"SOFT POWER" POLICY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN IN THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
Kazakhstan / Central Asia / soft power / foreign policy / globalization / priority / conflict

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — M. E. Taubayeva, A. S. Umirzakova

In this article is discussed the main parameters and features of "soft power" as a fairly independent, conceptually and institutionally homogenized direction of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy. Also the reasons for the adding part of "soft power" the international relations and the foreign policy of countries in the metamorphosis environment of the world order are revealed. The current state and principles of the institutional medium functioning “soft power” policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the target cult of this policy, the factors of its success and limitations are anatomized. The main forms and mechanisms of using" soft power" in Central Asia in the precedence areas of foreign policy are linked. Ultra modernpost-industrial countries, the environment of the preface of new advance technologies and the strengthening of globalization processes, the interests of maintaining competitiveness in the field of international relations are reorienting their protuberance on transnational communication from the tools of compulsion to the methodology is called "suggestions". The distribution of limited economic benefits depends not so much on the use of traditional factors of production land and physical labor, as on the exploitation of factors of production directly related to the personality of the subject entrepreneurship, capital and information. The effect of forceful methods of resolving contradictions between states is reformatted into country competition of predominantly non-violent confrontation, which served as an incentive for the formation of a specific political science term “soft power”, which logically integrates the use of non-military methods of competition and conflict resolution between participants in international communication

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-2-180-193



M. E. Taubayeva

Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophy Sciences SKU named after M.Auezov

In this article is discussed the main parameters and features of "soft power" as a fairly independent, conceptually and institutionally homogenized direction of Kazakhstan's foreign policy. Also the reasons for the adding part of "soft power" the international relations and the foreign policy of countries in the metamorphosis environment of the world order are revealed. The current state and principles of the institutional medium functioning "soft power" policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the target cult of this policy, the factors of its success and limitations are anatomized. The main forms and mechanisms of using" soft power" in Central Asia in the precedence areas of foreign policy are linked. Ultra modernpost-industrial countries, the environment of the preface of new advance technologies and the strengthening of globalization processes, the interests of maintaining competitiveness in the field of international relations are reorienting their protuberance on transnational communication from the tools of compulsion to the methodology is called "suggestions". The distribution of limited economic benefits depends not so much on the use of traditional factors of production - land and physical labor, as on the exploitation of factors of production directly related to the personality of the subject - entrepreneurship, capital and information. The effect of forceful methods of resolving contradictions between states is reformatted into country competition of predominantly non-violent confrontation, which served as an incentive for the formation of a specific political science term "soft power", which logically integrates the use of non-military methods of competition and conflict resolution between participants in international communication.

Keywords: Kazakhstan, Central Asia, soft power, foreign policy, globalization, priority, conflict

A. S. Umirzakova

Master's degree SKU named after M.Auezov


April, 2022

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-2-180-193

The concept of "soft power" is developed by American political scientist Joseph Nye, it is one of the most important issues in international politics today. Joseph Nye believes that political action, culture and spiritual values are three directions of each country's soft power, and public diplomacy is an important mechanism for the formation of ideas and views on the state through this direction. Joseph Nye includes in the concept of "soft power" a way to achieve the goal of interest, not in the form of force or coercion, but as a result of voluntary association. The researcher believes that the peculiarity of "soft power" is that the goal can achieve the interests faster and more effectively than the hard form [1, p.29].

According to Joseph Nye, the manifestation of "soft power" and the strict form of coercion and motivation define the features of the modern information age. A scientist who is able to properly combine these criteria is called a "smart authority". In particular, the fight against modern forms of international terrorism is a mental struggle, in which excessive reliance on "rigid power" is considered unsuccessful. Public diplomacy is seen as a special mechanism concentrated in the hands of "good authorities", where "smart" public diplomacy seeks to understand the need for mutual trust, self-criticism and the active work of civil society to form "soft power". Public diplomacy, which is becoming propaganda, not only convinces people, but also destroys the "soft power" itself. Instead, it should remain a two-way process, because "soft power" depends primarily on how we understand other people" [2].

Thus, through D. Nail's concept of "Soft Power" we see that cooperation and integration is an important process, characterized by the interconnectedness of the world, which is not based on conflicts in the international system and the mutual struggle of national interests.

