SINGULARIA TANTUM PLACE-NAMES OF CHERKASY OBLAST Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Hontsa Iryna Semenivna

The article continues the author's series of publications on Ukrainian regional onomastics. It analyzes the names of settlements in the Cherkasy oblast, which are used in the nominative singular form, traced the formation of place-names from the moment of the first fixation in documents to the present day. The studied material is grouped according to lexical and semantic features, both internal and external, which form the basis of the place-names nomination, where for each class of source propriatives there are their own principles and methods of naming. It is established that this model of place-names is distinctly new and, first of all, is characteristic of administratively independent settlements (small villages, hamlets, etc.). The highest regularity among well-known derivatives is occupied by nominations, motivated by surnames in -sk- / -tsk-. In most cases, these are anthroponyms that indicate a male possessor. A large group consists of place-names, the creative lexical tokens of which are actually Ukrainian anthroponyms with the formant -enk-o, and names of settlements derived from Slavic autochthonous personal names with suffixal morphemes on the consonant -k-. Slavic autochthonous personal names, first of all surnames, generally do not go beyond the standard corpus of personal names and are fixed in anthroponymic dictionaries and historical and statistical sources. Such formations contain an indication both of the direct relation of the delineated microterritory to a specific owner, and of the indirect belonging to a subject (or group of subjects) of a certain denotation. It is proved that the semantic characteristics of appellation and proprial vocabulary differ significantly. It has been found that there are different criteria for semantic analysis for different classes of onyms. The practical value of the article is that the isolated proper names of people from the archaic types of geographical names of Cherkasy oblast added to the all-Slavic anthroponymicon of the studied region. As a result of exploration, the peculiarities of anthroponymy, which was distinguished from archaic place-names types, were established. The declining trend can be traced among the names of settlements that arose as a result of the onimization of female names and surnames.

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филологически науки

Гонца 1рина Семешвна ОЙКОН1МИ ЧЕРКАЩИНИ ...

UDC 81'373.21

DOI: 10.34671/SCH.SVB.2020.0403.0012


© 2020

AuthorlD: 0083971

ResearcherlD: F-1486-2019

ORCID: 0000-0001-9848-045X

Hontsa Iryna Semenivna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of Ukrainian language and methods of teaching Uman State Pedagogical University named Pavlo Tychyna (20301, Ukraine, Uman, Sadova street, 28, e-mail: vitek161278@i.ua)

Abstract. The article continues the author's series of publications on Ukrainian regional onomastics. It analyzes the names of settlements in the Cherkasy oblast, which are used in the nominative singular form, traced the formation of place-names from the moment of the first fixation in documents to the present day. The studied material is grouped according to lexical and semantic features, both internal and external, which form the basis of the place-names nomination, where for each class of source propriatives there are their own principles and methods of naming. It is established that this model of place-names is distinctly new and, first of all, is characteristic of administratively independent settlements (small villages, hamlets, etc.). The highest regularity among well-known derivatives is occupied by nominations, motivated by surnames in -sk- / -tsk-. In most cases, these are anthroponyms that indicate a male possessor. A large group consists of place-names, the creative lexical tokens of which are actually Ukrainian anthroponyms with the formant -enk-o, and names of settlements derived from Slavic autochthonous personal names with suffixal morphemes on the consonant -k-. Slavic autochthonous personal names, first of all surnames, generally do not go beyond the standard corpus of personal names and are fixed in anthroponymic dictionaries and historical and statistical sources. Such formations contain an indication both of the direct relation of the delineated microterritory to a specific owner, and of the indirect belonging to a subject (or group of subjects) of a certain denotation. It is proved that the semantic characteristics of appellation and proprial vocabulary differ significantly. It has been found that there are different criteria for semantic analysis for different classes of onyms. The practical value of the article is that the isolated proper names of people from the archaic types of geographical names of Cherkasy oblast added to the all-Slavic anthroponymicon of the studied region. As a result of exploration, the peculiarities of anthroponymy, which was distinguished from archaic place-names types, were established. The declining trend can be traced among the names of settlements that arose as a result of the onimization of female names and surnames.

Keywords: place-names, suffix model, diminutive semantics, word-formative model, all-Slavic types of place-names.


