Научная статья на тему 'Смещения в переводе даротеи Пралл Радин стихотворения «Жди меня» Константина Симонова'

Смещения в переводе даротеи Пралл Радин стихотворения «Жди меня» Константина Симонова Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Шахрестани Раиса

Эта статья содержит краткий обзор теории смещения перевода, написанной Дж.К. Катфордом. Статья рассматривает смещение перевода поэмы «Жди Меня» Константина Симонова, которая переведена на английский язык писателем Даротея Пралл Радин в книге«Массовая Культура в Советской России» и называется «Wait for Me». Целью работы является выявление смещений перевода в поэме Wait for Me и определения их количества. Первый шаг заключается в рассмотрении наличия смещения перевода в поэме как такового. Второе это сделать анализ, который покажет, что смещение перевода широко используется переводчиком этой поэмы. Смещение перевода можно увидеть практически в каждом предложении. Особое внимание уделяется вопросу эквивалентного предоставления слов в языке перевода (Target Language). Установлено, что переводчик не только переводит слова из русского языка на английский, но и добавляет некоторые дополнительные слова, чтобы создать новые нюансы в языке перевода.

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This paper provides a brief overview of the Translation Shift Theory by J.C. Catford. This paper examines the translation shift in the Poem«Жди Меня» by Konstantin Simonov which is translated into English Language Wait for Me by Dorothea Prall Radin in the book Mass Culture in the Soviet Russia. The purpose of the paper is to identify translation shift in the poem Wait for Me and how many of them. The first step is to review existence of translation shift in the poem. Secondly the analysis shows that the translation shift is widely used by the translator of this poem. Translation shift can be seen at almost each sentence. The paper focuses on the issue of the equivalent provision of words in the Target Language (TL). It is found that the translator doesn’t only render some words in Russian language into English language, but the translator also adds some additional words to give a new nuanse of the poem in TL.

Текст научной работы на тему «Смещения в переводе даротеи Пралл Радин стихотворения «Жди меня» Константина Симонова»

электронный научный журнал «apriori. cерия: гуманитарные науки»


№ 3 2015

УДК 82


Shahrestani Raisa

graduate student Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod author@apriori-journal. ru

Abstract. This paper provides a brief overview of the Translation Shift Theory by J.C. Catford. This paper examines the translation shift in the Poem «Жди Меня» by Konstantin Simonov which is translated into English Language Wait for Me by Dorothea Prall Radin in the book Mass Culture in the Soviet Russia. The purpose of the paper is to identify translation shift in the poem Wait for Me and how many of them. The first step is to review existence of translation shift in the poem. Secondly the analysis shows that the translation shift is widely used by the translator of this poem. Translation shift can be seen at almost each sentence. The paper focuses on the issue of the equivalent provision of words in the Target Language (TL). It is found that the translator doesn't only render some words in Russian language into English language, but the translator also adds some additional words to give a new nuanse of the poem in TL.

Key words: translation; translation shift; translation shift theory; poem; target language; equivalent.



Шахрестани Раиса


Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, Белгород

Аннотация. Эта статья содержит краткий обзор теории смещения перевода, написанной Дж.К. Катфордом. Статья рассматривает смещение перевода поэмы «Жди Меня» Константина Симонова, которая переведена на английский язык писателем Даротея Пралл Радин в книге «Массовая Культура в Советской России» и называется «Wait for Me». Целью работы является выявление смещений перевода в поэме Wait for Me и определения их количества. Первый шаг заключается в рассмотрении наличия смещения перевода в поэме как такового. Второе - это сделать анализ, который покажет, что смещение перевода широко используется переводчиком этой поэмы. Смещение перевода можно увидеть практически в каждом предложении. Особое внимание уделяется вопросу эквивалентного предоставления слов в языке перевода (Target Language). Установлено, что переводчик не только переводит слова из русского языка на английский, но и добавляет некоторые дополнительные слова, чтобы создать новые нюансы в языке перевода.

Ключевые слова: перевод; смещение перевода; теория смещения перевода; поэма; язык перевода; эквивалент.

Language plays a great part in our life. Perhaps because of its familiarity, we rarely observe it, taking it rather for granted, as we do breathing or walking [2, p. 1].

In the daily life, people interact with others using more than one language. Some communities even speak with more than two languages at one time. How people speak is influenced by the social context where they live, where they will speak in different ways according to different situations [5, p. 145].

In this globalization era, translation is an activity that one can not separate it from the daily life, either in the society life or in the statehood. The activity of translating has become a primary activity since the relations between countries and nations is very important. Each country has its own language and translation activity is needed for the sake of cooperation and relation.

Translation includes a major scope, some of them are oral translation and writing translation. Oral translation is carried out by translator or interpreter, such as tourist guide, presidential translator or state officials interpreter as well as writing translation such as translation of important documents and literature texts with a lot of varieties.

Catford [3, p. 73-82] defines them as 'departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL'. Catford argues that there are two main types of translation shifts, namely level shifts, where the SL item at one linguistic level (e.g. grammar) has a TL equivalent at a different level (e.g. lexis), and category shifts which are divided into four types:

1. Structure-shifts, which involve a grammatical change between the structure of the ST and that of the TT.

2. Class-shifts, when a SL item is translated with a TL item which belongs to a different grammatical class, i.e. a verb may be translated with a noun.

