Научная статья на тему 'Social and geographical features of the formation of the modern labour market of Ternopil region'

Social and geographical features of the formation of the modern labour market of Ternopil region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
population / labour resource potential / labour market / labour resources / economically active population / unemployment / employment of the population / населення / працересурсний потенціал / ринок праці / трудові ресурси / економічно активне населення / безробіття / зайнятість населення

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — L.B. Zastavetska, N.N. Kotsan, R.I. Kotsan, K.D. Dudarchuk, T.B. Zastavetskyi

The article gives a detailed analysis of the processes of formation of the labour resource potential of Ternopil region as a labour excess region. The influence of the demographic component on the formation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labour potential is highlighted there. The study of patterns and factors in the formation of labour potential is inextricably linked with research on the labour market, which is the most important element of the market economy. Availability of labour potential brings a certain social and economic sense to the development of labour market, its effective functioning and improvement of the employment system of the population. Since the natural basis of labour potential is the population, a vital component in guaranteeing the stable and safe development of the state, the problems of optimal demographic development are extremely relevant. The article outlines current problems of unemployment of the population of Ternopil region, in particular young people; the causes of its occurrence are investigated there. It was established that the labour resource potential of Ternopil region is characterized by a high proportion of able-bodied persons, but a low level of employment. The main features of the labour resource potential are the decrease in its quantity due to the natural reduction of population and migration of able-bodied persons, deterioration of the age structure of the population as a result of “ageing”, changes in the structure of employment in economic activity, narrowing professional structure of workers and imbalance in the labour market. This is a sign of exhaustion of the labour resource potential, which may negatively affect the development of certain sectors of the economy in the future. The research analyzes changes that took place in the structure of employment in the economy, starting from the 1940s up to the present; the consequences of stagnation of a significant number of enterprises in industry, construction and other industries (narrowing professional structure of workers in the economy, etc.) are shown there. The main reasons for the discrepancy between the supply and demand of the labour force in the region (unwillingness to work outside one’s specialty, low salary, low level of qualification of employees) are indicated. Particular attention is paid to the migration of people of working age beyond the region, the main reasons that cause it, as well as the possible consequences for further development of the economy of Ternopil region.

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Cуспільно-географічні особливості формування сучасного ринку праці в Тернопільській області

У статті подано докладний аналіз процесів формування працересурсного потенціалу Тернопільської області як праце надлишкового регіону, висвітлено вплив демографічної складової на формування кількісних і якісних характеристик трудового потенціалу. Вивчення закономірностей та факторів формування трудового потенціалу невід’ємно пов’язано із дослідженнями на ринку праці найважливішого елементу ринкової економіки. Наявність трудового потенціалу вносить певний соціальний і економічний сенс в питання розбудови ринку праці, його ефективного функціонування, поліпшення системи зайнятості населення. Оскільки природною основою трудового потенціалу є населення, важливою складовою визначальних для гарантування стабільного й безпечного розвитку держави, а проблеми оптимального демографічного розвитку є надзвичайно актуальними. У статті окреслено актуальні проблеми безробіття населення Тернопільської області, зокрема молоді, досліджено причини його виникнення. Встановлено, працересурсний потенціал Тернопільської області характеризується високою часткою працездатних людей, але невисоким рівнем зайнятості населення. Головними ознаками працересурсного потенціалу є зменшення його кількості через природне скорочення населення і міграцію працездатних людей, погіршення вікової структури населення внаслідок «старіння», зміна структури зайнятості у господарській діяльності, звуження професійної структури працівників, незбалансованість на ринку праці. Це є ознакою виснаження працересурсного потенціалу, що може негативно відбитися в майбутньому на розвитку певних галузей господарства. У дослідженні проаналізовано зміни, які відбулися у структурі зайнятості населення у галузях господарства, починаючи від 40 років ХХ ст. до нашого часу, показано наслідки стагнації значної кількості підприємств промисловості, будівництва та інших галузей (звуження професійної структури працівників господарства та ін.). Вказано основні причини невідповідності між пропозицією та попитом робочої сили в області (небажання працювати не за спеціальністю, низька зарплата, низький рівень кваліфікації працівників). Окрему увагу звернено на міграцію людей у працездатному віці за межі області, основні причини, які її зумовлюють, а також можливі наслідки для подальшого розвитку господарства Тернопільської області.

