SOME ASPECTS OF THE PROCESS OF CREATING AN INDUSTRIAL MAP USING ARCGIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Akaboev I.Z., Mirabdullaev B.B.

This article discusses the specifics of the modern mapping process, aspects to be considered in mapping, methods of creating electronic maps, the use of modern Geographic Information Systems in the creation of electronic maps, ArcGIS Geographic Information Program and its use in the creation of industrial maps illuminated.

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UDK 528.946

DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2020_78_50

Akaboev I.Z.

Lecturer at the Department of Geography Namangan State University Mirabdullaev B.B.

3rd year gifted student of geography Namangan State University Uzbekistan, Namangan



Abstract: This article discusses the specifics of the modern mapping process, aspects to be considered in mapping, methods of creating electronic maps, the use of modern Geographic Information Systems in the creation of electronic maps, ArcGIS Geographic Information Program and its use in the creation of industrial maps illuminated.

Keywords: Modern mapping methods, Geographic information systems, industrial maps, electronic maps, ArcGIS software, databases, layers, ArcCatalog utility, thematic mapping, GPS.

Introduction. Today, one of the main tasks of modern cartography is to place a large number of databases in cartographic works. One of the most pressing issues is the creation of automated system models that provide detailed information about the geographical data of the regions using modern computer technology and telecommunications, data processing and analysis using a new generation of computing and programming tools. The use of ArcGIS software in the creation of geographic maps based on geographic information systems has some conveniences and advantages.

The main part. In particular, after gathering the information needed to create industrial maps and placing them in a computer database, separate layers are created for each of them.

Layers are created in ArcCatalog, a database utility that works with ArcGIS. After calling all the created layers in the mirror, The Table Of Contents window shows all the layers. When drawing a map, the boundaries of regions and districts are drawn first, and symbols are selected for them. Each area of the drawing is highlighted with a separate color using a quality color method from cartographic imaging methods to make it look good and make the map easier to read (Figure 1).

Figure 1

Once the districts are taken down, their centers are taken down and marked with the appropriate symbol. Mark the center of the region with a larger circle and the center of the district with a smaller circle. Click the left mouse button twice on the layers and a new Layer Properties dialog box will open. In the dialog box that opens, select Symbology and select Value Field.

Click the Add All Values command in the window, then click the Add Values command, type the names that should appear on the map in the new dialog box that appears, and click OK (Figure 2). In addition, the names, general information, sources, exhibitions, sorting of available data, working with records,

linking selected objects, as well as their mapping by specific cartographic methods are performed using this window.

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Figure 2

Once the provincial and district borders and their centers have been mapped, the main task now will be to map the main roads and railways, as well as rivers, lakes and canals. This is done by calling their layers in the database and working on them. After selecting the markings of roads and railways and hydrographic objects using the method of linear markings and using the program markings, the Arrow button is pressed. (Figure 3).

On the map, the main highways, which connect city and district centers, industrial centers, roads of national importance are shown in yellow lines, rivers are thicker in dark blue, and canals and streams are darker in color than rivers given. Railways are given in black and white dashed lines.

To map the share of small businesses in the production of industrial products by region, open the table of the same name using Microsoft Excel and select the command "Open Attribute Table" from the dialog box, right-click on the layer of the same name. The opened attribute window is aligned to the table in Microsoft Excel until the semicolon.

Figure 3

Then the attributes window closes, right-click on the layer of the same name, select "Joins and Relates" from the dialog box that appears, and the table is linked to the layer. Therefore, if there is a difference between the table and the title in the layer attribute, the table is not linked to the layer. After linking the table to the layer, left-click on the layer twice in a row and select the corresponding diagram in the Symbology section of the Layer Properties window that opens. This table is mapped using a bar chart, one of the cartographic methods, and the percentages are placed at the top of each column using the program's available capabilities (Figure 4).

Also, when mapping the activities of small enterprises in the region by region, open the table of the same name using Microsoft Excel and select the command "Open Attribute Table" from the dialog box, right-click on the layer of the same name. The opened attribute window is aligned to the table in Microsoft Excel until the semicolon. Then the attributes window closes, right-click on the layer of the same name, select "Joins and Relates" from the dialog box that appears, and the table is linked to the layer. After linking the table to the layer, double-click the left mouse button on the layer and select the appropriate cartographic method in the Symbology section of the Layer Properties window that opens. One of the methods of mapping this table on a map was illustrated using a circular diagram (Figure 5).

Figure 4

Figure 5

The above steps are performed to map the table of industrial production in the region by districts. It was mapped using one of the cartographic methods, a bar chart. Because the bar chart shows its growth or decline. The map shows the

figures for 2014 in the blue column and the figures for 2015 in the red column (Figure 6).

In the same way, the rest of the tables are connected by slides, the corresponding symbols are selected and plotted on the map with the help of diagrams and maps. After completing all these steps in the above sequence, the industrial map of Namangan region will be ready (Figure 6).

Based on the work done, it can be concluded that ArcGIS, one of the most modern GIS programs, is characterized by the ease of creating thematic maps, as well as the breadth of possibilities and full compliance with modern requirements. It also has a simple table view, a good understanding and analysis of databasetype files and data from the server database, processing, faster mapping process than other geoinformation programs, the ability to compare data, creating a centralized geo-database, remote editing of digital cards (via the Internet), direct delivery of cards to GPS and, most importantly, time-saving.

Conclusion. In addition, ArcGIS has the ability to display events and happenings using cartographic methods, making it easy to track changes and updates.


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