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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zhumasheva R.M., Meyrambekova D.S.

Evaluating the effectiveness of state support of small business can become more versatile and complete, if you use a methodological approach, based on analysis of transaction costs. It can be very productive in the analysis of the factors influencing the development of small businesses in our country.

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MScEcon Zhumasheva R. M.;

MScEcon Meyrambekova D. S.

The Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda KSU them. E. A. Buketov Astana JSC "KazMunaiGas Onimderi"

Abstract. Evaluating the effectiveness of state support of small business can become more versatile and complete, if you use a methodological approach, based on analysis of transaction costs. It can be very productive in the analysis of the factors influencing the development of small businesses in our country.

Small business - one of the cornerstones of a viable economy. Often this form of activity creates the best opportunities for entrepreneurship and creativity. Because small business is always a place in the market, it is always expanding, maintaining competition, which leads to increased productivity and real economic growth.

World experience has clearly shown that entrepreneurship is, above all, economic institutions and from this point of view, it is one of the central elements of a market economy.

A special place in the management system, the development of small businesses owned by special financial institutions and mechanisms of financial and non-financial business support.

The system is currently running a small business and infrastructure to support it through a period of development. Its assessment suggests that formed an integral system of management institutions and infrastructure, aimed at small businesses.

According to the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1997 it established Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu" - the main operator and integrator measures business support Kazakhstan Its mission is to promote quality SME development in Kazakhstan. Goals program "Damu" Fund:

- increasing the volume and availability of financing for SMEs;

- Diversification and industrially innovative development of entrepreneurship;

- increasing professionalism of SMEs.

During the period from 2010 to 2015 were taken the following programs of state support of small and medium-sized businesses: "Business Road Map 2020", "Agribusiness 2020", "Employment 2020", "Productivity 2020", "post crisis recovery program (rehabilitation of competitive enterprises) to 2011 - 2016 years "Export 2020".

In March of 2015 it was drafted and adopted "Unified program of support and business development" Business Road Map 2020 "" (the program) for the implementation of the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to people of Kazakhstan "New Decade - New Economic Growth - New Opportunities of Kazakhstan" and the National Development Plan Kazakhstan till 2020. The program aims to achieve the objective messages

of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan "Strategy" Kazakhstan-2030 "and

"Kazakhstan's way - 2050: The overarching goal, common interests, common future."

The main directions of the Program:

1. Support for new business - initiatives, single-industry towns, small towns and rural settlements.

2. Sectoral support entrepreneurs in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries (GPIIR-2).

3. Reduction of currency risks of entrepreneurs.

4. Providing non-financial support measures.

By carrying out the objectives of the program, by 2020 to be achieved by the following target indicators: increase in the share of manufacturing in GDP of at least 12.5%; an increase in production by small and medium

Enterprise 1.5 times the level of 2014; an increase of active small and medium-sized enterprises by 50% from the level in 2014.

In 2013, a National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan. The main purpose -creating favorable conditions for business development through effective partnership between business and government. It stands for the active involvement of Kazakh business in the implementation of government programs. Protects business interests in state authorities and local self-expands and strengthens links with business - community, foreign countries and supports Kazakh business in the framework of integration processes.

Thus, the main task of formation and development of an integrated infrastructure system is the creation of favorable conditions for development of small business by providing its integrated and targeted support.

The main directions of state support, allows to realize the potential impact on the development of small businesses include:

- creating a favorable business climate;

- removal of legal, administrative and institutional barriers, improving access of small businesses to financial resources, the development of leasing equipment and technologies;

- system infrastructure to provide small businesses integrated financial, material, information, consulting and organizational - methodical assistance.

The task of increasing the role of the state support of small business and the formation of its rational structure necessitated the evaluation of the effect of the spent funds.