© 2020

Гонца 1рина Семешвна, кандидат фшолопчних наук, доцент кафедри украшсько! мови та методики ii навчання Уманський державний педагог1чний утверситет шет Павла Тичини (20301, Украша, Умань, вулиця Садова, 28, е- e-mail: vitek161278@i.ua)

Анотащя. Стаття продовжуе цикл публжацш автора з питань украшсько! репонально! ономастики. У нш здшснено аналiз назв населених пункта Черкащини, що вживаються у формi називного ввдмшку однини, простежено становлення ойконiмiв вщ моменту першо! фшсаци в документах до наших дшв. Дослщжуваний матерiал згруповано за лексико-семантичними ознаками, як внутршшми, так i зовшшшми, покладеними в основу ойкошмно! номшацп, де для кожного класу вихвдних пропрiативiв юнують сво! принципи та способи назвотворення. Встановлено, що ця модель ойконiмiв е виразно новою й насамперед характерна для адмшстративно несамостшних поселень (хуторiв, присшшв i под.). Найвищу регуляршсть з-помiж ввдошмних деривата посвдають номшацп, мотиваторами для яких стали прiзвищевi назви на -ськ- / -цьк-. У бшъшосп випадшв - це антропошми, що вказують на посесора чоловiчоi стал. Чималу групу становлять ойкошми, твiрною лексемою яких виступають власне украшсьш антропошми iз формантом -енк-о, та назви поселень, похвдш вщ слов'янських автохтонних особових iмен iз суфжсальними морфами на приголосний -к-. Слов'янсьш автохтонш особовi назви, насамперед прiзвища або прiзвищевi назви, в основному не виходять за межi стандартного корпусу особових назв i фшсоваш в антропошмних словниках та юторико-статистичних джерелах. Так утворення мютять вказiвку як на пряме вiдношення окреслено! мiкротериторii до конкретного власника, так i на опосередковану належнiсть суб'ектовi (чи групi суб'ектiв) певного денотата. Доведено, що семантичш характеристики апелятивно! та пропрiальноi лексики суттево рiзняться мiж собою. З'ясовано, що для рiзних класiв онiмiв iснують неоднаковi критерii' семантичного аналiзу. Практична цшшсть статтi полягае в тому, що виокремлеш власнi назви людей iз архашних типiв географiчних назв Черкащини поповнили загальнослов'янський антропонiмiкон дослiджаваного репону. У результатi розвiдки було встановлено особливосп антропонiмii, що видiлена з архашних ойконiмних типiв. Спадна тенденщя простежуеться серед найменувань поселень, що виникли в результатi онiмiзацii жшочих iмен та прiзвищ.

Ключовi слова: ойкошм, суфiксальна модель, демiнутивна семантика, словотвiрна модель, загальнослов'янськi типи ойконiмiв.


© 2020

Гонца Ирина Семеновна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры украинского языка и методики его обучения Уманский государственный педагогический университет имени Павла Тычины (20301, Украина, Умань, улица Садовая, 28, е-e-mail: vitek161278@i.ua)

Аннотация. Статья продолжает цикл публикаций автора по вопросам украинской региональной ономастики. В ней проведен анализ названий населенных пунктов Черкасчины в форме именительного падежа единственного числа, прослеживается становление ойконимов с момента первой фиксации в документах до наших дней. Исследуемый материал сгруппирован по лексико-семантическим признакам, как внутренними, так и внешними, положенными в основу ойконимной номинации, где для каждого класса проприативов существуют свои принципы и способы создания. Установлено, что эта модель ойконимов есть определенно новой и прежде всего характерна для административно несамостоятельных поселений (хуторов, поселков и под.). Самую высокую регулярность среди ото-Научен вектор на Балканите. 2020. Т. 4. № 3(9) 61

Hontsa Iryna Semenivna SINGULARIA TANTUM .

