165-174

DOI: 10.15826/umj.2023.2.0141


Muqim S. Saidusainov

University of Central Asia, 155 Qimatsho Imatshoev, Khorog, GBAO, Republic of Tajikistan


Abstract: Some inequalities between the best simultaneous approximation of functions and their intermediate derivatives, and the modulus of continuity in a weighted Bergman space are obtained. When the weight function is y(p) = pa, a > 0, some sharp inequalities between the best simultaneous approximation and an mth order modulus of continuity averaged with the given weight are proved. For a specific class of functions, the upper bound of the best simultaneous approximation in the space ' Yl(p) = Pa, a > 0, is found. Exact

values of several n-widths are calculated for the classes of functions Wpr)(wm,q).

Keywords: The best simultaneous approximation, Modulus of continuity, Upper bound, n-widths.

1. Introduction

Extremal problems of polynomial approximation of functions in a Bergman space were studied, for example, in [8, 13-15]. Here, we will continue our research in this direction and study the simultaneous approximation of functions and their intermediate derivatives in a weighted Bergman space based on the works [4-6, 10]. Note that the problem of simultaneous approximation of periodic functions and their intermediate derivatives by trigonometric polynomials in the uniform metric was studied by Garkavi [1]. In the case of entire functions, this problem was studied by Timan [12].

To solve the problem, we first will prove an analog of Ligun's inequality [2].

Let us introduce the necessary definitions and notation to formulate our results. Let

U : = {z € C : |z| < 1}

be the unit disk in C, and let A(U) be the set of functions analytic in the disk U. Denote by B2>7 the weighted Bergman space of analytic functions f € A(U) such that [8]

2.7 := J J \f(z)\H\z\)day2 < oo, (1.1)

da is an area element, 7 := 7(|z|) is a nonnegative measurable function that is not identically zero, and the integral is understood in the Lebesgue sense. It is obvious, that the norm (1.1) can be written in the form

1 f1 f2n \ 1/2

1 ' ' ' ^ 1 Jt\ |2,

2'7=(i/ jj pl(p)\f(pelt)\2dpdt)

In the particular case of y = 1, Bq := Bq1 is the usual Bergman space. The mth order modulus of continuity in B2,Y is defined as

wm(/, t)2,Y = sup {|| Am(/, h) 1(2,7 : |h| < t} =

= SUP{(jLJ0 Jo :\h\<



Am(/; p,u,h) = £(-1)fc Cm f (pei(u+kh)).

Let Pn be the set of complex polynomials of order at most n. Consider the best approximation of functions f € B2)7:

En-i(/)2,y = inf {||/ - Pn-1(2,7 : Pn-i € Pn-1} Denote by Bf;) and B(r), r € N the class of functions f € A(U) whose rth order derivatives

f (r)(z) = dr f/dzr belong to the spaces B2,Y and B2, respectively. Define

an,r = n(n — 1) ■ ■ ■ (n — r + 1), n > r. It is well known [7, 8] that the best approximation of functions

f = E Ck(fG £2,


is equal to

En-i(f)2,Y = (£ |ck(f)|2 T P2k+1Y(p)dp)



x / œ r 1 \ 1/2

En-s-1 (f(s)) = (J2 |ck(f)|2 p2(k-s)+17(p)dp

, k=n 0


and the modulus of continuity of f G B2,Y is

œ 1 ^ 1/2

I f (r),t) = 2m/2 sup {y a2kr |ck (f )|2(1 - cos(k - r)h)m / p2(k-r)

2,Y w<* L k=r '

Denote by

x r œ f 1 ^ 1/2

(f(r),t) =2m/2 sup £ ak,r |ck (f)|2(1 - cos(k - r)h)m / p^+W^dp • (1.3) v 2,Y |h|<t I t^ ./0 J

Ps(7)= / Y (P)PS dp, s = 0,1, 2,... (1.4)


the moments of order s of the weight function y(p) on [0,1]. According to notation (1.4), we write equalities (1.2) and (1.3) in compact form:

/ œ \ 1/2

En-1(f )2,7 = (Y, lck (f )|2 ^2k+1(7n ,

^ k=n '

, x i ^ \ 1/2

En-s-1 (f(s)J = ^ |ck(f)|2 ak,s ^2(k-s)+1(Yn , (1.5)

' k=n

( œ N 1/2

Wrn (f(r),t) =2m/2 sup £ ak,r |Ck(f)|2(1 - cos(k - r)h)m ^(k-r)+1(Y» •

v 2,y ihi<iitr: J


2. Analog of Ligun's inequality

For compact statement of the results, we introduce the following extremal characteristic:

, n 2m/2Ens-l (/<% Ji'm,n,r,s,p(Q> 7, h) = sup --'f < (f (r),i)2;7 q(t)dt)

1/p '

where m,n € N, r € Z+, n > r > s, 0 < p < 2, 0 < h < n/(n — r), and q(t) is a real, nonnegative, measurable weight function that is not identically zero on [0, h].

