SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS AND ADVANTAGES OF ASTRONOMY STUDY Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Science and innovation
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astronomy / observatory / cosmology / astrophysics / exoplanet / planets / satellites / solar system objects / asteroids / and comets.

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — G. Javlieva

The article reveals many significant aspects and advantages of studying astronomy.

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Javlieva G.

Senior Lecturer (PhD), Department of Algebra and Geometry, Termez State University


Abstract. The article reveals many significant aspects and advantages of studying astronomy.

Keywords: astronomy, observatory, cosmology, astrophysics, exoplanet, planets, satellites, solar system objects, asteroids, and comets.

Astronomy in Uzbekistan has a rich history and continues to develop in modern times. Here are a few key aspects regarding astronomy in Uzbekistan.

Golden Age of Astronomy: In the Middle Ages, especially in the 14th-15th centuries, Uzbekistan became a center of astronomical research thanks to such outstanding scientists as Ulugbek. He founded an observatory in Samarkand, where precise observations of celestial bodies were carried out and star catalogs were compiled.

Astronomy is the science that studies celestial bodies such as stars, planets, comets, galaxies and other objects, as well as phenomena occurring outside the Earth's atmosphere. This subject covers a wide range of topics and aspects including:

Main branches of astronomy:

Observational Astronomy: This is the field devoted to collecting data about celestial objects using telescopes and other instruments. Observational astronomy involves the study of the luminosity, spectra, and motions of objects.

Theoretical Astronomy: This field deals with the development of models and theories to explain observed phenomena. It includes calculations of orbits, the dynamics of stellar systems, and the evolution of galaxies.

Cosmology: This is the branch of astronomy that studies the origin, structure and evolution of the Universe as a whole. Cosmology deals with concepts such as the Big Bang, dark matter and dark energy.

Astrophysics: This field focuses on the physical processes that occur in space. Astrophysicists study the nature of stars, black holes, neutron stars and other exotic objects.

Planetary Astronomy: This is a subfield of astronomy that studies the planets, their moons and other objects in the solar system, including asteroids and comets.

A little about the history of astronomy

Astronomy has a long history, dating back to ancient civilizations who used celestial observations to create calendars and navigate. The ancient Greeks made significant contributions to the development of astronomy by proposing the first models of the Universe. With the invention of the telescope in the 17th century, astronomy took huge steps forward thanks to the work of scientists such as Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton.

Central Asia has a rich history of astronomy, dating back to ancient times and continuing into modern times. Many eminent scientists who made significant contributions to astronomy and related sciences lived and worked in this region. Here are some of the most famous scientists and their works:

Al-Farabi (872-950) was an outstanding philosopher and scientist who lived in Central Asia. He made important contributions to various fields of knowledge, including astronomy. Al-Farabi studied the works of ancient Greek astronomers and tried to combine them with Arabic traditions. He wrote commentaries on the works of Ptolemy and other astronomers.

Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) was a Persian poet, mathematician and astronomer who lived in Nishapur, but his work also influenced Central Asia. He is known for his contributions to the development of astronomical tables and calendars. Khayyam was part of the team that created the famous "Jalali calendar", which was more accurate than the Julian calendar.

Al-Biruni (973-1048) was an outstanding scientist who made important research in astronomy, mathematics and physics. He made many observations of celestial bodies and developed methods for measuring the coordinates of stars. His work included calculating the radius of the Earth and discussing various models of the Universe.

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980-1037) Although Ibn Sina is best known as a philosopher and physician, he was also an astronomer. In his writings, he discussed various aspects of astronomy, including the nature of light and the influence of celestial bodies on Earth.

Ulugbek (1394-1449) Ulugbek, grandson of Timur, was one of the most famous astronomers of his time. He founded an observatory in Samarkand, where he observed the stars and developed accurate astronomical tables. His work "Star Catalog" contained data on the positions of more than 1000 stars and was the basis for further research in astronomy.

Modern achievements in astronomy

In recent decades, Central Asia has seen a revival of interest in astronomy. New observatories and research centers are opening in the countries of the region. Scientists from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries actively participate in international astronomy projects, such as the study of exoplanets and space physics. An exoplanet is any planet outside the solar system. Most of them orbit stars, but there are also exoplanets floating freely in space - rogue planets that are not attached to any star. Most of the exoplanets found are in a relatively small region of the Milky Way.

It can be said that Central Asia has a rich astronomical tradition that continues today. Scientists from this region have made significant contributions to the development of astronomy over the centuries, and their work remains relevant to modern research.

Today, astronomy continues to develop thanks to modern technology. Space telescopes such as Hubble and James Webb provide unique data about distant galaxies and exoplanets. Research is also actively underway to search for extraterrestrial life and study conditions on other planets.

Astronomy not only helps us understand the structure and evolution of the Universe, but also contributes to the development of technology and scientific thinking. It inspires people to study science and expands our understanding of the world. Astronomy also plays an important role in education, helping to develop people's interest in science and understanding of our place in the universe. Astronomy is one of the most ancient sciences that studies celestial bodies, their movement and interaction, as well as the nature of the Universe as a whole. The importance of astronomy cannot be overstated, as it not only helps us understand our place in the cosmos, but also contributes to the development of other scientific disciplines such as physics, mathematics and geography.

Conclusion on the importance of astronomy:

1. Understanding the Universe: Astronomy allows us to explore the origin and evolution of the Universe, study stars, planets, galaxies and other celestial objects. This understanding helps answer fundamental questions about our existence and place in the cosmos.

2. Technological Advances: Research in astronomy has contributed to the development of many technologies that have found application in everyday life. For example, satellite technologies used in GPS and communications, as well as medical technologies such as MRI, have evolved from astronomical research.

3. International collaboration: Astronomy brings together scientists from around the world, promoting international collaboration and knowledge sharing. Collaborative projects such as international observatories and space exploration missions help build bridges between cultures and nations.

4. Education and Inspiration: Astronomy inspires new generations of scientists and researchers. It draws attention to the importance of science and education, creating an interest in young people to study nature and technology.

5. Global Challenges: The study of astronomy helps us better understand global challenges such as climate change and potential threats from asteroids. Knowledge about space can play a key role in developing strategies to protect our planet.

In conclusion, astronomy not only deepens our understanding of the universe, but also plays an important role in advancing science and technology, shaping international cooperation, and inspiring future generations. This is the science of endless possibilities and mysteries that continue to inspire admiration and the desire for knowledge. The study of astronomy is not only a scientific exploration, but also a path to a deeper understanding of our place in the world and in the universe.


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5. Orlova T.A. Creative tasks in astronomy as a means of developing cognitive interest and motivation of students of pedagogical universities // "Physics, Mathematics and Informatics" scientific and methodical magazine. ISSN:2091-5586. - Tashkent, 2022. №4. -c. 31-38. (13.00.00. №2).

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