Научная статья на тему 'Signals of electromagnetic tool with toroidal coils in highly deviated wells'

Signals of electromagnetic tool with toroidal coils in highly deviated wells Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Signals of electromagnetic tool with toroidal coils in highly deviated wells»

2. Kovalevsky V.V., Fatyanov A.G., Karavaev D.A., Braginskaya L.P., Grigoryuk A.P., Mordvinova V.V., Tubanov Ts.A.,

Bazarov A.D. Research and verification of the Earth�s crust velocity models by mathematical simulation and active

seismology methods. Geodynamics & Tectonophysics. 2019;10(3):569-583. (In Russ.).

3. Grigoryuk A.P., Kovalevsky V.V., Braginskaya L.P. Investigation of the polarization of seismic waves during vibro-

seismic monitoring // Interexpo Geo-Siberia, 2018. V. 4. No. 2. P. 10-16 (in Russ.).

Mathematical modeling of electromagnetic fields of main pipelines cathodic protection systems

in electrically layered and anisotropic soils

V. N. Krizsky1, S. V. Viktorov2, O. V. Kosarev1, Ya. A. Luntovskaya1

1Saint-Petersburg Mining University

2Bashkir State University, Ufa

Email: Krizsky@rambler.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-01-07

The geometric and physical properties of the containing pipeline soil play a significant role in the distribu-

tion of electric and magnetic fields generated in the cathodic anticorrosive electrochemical protection sys-


The paper considers mathematical models that are more adequate to practice (in comparison with those

currently in force in accordance with GOST), taking into account the layering [1] and anisotropy [2, 3] of the

specific electrical conductivity of the medium. The problems are solved by the method of fictitious sources.

The results of confirming comparative computational experiments are presented.


1. Krizsky V. N., Aleksandrov P. N., Kovalskii A. A., Victorov S. V. Modeling of Electromagnetic Fields of Pipelines

Cathodic Protection Systems in Horizontally-Layered Media // Science & Technologies: Oil and Oil Products Pipeline

Transportation. 2019. V. 9, N 5. P. 558�567. DOI: 10.28999/2541-9595-2019-9-5-558-567.

2. Krizsky V. N., Aleksandrov P. N., Kovalskii A. A., Victorov S. V. Mathematical Modeling of Electric Fields of Pipelines

Cathodic Protection Systems in Anisotropic Media // Science & Technologies: Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation.

2020. V. 10, N. 1. P. 52-63. DOI: 10.28999/2541-9595-2020-10-1-52-63.

3. Krizsky V. N., Aleksandrov P. N., Kovalskii A. A., Victorov S. V. Mathematical Modelling of Electric and Magnetic

Fields of Main Pipelines Cathodic Protection in Electrically Anisotropic Media // E3S Web of Conferences. II International

Conference �Corrosion in the Oil & Gas Industry 2020�, 2021. V. 225. [Electron. resource]. URL: https://www.e3s-

conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2021/01/e3sconf_corrosion2020_04002/ e3sconf_corrosion2020_04002.html (the

date of access: 01.03.2021) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202122504002.

Signals of electromagnetic tool with toroidal coils in highly deviated wells

I. V. Mikhaylov1, V. N. Glinskikh1, M. N. Nikitenko1, I. V. Surodina2

1Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS

2Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS

Email: MikhaylovIV@ipgg.sbras.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-01-08

This study propels the research direction related to the electromagnetic logging tool with toroidal coils [1].

Its main goal is to expand the tool�s applicability from vertical well sections to those of highly deviated wells,

based on 3D finite-difference simulation [2] and multi-aspect analysis of the signals. The latter were obtained

in geoelectric models of oil-, gas- and water-saturated reservoirs with a different number of horizontal bound-

aries, varying reservoir thicknesses, including the case of fine layering.

This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 19-05-00595).


1. Epov M., Mikhaylov I., Glinskikh V., Nikitenko M., Surodina I. Electromagnetic Logging Tool with Toroidal Coils for

the Study of Vertically Inhomogeneous Macroanisotropic Formations // EAGE Annual 2019, Extended Abstracts,


2. Mikhaylov I., Glinskikh V., Nikitenko M., Surodina I. Electromagnetic Sounding with a Toroidal Source in Vertical

and Deviated Oil Wells: Numerical Simulation // EAGE Annual 2020, Extended Abstracts, Fr_E105_11.

Earthquake record processing algorithms to form a strong motion database

V. A. Mironov1,2, S. A. Peretokin2, K. V. Simonov1

1Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS

2Krasnoyarsk Branch of the Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies

Email: vasya-kun@mail.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-01-09

This study is devoted to the development of algorithms and software for earthquake record processing.

The algorithms are based on the methodology used by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center for

the implementation of the scientific project NGA-West2 [1]. The purpose of processing is to determine reliable

values of ground acceleration and other parameters of earthquakes from the available records of velocity time

series. To analyze the operation of the algorithms, earthquake records (simultaneously recorded time series of

acceleration and velocity), taken from the European Rapid Raw Strong-Motion database [2], were used. The

developed algorithms and the implemented software will allow in the future to form a database of strong mo-

tions for building regional attenuation models on the territory of the Russian Federation.


1. Bozorgnia Yousef et al. NGA-West2 research project // Earthquake Spectra. 2014. V. 30, N. 3. P. 973-987.

2. Carlo Cauzzi, Reinoud Sleeman, John Clinton, Jordi Domingo Ballesta, Odysseus Galanis, Philipp Kastli. Introducing

the European Rapid Raw Strong-Motion Database // Seismological Research Letters. 2016. V. 87 (4). P. 977�986.

Grid method for estimating the velocity characteristic of complex medium

D. L. Pinigina

Novosibirsk State Technical University

Email: daria.pi789@gmail.com

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-90

An important problem in solving inverse problems in seismology associated with determining the geo-

graphic and energy characteristics of a seismic source is obtaining a priori information about the propagation

velocities of seismic waves. In heterogeneous media, in particular in the areas of volcanoes and faults, obtain-

ing a velocity pattern is sharply complicated due to the nonlinearity of the travel time curve of seismic waves

[1�3]. The paper proposes an approach to the calculation and assessment of local velocities of seismic P-waves

in the area of the Mount Karabetova mud volcano (the Taman mud volcanic province) based on the use of the

grid method. The numerical algorithm is tested on experimentally obtained arrival times of waves from a vi-

bration source of the SV-10/100 type for the Mount Karabetova mud volcano. Using the approach proposed a

zone of inhomogeneity introduced by the volcano and its approximate geometric dimensions have been iden-

tified. The obtained results of the distribution of local velocities are consistent with the geological structure of

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