SOCIO-LEGAL BASIS PROTECTION OF YOUTH FROM MORAL THREATS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Gopporov U.B.

In this article highlights of socio-legal basis protection of youth from moral threats in the condition globalization.

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UDK 37.02

Gopporov U.B. student

scientific adviser: Begmatov E.M.

Ferghana Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Ferghana



Annotation: In this article highlights of socio-legal basis protection of youth from moral threats in the condition globalization.

Key words: socio-legal basis, protection, moral threats, youth.

Today, no society or country, without complete separation from other societies, has been able to develop. The process of global integration affects the people of political and economic relations between nations even more in cultural, educational, spiritual and spiritual layers. No matter how attractive and charming this effect is, it does not have its own positive and negative aspects. However, it is also not appropriate to look at this issue from one side, blindly criticizing the whole Western culture, getting into a mood similar to that of unreasonable risk-taking.

It is worth noting that in addition to the prominence in science and technology from Western countries, there are no aspects that we need to learn about in terms of free thinking, world consciousness and even some cultural and educational issues. However, as there is also a drawback to any good, as we learn something from others, we encounter negative situations that are contrary to our national values that have been formed for centuries and do not want to disappear, and feed from it in a way that we ourselves do not know. As a result, instead of national values, there are illusions that lie on the nature of our people.

To date, the ideological landscape of the world has become very complicated and confused. When we look at the global information space with a real eye, one of the problems that worries and worries the general public is that at a time when the information industry is being liberalized, various political, ideological and other forces in the distant and near regions have abused the freedom of information by using their ugly interests or mass communication tools, through it's no secret that he is making.

In particular, ideological threats such as the dissemination of false information, the manipulation of social consciousness, the absorption of national and spiritual values, the propagation of alien values that are completely alien to the national mentality, the violation and alteration of the National spirituality, historical memory of the people, cyberterrorism are widely spread. Of course, measures to combat ideological threats have been developed in our country as well as the socio-legal basis. In particular, in accordance with Article 12 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it was noted that social life in the

Republic of Uzbekistan develops on the basis of diversity of ideologies and opinions, and no ideology can be established as a state ideology. And also in article 29 everyone has the right to think, to say and find the information he wants, to receive and to distribute it. But information directed against the current constitutional system and other restrictions established by law are excluded.

According to Article 57, the structure and activities of militarized associations, political parties in the national and religious spirit, as well as public associations are prohibited, which aim to forcibly change the constitutional system, which opposes the sovereignty, integrity and security of the Republic, constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, which promote social, National, racial and religious Justice, which encroaches on the health and

Including in the national legislative system there are several normative legal acts in this regard. In particular, according to the requirements of Article 14 of the law "on printing and guarantees of Information land" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is not allowed to mentally influence and distract social consciousness from the law by means of the media. Article 6 of the law "on the basis of state policy on youth in the Republic of Uzbekistan" defines the prohibition of any actions aimed at the violation of morality among young people, including the promotion of cynicism and cruelty. According to the requirements of Article 16 of the law "on guarantees of the rights of the child" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, every adult client has the right to receive information that does not harm moral and moral perfection in the media.

In the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan this issue is also expressed. According to the law "on amendments and additions to certain legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the responsibility for committing illegal actions in the field of informatization and data transmission "adopted on December 25, 2007, Criminal Code was supplemented with Chapter 20 titled "crimes in the field of Information Technology". In it, punitive measures are established for a number of crimes such as violation of the rules of informatization, illegal (unauthorized) use of Computer Information, computer sabotage, creation, use or dissemination of damaging programs. Also, according to Article 130 of the CC, the preparation of pornographic objects in the max of demonstration or abandonment, as well as the display of them among persons under the age of twenty - one years, are subject to liability.

The processes of global information globalization require the introduction of information and communication technologies not only in the economy and other spheres of the country, but also to ensure the security of Information Systems. Uzbekistan is one of the first in Central Asia to join the international security system in the field of information and communication technologies. In accordance with the decision of the head of our state "on additional measures to ensure the computer security of National Information and communication systems "adopted on September 5, 2005, "UZINFOCOM" Center for the development and implementation of computer and information technologies "UZ-CERT" computer incident prevention service was established.

In particular, on the basis of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on the implementation of the decision of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan "on measures for the further development of the National Information and communication system of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated June 27, 1989 "on the implementation of the decision" of the Cabinet of Ministers on September 16, these centers provide information security of the database, resources and information systems index, assist in the development and implementation of information security policies of relevant resources and systems of government agencies, collect and analyze information about modern threats to information security, "Electronic Government" System database, tasks such as the development of proposals and recommendations for organizational and programmatic decision-making aimed at preventing illegal access to resources and information systems are carried out. Such a social and legal system plays an important role in protecting young people from external and internal ideological threats coming from outside the world.

Well, in today's era, the intensity of the globalization process and the increasing number of spiritual threats coming in through modern media are negatively affecting the lives of Man and society. It is of urgent importance to identify the negative consequences of the information flow entering through the global network and take measures to it, including finding more effective ways to eliminate moral threats, the formation of ideological immunity in the fight against spiritual threats in young people.

Also, the tendency to use force to solve problems in the current world is still abandoned yuq. The problems that a group of mercenaries are finding are going out of the relations of states. As a result, the battlefields of the world are not extinguished, and their new ones are emerging. Most of the Big Eight states are taking part in these wars and testing their weapons. As a result of this, the world is suffering from poverty, economic crisis and social problems. The positive opportunities of globalisation remain questionable.

This ideological process today covered all regions of the world. According to him, certain states do not take into account the interests of the army States and other peoples in order to solve their problems, achieve economic prosperity. As a result, transnational conflicts have a negative impact on the processes of globalization. It is not understood that this process is actually a product of the "throw, rule" illusion.

In addition, the issue of the spiritual weakening of mankind is the most alarming of today's problems. Because man admires the discoveries of UZ and is weakened in terms of worldview, morality and activity. Terrorism, religious extremism and" silencing the advance of democracy " is therefore the result of the actions. These actions undermine national unity, solidarity and cooperation.

Thus, the study, analysis and evaluation of the problem of moral doctrine as a matter of concern to the lives of countries and peoples is one of the pressing issues. Solidarity and unanimity in this work is certain to give the expected result.

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