Theorem 1. Let k,m,n € N, r, s € Z+, k > n > r > s, 0 <p< 2, 0 <h < n/(n — r), and let q(t) be a nonnegative, measurable function that is not identically zero on [0, h]. Then

J?,wp(Qn,h) ~ 7'k) ~ inf J?k,r,sAQ,1,hV (2-1)



^W?, 7, h) = ^ (At2(fc-r)+1|701/2 ( [h (1 - cos(fc - r)tr'2q{t)dt) 1/P -ak,s V^2(k-s)+1(7) / \J0 J

Proof. Consider the simplified variant of Minkowski's inequality [3, p. 104]:

ft- h f ^ \ p/2 \ 1/p f ^ ft- h \ 2/p\ 1/2

U(|>(i>|2) dt) >(£(i|gk(t)rdV ) • (2'2)

which is hold for all 0 < p < 2 and h € R+. Setting

gk = fkq1/p (0 <p < 2)

in (2.2), we get

rh / ^ \ p/2 \ 1/p / ^ / rh \ 2/p\ 1/2

œ xp/2 \ 1/P / œ / /-h \2/p\ 1/2

£|fk (t)lM q(t)d0 >(£(/l fk (t)lpq(t)dt) . (2.3)

k=n ' ' ^ k=n ^ ^ ^

From (1.3) with respect to (2.3), we get

fh \ 1/P ( r h } 1/P

yo ^mm(f(r),t)2i7q(t)d^ = |y (^m(f(r),t)2,7)p/2q(t)dtj

/»h ^^ /o N

X j (2^ ak,r|ck(f)|2(1 - cos(k - r)t)m^2(k-r)+1(7^ q(t)dt

0 k=n

œ r rh

> K] Î2mp/2^r|ck(f)|p / (1 - cos(k - r)t)mp/2 (^2(k-r)+1(7))P/2 q(t)dt

lk=nL 70

C œ r h

= 2m/2 E |ck(f)|2^2(k-r)+1(7) a?ktr (1 - cos(k - r)t)mp/2q(t)dt

2/P 1/2



s uo

= 2™/2{ £ |Ck (f )|2«i,s ^2(k-s)+1(7),M2(k-r)+1(7)(^2(k-s)+1(7))-1



P rh

ak,s / J0

(1 — cos(k — r)t)mp/2 q(t)dt

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2/p ji/2

>2"V2 inf J \ 1/2 f fh{1_ cos(fc _ r)t)mp/2 {t)dS 1/P

/ ~ \ 1/2 X Elc* (f)|2ak,s ^2(k-s)+1(7n = 2m/2En-s-1(f(s))2,Y mf Lfc,w(9, Y, h),

y y n< k< OO

' k=n

and this yields the inequality

2m/2 En-s-1 (f(s))


< —-T7-TV (2-4)

/ rh \ 1/p " inf L r s p(q, Y, h)

(jf ^ (f (r),t)2,Y ?(t)dtj n<fc<^ fc,r,s,pW'7'


i(/-7'- inf (2-5)


To estimate the value in (2.1) from below, consider the function

fo(z) = zn € . Simple calculation leads to the following relations:

/ f1 \ 1/2 /

En-s-^f0s^2,7 = p2(n-s)+1 Y(p)d^ = «n,s (fe(n-s)+1 (y)) 1/2 ,

f 1

^m (f0r), t) 2,7 = 2m<r (1 — cos(n — r)t)m ^ p2(n-r)+1 Y(p)dp

= 2m°n,r i1 — cos(n — r)t) mp2(n-r)+1(Y), using which, we get the lower estimate


r .>p (f (r) 0

Y,h) >

f ^m(f0r),t)2,Yq(t)dt 0

2m/2an,s (P2(n-s)+1(Y))


. /* h \ /1 ^^ n r s p (

2mp/2<r (^2(n-r)+1 (y))(1 — cos(n — r)t)mp/2q(t)dt »


