Научная статья на тему 'Северная находка азиатского барсука в западной Сибири'

Северная находка азиатского барсука в западной Сибири Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Головатин Михаил Григорьевич, Пасхальный Сергей Петрович

Information about the northern limits of the Asian Badger Meles leucurus distribution in Western Siberia is extremely scanty. The northernmost registered settlements of the Badger were on River Kazym and its tributaries until recently (Laptev, 1958; Sinitsin & Piminov, 2000), that is, in the latitude near 64°N. The Badger is found regularly in the Ob River valley and occasionally in the floodplains of the Ob tributaries to the south of this latitude (Kolychev et al., 2000). Regarding all this, it is interesting that the badger settlements found by us were considerably further to the north. In June 2008, during a big research of the Ob floodplain within the borders of the Yamal-Nenets autonomous district (YNAD), we found two badger settlements in the central part of the so called Dvuobye the vast floodplain between the Malaya and Bolshaya Ob branches (the Shurishkarskiy district of the YNAD): the first settlement 65º33'26''N and 65º06'58''E, the second 65º33'37''N and 65º05'00''E. Anywhere else northward of Dvuobye any tracks of badger presence were not found. The settlements were on the periphery of small forest islands (remnants of ancient riverside terraces with the local place-name «pugor») in the diffi cult-to-access part of the floodplain. Those forest islands are never flooded even when the water is very high, and in this respect they can be regarded as noninundated. Coniferous forests of Siberian pine and spruce are along the perimeter of the pugors. The height of the trees is 12-16 m, crown density from 0.2 to 0.7. The undergrowth is scanty, birch and rowan are common in the underbrush. Sparse damp forests of spruce, Siberian pine, and birch are in the central part of the pugors. The grass and dwarf plant layer of the pugors is dominated by ledum and dwarf birch. The permanent moss cover is formed by true mosses and sphagnum here and there. A line of birch and birch and aspen forests from a few to dozens of meters wide borders the pugors. The height of the trees is 10-12 m, crown density from 0.5 to 0.6. The underbrush is slight, the grass cover of gramineous plants and motley grass is unsteady, the moss cover is almost lacking. The residual island where the first badger settlement was situated had an area of 84.5 ha, the other one 11 ha. The islands were separated by shallow waters. The straight line distance between the settlements was 1.8 km. The settlement on the larger residual island was built on a northern cape, on an even spot, in birch grass forest. It had 3 rather isolated burrows with 3-5 holes in each of them. The shape of the holes, fresh ejections of soil (App. 1А, Б), and traces of digging everywhere were evidence that it was an inhabited badger settlement. The other settlement was situated on a 4 m high pugor slope covered with a 5-8 m wide line of aspen and birch forest. The settlement was directed southwest. Large soil ejections and the majority of holes located between tree roots were the characteristic features of this settlement (App. 2). The next year inspection of the settlements found that they were still inhabited. In two years, at the end of July 2012, only the latter settlement was inhabited. In the distance of about 2.5 km, on a sand bar of a small creek we found tracks of a young animal (App. 3). All this is evidence of badger breeding and dispersion of young animals. As for the former badger settlement, a Khanty village of 3 houses appeared near the pugor where the settlement had been located. The people and dogs began to attend the pugor, and the fate of the settlement is unknown. This research was done with the support of the Program of the Presidium of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences no. 15-12-4-28.

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Похожие темы научных работ по биологическим наукам , автор научной работы — Головатин Михаил Григорьевич, Пасхальный Сергей Петрович

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Northern finding of the Asian Badger in Western Siberia

