SIMILIARITIES AND DIFFERENCES OF ENGLISH AND UZBEK ANTHROPONIMIC UNITS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ibrakhimova Dilshoda Turayevna

The article analyzes the problem of the Scientific thinking style which is one of the important factors determining human development. Any progress relies on it and is determined by its level of development. However, in the development stages, humanity has gone through a mythological, religious, philosophical way of thinking until reached the style of scientific thinking.

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East European Scientific Journal #11 (75), 2021 35

Ibrakhimova Dilshoda Turayevna

Senior Teacher of the department of teaching languages, Refresher Training Institute. Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan


Ибрахимова Дилшода Тураевна

Старший преподаватель кафедры преподавания языков, Институт переподготовки и повышения квалификации пед. кадров,

г. Карши, республика Узбекистан



Abstract. The article analyzes the problem of the Scientific thinking style which is one of the important factors determining human development. Any progress relies on it and is determined by its level of development. However, in the development stages, humanity has gone through a mythological, religious, philosophical way of thinking until reached the style of scientific thinking.

Аннотация. В статье анализируется проблема стиля научного мышления, который является одним из важных факторов, определяющих развитие человека. Любой прогресс зависит от него и определяется уровнем его развития. Однако на стадиях развития человечество прошло через мифологический, религиозный, философский образ мышления, пока не достигло стиля научного мышления.

Key words: mythological outlook, religious outlook, philosophical outlook, scientific outlook, thinking, anthroponym.

Ключевые слова: мифологическое мировоззрение, религиозное мировоззрение, философское мировоззрение, научное мировоззрение, мышление, антропоним.

Introduction. Even in anthroponyms, the long path of development in the form of thinking has left its mark more deeply than in other fields. Both in Uzbek and in English, traces of mythological worldviews in anthroponyms are reflected in motives associated with magical views. The way of thinking, that depends on religious worldviews is reflected in the names of individuals related to religious motivation. The research of English and Uzbek names show that names, as they are in all nations, were first chosen on the base of magic (mythological worldview) motives related to natural phenomena.

Literary Review. A number of such great linguistic scientists as Evens V., Green M., Nurmonov A., Yuldoshev B., Abdurakhmonov D.A., Alefirenko N.F., Madiyeva G.B., Suprun V.I., Toporov V.N., Ufimtseva A.A., Yusupov U.K and many others have investigated different features of anthroponyms in linguistics, their main peculiarities in English and Uzbek languages. Their researches have been taken as the basic material for our article.

General Problem. And later the occurrence of religious worldview resulted in the choice of names relating to religious motivation. This developed depending on a nation's beliefs. Literary recordings created under the influence of Islam and the Holy Koran was the powerful motivation in the development of this process among Uzbek people whilst changes in religious attitudes under the influence of the exchange of Catholic and Protestant denominations of Christianity among the British people reflected in the origin, becoming out of consumption and re-emergence of names.

Aim of the research. In old days, Uzbek people believed Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Islam. And

this has left its trace on the nation's worldview and way of thinking. And in its own turn it is reflected in anthroponyms. Initially, the religious views of the parents were the main motive for naming such anthroponyms to the child, but over time, these names have become a national tradition, moving away from the qualities of the owners and the concepts that praise it.

Main Part. As a last religion, Islam has a special importance in the people's beliefs. That is why the religious motivation gains a wide range in the Uzbek or Turkic nations' nomenclature. We know that in Islam every action begins with the name of Allah. In literary recordings the word Allah and "Asmai khusna" (beautiful names) which consists of 99 names of Creator were used much and repeatedly. However, on "Asmai khusna" which reflects Creator's qualities some researches have been done and they belong to the group of theonyms. In its turn, Uzbek names, relating to religious worldview are divided into the following groups:

1. Names made from the name of Allah, His qualities, the concepts that glorify Him;

2. Names of prophets, names relating to the descendants and generation of Muhammad P.B.U.H. (peace and blossom be upon Him. In Arabic, it is "sallallahu alayhi wa salaam" (SAWS), caliphs and other religious concepts.

Mukhammad P.B.U.H. meaning: unceasingly praiseworthy.

Another similarity in the naming of English and Uzbek names is the presence of historical motivation in the names. Language as an instrument of communication of society is inextricably linked with the history of society, and every change that takes place

36 East European Scientific Journal #11(75), 2021

in society leaves a certain trace on its language. That is why linguistic materials help to cover certain aspects of the history of society, where historical aspects and written monuments are weak. At the same time, it is not enough to interpret certain linguistic factors without relying on historical materials. This shows the connection between the history of society and the language of this society and the history that studies them, the science of literature and the science of linguistics [Nurmonov., Yuldashev: 72]. Therefore, since ancient times, scholars have been interested in the study of names, in particular place names, tribal names, information about all personal names, their generalization, comparison, taxonomy and drawing the necessary conclusions. Although historical names are historical in terms of time and state of origin, their use is also modern in terms of their vitality. So, such names have both historical and modern character.

By studying the following names in English, one can see that they have a historical motivation: "Addy" or full name "Adelaide" became very popular in the UK in the 19th century when a town in Australia was named Adelaide in 1836 in honor of his wife, King William IV, who was of German descent.

The original forms of the names "Alex" and "Alexa" (Alex, Alexa) given to men and women are "Alexander" and "Alexandra". One of the most famous owners of the name was Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia. In the 4th century AD, he created a great empire from Greece, Egypt, Iran, and parts of India. Because of him, the name was later found in medieval legends and spread throughout Europe.

"Arthur" - the meaning is unknown. Arthur, the protagonist of the legends about him, fought against eighty invaders as the British king in the sixth century. He may or may not be a real person who has lived his life. His name first appears in Wales written sources and poems (The VII century).

Another similar feature of the onomastics of the two nations is the fact that the names of main characters Alpomish and Gorogli of the epics "Alpomish" and "Gorogli", as well as the names of other heroes of the epic are still in use today.

Bahrom is one of the most common traditional names in recordings. In our opinion, the historical meaning of the name was the basis for the spread of this name and its specificity to the rulers: the ancient Iranian peoples called the god of war and heroism Veretragna (Varakhran). The Avesto states that Veretra is the name of the devil. In order to get rid of the evil devil and chase him away, only his name was added and the name Veretragna ("the evil devil chases Veretra") was

formed. Later the name underwent a phonetic change and became Bahrom: Veretrasha - Varakhna -Varakhran - Vakhran - Bahrom. Thus, Bahrom's lexical meaning is "the devil who chases the spirit of the evil devil Veretra," but when he became the name of the Iranian rulers, he meant "victorious" and "fearless." These data suggest that the athroponym is motivated by magical views.

Conclusion and suggestions. Although Amin is defined as one of the qualities of Muhammad (pbuh) (Ibid., P. 200), we observe a state of motivation among our people for the anthroponym Madaminbek, who sacrificed his life for the freedom of the Uzbek people in the early twentieth century;

Nowadays, in giving the names of Temur/Temir, Temurbek/Temirbek nominators take into account the image of Amir Temur and willing the child to become a person like that historical man give the child the name of Temur besides the motives of this anthroponym "as firm as iron", "tolerant to dangers", "long-living child".

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