1/p Ln,r,s,p(q, Y, h)'

Comparing the upper estimate (2.5) and the lower estimate (2.6), we obtain the required two-sided inequality (2.1). This completes the proof of Theorem 1. □


Corollary 1. The following two-sided inequality holds for Y1(p) = pa, a > 0, in Theorem 1:

< Jfm,n,r,s,p(l> Yi>fc)< r^1-7TTT' (2.7)


Gra,r,s,p,a(q, h) inf Gfc,r,s,p,a(q, h)


iW«(?, = ^ f'if 'III!") 1/2 if t1 " cos(fc " r)i)mP/2 VP • (2.8)

a&,s V 2(k — r + 1) + a/ V./0 J

The following problem naturally arises from (2.7): to find an exact upper bound for the extremal characteristic

2™/2 . ,(f (s)

^m,n,r,s,p{Q> = SUP


(r) / /.ft vl/p'


, ^(f(r) ,t)2,Yi q(t)dt 0

where m,n € N, r, s € Z+, n > r > s, 0 < p < 2, 0 < h < n/(n — r), Y1(p) = pa, and a > 0.

Theorem 2. Let a weight function q(t), t € [0, h], be continuous and differentiable on the interval. If the differential inequality

r-—1 p 2p(r — s) 1 \ 1 '

£ ~ \2(k — r + 1) + a](2(fc — s + 1) + a) " J 9(i) " ~k^tq'{t) " ° (2-9)

holds for all k € N, r, s € Z+, k>n>r > s, 0 <p < 2, and a > 0, then the following equality holds for all m, n € N and 0 < h < n/(n — r):

./,„„„„.(7.71, fc) = ^ 1/2 f [h (1 - cos(n - r)t)^/2 9(t)dA 1/P ■ (2.10)

an,r \2(n — s + 1) + a/ V./0 /

Proof. To prove equality (2.10), it suffices to show that the following equality holds in (2.7):

inf Gk (q, h) = Gn (q,h). (2.11)


We should note that a similar problem of finding a lower bound in (2.11) for some specific weights for p = 2 was considered in [2]. In the general case, this problem was studied in [9], where it was proved that, if the weight function q € C(1)[0, h] for 1/r < p < 2, r > 1, and 0 < t < h satisfies the differential equation

(rp — 1)q(t) — tq'(t) > 0,

then (2.11) holds.

Let us now show that, under all constrains on the parameters k, r, s, m, p, a, and h in Theorem 2, the function

m=M'/"e-«•<*-^r^m ^

\ak,sj \2(k — r + 1)+ a) J0 increases for n < k < to. Indeed, differentiating (2.12) and using the identity

d t d

- eos{k - r)t)mp/'2 = -—— -f (1 - cos(fc - r)t)mp/'\ dk k — r dt

we obtain

, r—1

k - I \2(k - r + l) + a/



+ Z^-s + l^yV2-! 4.-4T /2

1 - ' 2\2(k-r + l) + aJ [2(k-r + l)+a]2 J0 y y 11 qy '

aksj 2 \ 2(k - r + 1) + a

<W \2(k — r + 1) + a J J0 dk

_ /a^y_2p(r - s)_ Î2(k-s + l)+aXp/2 1

\ak J [2(k - r + 1) + a](2(fc - s + 1) + a) \2(k -r + l)+a) J

p /2(k - « + 1) + a\p/2

ak,AV 2(k - s + 1)+ a\p/2 i h

h fh

-— (1 - cos(k - r)h)mp/2q{h) + / (1 - cos(k - r)i)mp/2

k - r JO

ak,s/ \2(k - r + 1) + a/ [k - r


p 2p( r — «I I \ I



___2p(r ~ s)___1_\ , . 1 ,, ,

^k-l [2(k — r + 1) + a](2(k — s + 1) + a) k-r)q() k-r'q()


This relation and condition (2.9) imply that ^(k) > 0, k > n>r > s, and we obtain equality (2.10). Theorem 2 is proved. □

Denote by Wp(r)(wm, q) (r € Z+, 0 < p < 2) the set of functions f € Bf^ whose rth derivatives

f(r) satisfy the following condition for all 0 < h < n/(n - r) and n > r:

/• h

I ^m(f(r),t)2,71 q(t)dt < 1.

Since, for f € , its intermediate derivatives f(s) (1 < s < r — 1) also belong to L2, the behavior

2,yi ,

of the value En-s-1 (f(s))2 for some classes M(r) C , n > r > s, n € N, and r, s € Z+, is of interest. More precisely, it is required to find the value

An,s(M(r)) := sup {En-s-1(f (s))2,7i : f € M(r)}.

