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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Dilrabo Nadirovna Sharipova

This article indicates the need to implement the strategy of large-scale modernization of the personnel policy of the customs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the economic and social essence of improving the management of personnel in customs bodies. The author points out that in the context of increasing requirements to the quality of the work of customs bodies, the fulfillment of tasks and functions of customs legislation faces the problem of limited internal resources, which requires the development of methods for improving the management of personnel in the customs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan. To solve this problem, the author considers the possibility of using popular methods of the self-learning system, suggests some aspects of the formation of the professionalism of customs personnel, which determine the modern approach to improving the management of customs personnel.

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Dilrabo Nadirovna Sharipova, Ph. D., associate professor, lieutenant colonel of the customs service of the Higher Military Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: dilrabo.sharipova.1964@mail.ru


Abstract: This article indicates the need to implement the strategy of large-scale modernization of the personnel policy of the customs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the economic and social essence of improving the management of personnel in customs bodies. The author points out that in the context of increasing requirements to the quality of the work of customs bodies, the fulfillment of tasks and functions of customs legislation faces the problem of limited internal resources, which requires the development of methods for improving the management of personnel in the customs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan. To solve this problem, the author considers the possibility of using popular methods of the self-learning system, suggests some aspects of the formation of the professionalism of customs personnel, which determine the modern approach to improving the management of customs personnel.

Keywords: negative consequences of globalization, improvement of personnel management, main functions and tasks of customs authorities, methods of self-learning system, methods for improving the quality of advanced training for customs officers, modern approach to the management of customs personnel.

At present, the Republic of Uzbekistan is undergoing radical more than three thousand customs officers work. Specificity of in-

changes in all spheres of society. Changing economic relations in the context ofliberalization of foreign economic activity made it possible to simplify many customs procedures, to adapt customs legislation to international standards in the customs sphere. In these conditions, the quality of customs services is directly related to the quality of personnel in the system. The study is proving the fact that improving the management of personnel in customs authorities is an important part of the implementation of the customs legislation aimed at ensuring the effective use of customs regulation in order to protect the economic security of the Republic of Uzbekistan. With the expansion of foreign economic activity, the requirements to the quality of public services in the sphere of customs administration, clearance and control are also increasing.

Existing conditions for conducting foreign economic activity are characterized by a high degree of dynamism, requirements to the quality of the work of customs bodies, efficiency and adequacy of customs operations and therefore customs control procedures are increasing. The need to accelerate the passage of all customs and border formalities, meet the requirements and rules of customs legislation as participants in foreign trade activities, as well as officials of regulatory bodies [1, 3 p].

The task of Uzbekistan achieving sustainable economic growth by increasing the competitiveness of the national economy and equitable integration of the country into the world community is closely linked with the tasks of ensuring economic security. Since the adherence to globalization processes is possible in combination with the protection of national production and the domestic market, the establishment of partnership, mutually beneficial relations between states that are at different levels of development. The development of such competitive capabilities ofthe country is strongly associated with the activities of the state economic security agencies, where

novations in personnel matters is connected, first of all, with the personal factors of customs officers.

The reality of today has revealed the problems of personnel management, the methods of solution that are most vulnerable in the overall system of customs administration. The following are a high degree of uncertainty of risk situations in the selection and placement of personnel and relationships from external (unman-aged) factors;

- complex functional interactions and connections of customs departments, the unresolved nature of which forms duplication of functions and irrational workload of both individual employees and the departments themselves;

- constant change of functional duties, workplace of rotated employees and the influence of the adaptation period on the quality of the work performed;

- in the increased risky conditions of economic integration in the provision of economic security, the human factor is growing, which was emphasized in the Program on Reforming and Modernizing Customs Services of the states, developed by the World Customs Organization. All this confirms the urgency of implementing preventive and preventive measures to use human potential in customs administrations around the world, including the improvement of the personnel management system in the customs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The strict implementation of these tasks and functions is faced with the problem of limited internal resources, which ultimately affect the competitiveness of the national economy, diversification of production and exports. Therefore, in the development of the economy and ensuring the economic security of the country, it is necessary to concentrate the efforts of all interested parties in understanding the role of personnel management in the customs bodies of

Section 10. Economics and management

the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is related to the realization of the economic and social essence and significance of the applied customs regimes, customs clearance, registration, control, Customs value, determination of the quality of goods under the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activities, etc. A deviation from the established requirements and standards may lead to a reduction in the level of customs payments or their incomplete receipt in the state budget, which may lead to a decline in economic development, to an increase in unemployment and dependence on competitors.

