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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Gogoleva M.A., Kostyrina V.I.

The article deals with the basic theoretical approaches to understanding of a syndrome of emotional burning out. Such questions as social-psychological and personal risk factors of occurrence of a syndrome of emotional burning out are allocated. The authors analysed the specificity of development of a syndrome of teacher’s emotional burning out and the basic directions of preventive maintenance of emotional burning out in professional work. The program of social-psychological training of preventive maintenance of teacher’s emotional burning out “Believe in yourself» is described, recommendations about preventive maintenance of teacher’s emotional burning out are given.

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quality of the generated public service: staffing, strength, etc. The initial stage of formation of human resources in the public authority includes the formation and job profile portrait of the ideal candidate for her replacement.

Called us earlier classification frames depending on the level of government creates for the state personnel policy the main objective, which is a balance in the interaction of human resource capacity of various levels of government, which are based on proportionality and commensurability of tasks, responsibilities and interests of the state and local authorities.. From this it follows that the personnel policy in the civil service should be provided in the form of a balanced, coherent system of human impacts of different levels of social control: state, municipal, public and commercial.


1. Zajceva T.V. Kadrovyj potencial gosudarstvennoj organizacii: metody komplektovanija i professional'noj rasstanovki kadrov // Voprosy gosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogo upravlenija. - 2010. - №1. - P. 181.

2. Maslennikova E.V., Tatarinova L.N. Modernizacija gosudarstvennoj sluzhby: ocenka processa reform i ogranichenij // Vestnik PAGS. - 2012. - №7. - P. 24.

3. Butova T.V. Interaction of civil society with government authorities. Bulletin of the University (State University of Management). 2013. №3. S. 119 - 128.

4. Surmin Ju.P. Konceptual'no-metodologicheskie aspekty sovremennoj kadrovoj politiki // Pravo i upravlenie: XXI vek. Internet-zhurnal. - 2008. - № 1(2).

Gogoleva M.A.

Associate Professor Kostyrina V.I. graduate student

The Institute of Service and Business (branch )of Don State Technical

University in Shakhty



The summary. The article deals with the basic theoretical approaches to understanding of a syndrome of emotional burning out. Such questions as social-psychological and personal risk factors of occurrence of a syndrome of emotional burning out are allocated. The authors analysed the specificity of development of a syndrome of teacher's emotional burning out and the basic directions of preventive maintenance of emotional burning out in professional work. The program of social-psychological training of preventive maintenance of teacher's emotional burning out "Believe in yourself» is described, recommendations about preventive maintenance of teacher's emotional burning out are given.

Keywords: emotional burning out, social-psychological training.

Now the problem a syndrome of emotional burning out (EBO) is a live issue. EBO - is a protective reaction of an organism to a long-term stressful

situation. Importance of preventive maintenance of emotional burning out consists in studying the basic features of this phenomenon. And the competent and timely organised activity directed on preventive maintenance of the given psychoemotional phenomenon can help with a suspension of the begun process of emotional burning out or to warn its occurrence, having kept the teacher as a healthy person and the effective professional.

According to G.S.Abramova, «the syndrome of emotional burning out» is considered, as a condition of «professional deformation» [1, 3].

In de V.E.Orel's opinion, emotional burning out represents weed system formation which is included into some co-operating systems of different level where the base system in which burning out arises and develops is the system of professional formation of the person [4, 7].

V.V.Bojko asserts that emotional burning out is the mechanism of psychological protection developed by the person in the form of a full or partial exception of emotions in reply to the selected psychoinjuring influence, etc. [2, 7].

In foreign psychology basically such factors of emotional burning out, as excessively overestimated or underestimated motivation of success, tend to workaholism, low self-esteem, and also so-called «a complex of the honours pupil» is allocated. Besides personal factors, there are organizational factors influencing dynamics of burning out is not less considerable.

Vodopjanova believes that organizational factors such as a heavy operating schedule, rigid order, intense relations in collective, conflicts to the heads, high degree of congestion at performance of functions, and also the high level of responsibility assigned to the expert are connected with conditions of labour activity.

K. Maslach divides the symptoms of EBO into: physical, behavioural and psychological symptoms of emotional burning out [5].

Of physical concern are the following:

- weariness;

- A sleeplessness;

- headaches, etc.

The behavioural and psychological concern:

- sense of guilt and insults;

- uncertainty;

- work becomes a burden, and ability of its performance is almost impossible and ^

The object of our work is teachers' emotional burning out.

The subject is a psychological preventive maintenance of emotional burning out in teachers' professional work.

The purpose of the research is to study the basic features and work out of the program of social-psychological training of preventive maintenance of a syndrome of teachers' emotional burning out on an example of the employees of rural house of culture of the settlement Novokadamovo.