Corollary 2. The following equality holds for all n € N, n > r > s, 0 < p < 2, and 0 < h < n/(n — r):

^(W^Wi)) := sup {Ens^fW)^ : / € l^Wq)} = 9m/2<y 1--^r- (2-13)

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k J 2 Gn,r,s,p,a(q, h)

Moreover, there is a function g0 € Wp(r)(wm,q) on which the upper bound in (2.13) is attained.

Proof. Assuming that y = Y1(p) = pa in (2.4), with respect to (2.8), we can write

-h \ 1/P / t-h \ 1/P

\ 1/p / rh \

^m(f(r),t)2,Yiq(t)dtj ^m(f(r),t)2,Yiq(t)dtj

2m/2 inf Lfc,r,s,p(q,Y1,h) 2m/2 inf Gk,r,s,P,a(q, h)

Using equality (2.11) and the definition of the class Wp(r)(wm,q), we get

¿k—ii/'-W < /2 1 • (2.14)

2 г'n,r,s,p,a(q, h)

From (2.14), it follows the upper estimate of the value on the left-hand side of (2.13):

To obtain the lower estimate for this value, consider the function

2m/2an , r

and show that g0 belongs to Wpr)(wm,q). Differentiating this function r times, we obtain

si" W = V/2(""2^1) + ° (jf d - -<»- rW"» ■/('><*) "V-.

Using this equality and formulas (1.3), we get

,(p) N [1 - COS(» - r)t]m/2

Um [g° ' J 2,71 - 77-:

(1 - cos(n - r)t)mp/2 q(t)dt


Raising both sides of this inequality to a power p (0 < p < 2), multiplying them by the weight function q(t), and integrating with respect to t from 0 to h, we obtain

/ (¿m(g0r) ,t)2>7iq(t)dt = 1 0

or, equivalently,

¿mm (g0r) ,t)2,Yi q(t)d^ =1.

Thus, the inclusion g0 € Wpr)(wm,q) is proved. Since the relation

tf'M = + (jfo-™<» - -or'"2**)*)"""

holds for all 0 < s < r < n, n € N, and r, s € Z+, according to (1.5), we have

i Ui = 1 ^ ( fh{1_ cos{n _ r)f]mp ^ "1/P

raiiVyo;2,7l 2"V2 a„,r V 2(n - s + 1) + a \Jo /

2m/2 Gn,r,s,p,a(qi h)

Using this equality, we obtain the lower estimate

sup (/(i))2,7l : / € > = ,m/2<y 1-rTT. (2.16)

2 Gn,r,s,p,a(q, h)

Comparing the upper estimate (2.15) and the lower estimate (2.16), we obtain the required equality (2.13). □


3. Exact values of n-widths for the classes Wp(r)(^m,q) (r G Z+, 0 < p < 2)

Recall definitions and notation needed in what follows. Let X be a Banach space, let S be the unit ball in X, let An c X be an n-dimensional subspace, let An c X be a subspace of codimension n, let L : X ^ An be a continuous linear operator, let L±: X ^ An be a continuous linear projection operator, and let M be a convex centrally symmetric subset of X. The quantities

bn(M,X) = sup {sup (e > 0; eS n An+1 c M} : An+1 c X}, d„(M,X) = snf S sup (inf (||/ - g||x : g G A„} : / G M} : A„ C X}, 5„(M,X) =inf S inf (sup (||/ - L/||x : / G M} : LX C A„} : A„ C X}, d"(M, X) = inf S sup (||/ ||x : / G Mn An} : An C X}, n„(M,X) = inf S inf(sup{||/ - L±/||x : / G M} : LxX C A„} : A„ C X}

are called the Bernstein, Kolmogorov, linear, Gelfand, and projection n-widths of a subset M in the space X, respectively. These n-widths are monotone in n and related as follows in a Hilbert space X (see, e.g., [3, 11]):

6ra(M, X) < d"(M, X) < dra(M, X) = 5„(M, X) = nra(M, X). (3.1)

For an arbitrary subset M C X, we set

E„-i(M)x := sup SEra-i(/)2 : / G M}.

