Научная статья на тему 'Simplistic classification of constructed languages in works by J. R. R. Tolkien'

Simplistic classification of constructed languages in works by J. R. R. Tolkien Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kosenok Alina Igorevna

The article considers development of constructed languages in works by Jh.R.R. Tolkien, their connection with each other and influence on them by natural languages. There is a table with classification of Arda languages. It includes information about language speaking races and their geographical areas.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Simplistic classification of constructed languages in works by J. R. R. Tolkien»

УДК 811.9


А. И. Косенок


A. I. Kosenok

Аннотация. Предметом исследования этой статьи являются искусственные языки в произведениях Дж. Р. Р. Толкиена. Рассматриваются их развитие, связь друг с другом и с естественными языками. Приводится таблица с классификацией языков Средиземья с учетом их географического и расового распространения.

Ключевые слова: Толкиен, искусственные языки, языки Средиземья, лингвистика, Валарин, квенья, Вестрон, Кхуздул, Иглишмек, Черная речь.

Abstract. The article considers development of constructed languages in works by Jh.R.R. Tolkien, their connection with each other and influence on them by natural languages. There is a table with classification of Arda languages. It includes information about language speaking races and their geographical areas.

Key words: Tolkien, constructed languages, Arda languages, linguistics, Valarin, Quenya, Sindarin, Westron, Khuzdul, Iglishmek, Black Speech.

While studying applied linguistics, philologists pay their attention not only to natural but to dead and constructed languages. Many researchers (R. Derdzinski, 1997, A.L. Barkova, 2003, M. A. Steinmann, 2006) base their studies on the works by J.R.R. Tolkien. It is mainly due to the fact that John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was not only an English writer, but also a poet, philologist, professor of Anglo-Saxon, professor of English Language and Literature at Oxford.

Besides English Tolkien spoke Old Greek, Hebrew, Latin, French, Welsh, Gothic, Russian, Gaelic languages. He created a new world with its history, culture and languages. Moreover his passion was not only studying ancient dead languages but creating new ones on its basis. His literary heritage contains a whole fictional universe, often called Middle-earth (Arda) [1].

Tolkien wrote that Middle-earth was located on our Earth. He described it as an imaginary period in the Earths past. But there is one more theory. Once he confessed to comparing Middle-earth with Europe. Hobbits lived in England, Rohan means Asia in Elvish language and South Harad is Africa.

It took Tolkien 17 years to write «Lord of the rings». He paid great attention to grammar system and vocabulary of new languages and also their phonetical aesthetics. He constructed more than twenty languages, but the exact number of them is unknown, for many of his linguistic papers are still unpublished [2].

We made close study of Middle-earth idioms. On the basis of these languages we want to make up a simplistic classification of them for better understanding of the whole linguistic picture of Middle-earth, showing ways of their de-

velopment in chronological order and relations between Arda languages and natural ones and also relations in the system of these constructed languages, trying to allocate their geographical position in Middle-earth and belonging to exact language speaking race.

Middle-earth race Language/ dialect Location

Valar and Maiar Valarin Arda (before other races)

Elves Light Elves Quenya centre of Middle-earth, Fangorn forest

Dark Elves Sindarin centre of Middle-earth, Fangorn forest

Men Westron practically the whole area of Middle-earth

Hobbits Westron dialect Western part, between Branduin river

and Blue mountains

Dwarves Khuzdul centre of Middle-earth,

Moria (Khazad-dum)

Iglishmek centre of Middle-earth,

(common speech) the Misty Mountains

Ores Black Speech (Orkish) Easten part, Mordor

Valar and Maiar were parents for Elves and Men. Tolkien at first decided that Valarin, the tongue of the Valar as it is called in Quenya, would be the proto-language of the Elves. Valar were spiritual immortal beings. They didn't need to pronounce anything, they could just thought about it. But later when some of them became material creatures Valarin became a speech-language. Chronologically Valarin should be developed the first one, but Tolkien started to construct it latest turn. In its structure Valarin is a mix of Old English, Welsh and German languages [3].

Tolkien paid much attention to the development of Elvish languages. There are a lot of dialects and idioms of these languages. Two languages stand out as main ones - Quenya and Sindarin. Quenya was spoken by Light Elves and Sindarin -by Dark Elves who stayed immortal. Later Quenya became a language of knowledge and was used in books and Sindarin was used in common speech of practically all clans of Elves. Sindarin structure is close to Welsh and Icelandic languages and Quenya - to Latin and Greek. Both languages contain features of Old English and Celtic languages. Sindarin and Quenya are the most developed languages, Tolkien even made up a «Qenya Lexicon» - the first list of Elvish words. He tried to improve Quenya all his life, it was a «language of his heart». Good examples of Quenya are Elvish songs, such as «Namarie (Altariello Nainie Loriendesse)» - «Crying of Galadriel in Lorien.»