Текст научной работы на тему «Social and geographical features of the formation of the modern labour market of Ternopil region»

ISSN 2617-2909 (print) ISSN 2617-2119 (online)

Journ.Geol. Geograph.

Geology, 28(3), 618-625. doi: 10.15421/111959

L.B. Zastavetska, N.N. Kotsan, R.I. Kotsan, K. D. Dudarchuk, T. B. Zastavetskyi Journ. Geol. Geograph. Geoecology, 28(3), 618-625.

Social and geographical features of the formation of the modern labour market of Ternopil region

L.B. Zastavetska1, N.N. Kotsan2, R.I. Kotsan2, K. D. Dudarchuk1 ,T. B. Zastavetskyi1

1Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk, Ternopil, Ukraine, zast.lesia@gmail.com 2Eastern European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, Lutsk, Ukraine, intrel-region.dep@eenu.edu.ua

Received: 19.02.2019 Abstract. The article gives a detailed analysis of the processes of formation of the labour

Received in revised form: 06.03.2019 resource potential of Ternopil region as a labour excess region. The influence of the demo-Accepted: 30.07.2019 graphic component on the formation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labour

potential is highlighted there. The study of patterns and factors in the formation of labour potential is inextricably linked with research on the labour market, which is the most important element of the market economy. Availability of labour potential brings a certain social and economic sense to the development of labour market, its effective functioning and improvement of the employment system of the population. Since the natural basis of labour potential is the population, a vital component in guaranteeing the stable and safe development of the state, the problems of optimal demographic development are extremely relevant. The article outlines current problems of unemployment of the population of Ternopil region, in particular young people; the causes of its occurrence are investigated there. It was established that the labour resource potential of Ternopil region is characterized by a high proportion of able-bodied persons, but a low level of employment. The main features of the labour resource potential are the decrease in its quantity due to the natural reduction of population and migration of able-bodied persons, deterioration of the age structure of the population as a result of "ageing", changes in the structure of employment in economic activity, narrowing professional structure of workers and imbalance in the labour market. This is a sign of exhaustion of the labour resource potential, which may negatively affect the development of certain sectors of the economy in the future. The research analyzes changes that took place in the structure of employment in the economy, starting from the 1940s up to the present; the consequences of stagnation of a significant number of enterprises in industry, construction and other industries (narrowing professional structure of workers in the economy, etc.) are shown there. The main reasons for the discrepancy between the supply and demand of the labour force in the region (unwillingness to work outside one's specialty, low salary, low level of qualification of employees) are indicated. Particular attention is paid to the migration of people of working age beyond the region, the main reasons that cause it, as well as the possible consequences for further development of the economy of Ternopil region.

Key words: population, labour resource potential, labour market, labour resources, economically active population, unemployment, employment of the population

Суспшьно-географ1чш особливост1 формування сучасного ринку пращ в Тернопшьськш област1

Л. Б. Заставецька1, Н. Н. Коцан2, Р. I. Коцан2, Т. Б. Заставецький1, К. Д. Дударчук1

1Теернопшьський нацюнальний педагогiчний утверситет iMem Володимира Гнатюка, Тернопшь, Украша, zast.lesia@gmail.com

2CxidHoeeponeucbKuu нацюнальний утверситет iMeHi Леа Украшки, Луцьк, Украша, intrel-region.dep@eenu.edu.ua

