Научная статья на тему 'Some features of forming grammatical skills'

Some features of forming grammatical skills Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kambarova Dilnoza Musakulovna

The article describes the characteristics of grammatical skills. The process of learning active grammar skills is characterized by the fact that it goes through a series of stages, of which each has its own particular task. The problem of teaching English grammar in elementary school is one of the main problems in the methodology of teaching English, because at this stage this information is the most difficult for students and requires a lot of time and effort from both the teacher and the students. The article analyzes the stages of learning these skills correspond to the psychological phases of the formation of skills.

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В статье рассмотрена характеристика грамматических навыков. Процесс обучения активным грамматическим навыкам характеризуется тем, что он проходит ряд этапов, из которых каждый имеет свою частную задачу. Проблема обучения грамматике английского языка в начальной школе является одной из главных проблем в методике обучения английскому языку, поскольку на данном этапе эта информация является наиболее трудной для учащихся и требует больших временных затрат и усилий как со стороны учителя, так и учащихся. В статье анализируются этапы обучения, эти навыки соответствуют психологическим фазам формирования навыков.

Текст научной работы на тему «Some features of forming grammatical skills»

SOME FEATURES OF FORMING GRAMMATICAL SKILLS Kambarova D^. Email: Kambarova684@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: the article describes the characteristics of grammatical skills. The process of learning active grammar skills is characterized by the fact that it goes through a series of stages, of which each has its own particular task. The problem of teaching English grammar in elementary school is one of the main problems in the methodology of teaching English, because at this stage this information is the most difficult for students and requires a lot of time and effort from both the teacher and the students. The article analyzes the stages of learning these skills correspond to the psychological phases of the formation of skills. Keywords: grammar operations, stages of learning skills, grammar actions.


Камбарова Дилноза Мусакуловна - преподаватель, кафедра практических аспектов языка, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье рассмотрена характеристика грамматических навыков. Процесс обучения активным грамматическим навыкам характеризуется тем, что он проходит ряд этапов, из которых каждый имеет свою частную задачу. Проблема обучения грамматике английского языка в начальной школе является одной из главных проблем в методике обучения английскому языку, поскольку на данном этапе эта информация является наиболее трудной для учащихся и требует больших временных затрат и усилий как со стороны учителя, так и учащихся. В статье анализируются этапы обучения, эти навыки соответствуют психологическим фазам формирования навыков.

Ключевые слова: грамматические операции, этапы обучения навыкам, грамматические действия.

UDC 303.7.032.4

Prospects for socio-economic and spiritual progress are laid by the current system and quality of education, in particular, by how correctly the role of each academic subject is determined in solving the most important problems of life in modern society.

A foreign language, which objectively is a public value, is no exception. Its inclusion in the secondary school curriculum is a kind of social order of the society, because at present our society more than ever needs people to speak foreign languages. The practical goal of learning a language is to use it to deepen your knowledge in various fields of science, technology, social life, develop a person who is able and willing to participate in a dialogue in the language being studied at the level of free communication, which should be carried out competently.

In recent decades, there has been a tendency to overly reduce the role of grammar, which has led to a significant increase in the number of errors in students 'speech due to a communicative approach to teaching foreign languages - this determines the relevance of this topic. Thus, the problem of this work will be the search for ways, ways to increase the

efficiency of mastering the grammatical material of a foreign language (in particular English) within the framework of a communicatively oriented orientation of learning.

As an object of study, we singled out the process of learning English grammar at the middle level.

The subject of the study is the study, selection and application in the practical part of the most effective methods and techniques in teaching grammar of a foreign language (in particular English).

The aim of this work is to study a sufficient amount of methodological literature on the problem, which will allow us to select the best methods and techniques for supplying grammatical material, the effectiveness of which will be tested in the experimental-practical part of this work.

Learning a foreign language in a secondary school is designed to form a person who is able and willing to participate in intercultural communication. Oral speech has always occupied a dominant position in teaching a foreign language, which is reflected in the programs and, accordingly, in the domestic teaching and methodological kits for a foreign language. Possession of oral speech allows you to really use the knowledge of a foreign language, being in the language environment, communicating with native speakers using modern means of communication [1]. One of the important aspects in teaching speaking is the formation of grammar skills. Indeed, the development of the grammatical side of speech plays an important role in mastering a foreign language. After all, it is she who is the foundation on which the correct competent foreign language speech is built.