In order to develop the direction of "soft power" is necessary to create a system of public diplomacy that combines established approaches and marketing methods to achieve efficiency. Today, a set of services of the governmental and nongovernmental sectors, which are the basis of any attitude to state, is called the term branding, which originated in the field of marketing. In the international arena, any state that seeks to become an influential force must focus on the positive national brands and image of its country. After all, in the future it will become a non-financial capital of the country. The image of the country is competitive, and the brand of the country is a strategic method of determining this direction, which promotes this advantage and the future of the country [2].

There are seven principles of the "soft power" concept:

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- Ensuring the positive delivery of the country's policy to foreign peoples;

- To present the policy of the country in connection with spiritual values;

- Consistent development of initiatives in the international system;

- Regular study of target segments by adapting to target audiences;

- Work with the general public through the media, as well as small target segments;

- Liaising with various partners in order to reach a new generation of the target audience;

- Coverage of active international communication and exchange programs.

The concept of "soft power" was introduced by Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh

National University K.N. Makasheva believes that "soft power" is the ability to achieve what you want by attraction, not by coercion, that is, by attracting more attention in international relations to the attractiveness of ideas, culture, ideology, non-governmental institutions, not material and force resources "[3,5 ].

As a mechanism for the implementation of "soft power", a set of foreign policy measures and state regulation of activities in the field of public diplomacy, and the informal mechanism can be considered non-governmental channels for solving foreign policy problems in the humanitarian direction.

The policy directions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on "Soft Forces" can be divided into the following types:

- To promote the fact that the Republic of Kazakhstan is a peaceful country by renouncing all types of nuclear weapons;

- Preservation of the stability of the state on the basis of peace and harmony of multi-religious, multi-ethnic peoples in Kazakhstan;

- Establishing close ties with Kazakhs around the world and providing state support to compatriots abroad;

- Wide dissemination of works of Kazakh celebrities, works of art in the international community.

In his work "Formation and development strategy of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state" he noted that the foreign policy course of Kazakhstan like other countries differs in its own concept and develops on the basis of national and state interests." Nazarbayev: "We declare a peaceful direction of our policy. We declare that we do not have territorial claims to any country in the world. Recognizing and realizing our responsibility for the catastrophic consequences of any military conflict:

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-2-180-193

- We recognize the preservation of peace as a priority of public policy of Kazakhstan;

- We do not accept the threat of war and violence as a means to achieve political, economic and other goals;

- Seek to obtain the status of a nuclear-weapon-free state and accede to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;

- We adhere to the principles of non-violation of existing borders, noninterference in the internal affairs of other states "- defined the direction of Kazakhstan's international direction [4,62].

The participation of our state in the creation of a system of collective security of the world community Nazarbayev believes that this is one of the main goals of Kazakhstan's foreign policy.

"For this purpose, the Republic:

- To resolve conflicts only peacefully, through negotiations within the framework of international law;

- To stop the arms race on Earth and prevent its launch into space;

- The gradual reduction of the armed forces of all states of the international community to a minimum level sufficient for defense;

- Reduce production, testing of all types of weapons of mass destruction, and, above all, nuclear weapons in order to eliminate them completely in the future;

- Prohibit the use of existing weapons of mass destruction and the development of new technologies for their production; prevent the export of materials and technologies that contribute to the development of weapons of mass destruction;

- To destroy chemical weapons,

- To take measures in the field of mutual transparency and strengthening trust and security in military service;

- The republic achieves and will continue to achieve the transformation of military-political alliances into new structures of the collective and large-scale international security system "[4,63].

On March 2, in 1992, Kazakhstan became a member of the United Nations, a universal organization of the international community.

Kazakhstan's state status in the nuclear renunciation has played an important role in the integration of the world community.

However, the renunciation of nuclear weapons was not

immediately resolved. Because, Kazakhstan needed for the

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-2-180-193

responsible guarantee from the great nuclear power. On December 5, in 1994, at the meeting of the major powers, a memorandum was signed on the territorial integrity of Kazakhstan, non-economic pressure, inviolability of independence. China and France later sent their guarantees [4,65].

In connection with the Lisbon Treaty of May in 1992, Kazakhstan's nuclear missiles were dismantled and gradually exported to Russia. The cost of uranium in nuclear warheads has been returned to the country.

Kazakhstan's renunciation of nuclear weapons has had a positive impact on the world community, as it is very important to enter into a non-proliferation treaty in these difficult times. The Republic of Kazakhstan has proved its responsibility in the modern world order.

