Научная статья на тему 'Shadow economy in Russia'

Shadow economy in Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
shadow economy / criminal economy / Russian economy / shadow sector / shadow activity. / теневая экономика / криминальная экономика / экономика оссии / теневой сектор / теневая деятельность

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — M. V. Bakun

The shadow economy is included in the mandatory elements of the social system that exists in all countries of the world. Having consolidated on the territory of Russia, it represents a great threat to the economy. Due to the increasing influence on the economy of criminalization, corruption and organized crime, the criminal form of the shadow economy is very highlighted. An analysis of the reasons for the emergence of the shadow economy, its growth and spread across Russia will help create ways to destroy it.

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Теневая экономика входит в обязательные элементы общественной системы, которая существует во всех странах мира. Закрепившись на территории оссии она представляет собой большую угрозу для экономики. В силу увеличения влияния на экономику криминализации, коррупции и организованной преступности, криминальный вид теневой экономики очень выделен. Анализ причин появления теневой экономики, ее роста и распространения по территории оссии поможет создать способы ее истребления.

Текст научной работы на тему «Shadow economy in Russia»


M.V. Bakun, student

St. Petersburg state university of economics (Russia, St. Petersburg)

DOI: 10.24411/2411-0450-2018-10107

Abstract. The shadow economy is included in the mandatory elements of the social system that exists in all countries of the world. Having consolidated on the territory of Russia, it represents a great threat to the economy. Due to the increasing influence on the economy of criminali-zation, corruption and organized crime, the criminal form of the shadow economy is very highlighted. An analysis of the reasons for the emergence of the shadow economy, its growth and spread across Russia will help create ways to destroy it.

Keywords: shadow economy, criminal economy, Russian economy, shadow sector, shadow activity.

The informal sector of the economy is business operations, the results of which are not reflected in the reports. This sector consists of two parts: the first is "on the surface" and consists of elements that do not contradict the current legislation; the second is the shadow economy: the results of its activities are reflected in the financial statements, but contradict the law.

The main feature of the informal economy is the concealment of a relatively small part of the income from taxation, while the largest part is reflected in the accounting and statistical reporting, as required by current legislation [1, 2].

It is revealed that the shadow economy is included in the mandatory elements of the social system that exists in all countries of the world. The World Bank has found that in countries with a low level of average for each person, the share of the shadow economy is 40% of GDP and 17% of WFP is for countries with high level[59, 343]. For retail, construction and other industries, it is characteristic that more than 80% of workers are engaged in illegal entrepreneurship [3]

In Russia, as an example of the shadow economy, violations of accounting and tax accounting rules (20-30%) are typical: costs are shown in full, and revenues in part, and "laundering" through offshores abroad (1020%) [4].

The shadow sector of the economy exists in different economic systems and acquires

specific features of functioning. Only an analysis of these differences will help to understand the causes of the emergence of the informal economy in specific political and economic systems. The specificity of the informal sector of the economy in our country is determined by: close non-state shadow activity; the difficulty of determining its types and scope of activities; informality and criminality; the strong dependence of the official and unofficial economies on each other; the use of state social security resources and state subsidies in it [5]

An analysis of the concept of the "shadow sector of the economy" showed that its essence can be determined through the main feature — the hidden one. For public relations, accounting and analysis of the shadow economy is important because it performs two opposing functions: regulatory or stabilizing and destabilizing. The state can no longer ignore the presence of the shadow sector in the economy. The fact is that the shadow economy has passed the stage of institu-tionalization with qualitative changes: from chaotic interactions of economic entities it turns into a self-replicating social mechanism that has internal organization and the ability to hide from direct control and observation by the state.

The internal structure of the forces of the informal economy has its own hierarchy:

- superstructure: criminogenic elements (drug dealers, arms dealers, car thieves, hired

killers, etc.); representatives of government bodies that take bribes and use their official position for mercenary purposes;

- medium level: businessmen (businessmen, including industrialists, shuttle traders, financiers, etc.) who are the "engine" of economic activity, including illegal;

- mercenaries (both physical and intellectual labor): corrupt public servants; their revenues in large part (according to research data - up to 60%) consist of bribes [6].

The problem for the Russian economy is the public danger of the size of the criminal sector of the economy, in which the interest for each group is to earn income outside the legal field. The number of criminal acts that are sources of such income includes:

- criminalized actions for which criminal liability is provided on the basis of current legislation;

- non-criminalized actions of two types: entailing administrative for a different kind of legal liability that is not related to legal liability due to imperfect legislation.

The magnitude of informal employment in the informal sector, as well as the size of the sector itself, indicate the existence of socioeconomic problems:

- illegal spending of social funds, because illegal profits are not taxable;

- slowdown in economic growth, because the illegal sector is inefficient due to the inefficient use of resources, unequal distribution of income and the growth of informal employment;

- legal insecurity of labor relations, failure to provide social benefits.

Three characteristics can be distinguished in the sphere of informal interaction: economic roles that are of a shadow nature ("racketeering"); established norms of "shadow behavior"; criminal types of shadow economic relations ("protection" of business by law enforcement officers).

Thus, arguments were made to prove the weakening by the shadow sector of the country's economic security [7]:

- in the basis of the shadow sector hall

-the basis of the shadow sector is an imbalance in the interests of the individual, society and the state;

- the growth of the shadow sector leads to the "falling out" of most economic relations from the legislative framework, which not only leads to disruptions in the mechanism of market economy, but can also cause an institutional crisis;

- imperfection of methods for estimating the size of the shadow economy;

- the presence of the shadow sector, on the one hand, leads to the "withdrawal" of capital abroad, and on the other, "attracts" illegal migrants, which aggravates the socio-economic problems of the state;

- social insecurity of the shadow society itself;

- the shadow sector contributes to property stratification of citizens, opposition in society, hampers economic development, undermines its competitiveness;

- the shadow sector of the economy is a breeding ground for corruption, interconnected with economic crime;

- the large financial resources of the shadow sector of the economy make it possible to influence state decisions, the media and the course of election campaigns at various levels [3].

