Научная статья на тему 'Social and economic policy of Krasnoyarsk Territory as a region of innovative development'

Social and economic policy of Krasnoyarsk Territory as a region of innovative development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sochneva E.N., Voronin E.A., Zyablikov D.V.

The paper presents the relevance of regional planning. It proves that the innovative way of regional economy development is the most effective at the present stage. Each region follows its own way of innovative development and each one has its own peculiar characteristics. Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the regions of innovative development, which is proved by various researchers and independent research agencies classifying the regions of Russia on different grounds. Thus, the region with the focus on innovative economic development requires a special social and economic policy, consisting of two aspects social and economic. Social policy should reproduce human capital as the main factor in the social and economic development of the region. Human capital, in turn, is formed from three interconnected components: reproduction of human resources (demographic policy), their formation and focus vector (employment policy on the labor market) and development of human resources or transformation of human capital into human potential (education policy). For each of the three specified directions, particular recommendations are given within the framework of innovative development. It is necessary, for instance, to introduce a number of benefits that enable mothers to combine their work (study) and their main female function to stimulate the demographic policy. Within the framework of the employment policy, it is proposed to strengthen vocational guidance work to help young people’s choice in the labor market. The education system should be made more accessible to all segments of population in order to increase its efficiency and quality. As for creating economic basis for innovative development, various forms of business associations and consolidations, such as strategic scientific alliances, investment public-private partnerships and technology platforms are proposed. Technological platforms can become an effective form of business for Krasnoyarsk Territory, since they will make it possible to use the scientific potential of large universities in the region. The place of small businesses and self-employment in the regional economy of innovative type is defined as an auxiliary infrastructure of large industrial associations in the region.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Social and economic policy of Krasnoyarsk Territory as a region of innovative development»

UDC 332.1

Siberian Journal of Science and Technology. 2017, Vol. 18, No. 3, P. 680-689


E. N. Sochneva1*, E. A. Voronin2, D. V. Zyablikov1

1 Siberian Federal University 79, Svobodny Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation 2 Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation *E-mail: Sochneva.e@inbox.ru

The paper presents the relevance of regional planning. It proves that the innovative way of regional economy development is the most effective at the present stage. Each region follows its own way of innovative development and each one has its own peculiar characteristics. Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the regions of innovative development, which is proved by various researchers and independent research agencies classifying the regions of Russia on different grounds. Thus, the region with the focus on innovative economic development requires a special social and economic policy, consisting of two aspects - social and economic. Social policy should reproduce human capital as the main factor in the social and economic development of the region. Human capital, in turn, is formed from three interconnected components: reproduction of human resources (demographic policy), their formation and focus vector (employment policy on the labor market) and development of human resources or transformation of human capital into human potential (education policy). For each of the three specified directions, particular recommendations are given within the framework of innovative development. It is necessary, for instance, to introduce a number of benefits that enable mothers to combine their work (study) and their main female function to stimulate the demographic policy. Within the framework of the employment policy, it is proposed to strengthen vocational guidance work to help young people's choice in the labor market. The education system should be made more accessible to all segments of population in order to increase its efficiency and quality. As for creating economic basis for innovative development, various forms of business associations and consolidations, such as strategic scientific alliances, investment public-private partnerships and technology platforms are proposed. Technological platforms can become an effective form of business for Krasnoyarsk Territory, since they will make it possible to use the scientific potential of large universities in the region. The place of small businesses and self-employment in the regional economy of innovative type is defined as an auxiliary infrastructure of large industrial associations in the region.

Keywords: Social and economic policy, region, innovative development, social policy, economic basis, human capital.

Сибирский журнал науки и технологий. 2017. Т. 18, № 3. С. 680-689


Е. Н. Сочнева1 , Е. А. Воронин2, Д. В. Зябликов1

1 Сибирский федеральный университет Российская Федерация, 660041, г. Красноярск, просп. Свободный, 79.

2Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31

*Е-mail: Sochneva.e@inbox.ru

Показана актуальность регионального планирования, доказано, что на современном этапе развития экономики инновационный путь развития региональной экономики является наиболее эффективным. Каждый регион проходит путь инновационного развития по-своему, и у каждого есть свои присущие ему особенности. Красноярский край - это один из регионов инновационного развития, что доказывается различными исследователями, классифицирующими регионы России по разным признакам, и независимыми исследовательскими агентствами. Таким образом, край с инновационной направленностью развития экономики требует особенной социально-экономической политики. Она состоит из двух аспектов - социального и экономического. Социальная политика должна воспроизводить человеческий капитал как основной фактор социально-экономического развития региона. Человеческий капитал, в свою очередь, формируется из трех взаимосвязанных компонентов: воспроизводство человеческих ресурсов (демографическая политика), их формирование и придание им вектора направленности (политика занятости на рынке труда) и непосредственно развитие человеческих ресурсов или

превращение человеческого капитала в человеческий потенциал (политика в области образования). По каждому из трех указанных направлений даются конкретные рекомендации в рамках инновационного развития экономики. Так, для стимулирования демографической политики необходимо введение ряда пособий, дающее возможность матерям совмещать работу (учебу) и свою основную женскую функцию. В рамках политики занятости предлагается усиление профориентационной работы для помощи молодежи при самоопределении на рынке труда. Для повышения эффективности системы образования его необходимо делать более доступным для всех слоев населения наряду с ростом качества последнего. В рамках создания экономического базиса для инновационного развития предлагается развивать различные формы объединений и укрупнений бизнеса. Например, стратегические научные альянсы, инвестиционное государственно-частное партнерство и технологические платформы. Для Красноярского края именно технологические платформы могут выступить эффективной формой бизнеса, так как позволят использовать научный потенциал крупных вузов, присутствующих в регионе. Место малого бизнеса и самозанятости в региональной экономике инновационного типа определяется как вспомогательная инфраструктура крупных промышленных объединений в регионе.

Ключевые слова: социально-экономическая политика, регион, инновационное развитие, социальная политика, экономический базис, человеческий капитал.

Introduction. Formation of an effective social and economic policy for the development of regions based on the strategic prospects of the national economic system is one of the most important tasks of public management of territorial development.

The role of social and economic policy of the regions in Russia is growing. The last few years have shown that there is a redistribution of roles between the federal and regional levels in all spheres of social expenditure: the role of the latter in the implementation of the public social policy is steadily growing. According to N. V. Zubare-vich, E. A. Gorina regional budgets support was reduced in comparison with 2009. The share of transfers in total revenues of regional budgets has been either stable or declining since 2012 which reflects political priorities of the federal budget expenditures [1]. The idea of regional sovereignty strengthening was also announced at the Gaidar Forum in 2017 during the expert discussion on the New Regional Policy [2].

In the process of decentralization and market liberalization, the growth of diverse ways for the development of samples the regions bear a multiply increased load acting as independent subjects of economic relations, competing for budgetary resources and private investments, responsible for the level and quality of life of population of their region, while implementing intraregional social and economic policy.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 13 of 16.01.2017 "On the Approval of the Fundamentals of the State Policy of Regional Development of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2025" defines the state policy of regional development as a system of priorities, goals, tasks, measures and actions of the federal public authorities on political, social and economic development of the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

The objective of this paper is to show features of the social and economic policy of the innovative development region on the example of Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The general vector of regional development. In today's difficult conditions of import substitution, modernization of the economy and transition to an innovative model of regional development has become the only true solution. Firstly, innovations enhance the effectiveness of the current economic system and maintain its stability

in time of a crisis; secondly, any innovation process requires the region to use state-of-the-art achievements in science and technology, as well as to take into account regional infrastructure and policies.

Innovative development of regions is important not only for the subjects of the Russian Federation, but also for the economic and social situation in the country as a whole. Innovation will allow to improve the country from within, creating favorable social and economic conditions for its residents. At the same time, the analysis of the innovative activity in the regions will help to identify problems that might be common throughout Russia. Thus, focusing on innovative development of the regions is the most favorable path for the country development [3; 4].

All the foregoing cause interest in issues of regional social and economic development, taking into account the innovation factor. Many regions have already been using this model. However, each of them implements the innovation development model differently. Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of such regions.