3. Unit-shifts, which involve changes in rank.

4. Intra-system shifts, which occurs when 'SL and TL possess systems

which approximately correspond formally as to their constitution, but


when translation involves selection of a non-corresponding term in the TL system'. For instance, when the SL singular becomes a TL plural. The purpose of the paper is to identify translation shift in the poem «Wait for Me» and to find out how many of them. The translation made by Dorothea Prall Radin was selected for the study. The book is an athology of tales, poems, songs, movies, plays and folklore from the year of 1917-1953. While this poem it self is written in Russian Language by Konstantin Simonov (19151979) in Western Front on 1941. He is a poet, playwright and novelist, served as correspondent for the military paper RED STAR along with Ehrenburg and other prominent writers. His love poem was heard on the radio throughout the war, recited by millions as though it were a prayer, repeated by woman as tears streamed down their faces and adopted by men as their own expression of the mystical power of a woman's love. It was produced for stage and cinema and set to seventeen different melodies [1, p. 335-336]. Writer has picked up some examples to be analyzed: In the English translation of poem «Жди Меня» we can find a clause:

«только очень жди» || «wait with might and main» particle adverb verb verb prep noun conj. noun

Class shifts: Particle+Adverb+Verb. || Verb+Particle+Noun+Conjunction+Noun.

In this clause, translator uses preposition with and nominas might and main as the word очень in Russian translation and ignores the word только in Russian version of this poem.

«Жди когда наводят грусть жёлтые дожди» || conj verb noun adj + noun «Wait thoroughout the gloom and rack of autumn's yellow rain»

prep noun noun

Class shifts:

когда (conjunction) || thoroughout (preposition)

наводят грусть (verb + noun) || the gloom and rack (article + noun + conjunction + noun)

жёлтые дожди (adjective + noun) || autumn's yellow rain (possessive noun + noun + noun).

In this clause, translator uses verb wait that followed by preposition thoroughout and nominas gloom and rack as as conjunction когда and verb наводят and noun грусть, as for the жёлтые дожди , translator adds the word autumn even Konstantin Simonov doesn't mention the word «autumn» in his poem in Russian language.

«Снега метут» || «snow storms fill the way» noun verb noun noun verb art. noun subject pred. subject pred. object

Structure shifts: Subject + Predicate || Subject + Predicate + Object. Class shifts:

Снега (noun) || snow storms (adjective + noun) Метут (verb) || fill the way (verb + article + noun)

In this clause, translator uses phrase snow storms as the noun снега in Russian version and phrase fill the way as verb метут, as the verb метут in Russian language means strong wind with snow at the same time.

«Жара» || «summer's heat» noun pos. noun noun

Structure shifts: Word || Phrase.

In this phrase, translator uses phrase summer's heat as the word жара.

«Жди, когда из дальних мест» || «Wait when from afar at last» verb conj. prep. adj. noun verb conj. prep. adv. adv.

Clause-structure shifts : Verb + Conjunction + Preposition + Adjective + Noun || Verb + Conjunction + Preposition + Adverb + Adverb.

In this clause, translator also adds the phrase at last to make emphasize of some action (wait).

«Кто вместе ждёт» || «Waited» present past

Level shifts in aspect systems. In this phrase translator uses the past tense in English as for the Russian phrase the Present Tense is used.

«Сын и мать» || «my mother and my son» noun conj noun poss.det noun conj poss.det noun

Phrase-structure shifts: Noun + Conjunction + Noun || Possessive Determiner + Noun + Conjunction + Possessive Determiner + Noun.

In this phrase, translator uses the possessive determiner my as in Russian version this possessive determiner is not found.

«Нет меня» || «that I've died» particle noun noun aux.verb verb

Structure shifts: Phrase || Clause.

In this phrase, translator assumes the words нет меня as death, translator brings her own assumption that the unexistence of the major rule in this poem means that he/she already died.

«Горькое вино» || «wine of grief and clink» Adj noun noun

Class shifts: Adjective || nouns.

In this phrase, translator uses the words grief and clink as the Russian adjective for wine горькое.

«Кто не ждал меня, тот пусть скажет: - повезло» || «When he who could not wait shall call it luck. Only, let it be»

Structure shifts: Subordinate clause to sentence.

«Как я выжил» || «Why I still am living»

Level shifts in aspect systems. In this clause translator uses the present continuous tense in English as for the Russian phrase the past tense of im-perfective is used.

The analysis of some samples shows that translation shifts occur in this poem translation are both level shifts and category shifts. According to the given examples we can say that Dorothea Prall Radin is able to achieve an adequate translation of the poem by Konstantin Simonov with a new nuanse of her own translation style. Besides, there are no significant conceptual and pragmatic shifts. In other words, it is possible not only to translate the spirit of some poem in one language into another language, but also to make readers feel the same nuanse when the real writer of this poem was writing this poem with all conditions and situations around him. Spirit and nuanse of the poem written by Konstantin Simonov successfully brought up by Dorothea Prall Radin to its English Translation «Wait for Me».

Список использованных источников

1. Geldern J.V., Stites R. Mass Culture in Soviet Russia: Tales, Poems, Songs, Movies, Plays and Folklore 1917-1953. 1995. P. 335-336.

2. Bloomfield L. Language-Bahasa. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 1995. P. 1.

3. Catford J.C. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press. 1965. P. 73-82.

4. Bell Roger T. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice. London: longman. 1991.

5. Grosjean F. Life with Two Languages. An Introduction to Bilingualism. Cambridge: MA Harvard University Press. 1982. P. 145.

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