Научная статья на тему 'Social and role approach to education of Russian civil identity of school students'

Social and role approach to education of Russian civil identity of school students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Chukhin S.G., Gorshenina Ya.L.

The article is devoted do the social role approach using to educate the Russian civic identity. The author analyzed the education structure including the following parts: cultural and social identity, personal identity, self-identity. Such an approach suggests that pupil's identify positions and places to form them must be determined during implementation of cultural and social identity in education process.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Social and role approach to education of Russian civil identity of school students»


S.G. Chukhin,

Associate Professor, Department of Education, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Science, Omsk State Pedagogical University

Ya.L. Gorshenina,

Associate Professor, Department of German and Intercultural Communication, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Science, Omsk State Pedagogical University



MaKanaga MeKTen OKymwcbiHbiR peceMniK a3aMaTTWK csMKecTinirm TspSueneyge sneyMeT-TiK-pengiK aMangw KongaHygw« acneKTinepi Ka-pacTbipbinagw. GneyMerriK-MsgeHH (MeKTenTiK) csMKecTiniK, TY-nranwK csMKecTiniK, e3giK csM-KecriniK ceKingi KOMnoHeHTTepgeH T^paTbrn peceMniK a3aMaTTHK csMKecTiniKTi TspSueney KYpwnwMw TangaHagw. PeceMniK a3aMaTTWK csM-KecTinircri TspSHeneygeri sneyMerriK-pengiK aMan MeKTen OKymwcwHw« csMKecriniK YCTaHWMga-pwH ^9He MeKTenTiK SiniM 6epy npaKTHKacbmga csHKecTiniKTiR sneyMerriK-MsgeHH (MeKTenTiK) ge«reMgi ^Y3ere acwpyga onapgw KanwnTacTwpy opHWH aHWKTaygw Son^aMgw.


В статье рассматриваются аспекты применения социально-ролевого подхода в воспитании российской гражданской идентичности школь- § ника. Анализируется структура воспитания || российской гражданской идентичности, вклю- ^ чающая такие компоненты, как социокультурная (школьная) идентичность, личностная О идентичность, самоидентичность. Социально-ролевой подход в воспитании российской ^ гражданской идентичности предполагает опре- н деление идентификационных позиций школьника и места их формирования в процессе реа- О лизации социокультурного (школьного) уровня к идентичности в образовательной практике щ школы. Н

Annotation o


The article is devoted do the social role approach ®

using to educate the Russian civic identity. The S

author analyzed the education structure including ^

the following parts: cultural and social identity, 2

personal identity, self-identity. ^

Such an approach suggests that pupil's identify ^

positions and places to form them must be ^ determined during implementation of cultural and social identity in education process.


Hesissi свздер: ресейлт азаматтъщ сэйкестшк, тэрбие 6epydesi злеуметтт-релдт амал, мектеп оцушысыныц элеуметтт-мэдени (мектептт) сэйкeстiлiгi.

Ключевые слова: российская гражданская идентичность, социально-ролевой подход в воспитании, социокультурная (школьная) идентичность школьника.

Keywords: Russian civic identity, social role approach, pupil's cultural and social identity.



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The education of Russian civic identity is an actual task of education system. The most current version of education standards views of Russian civic identity as the personal result of education. The developers of Federal State Educational Standard represent the following content of the notion «Russian civic identity» - it's the free identification with the Russian people being of great importance for a person, feeling and awareness of his ownership with the past, present and future of Russia. The presence of Russian civic identity assumes the existence of «my (our) town», «my (our) country», etc. but not «this town», «this country», «these people». A.A. Arlamov recognizes in his article «Methodological guidance for education of Russian civic identity» - «each one of us imagine the citizen as a person which is capable to assume responsibility for the Fate of his Motherland, his social neighborhood, his family and to realize this responsibility». It's the man of political and law culture knowing the Fate of his country, which is able to choose deliberately between some social projects, to assess any social conduct within the legal fold» [1, c.27].

The modern science views Russian civic identity as follows:

- the unity of certain information, values, emotional sufferings and some action experience (A.G. Asmolov, A.Y. Danilyk, A.M. Kondakov, W.A. Tishkov);

- complex correlation of historical experience, civic consciousness and project sense (A.Andrushkov, Y.W. Gromiko);

- the view of the problem from the perspective of school identify of the child which is efficient, too (D Grigoryev) [5, c.29].

There are three levels of Russian civic

identity: pupil's cultural and social identity, personal identity and self-identity. It is an obvious point that the first level is much swayed by the needs of pedagogic. The Russian civic identity is thought of as being cultural and social identity must be a result of pedagogical process. The second level is more difficult. Recourcing to modern pedagogical terminology the Russian civic identity is thought of as being one of the personal education effects. The pupil has to choose the most important influence, to create provided behavior sample and identify him with it. At the same time he should avoid unacceptable identifications could be enforced.