The development of speech involves the assimilation of the necessary linguistic, and in particular, grammatical means. The challenge is for students to use these tools automatically while speaking. The automated use of grammatical means in speech (oral and written) involves mastering a certain range of skills [3].

The most important condition for creating an active grammatical skill is the presence of a sufficient amount of lexical material on which the skill can be formed. The grammatical action is performed only within certain vocabulary boundaries, on a certain vocabulary material. If a student can, in an appropriate situation, quickly and correctly independently formulate a phrase independently, then he already possesses a grammatical skill to some extent.

Grammatical speaking skills are understood to mean stably correct and automated, communicatively-motivated use of grammatical phenomena in oral speech. The main qualities of a grammatical speaking skill are integrity in performing grammatical operations, unity of form and meanings, situational and communicative conditioning of its functioning [2].

Morphological speech skills - grammatical skills that ensure the correct and automated word formation in oral speech. These include the skills of the correct use in oral speech of case endings of nouns, etc.

Syntactic speech skills. Speech grammatical skills that ensure a consistently correct and automated word arrangement (word order) in all types of sentences in analytical (English) and inflective-analytical languages (German, French) in spoken language, in accordance with language directions. Those. skills in mastering the basic syntactic schemes (stereotypes) of sentences.

Receptive grammar skills are understood as automated actions for recognizing and understanding grammatical information (morphological forms and syntactic constructions) in written and oral text.

There are distinguished receptive-active grammatical listening skills, which are based on automated speech communications of auditory-speech-motor images of grammatical phenomena and their meanings.

Receptive-active grammatical reading skills are based on the relationship of visualgraphic and speech-motor images of these phenomena with their meanings. This type of grammar skills is formed in the process of plentiful easy reading.

Along with active-receptive speech grammar skills, students also developed passive-receptive skills. These skills include: the skills of recognizing and understanding

grammatical phenomena in the text based on the images in the visual memory created during the formation and development of reading experience. This kind of grammatical skills was formed as a result of reading difficult grammatically texts or parts of the text.

The process of learning active grammar skills is characterized by the fact that it goes through a series of stages, of which each has its own particular task. The stages of skills training correspond to the psychological phases of skill formation [4].

Preparatory stage. Familiarization with the grammatical phenomenon. At this stage, students are psychologically prepared for the assimilation of a new phenomenon.

To do this, they are set a goal from the very beginning. The teacher tries to interest students, arouse their attention and activity. The more complex the syntactic structure, the more necessary visual support (writing examples on the board), visual aids, etc.

Elementary stage. It includes the assimilation of individual actions on the use of a grammatical structure or form of a word. The content of the elementary stage includes exercises in the use of ready-made word forms in this structure and in the formation of a form in one pattern.

At the elementary stage, further comprehension and memorization of the samples with highlighted grammatical forms and their meanings takes place.

At the combining stage, the consolidation of a series of actions continues in the context of coordination with other actions. The new grammatical means at this stage is combined or interleaved with other means. In exercises, more elements of creativity, mechanical exercises in the background.

The stage of systematizing generalization is necessary when mastering the generalizations of the second stage and the systematization of what is learned through exercises in analysis, comparisons and classifications. This stage serves equally both the strengthening of active grammatical skills and the training in understanding the grammatical means of the active minimum when reading. Visual aids were diagrams and tables.

The last stage is the inclusion of grammar skills in speech activity, their use and repetition in speech exercises.

References / Список литературы

1. Antropova A.I. Pedagogical technologies in teaching English language / A.I. Antropova, 2006. 128 p.

2. Berman I.M. Methods of teaching English. M.: Higher school, 1970. 109 p.

3. Passov EI., Kuzovlev V.P., Tsaronova V.P. Foreign language teacher Mastery and personality. M.: Education, 1993. 90 p.

4. Shatilov S.F. Some problems of teaching the grammatical side of oral foreign speech // Foreign languages at school, 1971. № 6. P. 46.

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