Научная статья на тему 'Системный подход к мониторингу инфокоммуникационной системы специального назначения'

Системный подход к мониторингу инфокоммуникационной системы специального назначения Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Легков Константин Евгеньевич

На современном этапе развития информационных и телекоммуникационных технологий под мониторингом сетей связи и телекоммуникационных сетей современные авторы вкладывают различные толкования. Мониторинг рассматривается в работах как система сбора, хранения и анализа параметров описания сети как объекта управления для вынесения суждения о состоянии сети в целом. В других работах под мониторингом подразумевается процесс наблюдения и регистрации данных о наблюдаемых сетях. Применительно к инфокоммуникационным системам под мониторингом параметров в работе подразумевается процесс наблюдения за какими либо параметрами инфокоммуникационной системы как объекта управления. Результат мониторинга параметров представляет собой совокупность измеренных значений параметров, получаемых на примыкающих интервалах времени и оценивание на их основе состояние всей системы. Таким образом под мониторингом состояния инфокоммуникационной системы в работе понимается наблюдение за состоянием самой системы как объекта управления, а результат мониторинга состояния системы представляет собой совокупность диагнозов составляющих ее элементов. Вопросам исследования проблем мониторинга телекоммуникационных сетей посвящено достаточно много публикаций и диссертационных исследований, однако большинство из них посвящено вопросам мониторинга локальных сетей, терминального и серверного оборудования. Малая часть работ посвящена общесетевым вопросам организации мониторинга, однако предметом исследования, как правило, является не инфокоммуникационная сеть или система в целом, а отдельные ее компоненты. Следовательно, при решении проблем, связанных с моделями и методами мониторинга инфокоммуникационной системы, необходимо рассмотреть системные вопросы организации процесса мониторинга, представленные в данной работе.

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Похожие темы научных работ по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям , автор научной работы — Легков Константин Евгеньевич

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Текст научной работы на тему «Системный подход к мониторингу инфокоммуникационной системы специального назначения»


Legkov Konstantin Evgenyevich,

Ph.D., deputy head of the Department automated systems of control, Military Space Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia,


Keywords: infokommuniœtsion system; monitoring; supervision of parameters; condition of system; model and monitoring methods.

At the present stage of development of information and telecommunication technologies, monitoring communication networks and telecommunication networks of modern for authors is put different interpretations. Monitoring is considered in the system of collection, storage and analysis of the parameters describing the network as a control object for judging O the state of the network as a whole. In other works under the monitoring means is the process of observing and recording o? data about the observed networks. Applicable for infocommunication systems monitored parameters in this work means process of monitor any parameters of infocommunication systems as object of management. The result of the monitoring <t parameters is a set of measured values of parameters obtained at adjacent time intervals and assessment on the basis of the entire system. Thus, is understood to be monitoring of the status of infocommunication systems in the work which refers to the observation of the system as a management object, and the result of monitoring the state of a system is a set of diagnoses of its constituent elements.

The subject of research problems of monitoring of telecommunications networks dedicated in many publications and dissertation research, however, most of them devoted to monitoring local area networks, terminal and server equipment. A small part of the work is devoted to the issues of network-wide monitoring organization, however, the subject of research, as a rule, is not the infocommunication network or the system as a whole and its individual components. Consequently, in addressing the problems associated with the models and methods of monitoring of infocommunication system, the system must consider the organization of the monitoring process, presented in this paper.

Currently, in various scientific works [1-9] uses the concept of monitoring communication networks, telecommunication networks, etc., and its contents, authors put, sometimes in different particulars, but in many ways similar to the main interpretation. For example, under the monitoring system means data collection / registration, storage and analysis of a small number of key (express or implied) attributes / parameters describing the network as an object of management to judge the behavior of / his shape as a whole. In another monitoring - this is the process of observing and recording data of the control object.

With regard to the infocommunication systems of a special purpose (ICS SP) under control parameters will

mean the monitoring of any parameters ICS SP as object of management. The result of the monitoring parameters is a set of measured values of parameters obtained at adjacent time intervals and assessment on the basis of their condition ICS SP. That is, under the monitoring of the state of ICS SP in the thesis refers to monitoring of the ICS SP as a control object. The result of monitoring the state of ICS SP is a set of diagnoses of its constituent elements.