As a result, the Republic of Kazakhstan was recognized by all states. Diplomatic relations have been established with most of these countries, and the infrastructure and specific channels connecting our republic with the outside world have been formed.

Thus, in a short period of time, historically important tasks have been fulfilled, and cooperation, high trust and fundamental friendship with neighboring countries in the field of political and international law have been established on each perimeter border of Kazakhstan.

Issues related to the national security of Kazakhstan are named as the main strategic priorities in the work "Kazakhstan-2030". Kazakhstan's steps at the international level can be attributed to the participation of other countries in the fight against terrorism and religious extremism. An anti-terrorist center was opened jointly with the CIS countries.

Bilateral and multilateral meetings in the fight against terrorism and religious extremism are widely discussed. During the meeting, the sides discussed the fight against international terrorism and extremism in cooperation with the Shanghai Forum. Recently, the issue of national security has become systemic.

NATO and the Alliance have been established to strengthen Kazakhstan's national security and territorial integrity. Kazakhstan has become an important player in the dialogue between NATO member states. Member of Warsaw Pact is the independent state after collapse of the modern USSR. Relations with NATO are very beneficial for Kazakhstan, so that Kazakhstan can gain a lot of experience in building a new system of collective security in the CIS and Kazakhstan's armed forces. Kazakhstan has also joined NATO's Partnership for

Peace. Kazakhstan's participation in it will provide an

April, 2022

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-2-180-193

opportunity to integrate its security and sovereignty into international security and stability, strengthening ties with NATO [5,17].

The accumulation of issues related to sustainable development, environmental protection and rehabilitation of areas of ecological disaster requires urgent solutions. Kazakhstan is interested in uniting the international community's efforts to address environmental issues, as it is clear that the problems of disaster zones in the country, such as the former Semipalatinsk test site and the depleted Aral Sea, will not be solved by a single state.

Time has proved that the correct conduct of both domestic and foreign policy is a critique of great diplomacy. During the years of independence, Kazakhstan has achieved remarkable results in the economic sphere. Speaking at the meeting dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2030", NursultanNazarbayev said that Kazakhstan is ready to achieve new heights in the coming years.

Currently, Kazakhstan is making every effort to "strategy to become one of the 50 most competitive countries in the world." In fact, it can be said that this is a logical continuation of the "Strategy -2030" and a basis for further development. This document will help to determine the place of Kazakhstan in the current geopolitical system.

In this context, by the end of the last century, the term "post-industrial economy" was introduced in relation to the world's developed economies based on modern technological industries with high-level electronics, information technology, scientific and business complexes that have unique physical and chemical properties and other new materials. It should be noted. In other words, today only those countries that are constantly innovating and have achieved innovative leadership can speak about victory and success. The concept of "innovation" is one of the most frequently used terms in the economic vocabulary, as a universal category that means the formation and introduction of innovation [5,19].

Approval of the Industrial and Innovation Strategy of Kazakhstan for 20032015 will lay the foundation for the creation of a new economy. Sustainable development of our country should be on the way to preparing for the future transition to a service-technological economy through the diversification of sectors of the economy, ie the gradual elimination of raw materials.

The main principles of Kazakhstan's foreign policy are the basis for achieving the goals and interests of the country. At the heart of the main principles of Kazakhstan's foreign policy are

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-2-180-193

important, fundamental norms with high imperative legal force, reflected in its essence and specific features. The main principles of modern international relations are enshrined in international organizations: the UN Charter and the Declaration on the Principles of International Law of 1970, as well as the 1975 Final Act of the Council on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

The basic principles of international relations have a historical character, as they establish the basic rights and responsibilities of states depending on the needs of the modern world and the situation in international relations.

The Declaration of Principles of International Law of 1970 sets out 7 basic principles: non-threat and non-violence, peaceful settlement of disputes, noninterference in the internal affairs of another state, mutual cooperation of states, self-determination and equality of the people, equality of state sovereignty, voluntary obligations performance.

The principles of territorial integrity, inviolability of borders, respect for human freedoms and rights were enshrined in 1975 Helsinki Final Act.