Information about the northern limits of the Asian Badger Meles leucurus distribution in Western Siberia is extremely scanty. The northernmost registered settlements of the Badger were on River Kazym and its tributaries until recently (Laptev, 1958; Sinitsin & Piminov, 2000), that is, in the latitude near 64°N. The Badger is found regularly in the Ob River valley and occasionally in the floodplains of the Ob tributaries to the south of this latitude (Kolychev et al., 2000). Regarding all this, it is interesting that the badger settlements found by us were considerably further to the north. In June 2008, during a big research of the Ob floodplain within the borders of the Yamal-Nenets autonomous district (YNAD), we found two badger settlements in the central part of the so called Dvuobye the vast floodplain between the Malaya and Bolshaya Ob branches (the Shurishkarskiy district of the YNAD): the first settlement 65º33'26''N and 65º06'58''E, the second 65º33'37''N and 65º05'00''E. Anywhere else northward of Dvuobye any tracks of badger presence were not found. The settlements were on the periphery of small forest islands (remnants of ancient riverside terraces with the local place-name «pugor») in the diffi cult-to-access part of the floodplain. Those forest islands are never flooded even when the water is very high, and in this respect they can be regarded as noninundated. Coniferous forests of Siberian pine and spruce are along the perimeter of the pugors. The height of the trees is 12-16 m, crown density from 0.2 to 0.7. The undergrowth is scanty, birch and rowan are common in the underbrush. Sparse damp forests of spruce, Siberian pine, and birch are in the central part of the pugors. The grass and dwarf plant layer of the pugors is dominated by ledum and dwarf birch. The permanent moss cover is formed by true mosses and sphagnum here and there. A line of birch and birch and aspen forests from a few to dozens of meters wide borders the pugors. The height of the trees is 10-12 m, crown density from 0.5 to 0.6. The underbrush is slight, the grass cover of gramineous plants and motley grass is unsteady, the moss cover is almost lacking. The residual island where the first badger settlement was situated had an area of 84.5 ha, the other one 11 ha. The islands were separated by shallow waters. The straight line distance between the settlements was 1.8 km. The settlement on the larger residual island was built on a northern cape, on an even spot, in birch grass forest. It had 3 rather isolated burrows with 3-5 holes in each of them. The shape of the holes, fresh ejections of soil (App. 1А, Б), and traces of digging everywhere were evidence that it was an inhabited badger settlement. The other settlement was situated on a 4 m high pugor slope covered with a 5-8 m wide line of aspen and birch forest. The settlement was directed southwest. Large soil ejections and the majority of holes located between tree roots were the characteristic features of this settlement (App. 2). The next year inspection of the settlements found that they were still inhabited. In two years, at the end of July 2012, only the latter settlement was inhabited. In the distance of about 2.5 km, on a sand bar of a small creek we found tracks of a young animal (App. 3). All this is evidence of badger breeding and dispersion of young animals. As for the former badger settlement, a Khanty village of 3 houses appeared near the pugor where the settlement had been located. The people and dogs began to attend the pugor, and the fate of the settlement is unknown. This research was done with the support of the Program of the Presidium of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences no. 15-12-4-28.

Текст научной работы на тему «Северная находка азиатского барсука в западной Сибири»

Фауна Урала и Сибири ■ 2015 ■ №1-119-122

УДК 599.742.4(571.1)

Северная находка азиатского барсука в Западной Сибири

М. Г. Головатин, С. П. Пасхальный

ЕТ| Головатин Михаил Григорьевич, Институт экологии растений и животных УрО РАН, Р?- ул. 8 Марта, 202, г. Екатеринбург, 620144; [email protected]

Пасхальный Сергей Петрович, Арктический научно-исследовательский стационар Института экологии растений и животных УрО РАН, ул. Зеленая Горка, 21, г. Лабытнанги, 629400; [email protected]

Поступила в редакцию 6 августа 2015 г. Ключевые слова: азиатский барсук, Meies leucurus, Западная Сибирь.

Сведения о северной границе распространения азиатского барсука Meies leucurus в Западной Сибири крайне скудны. До недавнего времени его наиболее северные поселения были найдены на р. Казым и ее притоках (Лаптев, 1958; Синицын, Пи-минов, 2000), т.е. примерно на 64° с.ш. Южнее, в долине Оби, он отмечается регулярно, на остальной территории спорадически и эпизодически в поймах обских притоков (Колычев и др., 2000). В этой связи обнаруженные нами поселения барсука, расположенные значительно севернее, представляют известный интерес.

В июне 2008 г. при масштабном обследовании поймы Оби в пределах Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа мы обнаружили два поселения барсука в центральной части обширного участка поймы между рукавами Мал. и Бол. Оби — район Двуобья (Шурышкарский р-н ЯНАО): первое — 65°33'26'' с.ш., 65°06'58'' в.д., второе — 65°33'37'' с.ш., 65°05'00'' в.д. В других частях Двуобья и севернее следы пребывания вида не найдены.

Поселения располагались в малопо-сещаемой части поймы на периферии небольших останцов древних надпойменных террас, которые имеют вид лесистых островов («пугора» в местной

топонимике). Они никогда не затапливаются, даже при очень высоких паводках, и в этом плане являются как бы внепойменными. По периметру пугоров произрастают кедрово-еловые багуль-никово-кустарничково-зеленомошные леса с доминированием в древостое ели и кедра высотой 12-16 м и сомкнутостью крон от 0.2 до 0.7. Подрост незначительный, состоит из ели, кедра и березы. В подлеске обычны береза и рябина. Центральную часть занимают заболоченные елово-кедрово-березовые редколесья. В травяно-кустарничковом ярусе пуго-ров преобладают багульник и ерник. Сплошной моховой покров образуют зеленые, местами сфагновые мхи. По краю пугоров тянется полоса березового и бе-резово-осинового леса. Ширина березняков — от нескольких до десятков метров. В древостое преобладают осина и береза с примесью ели, кедра и лиственницы. Высота деревьев 10-12 м, степень сомкнутости крон 0.5-0.6. Подлесок развит слабо. Травяной покров выражен неравномерно, преобладают злаки и разнотравье, моховой покров почти отсутствует.