The customs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan have achieved a number of successes, which prepared it for the adoption of World Customs Organization standards and international standards, as well as for the introduction of international practice implemented on the basis of Uzbekistan's accession to the International Conventions on Customs and Customs Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities.

In order for the customs service of the Republic of Uzbekistan to meet the requirements of the international standards of the World Customs Organization (WCO), it is necessary to implement the strategy of large-scale modernization of its personnel policy. This activity consists in improving the system of personnel management and ensuring its effectiveness.

The World Customs Organization (WCO) «Framework of Standards for Security and Facilitation ofWorld Trade» defines that the efficiency of the customs service should be directed to the needs of the private sector and society, and also to achieve a balance between these goals. The customs bodies use the policy of protectionism and trade liberalization to protect the economic interests of the state, producers and consumers by applying tariff and non-tariff measures of state regulation offoreign economic activity [3]. This is done through the streamlining of commercial activities, the introduction of effective customs regimes, the application of restrictive protective measures, the granting of benefits and preferences, the adequate evaluation of goods and services, specific rules for determining the origin ofgoods, modern customs infrastructure and other measures that form the customs mechanism of state regulation.

In order to counter the negative consequences of globalization and, at the same time, make the most of its benefits, the customs authorities should have a sufficiently calibrated and persistently implemented personnel policy implemented through well-selected, high-quality professional personnel [4, 316 p].

The report of the International Analytical Bureau The Economist Intelligence Unit in the analytical report "Trends in the economy, industry and corporate life. Forecast for 2020 "emphasizes that the greatest added value will be achieved at the expense of intellectual, not material component. Hence, any work will require a large expenditure of creative forces [5]. Creativity will become more important than the ability to follow traditional thinking. Managers will appreciate the ability to build relationships with people and organizations [6, 12 p].

The aforementioned facts urgently require the improvement of the personnel policy and international cooperation in the field of personnel management in the customs authorities.

The solution to this problem can be achieved by introducing into the organization a certain system, which is generally called a self-learning system. Or you can simply say in another way: an or-

ganization should become self-learning. This principle is successfully applied in many companies, its application in public service systems can also affect the efficiency of the performance of functional duties. At present, there are many different approaches, created in different years, the implementation of which is acceptable to the study of the problem of self-learning organization in the customs authorities.

One of the most popular methods of self-learning organization are:

System thinking - a set of knowledge and tools developed in recent years in the field of customs and regulation of foreign economic activity, mastering customs methods based on the requirements of international standards that are designed to better understand the integrity of phenomena in the customs sphere, which should help in achieving the upcoming changes. Every customs officer is part of the whole system and must be involved in all interactions with the outside world;

Mastery in personal development - a special level of skill through which workers are able to consistently achieve significant results, tirelessly learn and gradually improve;

Intellectual models - models of what can and can not be done in specific managerial situations, how much employees can change common for them frozen views and adapt to new requirements;

Movement towards a common vision — employees should be provided with a general picture of the future that stimulates commitment to the cause;

Group training - the opportunity to work in a team, develop a sense of team, share knowledge and skills in a group, transfer experience and skills to another. This method will improve the skills of existing personnel, rationally use human resources, resist corruption, and malfeasance, prevent rash actions and other negative phenomena, and use the mechanism of discussing a certain work situation productively. This method will allow to identify possible mistakes made by employees during the implementation of customs control, registration, comparison of financial information in the cargo customs declaration, reconciliation of information on foreign trade contracts, use of regulatory documents and instructions.