Kazakhstan's strategic interests correspond to the tendency of the principle of international law to strengthen relations between the states. Analyzing these principles, let us consider its impact on the foreign policy concept, practical foreign policy and activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The principle of equality of sovereignty is enshrined in the UN Charter. It states that "the organization is based on the principle of sovereign balance of all member states." This principle is based on respect for the sovereignty of the state, recognition of the equality of all states - the right of all member states to decide their own destiny.

State sovereignty is an integral part of all states. All countries, including Kazakhstan, are equal in the world community. In the solution of international issues on the principle of independent equality, in addition to highly developed countries, less developed countries must have an equal vote with them, independent rights in the international arena, and each state must respect the independent rights of other members of the international community.

The principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of another state is closely linked to the principle of independent equality. UN decrees prohibit interference in "the internal competence of any State." It is illogical to prove that this concept is territorial.

In 1970, In accordance with the Declaration of Principles of

International Law, the principle of non-interference, each state,

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without the participation of other states, has its own political, economic, social, cultural, etc. have the right to determine the systems themselves. Also, no state has the right to interfere in the internal and external affairs of another country under any circumstances.

The main condition for the successful implementation of the goals and objectives of the foreign policy of the country is the calm and favorable international situation. In the future, our country will be one of the States that refuses to interfere in the internal affairs of one country and the imposition of political domination, and believes that the world should be free, free from power centers, divisions, confrontations and contradictions

The essence of the principles of international cooperation of states:

- States are obliged to cooperate with each other in order to maintain the international peace and security;

- Cooperation between states should not depend on the diversity of their social systems;

- States must cooperate in addressing international issues in the economic, social, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

In conclusion, the foreign policy should be based on national and state interests, NA. Nazarbayev attaches great importance to strengthening peaceful relations and establishing mutually beneficial relations with Asian, European, American and African countries. The principle of peaceful settlement of international conflicts means that disputes between states should be resolved fairly, without the threat of peaceful means and without the use of other methods. An example is the settlement of the Caribbean crisis in 1962 as a result of an agreement between the two great powers (the United States and the USSR), and the peaceful settlement of the war during the nuclear disaster of all countries at that time. During his time in Kazakhstan, he oversaw the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and the current settlement between Pakistan and India.

According to this principle, all people have the right to determine their political status and development without any obstacles. Every nation and people has the right to freely choose their own path of development. The practical implementation of this principle led to the collapse of the capitalist, colonial and social system: the first - in the 50-60s of the twentieth century, the second - after the collapse of the USSR in the 80-90s of the twentieth century, the Kazakh people exercised the rights of their state and gained independence.

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National University of Uzbekistan

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-2-180-193

The principle of respect for human rights and freedoms is the principles of international law adopted in the last decade of 1948. It is supplemented by its own specifics, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

As a result of its deep content, it has long been glorified and used as a tool of confrontation between West and East. In 1975, the Helsinki Final Act enshrined the principle of respect for human rights and freedoms, respect for human rights and freedoms in the territory of all states, in practice, the political, civil, economic and social rights of people without discrimination.

The principle of respect for human rights and freedoms protects the security of an individual from illegal actions used by the state, every individual of the state is a subject of international law. In the system of general public values, the first place is given to the person.

Such principles are often found in all international agreements and negotiations, statements and declarations, resolutions of the supreme bodies of government of Kazakhstan.

As a member of the United Nations, Kazakhstan pursues its foreign policy based on the principles of international law. Kazakhstan, as a member of the OSCE, also adheres to the 10 principles of the Declaration of the Final Act adopted in Helsinki in 1975. There are also a number of other principles that complement Kazakhstan's foreign policy. Here are some of them:

The principle of interdependence the foreign and domestic policy. Human history divides the policies of each state into internal and external, proving that they are closely linked. The internal situation of the state, the stability of its overall sociopolitical system and the impact of the economy are planned in the field of international relations.

Therefore, the future development of Kazakhstan's foreign policy is directly related to the effective implementation of economic reforms in the country. Foreign policy must create favorable international conditions for the successful implementation of domestic reforms.

Our policy should be based on radical economic reforms and focused on the interests of rapid economic and cultural development of the country. The unity of domestic and foreign policy presupposes the correspondence between the internal dimensions of the state and international obligations, the foreign policy course of the country and the internal situation.