philological sciences

нимных дериватов занимают номинации, мотивирующей лексемой которых стали фамильные названия -ськ- / -цьк-. В большинстве случаев - это антропонимы, указывающие на посессора мужского пола. Немалую группу составляют ойконимы, мотивирующей лексемой которых выступают собственно украинские антропонимы с формантом -енко-о, и названия поселений, производные от славянских автохтонных личных имен из суффиксальными морфами на согласный -к-. Славянские автохтонные личные названия, прежде всего фамилии или фамильные названия, в основном не выходят за пределы стандартного корпуса личных имен и зафиксированные в антропонимических словарях и историко-статистических источниках. Такие образования содержат указание как на прямое отношение очерченной микротерритории к конкретному владельца, так и на косвенную принадлежность субъекту (или группе субъектов) определенного денотата. Доказано, что семантические характеристики апелятивной и проприальной лексики существенно различаются между собой. Выяснено, что для разных классов онимов существуют неодинаковые критерии семантического анализа. Практическая ценность статьи состоит в том, что выделеные имена людей с архаичных типов географических названий Черкасчины пополнили общеславянский антропонимикон исследова-ного региона. В результате разведки были установлены особенности антропонимии, выделенной из архаичных ой-конимных типов. Нисходящая тенденция прослеживается среди наименований поселений, возникших в результате онимизации женских имен и фамилий.

Ключевые слова: ойконим, суффиксальная модель, деминутивная семантика, словообразовательная модель, общеславянские типы ойконимов.


Statement of the problem in its general form and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks.

Linguistic analysis of structural and semantic types of the place-names of any region makes it possible to clarify the specific features of local names of the area, to determine the place of local structural and word-formative types in the toponymic system of Ukraine.

Analysis of recent research and publications that have addressed aspects of this problem and on which the author is based; identification of parts of the general problem that have not been solved before.

Despite the presence of a significant number of regional studies of the place-names of different regions of Ukraine (works by L. Humetska (focused on the conclusion of the Ukrainian fragment of the All-Slavic onomastic atlas) [1], P.Chuchka (studied the names and surnames of Transcarpathia) [2], Yu. Karpenko (formation of the terminological apparatus of onomastic research) [3], O. Kupchynskyi (classified the main semantic and word-forming types of Ukrainian onyms) [4], A. Ocheretnyi (formation and origin of the anthroponymicon of Cherkasy region) [5] etc.), today the place-names of Cherkasy oblast remain relevant for research.

Justification of the relevance of the study.

Despite the fact that there are a number of works that consider the oikonomy of Cherkasy oblast, the topic of our exploration is relevant as a fragment that represents lexical-derivational processes in the creation of anthroponymic names of settlements in the study region and clearly complements the empirical material of the Ukrainian onomastic fund.


Forming the goals of the article. The aim of the research is the structural-semantic analysis of the anthroponymic names of the settlements of Cherkasy region.

Setting tasks. The main objectives of the study are to determine the nature of the motivational and lexical-semantic structure of the mentioned onyms.

Methods, techniques and technologies used. General scientific, special-scientific and concrete-scientific methods were used in the preparation of the publication. The main methods used are descriptive and comparative. Etymological excursions of the analyzed lexical units are integral to such works.


Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results. On the basis of the place-names of the delineated territory it was possible to reconstruct a number of settlement names formed from anthroponyms in the nominative case, singular form (the result of changing the function of the basic name without changing its structure). Observations on anthroponyms have shown that they were formed mainly from derivatives, which before the place-names processes characterized a person by its certain characteristics (profession, ethnic, territorial, external, internal) [2, p. 609].

It should be noted that the largest part of the nominative singular elliptical place-names are those nouns that are based on male names (162 names). A very small group (4 units) consists of the names of settlements, for the motivation of which female names were used. According to the semantics of creative words-etymologies, the majority form derivatives motivated by Slavic autochthonous personal names of appellative origin (81,9%). Significantly fewer names of settlements derived from Christian names are recorded (18,1%).

This state of affairs is explained by the fact that the basic lexical tokens, performing the differentiation function of the defining feature of the subject, became a representative of the carrier, later transformed into a nominative and metonymic surname sign [6, p. 160]. A specific property of appellative anthroponyms is the subjective characteristic, the assessment of the individual by his temperament, habits, appearance, language, abilities, etc.

The most productive morphs in the suffix variants of Slavic autochthonous personal names of appellative origin, which are the basis of nominative place-names, are suffixes with the consonant -k- (-yk- / -nyk-, -yak, -ychk-, -niuk). The study showed that the analyzed formant lost its original diminutive and derivative expressive meaning in the Old Russian era, becoming a neutral structural affix [1, p. 13].

We have found 10 names of settlements with the consonant -k-, which was combined without restrictions with the full, abbreviated or already complicated by another formant basis (6% of the total number of analyzed onyms): Bezruchko (Zl. - Zolotoniskyi), Vyshkvarka (Kp. - Katerynopilskyi), see also the appellation vyshkvarka -figurative meaning «about a person who is quick-tempered» [7, I, p. 542], Holubka (Zl.), Petrushka (K.-Sh. - Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi), Sokyrka (Chh. - Chyhyrynskyi).