In addition to that the obtaining of the personal level of the Russian civic identity seems to be impossible without successful development of cultural and social identity. The role of the Others and another peer groups is thus an overriding concern. The person creates his own identity associating to his distinctive character in the image and likeness of the definition he heard. If he can't agree with the Others and members of another peer groups, he formulates his own the point of view which is opposite to received definitions. Thus the civic consciousness depends on neighborhood's idea of the person but it is not a matching with them. Its character is identified by the choice this person always does. It concerns the circle of contacts, rules of behavior, values, usual address, religion and host of other things.

To become the subject of the Russian civic identity forming process the teacher must be «the valued Other» or, knowing the peer neighborhood of each pupil he must be able to attract its representatives to solve the tasks of education of Russian civic identity.


The realization of this process requires the fundamental change of education type: from adaptive to advanced, from knowledge education to enrichment. The enrichment education is viewed as «the new education type to realize the education process as existential, life purpose process which achieves the unity of personal character, professional educational background and life ontology» [4, c.11].

According to one of the first developers of identity conception E. Erikson one of the essential characteristics of identity is its realistic nature. Identity is the human mentality feature which helps him to express completely his community membership whether social, national, professional, language, politic, religious, racial. The major questions the personal identity can answer are the following: who am I, whom am I with, why me, why namely me??? When the teacher suggests to the pupil some human images and especially behavior sample, he can allow thy could be exclusion norm in an identification process.

These behavior samples need to have the following characteristics:

- they have to be human - commeasure, in other words the modernizer can really get to be so;

- they have to be culture - commeasure, in other words to be valuable for culture or subculture people belong to;

- they have to be society - commeasure, in other words the modern society owns necessary set of conditions allowing self-realization for pupil having social acceptable characteristics;

- they can't be replaced by attributive descriptions or names of qualities of the person which are wishful but generalized [8, c.84].

Because of that it's necessary for teacher to be the representative of the basic identity set for the community he belongs to as the professional. The presence of nebulosity identity set of idealized behavior samples leads to rupture of human - commeasure measure and to developing of dictate or orded («reflected») Russian civic identity.

The strategy of education of Russian civic

identity is the complex of value orientations, praxis and ways of forming and supporting the Russian civic identity. The essence of educational strategy of Russian civic identity consists in forming, supporting and translation of «We» - conception [6]. The education of Russian civic identity begins with acknowledgment and forming of clear conception about variety of individual in the society and division of the society in groups. The education of Russian civic identity involves searching of prefer samples and their identification with the representatives or searching of reaved samples and confrontation with their representatives. For example «the sample of homeland, home, near and dear ones is the social phenomenon forming since childhood and based on particular feelings of some near things, having the personal meaning» [7, c.126].

Russian civic identity is the complex quality on the basis of mobility and uncertainty of basic behavior sample because they are not completely pushed by societies the pupil defines as important. According to E. Erikson the identity is the newly established quality of adult person and there are «child phase» and «adult phase» in its development. There are three phases there: the formation of an identity as the newly established quality (it's the «child identity» by E.Erikson), crisis and especially the development of identity (it's the «adult identity» by E.Erikson) There are some significant modifications in the way of collaboration between the person and the world by the change from «child identity» to «adult identity».

First, a teenager must change the guidance to the Others as representatives of other examples and judgments about himself to guidance to the synthesis Other because it's the teenager is the person having identity crisis. There are syntheses «We » and «They» instead of personalities the young man relates his image with.

Secondly, the gradual transition of pupil orientation about social functions must take


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place: from single fragmented social functions to unity of certain variety of social functions. The interconnectivity of social functions but not the set of them becomes important.

Thirdly, there is changing from emotional perception of actual self- samples to the wish of understanding, assessment, testing. From the other side, emotional connections and relations as basis of membership in the group should be added and in certain cases displaced by business links and relations. In fact, the change from self-perception according to right to be the member of the community to understanding and realization of including duties should take place.

Fourthly, the character of modification has to change - from samples and self-assessment borrowing to self-determination, self-development, self-improvement. As it is by V.S. Bezrucova, «centre stage take problems of changing from education to self-improvement and making constant linking between them» [3, c.44].

For many authors there is following basis for education of Russian civic identity:

- emotional communities;

- state-civic communities;

- regional communities.

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The involving of an individual in society spreads out from precise (micro-social) to large macro-social.