Theorem 3. The following equalities hold for all m,n G N, r G Z+, n > r, and 0 < h < n/(n — r):

Xn{W^\ujm,q),B2rn) = En_l{W^\ujm,q),B2rn)

1 12(n — r + 1) + a { [h. , ^mp MMY1/P (3"2)

f [1 - cos(n - r)t]mp q(t)dt Jo

2m/2 a„,ry 2(n + 1) + a where An(-) is any of the n-widths 6n(0, dn(^), dn(^), ¿n(-), and nn(^).

Proof. We obtain the upper estimates of all n-widths for the class Wp(r)(wm, q) with s = 0 from (2.14) since


En_i(,q))2>71 = sup{E„-i(/)2,7l : / G W;(r>(wm,q)}

/•h \ "VP

/ [1 - cos(n - r)t]mp q(t)dt

./0 y

' 2(n - r + 1) + a

—-4 /

2m/2 an,ry 2(n + 1) + a V./o Using relations (3.1) between the n-widths, we obtain the upper estimate in (3.2):

A„(Wr)(Wm,q)) < Era_i(Wr)(Wm,q))2Yl

< 1 l2(n-r + l)+a ( ¡hu (3"3)

2m/2 an,rV 2(n + 1) + a

f [1 - cos(n - r)t]mp q(t)dt 0

To obtain the lower estimate on the right-hand side of (3.2) for all n-widths in the (n + 1)-dimensional subspace of complex algebraic polynomials


Pn+i = {Pn(z) : Pn(z) = E afczk, afc G cj,


we introduce the ball

B„+1: = {P„(.) € R, : IIP,,II < ^{^Ha (f H —(„.-,■)«]"■" ,i(i„«) },

where n > r, n € N, r € Z+, and show that Bn+1 C Wp(r)(wm,q). Indeed, for all pn(z) € Bn+1, from (1.3), we write

(p£\t) = 2m y <>fc(f )|2 (1 _ cos{k _ r)hy

/ 2,71 - r + 1)+ a v 77


m 2 m r- |ak (f )|2

< 2m max {a| r(l - cos(k - r)h)m} V /; |U'fcw;i-

r<k<n 1 k,rV v y y J ^ 2(k - r + 1)+ a


We have to prove that

max {a| r(1 — cos(k — r)h)m} = a^r(1 — cos(n — r)h)m, 0 < h < n/(n — r).

Consider the function

<^(k) = ak,r(1 — cos(k — r)h)m, r < k < n, 0 < h < n/(n — r).

We will show that the function <^(k) is monotone increasing for all accepted values k and h. To this end, it suffices to show that <^'(k) > 0. In fact

r—1 1

Lp'{k) = 2a| ,r E -—-(1 - cos(k - r)h)m + mha2k r sin(k - r)h( 1 - cos(k - r)h)m~l > 0. l=0

Hence, we can write (3.4) in the form

(p{r),t)9 < 2ma& r(l - cos(n - r)h)m Y |Qfc(/)'-

' ;2>yl - n,rV v ' ' 2(k - r + 1) + a

< 2ma£<r(l - cos (77, - r)/7,r E on + = 2m<r(l " cos (77 - r)/7)m|b„|||,71.

k=0 2(k r +1)+ a

k=r (3.5)

From (3.5), we have

wm(p(r), t)2m < 2m/2an,r(1 - cos(n - r)h)m/2||pnH2,Yi •

Raising both sides of this inequality to a power p (0 < p < 2), multiplying them by the weight function q(t), and integrating with respect to t from 0 to h, we obtain

rh rh

J ^(p(r),t)2>71 q(t)dt < 2mp/2an,r||pn||£>7l jf (1 — cos(n — r)h)mp/2q(t)dt < 1

for all pn € Bn+1. It follows that Bn+1 C Wpr)(w m, q). Then, according to the definition of the Bernstein n-width and (3.1), we can write the following lower estimate for all above listed n-widths:

An(Wp(r)(Wm,q),B2;7i) > 6n(Wp(r)(Wm,q),B2;7i) > 6n(Bn+1,B2)7i)

1 /2(77-r + 1) +a / fh r , , im„ , w \ ~1/p (3-6)

>-7--W-Ц-- / 1 - cos 77 - r)t]mpq(t)dt '

"2W2a„ V 2 77 + 1 +a vio

Comparing the upper estimate (3.3) and the lower estimate in (3.6), we obtain the required equality (3.2). Theorem 3 is proved. □


4. Conclusion

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Upper and lower estimates have been proven for extremal characteristics in a weighted Bergman space. In the case of a power function considered instead of a general weight, the values of n-widths have been calculated for a specific class of functions.


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