All of the above methods will contribute to the formation of professional competence of heads and specialists on the basis of the relationship school mentoring and succession of frames. Provision of personnel to senior positions should be implemented through the introduction of mentoring schools (in the implementation of mentoring salary increments), to organize the management of continuity of personnel, which will facilitate the transfer of experience growing young professionals and is in form and substance, not only staffing management personnel in the market conditions, but also the "cultivation" of adaptive management, and with it the development of an organizational culture that yavl etsya foundation for the introduction of international standards for customs administration.

Drawing the conclusion, the author suggests some aspects of improving the management of personnel in the customs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan as ways of forming professionalism that determine the modern approach in the management of customs personnel. These are:

Firstly, the constant monitoring of the impact factors on the process of forming the competencies of customs officers and the formation of the required capabilities;

Secondly, in the Charter of the Higher Military Customs Institute to determine the role of the "Faculty of Retraining and Advanced Studies" as "courses of prevention and development of professional competencies" as a system for training personnel and professionalizing officials of customs authorities and develop a "card of competencies of the trained customs officer", which forms the bank (Information resource of the Main Personnel Management Department of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan) for the development and formation of the professionalism of the employee (the card indicates the place and period ofwork, position, education status, list of acquired skills in the specialty in each position. The studied disciplines in the courses of advanced training, the assessment of the commission of the Faculty of professional development of High Military Customs Institute of Uzbekistan, the results of examinations). This card will accompany the employee during all work activities in all his official travels and testify about the level of competence, the quality of his personal and professional growth, determine the worthiness of the customs service. Information indicated on the map must be carried out with technical difficulties in order to prevent forgery. It is lawful to use the information of the "competence card" when deciding on the appointment to a higher position and recommendations to the personnel reserve, in the system ofrotation and certification of customs officers;

Thirdly, before the preparation of training plans for the advanced training courses, it is necessary to analyze the long-term and short-term plans of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for determining the profile and subject of training, determining which training (content, methods used) will allow employees to reach the required level of qualification and training for Compliance with the required parameters according to the system of continuous maximum professional readiness of employees - the development of human resources of customs authorities;

In order to improve the quality of professional development of customs officers, the following is proposed:

- The training process for customs officers should be based on the principles ofandragogy (a scientific approach to the learning process of adults). During training, the following characteristics of adult employees should be taken into account: a conscious attitude towards learning; The desire for independence; The desire for meaningful learning: knowledge is needed not only for professional growth, but also for solving a specific problem and achieving a specific goal; Practical orientation: the desire to apply the acquired knowledge and skills; Presence of life experience; Influence on the training of social, domestic and time factors;

- in the training courses for all levels of professional development, including staff included in the personnel reserve on the conclusions of the certification commissions, to introduce the discipline "Customs Management", "Personnel Management in Customs Authorities" for the formation of scientifically grounded managerial skills and knowledge on the prevention of officials Offenses, personnel control and audit;

- professionalism is based on experience, which is formed over the years, promotion through the career ladder and appointment to higher positions should be strictly linked with the experience of work in customs bodies, in this situation, experienced professionals do not compete with young employees, therefore they will willingly transfer their knowledge to newcomers and young people, and to promote the development of staff continuity and the formation of a school of mentoring. This method of step-by-step personnel growth and staff continuity will be an incentive for selfless promotion through the ranks and contribute to the prevention of corruption;

- the organization of psychological diagnosis of employees (the introduction of full-time position of a psychologist for educational and preventive work with employees who received official penalties and punishments).

- to develop an organizational and functional mechanism for managing the process of forming the professionalism of the personnel of the customs body and to make proposals on the structural improvement of the system of professional training of customs personnel;

- in order to save financial and material resources (travel expenses, office equipment costs, personnel costs, maintenance costs of buildings, administrative costs), use the training of personnel directly in the customs authority, i. e. organize in-house or distance learning.

Thus, in our opinion, the staffing of the system of personnel management of customs authorities in the context ofliberalization of foreign economic activity requires a special system and methods that allow to attract into the customs sphere and stimulate management personnel, to increase quantitative and qualitative potential, to integrate high discipline, professionalism, and Rational organization of new socio-economic relations, promoting initiative, creative activity, independence of customs officials in the And also non-standard situations in the conditions of liberalization of foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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