Анотащя. У статп подано докладний анатз процесгв формування працересурсного потенщалу Тернопшьсько! област як праце надлишкового репону, висвгглено вплив демогрaфiчноI складово! на формування кшьюсних i яюсних характеристик трудового потенщалу. Вивчення закожмрностей та факторов формування трудового потенщалу невщ'емно пов'язано i3 до-слщженнями на ринку пращ - найважлившого елементу ринково! економши. Наявшсть трудового потенщалу вносить певний сощальний i еконмчний сенс в питання розбудови ринку пращ, його ефективного функщонування, полшшення системи зайнятосп населення. Оскшьки природною основою трудового потенщалу е населення, важливою складовою визначальних для гарантування стабшьного й безпечного розвитку держави, а проблеми оптимального демогрaфiчного розвитку е над-звичайно актуальними. У стати окреслено актуальш проблеми безробггтя населення Тернопшьсько! обласи, зокрема моло-

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Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology

Journal home page: geology-dnu-dp.ua

да, дослiджено причини його виникнення. Встановлено, працересурсний потенцiал Тернопшьсько! областi характеризуешься високою часткою працездатних людей, але невисоким р1внем зайнятостi населення. Головними ознаками працересурсного потенцiалу е зменшення його кшькосп через природне скорочення населення i мiграцiю працездатних людей, попршення вжово! структури населення внаслiдок «старшня», змша структури зайнятостi у господарськш дiяльностi, звуження профе-сшно! структури пращвникш, незбалансованiсть на ринку пращ. Це е ознакою виснаження працересурсного потенщалу, що може негативно ввдбитися в майбутньому на розвитку певних галузей господарства. У дослiдженнi проанатзовано змiни, якi вiдбулися у структурi зайнятостi населення у галузях господарства, починаючи вiд 40 рокв ХХ ст. до нашого часу, показано на^дки стагнаци значно! кiлькостi тдприемств промисловостi, буд1вництва та iнших галузей (звуження професшно! структури пращвниюв господарства та iн.). Вказано основш причини невiдповiдностi мiж пропозицiею та попитом робочо! сили в област (небажання працювати не за спещальшстю, низька зарплата, низький р1вень кватфшаци пращвниюв). Окрему увагу звернено на млрацта людей у працездатному вщ за межi областi, основнi причини, яю 11 зумовлюють, а також можливi на-слiдки для подальшого розвитку господарства Тернопшьсько! областi.

Ключовi слова: населення, працересурсний потенщал, ринокпращ, трудовi ресурси, економiчно активне населення, безробття, зайнятiсть населення

Introduction. The change in economic relations in Ukraine, transition of society to the market economy has forced workers to adapt to a new system of labour relations, and to the transformation of the labour market. An important feature of the labour market in Ternopil region, a territory which is marked by agrarian - industrial development, is the increase in the disproportion between the supply and demand for labour (increase in the reserve of the able-bodied population and reduction in the need for workers in the economy). This is the consequence of crisis in the economy, the lack of real reforms in most industries. The stagnation of production, the decay of all its branches has led to the emergence of unemployment and changes in employment, changes in the quality of labour and resource potential. The greatest changes have occurred in the level and structure of employment of workers. If under the planned socialist economy the emphasis was placed on full employment of the able-bodied population, currently under conditions of crisis the employment level is low, and there is real and hidden unemployment. So, in 2018, the employment rate was 51.0% of the population aged 15-70. Due to the closure and re-profiling of enterprises, optimization of enterprises in the sphere of services is constantly increasing the number of unemployed persons. Materials and methods of research. Study of characteristics of the labour market today is one of the key tasks of modern geographic and economic science. Social geography today has significantly developed, is based on theoretical aspects, conceptual terminology apparatus and methodological developments, and can conduct a territorial-time analysis of labour and resource potential for assessing the real situation and forecasting the development of the economy and the social sphere.

Theoretical and methodological aspects of studying labour resource potential and the labour market are formed in the works of the following

social geographers and economists: M. Baranovskyi, V. Brych, A. Holikov, M. Dnistrianskyi, K. Mezentsev, Ya. Oliinyk, A. Stepanenko, O. Topchiiev, O. Shablii and others.