Due to the increasing influence on the economy of criminalization, corruption and organized crime, the criminal form of the shadow economy is highlighted. The purpose of this selection is to reduce its public danger through the study of the causes, mechanisms of manifestation, prevention and prevention of economic socially dangerous phenomena.

Russia as a federal state has significant differences in the socio-economic development of the regions. Despite the formation of the federal power vertical, these differences are increasing. The financial inconsistency of the majority of the subjects of the Federation, their economic crisis situation now pose a great threat to the economic security of the regions and the state.

There is also another problem that is associated with the existence of the shadow economy sector - the desire to seize state power, integration with world economic unions, including transnational organized criminal groups [8].

The scale of the shadow economy remains significant in Russia. Fully get rid of it is impossible because of two reasons:

- the shadow economy is one of the elements of economic systems;

- the shadow economy was entrenched, institutionalized and not rejected by society in Russia.

In the new socio-economic conditions, a logical question arises about the need to combat the shadow sector, given that control of large amounts of material goods, financial resources and significant economic potential that is exercised in it is inherent in the shadow economy. However, this activity can be conducted by a legal subject of the economy, operating in parallel in the shadow sector.

Thus, it can be concluded that government measures are being implemented to maintain the balance between the legal and shadow sectors of the economy, to contain the shadow sector of the economy on a scale that does not destroy the integrity of the economic system. Some of these measures are aimed at eliminating the causes of the emergence and existence of shadow economic phenomena.

The ratio of legal and shadow economies is not balanced in our country. That is why the state task is to find the causes that contribute to the emergence and existence of the shadow economy. These are some of the factors of these reasons:

1. Economic factors: high income tax rates; economic crisis and its consequences; imperfection of the legal framework for privatization; the existence of unregistered economic entities.

2. Social factors: the low standard of living of the population, because of which there is a need to hide the facts of economic life; high unemployment, which forces to earn income by illegal methods; uneven distribution of GDP.

3. Legal factors: imperfect legislation; little law enforcement efforts to curb criminal economic activity; an imperfect mechanism for dealing with economic crimes [9].

As part of the concept of Hernando de Soto, the current Russian situation is described, when the state favors maximum favor only for a small number of favorites, and most entrepreneurs are in the informal economy.

There are administrative obstacles in the country, unofficial levies are common. The state cannot provide reliable protection of the property of entrepreneurs. Therefore, the main obstacle for business is the activity of the authorities.

The main reasons that contribute to the development of the shadow economy:

- low level of preparedness of officials;

- low penalties for violating the law;

- inefficiency of the judicial system.

Now the world is undergoing political,

economic, social changes, determined by the desire of the United States and the European Union to isolate Russia in the world economy. This affects the development of the Russian economy. Shadow economic activity is also reaching a new level of its influence on the economic security of the country.

The current state of the Russian economy is expressed by new challenges and threats, including the influence of the shadow economy.

The processes of globalization have taken a different character. They are under economic and political pressure on Russia. Due to the sanctions imposed by the United States and the EU on Russia, the scale of the shadow economy and the improvement of the methods of shadow economic activity have increased.

Therefore, there is a need to develop a system of monitoring economic security at the level of the subjects of Russia with the existing level of socio-economic development and risks. The methodology for assessing and analyzing Russia's economic security at the federal level has been developed quite well, but the methodological basis for the regional level requires further development.

We know that regional features greatly influence the economy of the country's subjects: the geographical location of the region, climatic and demographic conditions, resource and raw materials reserves, the sectoral structure of the economy, cultural, historical and other living conditions.

In order to ensure the economic security of the region, it is necessary to create conditions for improving the standard of living of the population, to counteract internal and external threats, and to steadily develop the socio-

economic and socio-political spheres. To ensure regional economic security, you must do the following:

- identify and systematize the factors affecting the security of the economy, and monitor their dynamics. At the same time, the speed of intervention in minimizing the effects of the established factors on crisis situations is of great importance;

- identify economic threats in case of a low level of control over established factors;

- develop and implement measures to counter threats through the interaction of economic entities and state bodies [10].

Government structures are unable to force businesses to comply with existing legislation because of this. The tendency of a long-term

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business process in the formal sector of the economy with a high level of costs, high taxation, high demands on product quality, and compliance with labor standards has not been removed in Russia. All this contributes to the life of the shadow economy.

Based on this, the main tasks of the state in combating the shadow economy are to identify the main regional features that attract the shadow economic entities; legalization (if possible) and minimization of negative consequences; creating conditions for the implementation of legitimate business activities and the implementation of a set of measures to legalize the informal economy.


М.В. Бакун, студент

Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет (Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург)

Аннотация. Теневая экономика входит в обязательные элементы общественной системы, которая существует во всех странах мира. Закрепившись на территории России она представляет собой большую угрозу для экономики. В силу увеличения влияния на экономику криминализации, коррупции и организованной преступности, криминальный вид теневой экономики очень выделен. Анализ причин появления теневой экономики, ее роста и распространения по территории России поможет создать способы ее истребления.

Ключевые слова: теневая экономика, криминальная экономика, экономика России, теневой сектор, теневая деятельность.

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