Evaluating the effectiveness of small business support must be comprehensive, and include:

- identification of trends in the dynamics of indicators characterizing the development of small businesses and their effectiveness;

- evaluation of the contribution (share) of state support in obtaining socio-economic effects on all levels (GDP and gross regional product, the tax revenues of the budget system, business income, and others.);

- some savings on transaction costs;

- assessment of the social effects of the small business support;

- identification and assessment of negative phenomena arising, including due to the low level of support.

Summary of results of evaluation of the effectiveness of the mentioned directions will allow to provide answers to questions such as:

- the extent to which government support is an aid for self-development of small businesses;

- to what extent is a form of paternalism, designed for short-term effects and do not provide adequately conditions of reproduction and survival of small businesses.

Criteria of efficiency of small business support must reflect the extent of its impact on the realization of the goals facing the enterprises in this sphere. Hypothetically, such an effect could be defined as the difference between the performance indicators of activity of small enterprises with the support and without it. Carry out such calculations difficult, primarily due to imperfect information base, but it's not the only reason.

In the approach to this issue, we should distinguish the effectiveness of entrepreneurship in the broadest sense (at the national, regional levels), and narrow - the actual efficiency of enterprises (enterprises, organizations). Therefore, to evaluate the effectiveness of support for small businesses based on a single indicator, which takes into account the effect on all levels, it is hardly possible.

At the regional level to assess the effectiveness of small business and the effect of the allocation of state support is necessary to use the following scorecard.

Indicators of industrial and commercial activity (dynamics): production, goods and services (total and per capita), the book profit on one tenge of expenses, payments to the budget system to one tenge proceeds, the relative savings from the use of basic resources, profitability, production and distribution costs to one tenge produced and sold products. Special attention is required indicators such as return on the cost of the state to support small businesses (fiscal efficiency). This indicator is the ratio of payments to the budget system and the amount of state support funds.

Calculation of the share of small entrepreneurship in the gross regional product, profit in budget revenues to evaluate the place of small business in the economy of the region. This is an important aspect of the evaluation of the effect. Its significance increases when compared with the results of lost profits and taxes of the shadow economy. The proposed indicators and their dynamics may to some extent reveal a supporting role in obtaining the effect.

Indicators of resource efficiency: capital intensity, material consumption, specific capital investments per Tenge growth of goods (works, services, and others.). Their calculation allows you to capture changes in the use of applied resources than accumulation. Performance reporting (analyzed period) are compared with those of the reference period. It is also important to assess the resource potential and benefits that are available to small businesses in regions: non-residential premises, land, technology, investment, information, etc. The dynamics of considered parameters enables more specifically to shape the direction of the support, ie, conduct targeted change in its structure.

Among the factors increasing the efficiency of labor (in dynamics) is productivity. This indicator is important, first of all, for comparison with the similar indicator for medium and large enterprises, by regions, as well as in the search for external and internal resources of small business development.

In addition to the above can be used several indicators of economic efficiency of small businesses at the regional level: the increase of the efficiency ratio (overall profitability), equal to the ratio of balance sheet profit (or volume of production, services) to the total cost, with the conditional release of the share of support, integrated level indicator private indicators using formula multidimensional medium and others.

To assess the absolute and comparative effectiveness of entrepreneurship at the level of certain categories and specific organizations (businesses) can apply the existing methods of analysis of financial and economic activities of enterprises (organizations).

To assess the effectiveness of promising perfectly acceptable and other approaches (probabilistic approach, involving forecasting possible results with a certain degree of probability). In this case, a certain degree of arbitrariness calculated proportion support effects are obtained.

However, it should be noted that the scope of these indicators is limited. To improve the policy of state support of small business are not enough. Need search and other approaches to assessing the effect of the support. This assessment of the effectiveness of state support of small business can become more versatile and complete, if you use a methodological approach, based on an analysis of the transactional cost. It can be very productive in the analysis of the factors influencing the development of small businesses in our country.

The idea is that the ability to overcome barriers at the entrance of small businesses on the market depends on the ability of an economic entity, together with the costs directly related to the production of goods and services bear the transaction costs resulting from the need to build and support relationships with all counterparties in the external and internal environment.