It should be noted that all studies on the problems of monitoring telecommunications networks devoted a lot of publications [1-8] and dissertation studies [9]. Most of them are devoted to the monitoring of local area networks, and terminal server hardware and only a small part - the

organization of network-wide monitoring. However, even if the names of some of the work meets the term «network», the subject of research, as a rule, is not the infocommunica-tion network or the system as a whole and its individual components: network FR, network IP, LAN, etc. [9]. Therefore, in dealing with the problems associated with the models and methods of monitoring ICS SP, you must consider the organization of the monitoring system is in ICS SP [1-4, 8].

Features ICS SP associated with its complexity, heterogeneity of the composition, protection and «information and multiservice» require adjustment concepts of monitoring towards its wider interpretation, which is suitable lead after examining systemic issues of the organization of such a functional subsystem management ICS SP, which performs the functions of monitoring it (Fig. 1.)

Management ICS SP need to establish effective procedures to obtain reliable data in real time about its status, the status of all component ICS SP flowing in it and in all its elements processes.

An overwhelming majority of the basic parameters characterizing the state of ICS SP, the state of the components ICS SP (access network, transport network, the service nodes, the service, etc.) and elements of ICS SP (servers, services, cabling systems, switches, multiplexers, routers, telephone exchange, interface modules, etc.) will be random variables or random processes [10-22].

The organization collect information about the state as the ICS SP and its various components and elements has a lot in common and is part of the functional subsystem of gathering information (SGI) automated control system ICS SP [18], elements which are also placed on the appropriate nodes ICS SP and the appropriate hardware nodes - the so-called elements of the subsystem of information gathering, primary processing of requests (applications) to receive the state information and subsequent delivery of data required in the collection and processing of information the SGI automated control system ICS SP at their request or arranging for the periodic automatic delivery of this information without request.

Generalized scheme of collecting information about the state of ICS SP, the status of all component ICS SP, flowing in it processes and all elements of the ICS SP should be presented as follows (Fig. 2).

Considering the number of heterogeneous management tasks as ICS SP and its various components (transportation network ICS SP, access network, secondary network inherits connection of old park, network services application level, etc.), the hierarchy of the automated control system ICS SP, SGI automated control system ICS SP is also built on hierarchical principle, which suggests the feasibility of deploying some intermediate level of collection and processing of information SGI-level fragment ICS SP collecting, processing, summarizing the status and provides integrated information to the appropriate centers for the collection and processing of information SGI top-level [1-4].

Elements SGI automated control system ICS SP placed (distributed) components, nodes and elements ICS SP,

Fig. 1. Conceptual model of monitoring subsystem

pass in the appropriate centers for the collection and processing of information SGI information status (IS) of the monitored network objects, and receiving control information (CS) of the centers (if required) or upon request required information, either about the changing modes of work (change the polling period, processing time, changes in the methods and processing algorithms, etc.).

As a rule, IS from the SGI item, entering the hub element in SGI or the appropriate center for the collection and processing of information SGI of the lower level of the hierarchy SGI automated control system ICS SP is already processed (at least initial or preliminary statistical processing of the initial information) information is sent to the control center for final treatment in the subsystem of information processing.

Give the model name the retrieval, collection, processing, compilation and estimation of parameters and state information SP ICS, all ICS component occurring in them processes, all elements of the ICS SP, models monitoring [1-8].

In fact, the SGI elements of the automated control system ICS SP are modules of distributed condition monitoring ICS, the ICS state of all components, processes and all elements of the network. It is clear that the number of monitoring units and, consequently, the sources of information flows on the state, is well defined and is a finite number. It is obvious, that the organization collect information about the status of ICS, the ICS state of all components, processes and all elements of the network flows proprietary information about the state are themselves stochastic flows separately for each of the three closed monitoring groups.

As noted, the extraordinary complexity of ICS SP, features of their construction and the variety of conditions of operation in different environment peaceful and special time, which significantly complicates the organization of effective management ICS, leads to the necessity of a broad interpretation of the concept of monitoring ICS.

