Научная статья на тему 'SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS METHOD'

SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS METHOD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
case method / situations happen / requirements to the concrete situations / skills / situation analysis / structure / modeling / stimulating

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Bakhtiyar Dilshatovich Bekmatov, Ezoza Elmuradovna Bekmatovа

The immediate objective of the case-study method is for the students to analyze the situation, understand the essence of the problems, propose possible solutions and choose the best one. Case studies are divided into practical (reflecting real-life situations), learning (artificially created, containing a significant element of conventionality in its portrayal of life) and exploratory (oriented towards conducting research activities through the use of modeling).

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Текст научной работы на тему «SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS METHOD»


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS METHOD

Bakhtiyar Dilshatovich Bekmatov Ezoza Elmuradovna Bekmatova

Teacher of Chirchik State Pedagogical Student of Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute b.bekmatoff@yandex.com Institute of Tashkent region


The immediate objective of the case-study method is for the students to analyze the situation, understand the essence of the problems, propose possible solutions and choose the best one. Case studies are divided into practical (reflecting real-life situations), learning (artificially created, containing a significant element of conventionality in its portrayal of life) and exploratory (oriented towards conducting research activities through the use of modeling).

Keywords: case method, situations happen, requirements to the concrete situations, skills, situation analysis, structure, modeling, stimulating.


Situation (from French - position, condition), a set of circumstances (internal and external) containing conditions, contradictions in which some activity of an individual, group, the organization develops, which requires a specific solution, but which does not have an immediate unambiguous solution to get out of the created situation). This method is also referred to in the literature as a "Case study".


The case method (from English -

case, situation) is an advanced method of situation analysis, a method of active problem-situation analysis based on learning by solving concrete tasks - situations (case studies). Advantages of the method.

- develops analytical thinking;

- provides a systematic approach to solving the problem;

- it allows to distinguish variants of right and wrong decisions, to choose criteria of optimal solutions, to make collective decisions;

- it is easy for students to correlate theoretical knowledge with a real practical situation;

- it introduces an element of mystery to learning;

- a hypothetical situation under consideration is not connected with any personal risk for any of the participants in the game.

The case-study method is a non-game simulation-based active learning method. In case studies, students develop group and teamwork skills, which enhance their ability to solve typical problems within the scope of the topic under study.

In case studies, the student has to understand the situation, assess the environment, determine whether there is a problem and what the problem is. Identify their role in solving the problem and develop an appropriate course of action. The case study method can be divided into stages: preparatory, introductory, analytical and final.

The case-study method is the most widely used in teaching economics and business studies abroad. It was first applied in the teaching process at Harvard University School of Law in 1870. Nowadays, there are two classic schools of case-study Harvard (American) and Manchester (European). Within the first school, the method aims to teach how to find the only right solution, the second one implies a lot of variants of problem-solving. American cases are longer (20-25 pages of text plus 8-10 pages of illustrations), European cases are 1.5-2 times shorter.

Today, the case-study method has gained a leading position in training, is actively used in international business education practice and is considered one of the most effective ways of teaching students the skills to solve typical problems.

The case-study method was known to teachers of economic disciplines in our country as early as the 1920s. Interest in it emerged only at the end of the twentieth century.


The case study method has about 30 modifications, one of which is the case study method. It is a learning technique that uses the description of real-life situations (from the English "case"). Trainees are asked to analyse the situation, understand the essence of the problems, propose possible solutions and choose the best of them. The case method concentrates on the significant achievements of the technology of "success creation". It is characterised by activating learners, stimulating their success, and highlighting the achievements of the participants. It is the feeling of success that is one of the main driving forces behind the method and contributes to the formation of sustained positive motivation and the build-up of cognitive activity.

Situations happen:

• standard (a frequently repeated situation under the same circumstances, with the same sources. It can be either positive or negative);

• critical (an atypical situation that destroys the original calculations and plans, requiring radical intervention);

• extreme (a unique situation, unparalleled in the past, leading to negative change, field);

• situation-assessment (a description of the specific event and action taken and the task to assess the causes, mechanisms, significance and impact of the situation and action taken);

• situation-illustrations (using a concrete example to demonstrate regularities or mechanisms of social processes, positive and negative activities of individuals and collectives, the effectiveness of methods and techniques, the importance of any factors and conditions);

• chairlifts, basic and specific;

• situation-problems, situation-training;

• classic, "live" situations, parsing correspondence, acting according to an algorithm.