The study of labour resource potential geography of the population at regional and state levels is reflected in the scientific work of: S. Bandura, D. Bohynia, I. Hudzeliak, S. Zlupko, E. Libanova, A. Dotsenko, M. Fashchevskyi, O. Khomra, and others.

In carrying out the research on demographic characteristics of the labour market of the region, the general scientific methods of research were used: analysis and synthesis, comparison, deduction; and specific-scientific: comparative-geographical, classification and typology, etc. Results and their analysis. Labour resource potential includes a combination of social and economic relations that create the basis for the formation of a new productive, targeted force that arises from the application of certain conditions by society (Shablii, O.I., 2001). Labour resource potential is based on labour resources, which are determined not only by quantitative indicators but also by qualitative ones (age, level of education, qualification, etc.). Therefore, the same number of people of working age can produce different quantities of products that will differ in quality. This, in turn, affects the socioeconomic development of the region.

The territorial structure of the economy, the development of the main and auxiliary sectors directly depends on the quantity and quality of labour resources, the peculiarities of the formation of the labour resource potential (Baranovskyi, 2009). In regions with a high population density, it is expedient to develop labour-intensive sectors of the economy, whose products can satisfy both intra-regional demand and the national economy.

The basis of the formation of labour resources potential is the total potential workforce in the population, that is, the able-bodied population. Under

current conditions, the total potential workforce of the region is constantly declining.This is occurring through natural population decline and due to the negative migration surplus. The signs of depopulation began to emerge in the mid-1970s, but were especially pronounced at the end of the twentieth - early twenty-first century. (Fig. 1). So, if up to 1993 the population of the region was still increasing (1,180.3 thousand people in 1993), then by the end of the century it had decreased to 1,152 thousand people, and as of January 1, 2018, it was 1,046. 2 thousand people. This is a consequence of a decline in fertility rates and an increase in mortality rates.

A significant proportion of the total potential workforce is taken up by the unemployed. The unemployed are considered to be able-bodied citizens

in our country who are in search of a job, do not have sources of income as envisaged by the legislation of the country and are registered with the state employment service. The number of unemployed in 2005 was 42.3 thsd. persons, in 2018 - 53.1 thsd. persons. Accordingly, the level of unemployment was the highest at the end of the twentieth century, when the stagnation of industrial production came, and then, taking into account the "hidden" unemployment (part-time employment), this level reached 30% of the working-age population, in 2018 it was 11.9% (Table 1). This level would be significantly higher if the rural population was taken into account, people who have a yard/ kitchen garden , but do not have any steady income from working there (except for providing for own consumption), but this population does not fall into the category of unemployed.

In the last three years, from 2016 to 2018, the number of unemployed in the region has declined somewhat. At the end of 2018, it was 1.3 thousand fewer than in 2015. The highest unemployment rate

in the period 2000-2018 was observed in 2001 and amounted to 78.7 thsd. persons (Fig. 2) of the number of the able-bodied population in the region.

It should be noted that in Ternopil region there is a significant quantitative imbalance between demand for labour and its supply. In particular, the load of registered unemployed per one vacancy in region as a whole increased by 4 persons, and by the end of December 2016 it was 9 persons, and in 2018 - 13 persons. The indicator varied from 2 persons in the city of Ternopil to 232 persons in Shumsk district, 210 in Monastyrysk district, 104 in Husiatyn district (Der-zhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy, 2018).

As of December 31, 2018, 10,782 unemployed persons were registered at the Employment Centres, among them the share of women was 46.7%, young

people under 35 years old - 36.9%, workers - 41.9%, people in government/local government service -40.9%, persons who have additional guarantees for obtaining employment - 39.6%. An interesting and at the same time alarming fact is that among the unemployed persons, the largest category of people is those with higher education - 44% of their total, while in Ternopil Employment Centre - 80.9%.