In the bases of singular place-names in the form of a nominative case 7 personal names of appellative origin with the suffix of smallness or tenderness -yk are also recorded. Noun surnames (nicknames), which have become creative for the names of settlements of the analyzed type, reflect the external or internal feature of the possessor, his professional orientation, for example: Volovyk (Zl.), see also the appellation volovyk - «a guard and shepherd of oxen» [8, p. 534]; Palchyk (Kp.), Rudyk (Kp.), Skorodystyk (Chb. -Chornobaivskyi).

Single suffixes are the suffix variants -nyuk, -yak (palatal variant of the affix -ak) and -ok in the bases of nominative place-names derived from autochthonous names of people: Vykhvatnyuk (Chb.), Pohyblyak (Ls. - Lysianskyi), Struchok (Ls.).

Compared to the generic place-names of the studied region, singular names of settlements in the form of the nominative case more broadly represent the formations based on the patronymic affix -enk-o (10 names, or 6 %). The main functional purpose of the above morph is the nomination of a son of «the one whose additional name is the creative basis» [3, p. 185]. It is probable that the owner of the settlement was not the father, but the son, whose personal name was


Scientific Vector of the Balkans. 2020. Т. 4. № 3(9)

филологически науки

Гонца 1рина Семешвна ОЙКОН1МИ ЧЕРКАЩИНИ ...

transformed into the name of the settlement.

As in previous models, the names of settlements motivated by surnames of appellative origin (6,6%) became dominant: Bezvershenko (Zv. - Zvenyhorodskyi), Horbatenko (Mn. - Mankivskyi), Luhovenko (Mn.), Mykytenko (Zl.), Shevchenko (Sm. - Smilianskyi).

Among the place-names we have researched, there are singular names of settlements of anthroponymic origin with suffix variants on the consonant -n- (-in, -n-, -yn-). Their number is insignificant - 4,2 %, and it is necessary to note different morphological types of place-names (masculine with zero ending and -yi or double - with inflections -a, -ia): Dranyi (Chb.), Popudnia (Ms. - Monastyryshchenskyi), Samoridnia / Samorodnia (K.-Sh.), Sukhyna (K.-Sh.), Shulhyn (Chb.).

Two names of settlements in the nominative singular form make it possible to reconstruct derivatives of Slavic autochthonous names with the suffix element -al-o / -ayl-o, which expresses a rudely-contemptuous semantic shade, for example: Nabekalo / Nabekala (Zv.), Pohybailo (Sm.), see also the appellation pohybiel - «to be in danger of death» [9, II, s. 162].

The place-names in the nominative singular form also isolate from anthroponymic names derived from the suffix -ch- morphs -echk-о, -evych, -ych. The formant -ch- «origi-nated in the Slavic epoch and is connected with the element -ck- distributed with the help of *j (*io)» [4, p. 74]. This type of derivation is partially represented in the following names: Bastechko (Zv.), Osadchyi (Dr. - Drabivskyi), Tutkevych (Zl.), Udych (Kn. - Kanivskyi).

The growing tendency of development is characteristic of nominative names of Cherkasy oblast with anthroponymic lexical tokens on -ets, -iv / -ov, -yts-ya / -n-yts-ya, -yav-yi, -yah-a, -ukh-a, -t-yi, -as, -n-yi in the bases (29 names, 17,5 %): Bakumets (Zl.), Vodianykov (Chb.), Zhyrkiv (Zl.), Zamiatnytsia (Chb.), see also the appellation zamiatnia -«misunderstanding» [9, I, s. 379], Kudriavyi / Kudrovyi (Um. - Umanskyi), Lypniaha (Ms.), Makukha (Ls.), see also the appellation makukha - «a sluggish, characterless person» [7, IV, p. 604], Orlas (Chb.), Shelestukha (K.-Sh.).