Under the monitoring ICS SP refers to the organization of processes of production, collection, processing, integration, evaluation and prediction of information about the parameters and status of ICS, parameters and condition of all components ICS, processes and all elements of the network, as well as the organization of periodic processes of identification ICS (Fig.3).

The main processes monitoring ICS SP to support the ICS management process should include two sets of sub-processes:

• subprocesses operational estimates of the parameters and the status of the ICS

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Fig. 2. The process of collecting information about the state of ICS SP, the status of all component ICS SP,

processes and all its elements

Fig. 3. The main monitoring processes ICS SP

• subprocesses identify the state ICS.

By analyzing the characteristics of construction and operation ICS SP and given the extraordinary complexity of task management, note the following basic provisions which should be considered when conducting monitoring procedures:

• a posteriori data required for analysis and use in management, can be obtained by measuring the parameters and characteristics of the ICS;

• any measurement is always carried out with errors;

• the measurement process makes sense if it reduces the a priori uncertainty;

• in many cases, the necessary measurement parameters and characteristics of ICS may not be directly produced by a measurement process in this case is indirect;

• to build the measurement procedure it is necessary to know the structure dependence of the observed parameter from the measured characteristics;

• the use of optimal methods in the subsystem of monitoring in some cases inefficient due to the large complexity of their implementation;

• in practice management ICS often advisable complex optimal monitoring methods to replace simpler suboptimal;

• comparison tasks of estimation and identification shows that from the fundamental point of view, the synthesis of monitoring procedures, they do not differ from each other and for their solution you can use the same theoretical base.


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For citation:

Legkov K.E. Systematic approach to the monitoring of infocommunication systems for special purposes. H&ES Research. 2016. Vol. 8. No. 1. Pp. 66-70.

СИСТЕМНЫЙ ПОДХОД К МОНИТОРИНГУ онной системы в работе понимается наблюдение за состо-

ИНФОКОММУНИКАЦИОННОЙ СИСТЕМЫ янием самой системы как объекта управления, а результат

СПЕЦИАЛЬНОГО НАЗНАЧЕНИЯ мониторинга состояния системы представляет собой совокупность диагнозов составляющих ее элементов.

Легков Константин Евгеньевич, Вопросам исследования проблем мониторинга телекомму-

г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия, constl@mail.ru никационных сетей посвящено достаточно много публикаций и диссертационных исследований, однако большин-

Аннотация ство из них посвящено вопросам мониторинга локальных

На современном этапе развития информационных и теле- сетей, терминального и серверного оборудования. Малая

коммуникационных технологий под мониторингом сетей часть работ посвящена общесетевым вопросам организа-

связи и телекоммуникационных сетей современные ав- ции мониторинга, однако предметом исследования, как

торы вкладывают различные толкования. Мониторинг правило, является не инфокоммуникационная сеть или си-

рассматривается в работах как система сбора, хранения стема в целом, а отдельные ее компоненты. Следовательно,

и анализа параметров описания сети как объекта управ- при решении проблем, связанных с моделями и методами

ления для вынесения суждения о состоянии сети в целом. мониторинга инфокоммуникационной системы, необходи-

В других работах под мониторингом подразумевается мо рассмотреть системные вопросы организации процесса

процесс наблюдения и регистрации данных о наблюда- мониторинга, представленные в данной работе. емых сетях. Применительно к инфокоммуникационным

системам под мониторингом параметров в работе под- Ключевые слова: инфокоммуникационная система; разумевается процесс наблюдения за какими либо па- мониторинг; наблюдение параметров; состояние системы; раметрами инфокоммуникационной системы как объекта модели и методы мониторинга . управления. Результат мониторинга параметров представляет собой совокупность измеренных значений параме- Информация об авторах:

тров, получаемых на примыкающих интервалах времени Легков К.Е., заместитель начальника кафедры автоматизи-

и оценивание на их основе состояние всей системы. Таким рованных систем управления Военно-космической акаде-

образом под мониторингом состояния инфокоммуникаци- мии имени А.Ф. Можайского.

Для цитирования:

Легков К.Е. Системный подход к мониторингу инфокоммуникационной системы специального назначения. Наукоемкие технологии в космических исследованиях Земли. 2016. Т. 8. № 1. С. 66-70.

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