The ongoing problem of the modern labour market is youth unemployment. Analysis of the labour market conjuncture shows, unfortunately, the social insecurity of young people, which is characterized by significant volumes, levels and duration of unemployment. In Ukraine, at present, there are not suitable conditions to attract young people to work and thus become involved in the field of economic employment. This reduces the level of social protection and generates a marginalization of a proportion of young people, resulting in incomplete use of its labour and creative potential (Libanova, 2007).

Under current conditions, the number of persons

Fig. 1. The population of the Ternopil region from 1939 to 2018, thsd. people

Fig. 2. Dynamics of the unemployed population of Temopil region age from 15-70 years in 2000-2018, thsd. persons (according to the ILO methodology)

employed in the region slightly increased (in 2000 -305.6 thsd. persons, in 2018 - 396.0 thsd. persons), which indicates the transformation processes in the economy, development of new types of economic activity, some modernization of production. Mostly these are people of working age. The non-active workforce (more than 315.6 thsd. persons), which can be added to economic activity in the future, is also a certain reserve for labour resource potential.

The employment of the young population (aged 15-35) is low in the region, it amounts to 29.8% of the number of full-time employees, many young people cannot find a job after graduation (more than 12%). However, in some sectors (information and telecommunications, financial and insurance activities, trade and repair of motor vehicles, etc.), the proportion of young people is rather high (more than 30%).

There have been significant changes in the structure of employment in the economy (Table 2).

Thus, if in the pre-crisis period most workers were employed in production, then at the end of

the XX century - at the beginning of the XXI century - they were employed in the service sector. Thus, in 1990, 165.1 thsd. persons worked in the manufacturing sector, and 148.4 thsd. persons in the service sector (in 1995, respectively 131.2 thsd. persons and 145.9 thsd. persons, and already in 2014 - 182.2 thsd. persons and 231.9 thsd. persons). With the general reduction of workers in both spheres, by 2000, the rate of decline was significantly higher in

the branches of production, which led to a significant reduction in its share in the economy of the region (in 1980 - 52.5%, in 1995 - 48. 6%, in 2018 - 43.8%). The largest reductions were observed in industry and transport (Table 2), somewhat lower in the sphere of services, and in some of its branches there was even an increase in workers (trade and catering, financial activity, public administration and agriculture and forestry).

As a result of different rates of change in the number of employees in the sectors of the economy, their share in the structure also changed.

This was also facilitated by a certain increase in

Table 1. Population by economic activity (at the age of 15-70 years, thsd. persons) *

2000 2005 2010 2014 2018

Economically active population 475.1 467.4 482.1 469.1 453.0

Employed 409.4 425.1 431.3 416.0 399.1

Unemployed 65.7 43.2 50.8 53.1 53.9

Economically inactive population 342.1 340.3 313.0 318.0 315.6

* According to the data of the Main Department of Statistics in Temopil Region

Table 2. Employment in Ternopil region by types of economic activity, thsd. persons *


1940 1960 1970 1980 1992 1995 2000 2005 2010 2018

Total 78.7 138.5 132.6 313.5 327.5 284.5 305.6 425.1 422.1 396.0

Industry 73.1 29.6 65.6 92.4 87.8 73.0 59.9 50.8 46.1 38.8

Agriculture, hunting, forestry, fish farming 10.7 12.3 15.6 27.0 30.3 19.3 102.5 107.2 111.2 130.0

Construction 3.0 13.9 22.9 26.4 23.0 17.3 11.3 15.3 17.1 30.0

Transport 9.9 16.0 25.0 29.3 31.9 19.6 17.4 18.9 19.1 19.0

Communication 2.1 2.2 4.8 5.9 6.1 6.0 2.4 1.5 3.6 3.6

Trade, catering, material and technical supply and sales 13.4 16.0 28.1 34.2 32.8 23.9 21.2 62.2 84.9 77.0

