SOCIO-PEDAGOGICAL AND CULTURAL ASPECTS OF PHYSICAL MATURITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
physical maturity / development / human improvement / philosophical approach / физическая зрелость / развитие / совершенствование человека / философский подход.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Iskandarov Nurbek Sharifboevich

modern science, social philosophy and pedagogy consider the education of the younger generation as one of the most important tasks of social and cultural development. The development of human potential cannot be imagined without education and upbringing. Science and education are an integral part of developing human capital and nurturing a creatively active individual. Social development requires the active participation in the process of human transformation and innovation, in the management of public and state affairs. Such activity not only expands a person’s capabilities, but also requires physical and spiritual exertion from him.

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современная наука, социальная философия и педагогика рассматривают воспитание подрастающего поколения как одну из важнейших задач социокультурного развития. Развитие человеческого потенциала невозможно представить без образования и воспитания. Наука и образование являются неотъемлемой частью развития человеческого капитала и воспитания творчески активной личности. Социальное развитие требует активного участия в процессах трансформации и инноваций человека, в управлении общественными и государственными делами. Такая деятельность не только расширяет возможности человека, но и требует от него физических и духовных усилий.



Iskandarov N.Sh. (Republic of Uzbekistan)

Iskandarov Nurbek Sharifboevich - Teacher,


Abstract: modern science, social philosophy and pedagogy consider the education of the younger generation as one of the most important tasks of social and cultural development. The development of human potential cannot be imagined without education and upbringing. Science and education are an integral part of developing human capital and nurturing a creatively active individual. Social development requires the active participation in the process of human transformation and innovation, in the management of public and state affairs. Such activity not only expands a person's capabilities, but also requires physical and spiritual exertion from him. Keywords: physical maturity, development, human improvement, philosophical approach


ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ ЗРЕЛОСТИ Искандаров Н.Ш. (Республика Узбекистан)

Искандаров Нурбек Шарифбаевич - преподаватель, кафедра теории и методики физической культуры, факультет физической культуры, Ургенчский государственный университет, г. Хорезм, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: современная наука, социальная философия и педагогика рассматривают воспитание подрастающего поколения как одну из важнейших задач социокультурного развития. Развитие человеческого потенциала невозможно представить без образования и воспитания. Наука и образование являются неотъемлемой частью развития человеческого капитала и воспитания творчески активной личности. Социальное развитие требует активного участия в процессах трансформации и инноваций человека, в управлении общественными и государственными делами. Такая деятельность не только расширяет возможности человека, но и требует от него физических и духовных усилий. Ключевые слова: физическая зрелость, развитие, совершенствование человека, философский подход.

Traditionally, the health care system has dealt with health issues, but in recent years it has become clear that a medical-anthropocentric, hygienic approach to educating a healthy generation is not enough. especially young people spend most of their time in educational and cultural institutions. It was noted that in today's dangerous world, pedagogy, education, culture should develop effective preventive programs based on the idea of shaping human health, prepare young people to live with the desire to save life and the world around them. The family plays an important role in this. However, modern family, children and adolescents do not have the skills to save health and shape health.

Health is not a priority for parents because they do not have enough knowledge about the health of themselves and their children. This pedagogical, educational system recommends a consistent continuation of rehabilitation, because:

1) modern development requires intelligence, adaptation to changing conditions in society. Man must be actively involved in social life, actively participate in transformational processes and master the achievements of science and technology. The dynamism of modern life, development requires a person to be socially creative, to take an active life position, to actively defend universal and national values. Therefore, looking at health as a continuous process, combining education with health and physical activity remains a very important task.

2) transforming the formation of health, physical culture into a continuous process educates people who can adapt to the needs of the market, directs them to productive work, develops the skills they need. Most importantly, it shapes a person's desire to live a full, active life, the need for self-physical training, that is, physical culture.

3) the education system is tasked with training personnel, providing the national economy and social spheres with new labor resources, staff and specialists. Therefore, it stems from the needs of society, the national economy in the formation of personnel and specialists in the education system. This will make education and training uninterrupted. The continuity of this process is based on the direct participation of the person, including him, in which case the whole educational system is harmonized with the continuity of health, physical education. In this

context, physical education can be thought of as the following continuous educational process: physical education in preschool education; physical education in school education;

> extracurricular physical activities;

> physical education in secondary special education;

> physical education in the higher education system;

> maintaining and strengthening postgraduate health.

In these systems, except for the final stage, the core of all physical education processes is the teacher, coach, trainer. But this does not exclude the active participation of children, students, these objects participate in the educational process, health-improving exercises, the formation of physical culture, self-education on a par with the subjects. Ensuring the participation of objects as subjects, the formation in them of skills related to physical culture remains the main task of physical education.

The Institute of Health is distinguished by the fact that it is an important component and technology of physical self-development in the field of health. The health component is the mandatory minimum in the professional activity of the subject (coach, teacher, trainer, institution) and the activation of the object (youth, population, individuals) by focusing on living conditions, daily activities is the maximum of the subject's activity. However, it is not possible to reduce the health component to the "educational minimum", because health physical education and culture express the social essence of the whole pedagogical system, pedagogical technology. The "compulsory minimum" requires extensive use of all pedagogical methods and tools of physical education, which creates ample opportunities for more effective and harmonious educational impact with the strategic goal of educating the younger generation.

Physical culture is a remarkable reality due to the formation of cultural skills and positive behavioral motivation. Social creative and physical activity, the pursuit of physical and spiritual self-improvement, according to the conclusions of socio-pedagogical teachings, is the ultimate goal of the educational process:

1). In many diseases nature or society is not to blame, but only man himself. Often, he suffers from laziness and greed, sometimes from loneliness.

2). Do not rely on medicine. It cures many diseases very well, but it cannot make a person healthy. Sometimes it exaggerates a person's weaknesses and the power of science, causing disease in people and increasing costs that they can't afford.

3). To stay healthy, you need to make your efforts, activities constant and regular. Nothing can replace them. You can always maintain and restore your health with your activity and efforts. As a person ages and his illnesses deepen, he needs external, that is, physical movement.

4). The magnitude of all efforts is determined by incentives. Let the importance, time, and probability of achieving a life goal motivate you to take action. Unfortunately, health, physical well-being, as an important goal, comes to a person later.

5). Four conditions are equally necessary for health: physical activity, dietary restriction, exercise, the ability to rest and relax in a timely manner, skill, experience. And the fifth - a happy life! Unfortunately, a happy life is not possible without the above four.

6) .Nature is compassionate, 20-30 minutes of physical training per day is enough for physical refreshment, but you need to sweat to give a good load to the muscles and double your pulse rate.

7). The norm in food consumption should be limited. It is preferable that the weight be less than 100 cm in height.

8). The ability to relax is also an art, a science, but it requires character.

9). Health itself is called happiness. It is very easy to get used to health and not notice physical health leads to success in the family and at work.

These rules of the academician can be taken as a methodological basis of the philosophy and health. Shaping health should become a philosophy of a happy life, and nothing can money, or the most modern sports facilities, stadiums, and swimming pools.

References / Список литературы

1. Valitov I.O. Human health in ecological and demographic culture. Ufa, 2010. P. 8.

2. Mamardashvili M.K. Necessity of oneself. M., 1996.

3. Fromm E. Psychoanalysis and ethics. M., 1998. Р. 57.

4. Fichte I.G. Science of 1801. M.: Logos; Progress, 2000. Р. 154.

5. Lectorsky V.A. Philosophy as understanding and transformation // Questions of philosophy, 2009. № 3. P. 18.

it. However, activity,

of physical education replace it with fame,

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