The foreign policy of any state first of all protects its national interests. The strict principled policy here means that the

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-2-180-193

state does not retreat when it comes to its national interests; The policy of flexibility, on the other hand, shows that the state does not pursue a strict policy in solving complex problems, but takes into account other views. On the one hand, it is a necessity. After all, when the national interests of many states are in conflict, it is impossible for them to reach a consensus if each of them demands the full implementation of their interests. Based on this principle, in assessing the real significance of current global trends, and Kazakhstan is well aware of the need to take these principles into account in its foreign policy.

In today's world there is a certain trend of self-development, on the one hand, there is the politicization of international economic relations, on the other hand, the economy influences political and diplomatic activities. In this regard, Kazakhstan's economic relations with the countries of the world community are based on the principle that Kazakhstan will constantly preserve and protect its sovereignty in all areas of its natural resources and economy. In this regard, Kazakhstan's economic relations with the world community are based on this principle of Kazakhstan's constant preservation and protection of its sovereignty in all areas of its natural resources and economy. At the same time, Kazakhstan forms the direction of development of the state in its interests. The integration process in the world economic system is determined by the national and historical features of the state. It is very important for the country to strictly follow the principles of trade and defense. From the first days of independence, the attraction of foreign investment in the country's economy has been a fundamental basis of Kazakhstan's foreign policy.

Another important principle is the multi-vector foreign policy of Kazakhstan. According to this principle, Kazakhstan seeks to establish equal relations with all countries in the world. Multi-vector means that Kazakhstan sets its foreign policy in parallel with many other countries in different directions. Kazakhstan should not allow itself to be isolated by narrow regional issues in its geopolitical situation and economic dynamics. This would not be clear not only to our nation, but also to the world community. It is very important for us to establish good relations with the Turkish brothers, Russia, China and the Islamic world. The only reason we seek cooperation and friendly relations with all countries is to achieve security and economic stability.

Another principle of Kazakhstan's policy is security. It means that all the elements are closely related. Security must be considered as a whole. Underlying this issue is a comprehensive approach to all

security issues. Similarly, we cannot separate national security

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-2-180-193

from national, regional, continental and global security. First of all, this means that the world is one and integration is the main direction of development of its subject. All security issues are closely interrelated, as one of them requires consideration of the other. It should be noted that Kazakhstan has never been indifferent to security issues in its foreign policy. Kazakhstan has used sophisticated diplomatic methods in international affairs based on its long-established ethnic and territorial resources.

The use of these resources, for example, along with the demarcation of the Kazakh-Chinese border, has also been effectively addressed by religious separatism.

As for the content of the main principles of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the first is within the legal framework of relations, the second reflects the methods of realization of Kazakhstan's foreign policy and economic interests.

Taking into account the strategic interests of the country's foreign policy and the current state of relations, it should be noted that the CIS, Asia-Pacific, American, European and Asian routes play an important role:

Kazakhstan's foreign policy is aimed at establishing relations with other countries, as well as working hand in hand with various international organizations. In this context, it is clear that Kazakhstan's multifaceted foreign policy is based on its national interests.

At present, Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations with 145 countries and is a member of 64 international organizations. Kazakhstan has 35 embassies abroad, 3 main embassies and 8 consulates. Diplomatic missions of 42 countries are accredited in the country. During the years of independence, Kazakhstan has signed 1,300 bilateral international agreements (650 of them with CIS countries, 570 with foreign countries, 70 with international organizations) [5,21].

President Nursultan Nazarbayev Nazarbayev visited the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEU), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and others. His contribution to the development of organizations and concrete actions are known in other countries. Kazakhstan's security was timely guaranteed by the nuclear giants. The President's initiative proposals on the Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) are also widely supported. Currently, Kazakhstan is developing business relations with the United States, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia and Africa. Kazakhstan is also developing relations with South American countries.

Five principles of G-global proposed by President NursultanNazarbayev at the Fifth Astana Economic Forum in

2012: evolution; justice, equality, compromise; global tolerance

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and trust; The principles of global transparency and openness and constructive multipolarity have attracted the attention of the world community. Supporters of the project include Nobel Laureates Robert Mandell, John Nash, Robert Kornberg, Eric Maskin, John Aumann, Finn Kidland, James Mirrlees, and other major representatives of international business and educational and scientific organizations. The G-global initiative launched by the President of Kazakhstan, NursultanNazarbayev, has been hailed as a truly innovative idea that unites the world. The new initiative of the leader of Kazakhstan is second in the ranking of economic and analytical sites after the World Davos Forum. In this regard, G-global has become one of the most important proposals of Kazakhstan on the international stage. Currently, G-global acts as a potential unifying idea of a multifaceted world [6,117].