The hypothesis of an empirical part of our research was the assumption that the developed by the author program of social-psychological training of preventive maintenance of teachers' emotional burning out promotes reduction of symptoms and decreases in level of emotional burning out among representatives of pedagogical activity.

To check this assumption the study of level of teachers' emotional burning out on the basis of the rural house of culture from the settlement Novokadamovo has been conducted. Teachers of the given educational institution took part in the research in amount of 17 persons with the experience of pedagogical activity from 7 years and more. The age of teachers was from 29 to 40 years. In the research the technique of a personal questionnaire by V.V. Boiko was used.

As for results of the examined level of emotional burning out, they are the following: 10 persons were emotionally not burnt out, i.e. 50 %, 4 persons had the average level of emotional burning out, i.e. 23 %, 2 persons, i.e. 11 % had high level of emotional burning out, and 1 person - 8 % revealed critical level of emotional burning out.

With the purpose of preventive maintenance of teachers' emotional burning out we developed the author's program of social-psychological training «Believe in yourself», the purpose of which consisted in acquaintance of teachers with a syndrome of emotional burning out, its symptoms and ways of its prevention.

The program of social-psychological training «Believe in yourself» carries out the developing function which purpose consists in self-knowledge of oneself and members of a group, in analysis of own sources of negative work experiences, and development of skills of regulation of adverse emotional conditions in professional work.

The training program on self-control of an emotional condition consists of 3 lessons for 30 - 40 minutes within 2 hours, it has 4 consistently built modules: acquaintance, informing, the basic work, summarising. The kinds of work at the training were: group discussion, analytical and psychogymnastic exercise, art therapeutic technicians, etc.

Module 1: («Acquaintance»). The purpose of the given module is greeting of participants, creation of atmosphere of psychological safety in group. «Informing» is directed to granting to participants the knowledge of concept and the basic features of a syndrome of emotional burning out in professional work of teachers.

Module 2: («the Basic work») includes exercises on development of skills of self-knowledge, self-estimation increase, actualisation of personal resources and removal of a psychoemotional pressure, etc.

Module 3: («Summarizing») is focused diving feedback to participants and the leader of the group.

To analyse the efficiency of the social - psychological training «Believe in yourself» we used the diagnostics of emotional burning out ( Boiko V.V) once again.

The correlation analysis (factor rxy - Pirsona) and the comparative analysis of indicators to a quantitative sign (factor t - Stjudenta) were carried out.

Thus, emotional burning out represents the mechanism of psychological protection developed by the person in the form of a full or partial exception of emotions in reply to the selected psycho-injuring influences.


1.Abramova G.S. Practical Psychology. M., 1997. - p. 366.

2.Boiko V.V. Syndrome of "emotional burning out" in professional communication. - 2009. - p. 166.

3.Vodopjanova N.E. Syndrome of "emotional burning out" in sociable professions. - S-Petersburg. - 2011. - p. 443 - 463.

4.Oryol V.E. Study of phenomena "emotional burning out" in domestic and international psychology. // The Problems of general and organizational psychology. - p. 76-97.

5.King, M. (1993) Stress Management in General Practice (Occasional Paper, OP61). London: Royal College of General Practitioners.2009.V. 24. P. 35

6.Maslach C., Jackson S. E. The Maslach Burnout Inventory. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, 2011. C. 45.

7.Virginia S.G. Burnout and depression among Roman Catholic secular, religious, and monastic clergy // Pastoral Psychology. 2009. V. 47 (1). P. 49.

Kutsov E.L. außerordentlicher professor Aljechin E.S. Student

Institut des Dienstleistungssektors und unternehmerische Initiative (Außenstelle) DSTU in Shahty HAUPTMARKT MARKETING-PRAKTIKEN DES WOHNUNGSBESTANDES

Abstrakt. Der Artikel die wichtigsten Marketing-Aktivitäten des Marktes von Wohneinrichtungen (Gehäuse) kurz beschrieben.

Schlüsselwörter. Immobilien, Marketing, Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten, der Immobilienmarkt.

In Russland, eine aktive Form der Marktbeziehungen, neue Anforderungen an die Geschäftsaktivitäten, die sich auf Marketing beruhen. Es ermöglicht den Herstellern, ihre Politik im Einklang mit den Bedürfnissen der Verbraucher und Marktanforderungen zu bauen. Der Forschungsbedarf ist die Entwicklung eines methodischen Grundlagen für die Bildung von Systemen Vermarktung Gehäuse (Gehäuse) gerichtet ist auf die Intensität der Entwicklung dieses Marktes [1].

Während der Bildung der Marketing-System werden zunehmend eingesetzt, Marketing-Techniken und Kommunikation, einschließlich der Elemente und Techniken der Werbung, Verkaufsförderung, Direktvertrieb, Informationstechnologie und Service, PR und Kommunikation, die ein einziges

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