Men spoke Westron language since the third epoch, before that there were a lot of dialects and even different human languages, so people from different houses couldn't understand each other. Wetsron was developed from Adunaic that was influenced much by Elvish languages and Khuzdul - language of Dwarves. It is difficult to speak about language system of Westron as a finished one, because Tolkien translated eve manes from Westron into English [4]. There weren't ever hobbits called Frodo or Bilbo, they were Marua and Bilba. But it should be noted that vowel system of Westron is classical and similar to English but it is easy to define Scandinavian influence on the development of this language. For example, like in Scandinavian languages, suffixes are used instead of definite articles: Suza - Shire,

Suzat - The Shire. Hobbits spoke in one of the Westron dialects. Orcs and Elves also used their own dialects in the third epoch, so Westron became a general language of Middle-earth.

As it was mentioned, Khuzdul was a language of Dwarves. Dwarves took good care of their culture and tried to keep Khuzudul unknown for others races. But there is a mention in Arda chronicles that there was a friendship between dwarves and men because they were very good riders and could protect dwarves. Khuzdul influenced the basic structure of Adunaic. Later Khuzudul became a language of knowledge, just like Quenya. Dwarves used a sign language, or Iglish-mek. The Dwarvish sign language was much more varied between communities than Khuzdul. Even Tolkien considered that Khuzudul was a very difficult language, unpleasant for ears. Basic structure of Khuzudul is similar to structure of Semitic languages where stems of the words contain only consonants. A good example of dwarves' language is their battle cry: «Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu!» - «Axes of dwarves! Dwarves are coming to you!»

The language of the Orcs of the First Age was created by Morgoth that late became a Black Speech created by Sauron for his «empire» or Orkish Esperanto. Tolkien describes the language as an artificial language to be the sole language of all the servants of Mordor, thereby replacing the many different varieties of Orkish and other languages used by his servants. Tolkien did not like this language. It was not an independent language but a motley crew of all Arda languages that were used usually for abusive speech. There are a lot of geographical names from Sin-darin. Phonetically Black Speech was a mix of French and German. The most famous example of Black Speech -lines that are the spell cut on the Ring: «Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul» -«One Ring to rule them all, one Ring to find them, one Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them» [5].

The languages constructed by J.R.R. Tolkien are a set of constructed idioms which have features of such languages as Old English, Welsh, Latin, Greek, Celtic languages and many others. From his viewpoint, «it was not a 'hobby', in the sense of something quite different from one's work, taken up as a relief-outlet. The invention of languages was the foundation. The 'stories' were made rather to provide a world for the languages than the reverse.» To him a name comes first and the story follows. He should have preferred to write in 'Elvish'.

List of reference links

1. Талиорне (Диар Туганбаев) «Языки в мире Толкиена» Арда на куличках. - URL: http://www.kulichki.com/tolkien/arhiv/lingva/introduc.html (дата обр. 02.11.2012).

2. Апенко, Е. Мир Толкиена / Е. Апенко // Толкиен Дж. Р. Р. Хоббит, или Туда и Обратно. - СПб. : Терра - Азбука, 1995.

3. Fauskanger, H. K. Валарин - как сверканье клинков // Толкиен и языки Арды. -URL: http://www.tolkien.ru/drauger/valarin.htm (дата обр. 04.11.2012)

4. Fauskanger, H. K. Вестрон - всеобщий язык // Толкиен и языки Арды. - URL: http://www.tolkien.ru/drauger/westron.htm (дата обр. 04.11.2012)

5. Fauskanger, H. K. Язык Орков и Черное Наречие - низкий язык для низких целей // Толкиен и языки Арды. - URL: http://www.tolkien.ru/drauger/bs.htm (дата обр. 04.11.2012)

Косенок Алина Игоревна студентка, Педагогический институт им. В. Г. Белинского, Пензенский государственный университет E-mail: kenyka@mail.ru

Kosenok Alina Igorevna

Student, foreign languages faculty, Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky, Penza State University

УДК 811.9 Косенок, А. И.

Simplistic classification of constructed languages in works by J. R. R. Tolkien /

А. И. Косенок // Модели, системы, сети в экономике, технике, природе и обществе. -2013. - № 1 (5). - С. 207-210.

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