Real estate operations 1.2 3.5 5.9 11.4 16.2 12.9 6.6 9.1 15.2 3.3

Health care and social assistance 3.2 13.5 19.3 25.4 34.8 33.6 31.7 30.3 30.1 30.2

Education 10.6 21.0 30.6 40.4 50.8 53.7 39.8 47.1 46.5 46.3

Governance 9.5 5.7 8.2 10.0 9.0 11.6 11.9 21.0 24.5 23.0

Financial activities 1.2 1.2 1.7 2.6 3.3 3.7 2.6 3.6 4.8 3.5

Science and scientific service 0.1 1.0 0.4 1.9 1.9 1.5 5.4 5.8 6.2 6.0

Other types of economic activity 9.3 2.6 4.5 9.6 7.4 8.4 10.1 12.3 12.8 15.3

* Calculated according to the data of the Main Administration of Statistics in Ternopil Region

the number of workers in the region's economy, mainly due to transformations in agriculture, construction, education, trade and financial activities. The increase is not entirely justified (in comparison with 1990, by 2 times) in public administration, indicating the absence of reforms in the administrative and managerial

sphere, a situation which may be changed as a result of decentralization in the field of governance of the country (Brych, 2003).

Another feature of labour and resource potential is the narrowing of the professional structure of workers of the economy, which occurred as a result of

Table 3. Demand and supply of workforce in districts of Ternopil region, persons *

Number of registered Number of workers Load on one vacant

Districts unemployed required by employers workplace

2005 2010 2018 2005 2010 2018 2005 2010 2018

In region 43,832 15,260 15,742 1,835 1,053 1,251 24 14 14

Berezhany 1,536 768 850 64 17 33 24 45 28

Borshchiv 3,918 976 1,050 33 34 20 119 29 53

Buchach 3,628 1,055 728 45 14 24 78 75 32

Husiatyn 3,768 1,545 1,378 88 47 21 43 33 64

Zalishchyky 1,857 365 458 26 15 16 71 24 28

Zbarazh 3,519 1,106 1,029 83 40 50 42 28 48

Zboriv 2,962 764 813 75 27 25 39 28 20

Kozova 2,322 742 716 20 14 15 116 53 23

Kremenets 3,992 1,445 1,439 57 70 54 70 20 25

Lanivtsi 1,757 493 534 23 32 22 76 15 18

Monastyryska 1,318 339 323 54 25 22 24 14 28

Pidvolochysk 1,184 500 607 87 31 14 14 16 23

Pidhaitsi 892 338 299 57 45 33 16 8 16

Terebovlia 2,023 555 819 36 44 47 56 13 8

Ternopil 5,507 2,920 3,177 999 539 811 28 8 8

Chortkiv 1,729 510 799 57 20 24 30 26 36

Shumsk 2,020 839 723 31 36 20 65 23 28

*According to the data of the Main Administration of Statistics in Ternopil Region

1995 year

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2018 year

1% 6% 1%


Fig. 3. Structure of employment of workers in Temopil regi economic activity, in % (Source: Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy)


I i ridustrv

l agri culture, forestry and fisheries i transport and communications i construction i trade, catering l health care, social security education, science, culture, art 1 governance

real estate operations, household services i other industries

stagnation of many enterprises of industry, construction and other branches (Fedunchyk, 2016). The low capacity of employers in the region, as well as the low labour cost, make migrant workers more or less concentrated in other regions of the country or abroad. Predominantly, these people do not work at their professional level, gradually losing their skills. This contributes to the exhaustion of labour resources, both in terms of physical and qualitative characteristics.

Due to the crisis in the economy and lack of real reforms, the region has a low degree of flexibility in supply and demand in the labour market. With a total load of 15 persons per 1 vacant workplace (in Ukraine 11 persons) there is a discrepancy between the demand for workers of different qualifications and professional level and their availability in the region. Among the sectors that show the greatest burden on one job, are agriculture (28 people), as well as forestry and fisheries (27-28 people), although this indicator has decreased by 6.6 times in the last 10 years (Table 4). The highest load is in Husiatyn, Chortkiv, Shumsk, Monastyrysk, Berezhany districts.

