Научная статья на тему 'Some aspects of improving the socio-political participation of women in the state and public administration in Uzbekistan'

Some aspects of improving the socio-political participation of women in the state and public administration in Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
women’s NGOs / local councils of people’s deputies / the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan / the Republican Charitable Fund “Mahalla” Republican / activity of women / liberalization and democratization of the public administration / the socio-political participation of women / state and public administration / dependent activity / Human Rights

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Dzhasanova Sayyora

The present article analyses some aspects and facts concerning the activity of women in the years of independency. Furthermore, the author states that the socio-political participation of women in the state and public administration in Uzbekistan has been activating. Besides, according to the point of view of the researcher in the country there are implemented comprehensive measures in the field of social and legal support for women, maternal and child health, occupational, physical, spiritual and moral development of women, and improving their social and political activity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Some aspects of improving the socio-political participation of women in the state and public administration in Uzbekistan»

Section 7. Political science

Section 7. Political science

Dzhasanova Sayyora, Senior Lecturer at The Jizzakh State University E-mail: [email protected]

Some aspects of improving the socio-political participation of women in the state and public administration in Uzbekistan

Abstract: The present article analyses some aspects and facts concerning the activity ofwomen in the years of independency. Furthermore, the author states that the socio-political participation ofwomen in the state and public administration in Uzbekistan has been activating. Besides, according to the point of view of the researcher in the country there are implemented comprehensive measures in the field of social and legal support for women, maternal and child health, occupational, physical, spiritual and moral development of women, and improving their social and political activity.

Keywords: activity of women, liberalization and democratization of the public administration, the socio-political participation ofwomen, state and public administration, dependent activity, Human Rights, women’s NGOs, local councils of people’s deputies, the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan, the Republican Charitable Fund “Mahalla” Republican.

Increased interest in the study of problems of social activity of women is due to an increase in the place and role of man in the modern conditions of the reform and democratization of society. As the researchers note, any transformation is the result of social, political, labor, during which a person is not only the main purpose of social development, and lasting value. All this is impossible without taking into account the role of women.

In deciding whether activation women often face special challenges in all countries of the world. The process of updating the state and public administration, democratization and modernization of the country in all spheres of life, the development of a diversified commodity economy based on market relations with the active role of the state create favorable socioeconomic conditions for a more complete manifestation of the social status of women, their capacities and interests. However, given other circumstances, socially active women appear contradictory, there are serious problems with the passivity of a large part of the female population and it’s overcoming.

At the present stage of development of democratic values should be promptly stimulate the activity of the various segments of the population, including women. On the other, the negative realities of a market economy “isolated” man in casual “everyday life”, everyday affairs and concerns. There is a contradiction between the need for society in the initiative, entrepreneurship, empowerment ofwomen and passivity, inertia, conformism certain part of the female population.

Therefore, one of the main objectives of the society, as the researchers note, is to find the best ways to motivate activity, awakening energy initiatives women use various incentives shaping their sustained interest in social activities.

In terms of science phenomenon actively explore and investigate the philosophers of different epochs, since ancient

times. For all the diversity of opinions about public relations eminent thinkers, Plato, Aristotle, F. Bacon, Montesquieu, Hegel, Weber, S. Freud, Fromm et al. indicates activity as an indispensable condition for the existence of man and society.

Currently, over all disciplines of science worth following tasks:

- Identify some trends in the development of social activity of women in the context of liberalization and democratization of the public administration and social reform;

- Implementation of systems analysis processes of involvement of women in political life as one of the manifestations of their social activity;

- Disclosure causes, factors reducing women’s social activity;

- A systematic study of factors and incentives motivate participation of women in modern society;

- Stimulating and comprehensive support of women’s NGOs from the state and the second sector and others.

In 2010, Dmitry Medvedev congratulates the organizers and participants opened in St. Petersburg International Summit of Women Leaders of economics and politics stressed the need to do everything possible to improve women’s social activity. He said that he considered the disclosure of their creative and intellectual potential of one of the conditions for a stable and efficient development of any country. “Can you imagine the public, academic, business organizations in many countries? In addition, its spectacular success — proving the important role played by women in the modern world, the economy, politics and culture”.

To study the problems of social participation of women in all countries of the world operate research centers that conduct social research. For example, the All-Russian Council of


Some aspects of improving the socio-political participation of women in the state and public administration in Uzbekistan

Local Authorities in 2008 conducted research to determine the types of activity of citizens. In the study, the authors shared social activity depending on its purpose, several types.

a) A dependent activity — complaints and petitions aimed at to others (government, business, etc.) solved the problems of residents, including those for which the government does not respond. Shifting.

b) The protest activity — arises from a desire to residents oppose the actions and plans of the authorities, almost without thinking about alternative plans. This activity develops in the form of pickets, rallies, collective complaints; road closures agreed Boycott Street, neighborhoods, protest voting in the elections.

c) Fictitiously-demonstrative activity. If you are using people as extras for the sale of advertising or political projects independent activity is simulated through hired and paid activists, as well as publications in the media and other methods.

d) Constructive Activity — initiative, attempts to correct actions of the authorities and businesses to create more favorable living conditions of the territory. Partnerships and public authorities.

What types of activity was not, in its entire manifestations important role played by women. Each state has developed its own model of improvement of social and political participation of women. For example, in Uzbekistan has developed a national model of development, which is called the “Uzbek model" Its uniqueness is that it was try to calculate national identity and values, mentality, religion, age-old traditions and spiritual culture of the Uzbek people and others.

From the first days of independence in Uzbekistan were identified as priorities the task of increasing status, spiritual and intellectual potential ofwomen, ensuring their legitimate rights and interests, promote their health, protection of the family, motherhood and childhood.

