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Ключевые слова
youth education / reading / spirituality / family / family environment. / youth education / reading / spirituality / family / family environment.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Nishanova F.M.

This article discusses the issue of promoting reading among young people. In the article, the author discusses the role of mothers in the interest in the book.

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This article discusses the issue of promoting reading among young people. In the article, the author discusses the role of mothers in the interest in the book.


Nishanova F.M. lecturer

Department of Social Sciences Namangan State University


Abstract. This article discusses the issue of promoting reading among young people. In the article, the author discusses the role of mothers in the interest in the book.

Key words: youth education, reading, spirituality, family, family environment.

The fate of our country, which is taking bold steps on the path of development, depends on the worldview, enthusiasm and knowledge of young people who have matured in all respects. Youth is the driving force of the country. The role of reading is very important in the spiritual maturity of young people, in the expansion of their worldview, in their independent position.

For centuries, the book has served as a beacon leading mankind to goodness. Reading a book not only raises and enriches a person's spirituality, but also purifies his psyche. Reading expands a person's worldview, plays a special role in the formation of an active life position, in finding its place in life in general.

In the recent past, we have witnessed many times how our ancestors and grandparents valued, cherished, revered and considered books sacred. Even in difficult times, when the heads of intellectuals were covered with a black cloud, the love of our ancestors for books has not diminished. During the years of repression, when our ancestors could not openly fight against the efforts to destroy the unique gems, they took all possible measures to pass them on to future generations. One of the most respected and educated imams of our mahalla told that he and his father wrapped books in carpets and buried them in the cemetery during such difficult times. Many people knocked between the walls without looking at the books to be thrown or burned.

Today the time is different, we have a lot of opportunities to read, collect and distribute books. If we can't find the books we're looking for in libraries, we can find and read them online. At a time when there are so many opportunities, for some reason our love for books seems to have waned a bit.

In general, there are many ways to attract young people to the book. However, it should be noted that the role of our mothers and grandmothers is very important in instilling a love for books.

If we look at history, we will see that the first life skills and interests in the lives of all great people were formed under the influence of the upbringing of mothers and grandmothers.

In my childhood moments, in my sleepless nights

I heard a lot of fairy tales, my grandmother used to tell.

I remember those moments, the flying carpets,

Tahir-Zuhra, a shining stone, an eyebrow embarrassing the moon.

Every story of my grandmother, every contribution she made,

It would make me think, it would make me feel better.

One of the well-known poets of Uzbek poetry, Hamid Olimjon, when he finished these verses, admitted that his grandmother played a significant role in finding his place in life and awakening his love for literature.

It should be noted that the great Russian poet Pushkin's love for words was greatly influenced by his nurse Arina Rodionovna, who was well acquainted with Russian folk songs and fairy tales.

The first love enters the baby's heart with the mother goddess. A mother who prays to her child enriches the words of God by adding all her talents. Therefore, every mother's goddess is unique.

Selected from among the flowers, sada rayhanim, alla

Chosen from among the threads, the wrestler is my child, my child.

The child gradually grows up and develops hearing and comprehension skills. Now for a child, different fairy tales seem more interesting than God. In fairy tales, mainly, the struggle between good and evil is embodied in the images of different heroes. It is not surprising that the first book that a child who grew up hearing fairy tales was looking for and reading was called «Journey to the world of fairy tales».This is the first example of a mother instilling a love for books in a child.

As the child gradually grows, his range of interests expands and his views on various issues are formed. It is one of the important tasks of a parent to guide him in this process. Books presented to our child on his birthday or on various holidays, or as an incentive for showing good results, will remain in his memory for a lifetime, and the book will become even more fond of the «book»you gave him. Discussing a work or scientific material that your child has read in the family (which you must have read as well) will increase his or her interest in science.

The image of a mother engaged in reading is the simplest way to engage a child in a book. But, unfortunately, not all families are encouraged to read books. Sometimes young mothers seem to spend all day on social media discussing various topics and devoting less time to their children. True, there are many useful topics on child psychology, kitchen topics, as well as on social networks. However, when the image of a mother who does not miss the phone is formed in the child's imagination, it should not be a surprise if the child does not miss the phone later.

How good it is for a mother to read a magazine article, recommend it to her son or daughter, and discuss it together, whether it's a girl's upbringing or a reflection of the heroes of the time, an educational work in general. We all know

that a person who reads a lot of books has deep thinking, wide vocabulary and fluent speech. So why shouldn't we give our future owners unique gems.

The book is an inextinguishable light that illuminates the paths of life, a source of happiness that gives meaning to human life, a faithful friend who accompanies him in any situation. There is no tool as powerful as a book in ensuring the spiritual maturity of man. Therefore, from time immemorial, the leaders of enlightenment, the people of knowledge, have called on all mankind to read books and learn the secrets of science and etiquette.

Indeed, the book is a great force that lifts man from the earth to the sky, increasing his spiritual power. It is a torch that strengthens the historical memory of mankind, the spiritual and enlightenment world, the scientific basis, and the bright future.

Muhammad Jabalrudi, who wrote great works on morality, says of the book: "O saint! There is no more precious and pleasing interlocutor for a man than a book. The book is unparalleled in eloquence, maturity and grace, and is a companion free from hypocrisy. In loneliness and sad holidays, munis is ulfat. Unda na nifoq boru, na gina. He is such that there will be no lies or mistakes in his words. He is not tired of talking. He doesn't hurt his friend's heart. He doe s not pinch his heart. She is such a wife that no one gossips behind her back. You get so many benefits from his conversation that you can't find such benefits from people. On the contrary, most people are hurt by the conversation. In a friend like a book, all knowledge is embodied, which warns people of the past and the future. That is why «the book is a fortress of the mind."

In short, only truly patriotic workers with high intellectual potential, their own independent worldview, initiative, physically healthy and spiritually mature are the decisive force of the reforms being carried out in the system today, the true defenders of our people. In the formation of the above positive qualities in law enforcement officers, it is important that they become familiar with the book, not only about their professional activities, but also to read books of various genres and expand their knowledge and worldview.


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