Disproportion in the labour market of the region was the highest at the end of the twentieth century, now it was partially offset by a number of reforms in the services sector and the increasing number of workers who migrate abroad for higher earnings . Official-

ly, the difference between the availability and demand for workers for the filling of vacancies in the region was in 2018 (1.4 thsd. persons), the largest one being observed in the city of Ternopil and in Terebovlia district. The most demanded professions in the region are labour professions (almost 500 persons), workers in the services and trade, and the least demanded -workers in agriculture, forestry and fishery. The discrepancy between the availability of labour force and its employment is determined by another factor - the reluctance to work outside one's specialty and for low salary. There are interruptions in the reproduction of the vocational qualification structure of workers necessary for the restructuring of the economy.

Having studied the structure of demand and supply of labour resources and employment of the region's population in various sectors of the economy, we note that the total unemployment in recent decades in the oblast has tended to decline (by 2.8 times in 2018, compared with 2005). Analysis of the demand and supply of workforce among professional groups over the past thirteen years indicates a general tendency to reduction in the number of unemployed in the region (by 2.8 times in 2018, as compared to 2005), the demand for workers in the labour professions is especially increasing. During the period of 20052018, the number of unemployed in this category has

decreased by almost 3 times (in agriculture and fishery - by 9 times), and demand for them has doubled. Conclusion. Ternopil region was and still remains a manpower-surplus region. Its labour and resource potential is characterized by a high proportion of able-bodied persons, but a low level of employment. The main features of labour resource potential

are the decrease in its quantity due to the natural reduction of the population and the migration of able-bodied persons, deterioration of the age structure of population as a result of "ageing", changes in the structure of employment in economic activity, narrowing of the professional structure of workers and imbalance in the labour market. This is the sign of exhaustion of labour and resource potential, which

may negatively affect the development of certain sectors of the economy in the future. In the modern period, there have been positive changes in the use of labour and resource potential - increased employment in certain sectors of production, the spread of new professions, etc. This is evidence of certain positive changes in the field of economic activity, which are

gradually (albeit very slowly) manifested in recent years. Availability of reserves of workforce in the labour market is the basis for further expansion of production and development of new industries. These reserves can also be used on the interregional labour market subject to its regulation. There is a fear that labour migration processes will be strengthened, that the region's labour and resource potential will be

Table 4. The structure of demand and supply of labour in Ternopil region for employment, persons *

Number of registered unemployed Demand of employers for workers to fill job workplace (vacancies) Load on one free workplace (vacancy)

2005 2010 2018 2005 2010 2018 2005 2010 2018

Total 43,832 15,260 15,742 1,835 1,053 1251 24 14 13

Legislators, senior civil servants, heads, managers 2,067 1,245 1,376 99 77 89 21 16 15

Professionals 2,141 1,417 1,860 355 228 199 6 6 9

Specialists 3,183 1,476 1,718 135 84 131 24 18 13

Technical staff 1,710 777 902 39 33 40 44 24 23

Workers in the field of trade and services 3,782 1,593 2,133 129 109 213 29 15 10

Skilled workers in agriculture and forestry, fish breeding and fishing 1,809 189 193 10 6 7 181 32 28

Skilled workers with tools 4,877 2,528 2,134 446 162 276 11 16 8

Workers on maintenance, operation and control over the work of technological equipment, assembly of equipment and machinery 8,429 3,276 2,917 412 108 201 20 30 15

Unskilled occupations 15,834 2,759 2,509 210 246 95 75 11 26

* According to the data of the Main Administration of Statistics in Ternopil region

used abroad under the conditions of establishment of a visa-free regime with EU countries. Only real social and economic reforms are a key to optimizing the use of labour resource potential in the region, regulation of supply and demand in the labour market.


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