External business environment determined by a combination of factors and conditions that directly or indirectly influence the development of entrepreneurship. In particular, the efficiency of enterprise development positively (or negatively) affect the relationship with the state and local authorities, suppliers and customers, market infrastructure entities. Much depends on relations with competitors, credit institutions, the level of tax burden, prices (tariffs) for goods (services) of natural monopolies, etc.

Internal business environment determined by a combination of internal factors and operating conditions of business organization: the presence of the required equity capital, justified choice of the legal form of enterprise (organization) and the subject of activity, the selection of the team of partners, market knowledge and skilled marketing research, recruitment and personnel management , it motivated material incentives, mechanism of conservation business secrets and so forth.

Transaction costs include at least the following components:

- information search costs (the costs of searching for information on the market situation, as well as losses from incomplete information);

- the costs of negotiating and concluding contracts (including the costs of legal and illegal registration of transactions);

- measuring costs (costs necessary for the evaluation of the quality of goods and services in respect of which the transaction occurs);

- costs of specification and protection of property rights (payment for the services of lawyers and arbitration, for safety, the loss incurred due to incorrect specifications);

- the costs of opportunistic behavior (cost control over the conditions of the transaction and to prevent their violation).

The greatest difficulties small businesses arise in the interaction with agents such as the power authorities and criminal structures. This raises the transaction costs associated with the coordination of interests of the parties involved to resolve a conflict. Thus, access to the premises leads to costs in the form of payment of the appropriate municipal authorities, consultants and lawyers. The presence of criminal networks calls for the payment of security services, services for the settlement of conflicts and so on. The most relevant are access to finance and obtaining licenses. Reduce the urgency of problems such as logistics, access to the premises, racketeering, search for information about a business partner. At the same time, the weakening of the role of the racket, and an optional partner is becoming more common extortion officials as services rendered before the criminal world, more and more widely and effectively (by virtue of official position) provide civil servants.

The state programs of development and support of small business provides support in the following areas:

- improve the functioning of the environment of small businesses;

- improving the investment climate, which involves the development of mechanisms to raise funds for the financing of small enterprises;

- improving the sustainability and efficiency of small businesses;

- timely provision of information on environmental, technological, social, and economic issues.

International experience that small business plays a key role in ensuring the social orientation of the market economy, to achieve a balance between market efficiency and solution of social problems.However, the high social importance of small business begins to appear only on condition that the companies of this sector produce certain volumes of production, affecting the main socio-economic indicators in the region. Accordingly, the support becomes effective in two ways: bring production volumes in these enterprises to socially important values (as a reference point is the development of the country, with many years of experience in small business development), support to the sector have formed a sustainable small business to increase the degree of maturity and self-organization.

Problems of social efficiency of small businesses and their support systems appropriate to examine three aspects. The first - an estimation of social importance of small businesses to the region. II - Evaluation of maturity of the market of socially important

services provided by these companies. The third aspect - the study of the social effects of the very small business.

Currently, the most important effects of the operation of small enterprises in all regions is the growth of jobs and revenues that solve complex social problems. Therefore, social efficiency of small businesses at the regional level can be estimated by the following system parameters: reduction of unemployment, income growth, increasing revenues budget at the expense of small businesses. The achievement of these important goals pursued by the state, supporting small business, to a certain extent can be taken as the main social result of government support.

These areas support small businesses suggest that the main effect of the full implementation of relevant measures assumes a reduction of transaction costs of small businesses. It can be reflected in the economy of resources in some areas of external relations, to increase their profits at the expense of such savings, as well as in the growth of the income of employees and revenues in the budgets of all levels.


1. The Law "On State Support of Small Business" from June 19, 1997

2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 17, 2010 №


3. The state program of industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan for 2015 -2019 years, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 1, 2014 № 874.

4. Baie M. Managerial Economics and Business Strategy. MM-Press. 2003.

5. www.damu.kz

6. www.palata.kz

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