The modern model of a region's innovative development in the world's leading countries is based on the G. Itskovits's approach, which is, in turn, based on close interaction between government, business and universities. The most important conditions for its effective functioning are as follows:

- favorable business climate, both in the country and in the region;

- use of the entrepreneurial model at universities, which assumes the implementation of the basic functions, such as educational, research and entrepreneurial ones;

- availability of both private investor networks and mechanisms for attracting investment in innovative projects; developed infrastructure (technology parks, business incubators, etc.);

- active participation of government, businesses and universities in the innovation process.

Krasnoyarsk Territory as a region of innovative development. According to the classifications of the regions of Russia published by modern researchers, Krasnoyarsk Territory is marked as a rapidly developing region focused on innovation.

For example, classification of regions suggested by S. Zemtsov and V. Barinova is of interest. They offer

a typology of regions and cities to pursue innovation policy [5]. For this purpose they use groups of variables:

- human potential, education and agglomeration effects (measured in terms of the share of employed citizens having higher education, share of students in the population);

- potential for generating new knowledge and technologies (share of the employed in R & D, number of potentially commercialized patents);

- potential for introducing technologies (ratio of used patents to issued patents, share of manufacturing in GRP);

- potential for diffusion of innovations, consumption of information and communication technologies (share of employed in agriculture, level of Internet availability).

In accordance with the above criteria, the following groups of regions are identified: global centres, multifunctional innovation centres, specialized creative regions, acceptive and creative, research and production regions (which include Krasnoyarsk Territory), strongly acceptive middle regions, and weakly acceptive semi-peripheral regions.

It should be noted that the average growth potential has been noted in the group of acceptive and creative regions, but there is a sufficiently high scientific and production potential. In the regions there are strong technical universities and large enterprises, active introduction of new technologies and methods in the manufacturing sectors has been carried out. All this causes the presence of innovative potential for the development of regional economy.

According to Association of Innovative Regions of Russia rating, Krasnoyarsk Territory was among the regions that improved their positions - 11th place in 2011 in comparison with 18th place in 2014. In the sub-rating "Research and Development" Krasnoyarsk Territory took 17th place (in comparison with 22nd position in 2014), in the sub-rating "Innovation activity" it takes 11th position (having advanced from 14th position since 2014) [6].

The presented facts prove that Krasnoyarsk Territory can join the regions of innovative development. In fact, the priority areas for Krasnoyarsk Territory development are creation of innovative infrastructure and support for innovation. To promote these areas in the region an effective system of managing the innovative regional development has been created and an innovation support infrastructure is being formed. Although the innovative development of Krasnoyarsk Territory is at average level for Russia in general, it is, however, quite low compared to the level of developed countries.

At the same time, transformations triggering innovative processes in Krasnoyarsk Territory are allowed by the accumulated social, scientific, educational and innovative potential, resources of the regional management system, and prospects for implementing priority investment projects on the territory of the region, development of interregional and international partnerships [7].

According to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation, which are subsidized from the federal budget for integrated investment projects of development of innovative territorial clusters, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 316 of 15.04.2014 "On the Approval of the State Program of the

Russian Federation" Economic Development and Innovation Economy", Krasnoyarsk Territory is implementing a comprehensive investment project for the development of an innovative technologies cluster of ZATO in Zheleznogorsk.

The innovative technologies cluster has been implemented in accordance with the program of its development approved by the Act of the Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory dated September 20, 2013 N 665-r, and represents the list of activities for implementation of investments in projects to establish new enterprises (organizations) or upgrade the existing ones that have various organizational and legal forms and are registered in Krasnoyarsk Territory and connected cooperatively with the cluster enterprises.

The financial infrastructure for supporting innovations has been implemented by the regional state autonomous institution Krasnoyarsk Regional Foundation for Science and Scientific and Technical Activities Support established for the mentioned purposes. The program is being implemented to provide soft loans to innovative companies on the basis of the open joint-stock company Krasnoyarsk Regional Agency for SME Support. In addition, a number of objects of innovative infrastructure are being formed, united in a single logical chain: the regional state autonomous institution Krasnoyarsk Regional Innovative and Technological Business Incubator has been established, and the industrial park is being constructed in the closed administrative and territorial entity of Zheleznogorsk.

Regional innovation policy should have a stable economic basis. According to Krasstat, the situation in the industries of Krasnoyarsk Territory was characterized as positive from January to December 2016.