Among the total number of distinctive singular place names of Cherkasy oblast, 12 % are names based on uncomplicated word-formative forms of autochthonous personal names of appellative origin. In most cases, these are anthroponyms that indicate a male possessor, for example: Balakliia (Sm.), Batalyi / Batalei (Chb.), see also bataliia - «battle, battlefield» [7, I, p. 110]; Buchak (Kn.), see also buchak «a large wading bird of the family Ciconiidae, stork» [8, p. 532]; Karmalita (Zv.), Kosar (Km. - Kamianskyi), Koshmak (K.-Sh.), Krauze (Um.), Kutsia (Ms.). According to R. Y. Kersta, PN Kuts of appellative origin, cf. the appellation kuts - «a short man» [8, p. 548], see also PN Mykutsia [6, p. 230].

There are also several formations motivated by femininity in the nominative singular form with a probable emotionally expressive color (1,2 %): Filitsiia (Mk.), Shampaniia (Zv.), see also Shampaniia (provinces in France).

Semantic analysis of the creative bases of surnames allows us to state that the proper personal names are characterized by a genetic connection with flora- or fauna lexemes. The following singular nominal derivatives (5 onyms, 3,3 %) can be considered as a sample: Hedz (Zl.), Komar (Zl.), Liubystok (Kp.), Palmyra (Zl.), Tarhan (Zl.).

Together with simple noun anthroponyms, which became the basis for singular nominative place-names, surnames formed in a lexical and syntactic way are also recorded. In the process of onimization, they gradually lose semantic and emotional nuances, freeze and then cease to be associated in the minds of speakers with the features of its bearer [5, p. 134].

We recorded 3 names with so-called Cossack personal names in the base, indicating the external sign of the possessor (1,8 %): Kryvoshei (Zl.), Sorokotiaha (Zv.), Chornobai (Chb.), see also chornobai - humorously and contemptuous-

ly to the words sorcerer, magician, wizard, thaumaturgist or fortune teller [8, p. 564].

On the territory of Cherkasy oblast, 8 names of settlements of the analyzed model were also found, based on the Christian names (4,8 %). The study showed that the most commonly used variants of names with full, and truncated-suffixal end parts. The following elision forms, combinations with word-formative morphemes are registered: yts-ya, -enk-o, -ch-, -ov, -ets: Antonina (Ms.), Vasylytsia (Chb.), Zakharchenko (Zl.), Kononcha (Kn.), Savvov (Zv.), Fesenko (Chb.), Yahubets / Yakubets (Km. - Kamianskyi).

To illustrate the use of the nominative place-names, motivated by colloquial variants of the Christian names with abbreviated final parts of the anthroponym could be as in the following example: Daria (Chb.) < PN Daria < Dariia [6, p. 101].

A number of Cherkasy oblast place-names was formed with the help of the possessive-adjective suffix -sk- (-^sk), which had much broader derivatological properties: it could be combined not only with appellative but also with anthrop-onymic bases [10, p. 94]. With the help of this formant «adjectives were formed from the names of localities, tribes, nationalities, countries, states to express possessiveness. Later - from the general names of persons and from the names of various concrete and abstract concepts» [11, p. 82].

In the creation of adjectival derivatives in -sk-, as in previous models, possessive, motivated by the names of the owners of settlements prevail. We recorded 53 names of the analyzed type (31,9 %), of which 31 names were formed from personal names of appellative origin, the rest - from church anthroponyms.

Much of the two-suffixal place-names in -sk- of Cherkasy oblast were formed from anthroponyms distributed by the suffixes -iv- (-ov-, -ev-), -yn-. Preservation of the original o, e in the variants of the morphe -iv- is associated with the tradition of using the surname, and in many cases also with the activities of government officials who drew up documentation in Russian or Polish [11, p. 83]. On the territory of the studied region there are 20 anthroponymic formations, mostly male, with possessive complex morphs -ivsk- (-ovsk-), -ynsk-: Bobrynskyi (Sm.), Bohmivskyi (Dr.), Zhukovskii (Zl.), Kulykovskii (Ms.), Malynovskii (Zl.), Razumovskyi (Zl.).

The following group of two-suffixal names of settlements is represented by the place-names in which the formant -sk-(-zk-, -tsk-) is combined with other vocal and consonant affixes (11 names, 6,6 %): Dobrzhanskii (Ms.), Zavadskyi (K.-Sh.), Karletskii (Zl.), Lenskyi (Sm.), Molodetske (Mk.), Tanske (Um.).