Sources of situations: fiction and journalistic literature, statistical data, scientific articles, real-life local events, the Internet.

Requirements to the concrete situations (CS):

• CS should be consistent with the content of the theoretical course and the professional needs of the trainees;

• Preferably, the situation should reflect a real rather than fictional professional story, it should reflect "as is" rather than "as could be";

• case studies should be developed locally and "embedded" in the ongoing training process;

• The situation should be "dramatic" and problematic, expressively define the "core" of the problem and contain a necessary and sufficient amount of information;

• The situation should show both positive (the path to success of the firm, the organisation) and negative examples (reasons for failure, etc.).

• CS should be manageable for the trainees, but at the same time not very simple;

• the situation should be described in interesting, simple and understandable language (it is useful to include statements, dialogues of the participants in the situation);

• the text of the situational exercise should not contain any hints about the solution to the problem posed;

• the situation should also be accompanied by clear instructions on how to deal with it.

In place of prepared texts, audio or video recordings, newspaper articles, official documents or compilations thereof, stories containing descriptions of work situations can be used. Participants may suggest and consider examples from their own practice.

The task must be very clearly formulated so that learners do not succumb to the urge to passively absorb information.

Principles of case study structure: problem-solving, modeling of professional situations and their solutions, team-individual activities, dialogic communication.

Case study analysis - action research of a real or artificially constructed situation to identify the problems and reasons that caused it for optimal and prompt resolution. This method can be used both in lectures (three levels are possible) and as an independent practical exercise (classical variant, free variant, mixed variant)

Aim of the case study method - aims to teach students how to analyze information, identify key problems, select alternative solutions, evaluate them, find the best option and formulate action programs.

The stages of case creation:

- the definition of the section of the course to which the situation relates;

- formulating goals and objectives;

- identification of the problem situation, formulation of the problem;

- finding the necessary information;

- creating and describing the situation.

Stages of casework:

1. Introduction to the issue being studied

The case studies can be handed out to each student the day before or at the session itself. A case study will take 5-7 minutes to read, depending on the complexity of the case. The teacher starts the session by checking that the students (trainees) know the content of the case, e.g. by asking: "How many characters are acting in this situation?" or "What is the central problem of this case?". The participants then ask the facilitator questions to clarify the situation and to obtain additional information, which is recorded on the board for later discussion.

2. Situation analysis.

Each participant or group presents their version of the solution in the form of an oral report (time limit to be set)

3. Presentation phase.

The ability to publicly present an intellectual product, to market it well, to show its merits and possible areas of effective use, and to withstand the barrage of criticism seems to be a very valuable integral quality of the modern specialist.

4. General discussion stage.

As a rule, four main questions are formulated in all discussions when discussing situational exercises:

Why does the situation look like a dilemma? - Who made the decisions?

What solution options did he have in mind?

What did he have to do?

5. The debriefing phase.

The teacher should "reveal the cards". For cases written on real-life case studies, this is information about how the problems discussed by the trainees were solved in real life. For "desk" cases, it is important to justify the trainer's version. Emphasis should be placed on the fact that a case may have other solutions: "Life is richer than any theory", and then highlight the best solutions and place emphasis on incentives (performance rating, prizes, foreign internships).


The case-study method develops the following skills:

Analytical - the ability to distinguish data from information, to classify, to distinguish essential and non-essential information, to analyze, present and retrieve it, to find information gaps and be able to reconstruct them. Think clearly and logically.

Practical - the reduced complexity of the problem presented in the case, compared to the real situation, helps to build practical skills in the use of different methods and principles Creative. Creative skills are very important.

Communicative - discussing, persuading, using visual material, cooperating in groups, defending your own point of view, writing a concise but convincing report.

Social - assessing people's behavior, listening, supporting or arguing an opposing view in a discussion, etc.

Self-analysis - disagreement in discussion promotes awareness and analysis of others' opinions and one's own.

A good case must meet the following requirements:

• be consistent with the clearly stated purpose of creation;

• have an appropriate level of difficulty;

• illustrate several aspects;

• to be relevant today;

• illustrate typical situations;

• develop analytical thinking;

• to provoke a discussion;

• have several solutions.


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