From January to December 2016 the industrial production index amounted to 98.5 % with an average of 101.1 % for Russia. The existing industrial production index is due to changes in the main industrial activities:

- mining - 101.7 % (Russia - 102.5 %); processing industries - 95.3 % (Russia - 100.1 %);

- energy - 101.1 % (Russia - 101.5 %). The output of goods shipped (works, services) as industrial production in current prices decreased to 1,439.8 billion rubles in the reporting period, it amounts to 1.2 % compared to the period from January to December 2015 (1,456.6 billion rubles). The price index of industrial goods producers from January to December 2016 was 102.3 % compared to the period from January to December 2015, including 105.3 % for the domestic market, and 95.6 % for exports [8].

The leading industries of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, fuel and energy complex, machine building and metal working, mining, timber, woodworking, pulp and paper, chemical, light and food industries. Over the past year, the overall industrial production index of the region showed a positive upward trend, currently it has reached 125 % to the level of 2014 (fig. 1).

The data in the table shows that the processing industries of the region significantly exceed the extractive industries by gross volume.

The concept of social and economic policy consists of two equivalent terms social and economic, which, of course, are interconnected.

Fig. 1. The industrial production index (percentage of 2014) [8]

Рис. 1. Индекс промышленного производства (в процентах к 2014 году) [8]

The output of locally produced and shipped goods, performed works and services by economic activities (millions of rubles) [18]

Industry sectors 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Mining 248580 296844 318766 369692 365273

Processing industries 629581 644297 777413 896235 909626

Electricity, gas and water production and distribution 105701 119348 134338 158168 164936

Economic policy is set around consolidation of business and creation of new business models, as well as the use of the human capital of the region. It should be noted that formation and growth of human capital is the function of social policy in the region.

Social policy of the innovative development region. Let us consider implementation of the region's social policy of innovative development, the purpose of which is to build human capacity.

The main goal of the social and economic development of Krasnoyarsk Territory is an innovative breakthrough and modernization that are impossible without the growth of human capital to the level of human capacity, for which the scheme for building human potential have been proposed here (fig. 2) [9].

This scheme presents three components that are responsible for human capital growth. It should be noted that for an innovative breakthrough, it is necessary to use all possible human capital or human capacity. The difference in these two terms is the following: human capital is the sum of knowledge, skills and habits of all able-bodied citizens in the economy, and human capacity is the maximum possible set of the same parameters, which gives the maximum economic effect (in our case it is potential GRP, i. e. the gross regional product). By the way, we shall note that the correct assessment of human capacity through the three specified areas of social policy is conditioned by the fact that the well-known human development index is based on three of these components: literacy (education) assessment, average remaining lifetime (the analogue of demographic policy), average gross product size. Full and effective employment of population is one of the factors for achieving this goal, when all the economically active population works, excluding the natural jobless level, and at the same time the human

resource is used effectively. Effectively means that each worker brings the greatest possible result. This is achieved through a well-structured vocational guidance work that helps a person find a profession appropriate to their personal characteristics, as well as all employees should receive the education that is necessary for effective work, and all of them are involved in the economy at full extent.

The task of reproduction and preservation of population is realized through the demographic policy to reduce mortality and increase the birth rate, which is achieved by improving the quality of medical care, material incentives for births, provision of preschool institutions, etc.

At the regional level, it is advisable to introduce additional benefits aimed at protecting maternity. The experience of using such benefits is available in developed countries and in some regions of Russia [10].

For example, for the purposes of innovative development of the economy, it would be important to have a nanny's allowance for working parents whose children are under three years old. Many mothers want to continue their careers and education even after the birth of a child, such benefits will greatly help a single mother. In addition, it will give young women an opportunity to have children, for example, students or those who do not yet have work experience. Such a manual will help increase the human capital of women, who will work for the innovative development of the region's economy.

The policy of employment in conditions of innovative development should be focused not only on the development and implementation of programs to combat unemployment, which is a fight against the investigation, but, more importantly, to create institutional foundations for maximizing involvement and use of human resources for the economy.