Thus in the pedagogical sense it's about age according by representation of some identifications and importance of leading agents of civic socialization. For example Russian civic identity of the elementary school pupil is formed under influence of family, ethnic or religious group, this of teenager - the vision of small motherland as utilized and assigned sample of space, of territory he called «own». There are some opportunities for forming of Russian civic identity as state-civic during youth.

The subjective position of teacher varies with the stage of the viewing process. On condition that the teacher owns certain significance for the pupil (elementary school)

and Russian civic identity is of an territorial nature, Russian civic identity must be formed as state-civic.

For using the social role approach for education of Russian civic identity it's necessary for the teacher to start from the premise that:

- all the child's activities own the potential for creating the Russian civic identity;

- there are some circumstances in feasible activities, forms and methods of civic education which are to create for development of the mechanism for identification, self-determination, responsible self-realization and both social and pedagogical mechanism of actualization. The content must include realistic and fact supported examples of human models: «I am a citizen», «I am a patriot» etc.

- cognitive level is necessary to create the Russian civic identity but it ant be dominant; the components of attitude and activity have the leading role to play/

School is that place in the child's life where he can extend beyond his kinship and relations where he begin to live among another people, in society. That's the place the child becomes the public person.

Thus the aspect of cultural and social (school) identity lets to understand the reasons and the way pupil connects himself with the school society, because of «what» «whom» this connection is possible. It lets us to assess the quality of places and people making the child to be involved in the process.

The cultural and social (school) identity allows to understand if successes and achievements are connect for pupil with the school, if it is a place of importance because «the formation of civic identity depends on particular living conditions and circumstances which are determined by regional location» [1, c.87]. The lower index of cultural and social (school) identity must regard that the school is not of great importance of the child. And conversely the high index can proof the important place of the school in the child's life.

The social role approach used to educate


Russian civic identity includes development potential of the child for discovering his new opportunities to embrace and to determinate himself which are included in educational situations. The external form (which is determined by teacher) must have a resonance with the internal developmental conditions of the child's personality and get him closer to the new vision of himself, his own commitments and abilities [9, c.5].

Let's take a detailed look at basic positions of the pupil and its forming places.

The identification position «His parents' son or Her parents' daughter». The forming place belongs to created or emergent situations in school where he pupil is the representative of his family.

The identification position «His Comrades' friend». The forming place belongs to study-free time communication with schoolmates and which is no regulated.

The identification position «His Teachers' Pupil». The forming place belongs to all educational situations at the school and extra-curricular activities, educational communication which teachers.

The identification position «The Class Citizen class group )». The forming place belongs to class events, actions, student government in the class.

The identification position «The School Citizen (school society) ». The forming place belongs to school events, children's social associations of school additional education, children-adult government, school government, study groups, museums, extracurricular communication.

The identification position «The Citizen of the Society». The forming place belongs to all the school social projects aim at school social environment; children's social associations and organizations, social contacts which other social subjects spearheaded by school.

The identification position «The Member of his ethnic group». The forming place belongs to all the school situations which can activate

the feeling of national identity.

The identification position «The Member of his religious group». The forming place belongs to all the school situations which can activate the feeling of religious identity.

Consequently, the really but not imitative education of Russian civic identity is possible if it based on its positive cultural and social (school) identity. Through feelings, consciousness and cynicism experience (class and school society events, social initiatives of the school) getting in the school the young citizen can come to awareness of themselves as the citizen of his country.


1. Akimova M.K., Persiyanzeva S.V. Assignment of Civic Society Values Depending on Intellectual Developing Level // Innovazii v obrasivanii. 2015. № 4. C. 85-91.

2. Arlamov A.A. Methodological Guidance for Education of Russian Civic identity // Pedagogika. 2010. № 6. C. 27-30.

3. Bezrucova V.S. Vospitanievedenie as New Pedagogic. // Pedagogika. 2011. № 9. C. 42-49.

4. Bondarevskaya E.V. Humanitarian Science Methodology about Education // Pedagogika. 2012. № 7. C. 3-13.

5. Grigoryev D. // How the School Forms Russian Civic Identity Vospitatelnaja rabota v shkole. 2014. № 10. C. 28-32.

6. Strategy of Educational Devopment in Russian Federation for the Period until 2025: Draft of 13.01.2015r. // Vestnik obrazovania 2015. № 3 (February). C. 66-79.

7. Tarasov M.B. The Motherland Image as Innovation Recourse of Patriotic Education of Youth. // Innovazii v obrasivanii. 2015. № 6. C. 124-129.

8. Shacurova M.B. Forming of Russian Civic Identity: The Problem of Teacher // Pedagogika. 2014. № 3. C. 83-91.

9. Shustova I. Situational Pedagogic: Event View to Pupil Education // Vospitatelnaja rabota v shkole. 2015. № 3. C. 5-12.

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