SIGNIFICANCE OF INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT IN MODERN SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Khrustaleva T.A.

This article focuses on the importance of information environment influence on personality development, formation and advancement. It is typical for modern information environment to be open and available in gathering material of different kinds and formats. A person should consume and process information in order to shape their own knowledge and experience.

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Russian Federation at the federal level, a National Strategy for Improving Financial Literacy for 2017-2023 has been developed. In this regard, obtaining knowledge concerning possible ways of investing funds is a necessary component for upbringing a financially literate citizen. The choice of the investment object, quantitative and qualitative assessment of cash inflows and outflows with the account of the existing risks at the micro-, macro- and mesolevels will ultimately determine the effectiveness of investments.


1. Federal Law of November 29, 2001 No. 156-FZ (as amended on 12/31/2017) "On Investment Funds" (as amended and added, entered into force on February 1, 2017).

2. Federal Law of April 22, 1996 No. 39-Ф3 (latest edition) "On the Securities Market".

3. Federal Law No. 208-ФЗ dated December 26, 1995 (latest edition ) "On Joint-Stock Companies".

УДК 37.032

Khrustaleva T.A. senior teacher Siberian State Transport University Russia, Novosibirsk SIGNIFICANCE OF INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT IN MODERN


Annotation: this article focuses on the importance of information environment influence on personality development, formation and advancement. It is typical for modern information environment to be open and available in gathering material of different kinds and formats. A person should consume and process information in order to shape their own knowledge and experience.

Key words: personality development, personality formation, personality advancement, information environment, social-cultural experience.

One of the most essential factors of personality development, their creative activity is considered the environment, so the interest to this phenomenon from researcher's viewpoint has remained unaltered for a long period of time. The environment is ingenuously attributed to social and pedagogical requirements to elicit the certain environment influence on personality formation and advancement. The world undergoing rapid changes towards an informational society under which we regard the one where easy and available access to data from all over the world is provided, where the main subject of labour for the majority of people is information and knowledge, where the labour tool is information-communicative technology, has stipulated a new advantage to notion "environment" and its constituent part - information environment. [1]

Notion "environment" was offered in a wide and narrow sense. In the wide meaning of the word, it reflects information processes existing in the world

overall, i.e. in animate and inanimate nature as well as in a society.

When speaking about its narrow meaning it is interesting to note that information environment is an integral part of human environment presented by economic, political, cultural, educational and other spheres. Peculiarity of such environment consists in the fact that it is created by people in their interests to realize their own needs.

The main feature of our modern society is the lack of social-cultural and psychological barriers between different countries and peoples. There is a steady tendency towards openness of the world and the individual to the human and social interaction worldwide, person's withdrawal from the limits of habitual milieu into fundamentally novel area. Knowledge acquired through experience and study embraced the person's mind has a great influence on their consciousness giving a fresh impulse to needs, abilities and scopes helping to specify and introduce practically unfamiliar nature of communication. It moulds a new way of life, new conditions and forms of obtaining information acquisition and assignment. The informational society represents modern information environment in a global aspect.

An individual appears the main information user. At the same time, information is created, obtained, collected, transformed, conveyed and kept in compliance with personal information requirements. That is why a person turns up the creator of their information environment and the chief element. That is human beings who ensure their existence and development, determine their form and content. Professor of Sociology V.A. Yadov gave the following definition of a personality: "A personality is the integrity of personal social characteristics, the product of social development and the inclusion of an individual in the system of social relations."[5] According to this point of view, the personality is developed thanks to different kinds of social-cultural experience. At the same time, one can't deny the existence of innate intelligence that has a significant influence on the formation and growth of personal traits. Whatever approach to a personality is used: the activity approach by L.S.Begotsky, the role concept by J. Meade, the humanistic theory of personality by A. Maslov, socio-cultural theory by K. Horney, a personality, first and foremost, acts as a system with their inner spiritual world, consciousness and self-awareness, thanks to which they carry out their livelihoods. It is a systematic approach to the personality that allows expressing their essence.

The personal potential supplies the system with the possibility of preserving the existing state and processes of self-development. The level of personal potential development depends to great extent on inner factors as well as outer social surroundings.

The intellectual potential allows a personality to adapt to the conditions of the outside world, to perform the activity to ensure their sustainable, balanced and relatively autonomous from the society subsistence.