Extensive work to implement these tasks today is already yielding tangible results. Women make a worthy contribution to the foundation of our future, to build a civil society where the main priority is the people’s right to live in a free, equal for all thriving and prosperous country. Government agencies and community organizations conducted considerable work to ensure their full participation in the political, social and economic life of the country. The country implemented comprehensive measures to protect the rights and interests of women, their spiritual and intellectual growth, a healthy family. However, special attention is paid to improving the political and legal culture of women.

As the experts in Uzbekistan implemented comprehensive measures in the field of social and legal support for women, maternal and child health, occupational, physical, spiritual and moral development of women, and improving their social and political activity. Formed national legislation in the sphere of rights and interests of women, relevant principles and norms of international law. Adopted more than 80 laws and other legal acts constituting the legal basis for

the participation of women in socio-political, socio-economic and cultural life of the country.

For example, the Decree of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to enhance the role of women in state and social construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “On additional measures to support the activities of the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan”, ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and others.

Today the total number of people working in all areas and sectors of the economy of the country, about 50 percent are women, including 28.3 percent — in industry, 37 per cent — in agriculture, 74 per cent — in science, education and culture, 75 percent — in health care.

In prosperity and stable development of the country’s special contribution made by women in the implementation of the National Programmer for Training and recognized in the world of the State program “Soglom bola”, about two thousand women manage farms. For the efficient and exemplary career, 13 women received the highest awards of our state — the title of “Uzbekistan Kahramoni.” 182 — Zulfiya State Prize.

It must be emphasized those in recent years, the role and socio-political activity of women in the state and public construction in Uzbekistan. The results of the 2009 elections to the representative bodies of state power of 33 women elected to the Legislative Chamber of the Parliament and 16 women — members of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan. Increasing numbers of women — members of political parties. Thus, the total number of members of the political party of women in the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen — Liberal Democratic Party 38.2 %, the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan — 41 %, the Social Democratic Party “Adolat” — 50 % of the Democratic Party “ Milly Tiklanish” — 46.5 %.

Carried out continuous and systematic work to attract women and girls to physical culture and sports. The total number of women and girls involved in sports has reached more than 1.9 million. People, of which 680.4 thousand. Exercise regularly and participate in competitions. In secondary schools, vocational colleges, universities, sports clubs and societies work as teachers of physical education, coaches and instructors in various sports 8 000 725 women.

In the rise of social activity are actively involved organizations such as the Ministry ofJustice ofthe Republic, police, prosecutors, regional representatives of the Commissioner of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights, women’s NGOs, local councils of people’s deputies, the Women’s Committee ofUzbekistan, the Republican Charitable Fund “Mahalla” Republican propaganda center of spiritual and social movement of youth of Uzbekistan “Camelot”, Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, nongovernmental organizations, civil society and the media, and others.

In 2010, in the direction to improve the legal knowledge of the population, its political and legal culture also saw an increase compared to 2009 by 3 %. In this direction in 2010 implemented 16 projects, accounting for 15 % of the total number of implemented projects for this year.


Section 7. Political science

At the end is worth noting that the success of large-scale reforms in all spheres of public life largely depends on the level of legal awareness and legal culture of the population, especially women. Socio-political activity of personality, level of legal culture, true citizenship is essential factors to achieve its goals. The issues related to the phased implementation of the

rights and responsibilities of citizens in civil society organizations and by this — increase political culture and social activity of people, especially women. The assigned us the task of creating a strong state and society should be reflected in such processes, which play an important role effective interaction of state bodies and civil society institutions.


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Krushynska Oleksandra Vadymivna, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv graduate student, Institute of International Relations E-mail: [email protected]

The attitude of Germany and Great Britain towards the Ukraine’s accession to the European Union

Abstract: The article deals with the comparison of German and British approaches to the prospect of Ukraine’s EU membership. The attitude of both states towards the idea of further EU enlargement is analyzed.

Keywords: Germany, Great Britain, Ukraine, European Union, enlargement, Russia.


Back in 1998, President Leonid Kuchma was the first to express Ukraine’s intentions of becoming a full member of the European Union. Since then, every Ukrainian government has stated its support for Ukraine’s European choice. Even under the regime of former President Yanukovych, that was the most pro-Russian in the whole history of independent Ukraine, the government did not immediately abandon the way towards European Union, despite considerable pressure from Russia. The population of Ukraine mostly supported the idea of European future for their country, as for many of them EU was a symbol of prosperity, democracy and civil society. Refusal of Yanukovych to sign an European Union Association Agreement at the summit in Vilnius in November 2013 became a catalyst of social discontent, which led to mass protests against corrupt and undemocratic regime and, eventually, to Yanukovych’s escape abroad.

The new Ukrainian government announced, that “there is no alternative for the European choice for Ukraine”. A European Union Association Agreement was signed in two stages — on 21 March 2014 the political provisions, and

on 27 June of the same year — the economic part. While presenting his “Strategy of reforms 2020”, the newly elected President Poroshenko said, that the ultimate goal of reforms is to achieve a level of the state development, that will let Ukraine apply for EU membership in 2020.

However, even if reforms in Ukraine are implemented fast enough to meet EU requirements, the final decision will still depend on the point of view of the EU member states, which is today far from unanimous. Some countries (especially Poland and the Baltic states) support the aspirations of Ukraine, because they believe that the European Union should more actively resist Russian imperial ambitions, others (like Greece or Spain), think that Ukraine’s accession will destroy the whole system of economic relations within the Union and lead to a reallocation of budget payments not in their favor. Yet, in this situation the decision of the “leading” member states will be the determinative one. The main aim of this work is to study the position of Great Britain and Germany on the matter. The views of these states are not always the same both on the issue of EU enlargement on the whole and of Ukraine’s accession, in particular,


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