Given the important task for the world to "create a common agenda, thereby creating a stable, just, secure, free world", the birth of "G-global", defined as a new format of dialogue at such a meeting, is also legitimate and desirable. President NursultanNazarbayev has said before that the essence of such an initiative is to mobilize the efforts of the world's states to create a just and secure world. According to the President, the "echo" in the capital of Kazakhstan should be heard all over the world. "That is why I presented a new type of dialogue at the Astana Economic Forum, which we call G-Global. No country in the world can overcome the threats of the epoch alone. The essence of my initiative is to join forces to build a just and secure world, "the President said during the Address to the Nation" Kazakhstan-2050

This issue of "G-global" was once again addressed by the President at a meeting with the heads of foreign diplomatic missions earlier this year, highlighting the specifics of such a format. According to the President, G-global is, first of all, a new format of Kazakhstan's global dialogue. This is not just a G-8 or G-20, but a smooth, comprehensive format.

We believe that the peace and friendship of the peoples of Kazakhstan today is the only guarantee that we will have a great future and step into the future.

Our country has managed to preserve the historically established diversity and unity in society. The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, established on the initiative of the President, as an initiative of the President, has become a great force in strengthening social stability in the country and improving interethnic unity and peace. Today, our country is seen on the world political scene from the heights [7, 6].


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The Astana Summit, which brought together the leaders of 56 countries at the end of the same year as the chair of the OSCE in Europe, has repeatedly glorified the country! He also chaired the Organization of Islamic Cooperation with honor. Kazakhstan's model of interethnic and interfaith harmony is attracting the interest of many countries around the world. This raises the image of Kazakhstan in the near and far abroad. The experience of mutual understanding and mutual respect of the people of Kazakhstan is a treasure we have achieved in the course of social development. In addition, he made a significant contribution to the promotion of the republic in the world. The Congress of Traditional Religions, which unites the heads of religions of the world and symbolizes peace, gives a powerful impetus to the dialogue and dialogue of religious denominations in addressing pressing issues of mankind.

At the same time, there is no doubt that the seriousness and balance in the development of the state language, allowing the development of other national languages will strengthen our spiritual culture, strengthen the unifying role of the Kazakh people. In this regard, the President said: "The Kazakh language, our state language, is growing and prospering. By 2020, the number of people who speak the state language will reach 95 percent. In this case, we believe that the intelligentsia should work in this direction and move from words to deeds.

Of course, there are important and crucial stages in the development of any society. Elections to the Majilis and maslikhats of all levels of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan were held on January 15, 2012, which became one of the most important events in the political life of the country at the beginning of the year. Since independence, there have been many campaigns to create a legal state that cares about the future of the people, the election of a new type of people's deputies who put the interests of the electorate above their own interests, reminiscent of all the old diseases [8, 12].

One of them is the effective and demanding task "Social modernization of Kazakhstan: 20 steps towards a society of universal labor." This program clearly states that work unites society and is a guarantee of a bright future. The meaning of the phrase "one purpose and one spirit" can be understood from this. On July 10, 2012, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NursultanNazarbayev addressed the global crisis. Nazarbayev: "Social Modernization of Kazakhstan: 20 Steps to a Society of Universal Labor" The main principle of the President was to "take care of every citizen of Kazakhstan." There were

specific tasks for the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-2-180-193

which implied social modernization on the basis of care. However, we should not forget that the President's program began with the word "labor". Guiding our citizens to a real business career, not the principle of wild capitalism to work less and earn more, like the principle "Do not give fish, teach to fish." The role of national consciousness in the growth and prosperity of the country is a contribution to the motherland. In this regard, the President proposed the idea of a "Society of Universal Labor": "After all, all the values of world civilization, all economic and cultural wealth are created by human labor, not by virtual financial institutions. That is why we must base our policy of social modernization on real productive labor", he said.

From the moment Kazakhstan declared itself an independent state in the world, it immediately set its sights and set great goals. Today, President NursultanNazarbayev's far-sighted initiatives at the international level have become an unprecedented example of development and new relations, while the country's reform programs for economic development have raised our country to an incredible level for 20 years.


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