Fig. 2. Formation and growth of human capital through the social policy of the region Рис. 2. Создание и наращивание человеческого капитала посредством социальной политики региона

In an innovative economy, skilled labor is the main factor of production. According to the Toffler's concept, the world today is on the threshold of critical social changes, technical and cultural innovations [11]. Technological shifts have a dramatic impact on all aspects of social life. The content of labor changes and its productivity increases. The microelectronic revolution and information technologies increase the power of human intellect. In essence, a new civilized way was born, in which the spheres of labor, management and leisure will be fundamentally different.

The main characteristics of the modern employment model include the following:

- displacement of agricultural employment;

- constant reduction of traditional industrial employment;

- development of the service sector and its growing diversification as a source of jobs;

- rapid growth of managerial, professional and technical workplaces;

- relative stability of a significant share of employment in retail trade;

- modernization of professional structure in time;

- increase in the share of knowledge in employers' requirements, which demand a higher qualification and a higher level of education.

There are standard generally accepted measures aimed at combating unemployment and increasing employment. On the Krasnoyarsk Territory, such activities include: promising vocational training for workers who are at risk of being fired; organization of public works, temporary employment of workers who are under dismissal, as well as recognized unemployed citizens and citizens seeking work; internships for graduates in Education gaining work experience; employment of challenged people; promoting self-employment of unemployed citizens and encouraging creation of additional jobs for the employment of unemployed citizens by young businesses; providing targeted support to citizens who applied for employment services, including those to replace jobs created, federal targeted programs and investment projects, etc. [12].

However, all the events presented have some effect in the current period of time, but they do not affect the

indicators and dynamics of the labor market in the long term. They are not connected with the goals and tasks facing the modern economy of innovation, which can lead to a shortage of qualified labor resource for the innovative economy.

One of the significant reasons for the ineffectiveness of measures to combat unemployment is that it is necessary to fight not with the consequence, that is unemployment, but with its causes [13].

Measures on the labor market should be aimed at increasing the individual's capacity for self-determination, increasing responsibility for his future [14].

The need for psychological and information training of younger generation entering the labor market is caused by the established model of social policy in Russia. Socially protected and socially insured (with the participation of trade unions) will be only an individual demanded on the labor market, while the labor market demands knowledge and skills. In addition, the problem of awareness raising is updated due to introduction of professional standards and qualification evaluation centers on the market that will significantly change the paradigm of labor market functioning in the country.

The importance of vocational guidance and awareness raising is already clear to many regional authorities in Russia. For example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2013, a "Strategy for the Development of Vocational Guidance of the Population in the Krasnoyarsk Territory until 2020" was developed [15]. In this strategy, the need for such work is justified, the goals and objectives are stated, but the methodological base for vocational guidance and awareness raising, especially for young people, has not been worked out. To solve this problem, it is necessary to organize permanent work with young people, and, first of all, with schoolchildren. Explanatory work should begin at the school level, and at the initial stage it is necessary to familiarize schoolchildren with the new education system, qualification levels, professional standards, general competencies and cognitive skills required by employers. At the second level, it is necessary to talk about the professions and specialties required by the market, and about professional and special competencies and

cognitive skills. Particular emphasis should be placed on clarifying requirements for occupations in terms of professional standards, so young people should become familiar with the requirements for independent assessment. This work should have ongoing character within the framework of extra subject, for example, "Life safety".

Educational policy should ensure accessibility and quality of education for all citizens. Education should be based on the principle of obtaining the maximum result with each student who enters this system. This policy should reproduce human capital, which will create prerequisites for economic growth. At the same time, transfers to the poor population will increase, as the economy that uses human capital will work more productively and revenues to the budget will increase. In addition, the poor will decrease, since a more productive economy will lead to the increase in the average wages.

Economic policy in conditions of innovative development of regional economy. Let's consider the most significant directions for the modern economy of innovative development. The implementation of the economic component in the socio-economic policy of the region should be based on new business models. We suggest using the following as business models for implementing the innovation strategy for the development of industries in the industrial complex.