The creative potential reflects the orientation of relationships of all abilities attributable to a person towards transformation and concentration providing self-

development and self-improvement of the individual. Moreover, if the implementation of the intellectual potential conforms a personality to the world, then the implementation of the creative potential conforms the world to personality needs.

Spirituality plays the role of not only as an indicator of personality disposition, but it is regarded as a factor of personality growth. "Spirituality serves as a criterion of the certain hierarchical existence of values, goals and senses; the highest level of spiritual assimilation of the human world is signified in it."[2]. Thus, the spiritual potential determines aims and missions of evolution, and internally enriches the personality.

The core of personal life activity under existing conditions of society informatization is their ability to consume and process information, consequently creatively own this foundational resource. Personality, "passing" information through themselves, processes it shaping experience knowledge. Data collection, its integration are a prerequisite for personality maturing. According to ROMIR Monitoring, statistics there were over 57 million Runet users in 2016.

Personal self-development is characterized by directivity. It can be both progressive and regressive. It greatly depends on the quality of selected information. Spiritual intentions, ideals, principles, norms of morality related to the sphere of valuables of a specific person, comes forward as a "filter" in the selection of information. [3,4]

Objective circumstances, which are typical for today, determine the formation and development of personality not by themselves but through personal involvement in these conditions. A means of the inclusion is the information exchange manifested as an interaction procedure between the personality and the environment. One of the main interactive forms becomes a process distinguished by application of information technology that has been entering every aspect of human activity.

It is also essential to pay heed to the fact that up-today technologies proffer options to streamline the course content and teaching approaches and to make learning more interesting and profound.

Summarizing the article, one can conclude that information environment is the factor requiring fundamentally new human adaptation. Specificity of modern information environment leads to the correction of existing natural and social mechanisms of human alteration and of working out new ones. Information technologies having become the core of modern civilization change not just the quality and content of modern people's life but they try to transform the very way of their being in the world.


1. Abdeev R.F. Philosophy of an information civilization. M., 1994. 336 pp.

2. Brushlinsky A.V. Psychology of the subject. M., 2003. 272 pp.

3. Lievrouw L. A. The information environment and universal service. Pages 155-159 | Published online: 29 Jul 2006

4. Osipov G.V. Working book of the sociologist. M., 2009. 480 pp.

5. Yadov B.A. The strategy of sociological investigations. http ://www. soclib.ru/

UDC 339.9

Lyashenko M.V., Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assistant Professor Assistant Professor of the International Business and Tourism

Department Siberian Transport University Novosibirsk, Russia Kobeleva E.P., Cand.Sci. (Pedag.), Associate Professor Associate Professor of the English Language Department


Abstract. The article discusses the issue of the Chinese-Russian cross-border trade in electricity. The current state of the trade is analyzed, and the directions of its development are concerned.

Key words: Chinese-Russian cross-border trade, electricity production, electricity consumption, joint investments.

The development of mankind and the increase in the world population is accompanied by an annual increase in electricity production. The population of the globe amounted to 7 289 billion people at the end of 2017 and has increased over 20 years by almost 20%. Thus, electricity production reached 24 353 billion kWh, while electricity consumption doubled from 1997 to 2017 and reached 22 932 billion kWh [2].

The Russian Federation has developed the "Energy Strategy" which sets the following objectives: "retaining the country's position in the top three world leaders in the production and sale of energy resources over the next twenty years, increasing significantly the flexibility of export through its diversification -geographical (increasing the share of APR in total export of fuel and energy up to 30-40%), and product (increasing the share of gas, including liquefied, in the total export of fuel and energy resources to 27-29%); as well as increasing energy exports by more than 20%, including the Asia-Pacific countries by 2-3 times [1]."

The electricity market is one of the most technologically complicated one. Impossibility of storage can be distinguished as a specific property of electricity as a product. It must be produced strictly in quantities required at a certain moment, since it cannot be stored. The Chinese planned economy allowed increasing the output of the electric power industry by 12 times for 20 years: from 534 billion kWh in 1997 to 6 321 billion kWh in 2017, to obtain the first place in the world and to reach the second place in the world in terms of GDP (11 383 billion dollars).

However, the analysis of the data on electricity consumption per capita allows saying that a US citizen consumes the largest amount of electricity (11

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