The place-names of the studied region is characterized by the creation of names of settlements from anthroponyms on -sk- - official and colloquial variants of the Christian (Orthodox, rarely - Catholic) noun. Examination of the semantics of the creative bases of the discovered anthrop-onyms showed that most names have a complete or truncated poly-suffixal structure. The affix -sk- is most often used with the possessive morph -iv- / ^v- (12 names, or 7,2 %), for example: Aleksandrovskii (Zl.), Andriivskyi (Dr.), Efimovskii (Zl.), Mykhailivskyi (Um.), Osypovskii (Zl.), Petrovskii (Dr.).

The combination of the suffix -sk- with the two-morphic compounds -k-iv-, -yk-iv-, ^sh-ev turned out to be natural in the bases of the anthroponymic place-names derived from the Christian names. In the bases of calendar masons such formal segments express a shade of reduction - affection (3 names, 1,8 %), for example: Yvankovskii (Zl.), Pavlykovskii (Zl.), Petrashevskii (Zl.).

The number of place-names with the suffix -sk- (-zk, -tsk-) on the territory of Cherkasy oblast, motivated by truncated-suffixal variants of the Christian names, is insignificant (5 names, which is 3 % of the total number of these names). Most often, the final syllables of the lexical token underwent elision, less often - the simultaneous truncation of the initial and final part. According to the number of suffix

Научен вектор на Балканите. 2020. Т. 4. № 3(9)


Hontsa Iryna Semenivna SINGULARIA TANTUM .

philological sciences

morphs that form the basis, the names of settlements on -sk-(-tsk-) are divided into the following groups:

a) onyms with two suffixes, in which the segment -sk-(-tsk-) joins the base complicated by one affix or submorph: Kostetskyi (K.-Sh.), Liubarskyi (Zl.), Mytianskii (Zl.);

b) multi-suffixal formations, in which, in addition to the segment -sk-, there are other preformative morphs: Hrekhnovskii / Hrykhnovskoi (Zl.), Yushkovskii (Zl.).

Christian names of the Catholic calendar (2 names, 1,2 %) are also recorded in the bases of nominative place-names with two-suffixes on -sk-: Hermanovskii (Kn.), Yanevskyi (Zv.). Anthroponyms of the Catholic calendar became entrenched in the nouns of Ukrainians as a result of the policy of the Polonization and Catholicization of the local population. In addition, the nomination of settlements by the names of the Polish possessors was relevant.

Comparison of the obtained results with the results in other studies. Comparison of the obtained results with the results in other studies. The analyzed names are only a part of the oikonymicon of the studied area, but they also testify to the structural and semantic diversity of propriative vocabulary. The arsenal of onomastic vocabulary will be supplemented by structurally and semantically analyzed names of settlements of Cherkasy region, which are currently not included in the administrative-territorial accounting.


Research findings. Thus, nominative singular names of Cherkasy oblast settlements, derived from personal names of people (Christian and Slavic autochthonous appellative anthroponyms), turned out to be quite productive derivation models (l66 onyms, or 6,9 % of the total number). The study of the creative bases of the place-names of the analyzed type allows not only to reconstruct the local anthroponymic system, but also to trace a number of patterns of functional use of anthrop lexemes in the process of nomination of settlements.

For many years, the territory of the modern Cherkasy oblast was subordinated to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which affected the place-names formation. The most numerous model is formed by nominations in the form of the singular noun, motivated by surnames in -sk / -tsk-, originally characteristic of the Polish nobility. A large group consists of the place-names, the formative lexical token of which are actually Ukrainian anthroponyms with the formant -enk-o, and names of settlements derived from the Slavic autochthonous personal names with suffixal morphemes on the consonant -k-.

Some names of settlements are motivated by personal names of appellative origin, uncomplicated word-formative affixes. Singular place-names in the form of the singular noun, formed from surnames with the suffixes -yah-a, -yts-ya / -nyts-ya, -ukh-a, -ets, -al-o, -l-o etc., from the Cossack double personal names and surnames or nicknames genetically related to flora- or fauna lexemes have not become widespread in the region. The declining trend can be traced among the names of settlements that arose as a result of the onimization of female names and surnames.

Prospects for further research in this area. Of course, other categories of onymic vocabulary need final analysis (both complete and partial), first of all - hydronymy, an-throponymy, microtoponymy, ergonomics and pragmaton-ymy of our region.


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The article was received by the editors 15.06.2020 The article was accepted for publication 27.08.2020


Scientific Vector of the Balkans. 2020. X 4. № 3(9)

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