Simultaneous generation at three wavelengths in an optically pumped He-Ar-Kr active medium
A.V. Juriev, Yu.A. Adamenkov, M.A. Gorbunov, E.V. Kabak, A.A. Kalacheva, V.A. Shaidulina
FSUE "RFNC-VNIIEF", Mira str, 37, Sarov, Russia 607190
The optically pumped rare gas laser (OPRGL) is a new type of optically pumped gas laser with high quantum efficiency, which can convert the high output power of a diode laser into the output power of a gas laser with good beam quality. In [1], the first generation on inert gases was demonstrated.
A mixture of argon (1.5%), krypton (0.5%) and helium (98%) is used as the OPRGL active medium. The main purpose of using helium is to increase the collisional relaxation from the pumping level to the upper laser level in order to create the largest population inversion [2,3].
In this paper laser generation was obtained simultaneously at three wavelengths (912.3 nm, 893.1 nm and 877.7 nm). The dependence of generation power and ratio of intensities of separate lines in general generation on flow rate of gas mixture, pressure in cuvette and frequency of repetition of discharge pulses is experimentally investigated. The maximum laser emission power value (in total at all wavelengths) was about 8 mW.
4000 - 30003 kH ■E? 893,Inm 912,3nm
n te lOro-0- 877,7nm I
-■- . K --- ) I. J ---1" I -*- -1-
—i—*—i—'—i—'—i—■—i—■—i—■—i—i——t— 360 870 880 690 900 910 920 930
Wavelength, nm
Fig.1. Spectrum of generation from dichroic mirror.
[1] J. Han and M.C. Heaven, Gain and lasing of optically pumped metastable rare gas atoms, Optics Letters. - 2012. - Vol. 37, No. 11, pp. 2157-2159.
[2] D. J. Emmons and D. E. Weeks. Kinetics of high pressure argon-helium pulsed gas discharge, Journal of Applied Physics. - 2017. -Vol. 121, No. 20.
[3] J. Han, L. Glebov, G. Venus, M.C. Heaven, Demonstration of diode-pumped metastable Ar laser, Optics Letters. - 2013. - Vol. 38, No. 24, pp. 5458-5461.