The first model envisages achievement of the region's innovative potential on the basis of technological platforms. In this model, organization of complex scientific research, the main task is to identify problems, assess their relevance and urgency, and, most importantly, make a decision about the need for targeted financial support, which are assumed by the executive authorities of the region (in Krasnoyarsk Territory it is the regional Government). The basic organizational relations of the subjects of technological platforms allow to draw conclusion

about the high degree of regulation in the processes of scientific research and development. Among the participants of the technological platform, the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and business structures are singled out using innovations obtained on the basis of the technological platform. Scientific and educational institutions that have innovative potential should act as the boosters of economic development based on technological platforms, first of all, universities that prepare engineering personnel for economy. On the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the leading role in this respect is assigned to the Flagship University (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology).

Technological platform is a communication tool aimed at joining efforts to create promising commercial technologies, new products (services), to attract additional resources to research and development based on stakeholders evolvement (business, science, education, the state, civil society) (fig. 3).

The second model provides activities based on innovative public-private partnership (PSI). On the basis of the above-mentioned proposals for boosting innovation activities in the industries, as well as analysis of industry features, we propose the concept innovative public-private partnership creation.

The specific interaction model between the participants of innovation process is that the revenues from innovative ideas and technology transfer are received by all participants of the process: authorities and scientific institutions in the form of financial revenues from the implementation of ideas and innovation process financing, as well as business structure. Solution of the problem is achieved with the help of innovative technology (development, services).

Universities ground 2

Research and development, engineering services


Industrial companies


Industrial companies

Fig. 3. Scheme of technological platform Рис. 3. Схема технологической платформы

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By technology transfer the movement of technology using any information channels from one of its individual or collective media to another is understood. It includes transfer or alienation of the exclusive right to the results of intellectual activity (as a rule, objects of industrial property) (fig. 4).

The third model functions on the basis of strategic scientific alliances. Considering the goals of creating strategic scientific alliances, we emphasize such elements of the innovation process as complex scientific research, creation of network information technologies and technologies transfer. We believe that these components of innovative activity are currently the most problematic areas and require search for new organizational forms of activity (fig. 5).

In a non-innovative economy, self-employed and small business representatives occupy those niches that they deem appropriate. This process is unregulated and

chaotic. Clear interrelations between business units are not traced. Such a model is characteristic of an economy with insufficient state regulation (fig. 6).

In an innovative economy, self-employment and small business should act as an infrastructural element of the developing economy of the innovation region [16]. In this respect, self-employment and small business is a part that accompanies the development of clusters and techno park zones. Due to territorial remoteness of innovative development zones on the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it is not always possible to provide various services to the population from the centre. What is meant here are private kindergartens, hospitals, schools, car parks and similar infrastructure, which is necessary in the regions of advanced innovative development to support the local population. Moreover, state social policy today is not able to provide innovation centers with the necessary social infrastructure (fig. 7).

Fig. 4. Scheme of innovative public and private partnership Рис. 4. Схема инновационного государственно-частного партнерства

Fig. 5. Scheme of strategic scientific alliance Рис. 5. Схема стратегического научного альянса

Small business enterprise 1

Large business

Large business

Public sector

Large business

Large business

Small business enterprise 5

Small business enterprise 6

Small business enterprise n

Fig. 6. The place of self-employment and small business in a regional economy of a non-innovative type

Рис. 6. Место самозанятости и малого предпринимательства в региональной экономике неинновационного типа

Public sector

Public services

Public sector



Self-employment and small business enterprise


Functional areas of advanced development

Technology park

Fig. 7. The place of self-employment and small business in the regional innovation economy

Рис. 7. Место самозанятости и малого предпринимательства в региональной инновационной экономике

Conclusion. Socio-economic policy is a complex process that depends on many factors, and, mainly, on the general vector of economic development. However, in any case, socio-economic policy consists of two mutually complementary and interrelated parts: social and economic. For this reason, in this paper, the analysis of these two components was carried out separately, but within the framework of existing economic model of the economy innovative development.

1. Innovative development is the most effective type of economic development of the regional economy that meets modern requirements.

2. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is a region that belongs to the innovative type of development.

3. The socio-economic policy of the region of innovative development consists of two interrelated components: economic and social policies.

4. Economic policy is based on consolidation of business and formation of cluster systems.

5. Social policy should focus on the main goal -reproduction and growth of human capital for the innovative economy.


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© Sochneva E. N., Voronin E. A., Zyablikov D. V., 2017

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