Площадь останца, где располагалось первое поселение, составляла 84.5 га, другого — 11 га. Острова были разделе-

© Головатин М. Г., Пасхальный С. П., 2015


Фауна Урала и Сибири ■ 2015 ■ №1

ны мелководным пространством — сором. Расстояние между поселениями составляло по прямой 1.8 км.

Поселение, расположенное на более крупном останце, находилось на северном мысу, на ровном месте в березовом травянистом лесу. Здесь были 3 относительно обособленных норовища с 3-5 отнорками в каждом. Форма отверстий, свежие выбросы земли (прил. 1А, Б), по-копки вокруг свидетельствовали о том, что это жилое поселение барсуков. Другое поселение имело юго-западную экспозицию и располагалось на наклонном берегу пугора высотой около 4 м, поросшем узкой полосой (шириной до 5-8 м) осиново-березового леса. Для поселения были характерны большие выбросы зем-


Колычев В. Б., Синицын А. А., Чесноков А. Д. Малочисленные промысловые млекопитающие Нижнего Приобья // Вестник экологии, лесоведения и ландшафтоведения. Тюмень, 2000. Вып. 1. С. 48-55. Лаптев И. П. Млекопитающие таежной зоны

ли, большинство отнорков находились между корнями деревьев (прил. 2).

При посещении поселений на следующий год мы выяснили, что они сохранились. Спустя два года, в конце июля 2012 г., второе поселение также оставалось жилым. На удалении около 2.5 км, на косе небольшой протоки, мы обнаружили следы молодого животного (прил. что свидетельствует о размножении зверей и расселении молодых. Вблизи пугора, где располагалось первое поселение, возникла деревня хантов из трех домов. Люди с собаками стали посещать пугор. Дальнейшая судьба этого поселения осталась неизвестной.

Работа выполнена при поддержке Программы Президиума УрО РАН № 1512-4-28.

Западной Сибири. Томск, 1958. 285 с.

Синицын А. А., Пиминов В. Н. Распространение куньих и характер использования их ресурсов в бассейне р. Казым // Вестник экологии, лесоведения и ландшафтоведения. Тюмень, 2000. Вып. 1. С. 11-17.

Приложение 1. Норы в поселении барсуков в березовом лесу в пойме Нижней Оби Appendix 1. Asian badger settlement in birch forest in the Lower Ob floodplain http://ipae.uran.ru/fus files/201.5 FUS gol aoi.pdf

Приложение 2. Поселение барсуков на берегу останца в пойме Нижней Оби

Appendix 2. Asian badger settlement at the end of a terrace remnant in the Lower Ob floodplain

http://ipae.uran.ru/fus files/20l. FUS gol a02.pdf

Приложение 3. Следы молодого барсука на песчаной косе Appendix 3. Track of a young badger on a sand bar http://ipae.uran.ru/fus files/20l. FUS gol a03.pdf

МЛЕКОПИТАЮЩИЕ ■ М. Г. Головатин, С. П. Пасхальный


Northern finding of the Asian Badger in Western Siberia

M. G. Golovatin, S. P. Paskhalniy

E3 Mikhail G. Golovatin, Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural branch of the Russian Academy of l_J- Sciences, 202, 8 Marta st., Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620144; [email protected]

Sergey P. Paskhalniy, Arctic Scientific and Research Station of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 21, Zelenaya Gorka st., Labytnangi, Russia, 629400; [email protected]

Key words: Asian Badger, Meles leucurus, Western Siberia.

Information about the northern limits of the Asian Badger Meles leucurus distribution in Western Siberia is extremely scanty. The northernmost registered settlements of the Badger were on River Kazym and its tributaries until recently (Laptev, 1958; Sinitsin & Piminov, 2000), that is, in the latitude near 64°N. The Badger is found regularly in the Ob River valley and occasionally in the floodplains of the Ob tributaries to the south of this latitude (Kolychev et al., 2000). Regarding all this, it is interesting that the badger settlements found by us were considerably further to the north.

In June 2008, during a big research of the Ob floodplain within the borders of the Yamal-Nenets autonomous district (YNAD), we found two badger settlements in the central part of the so called Dvuobye — the vast floodplain between the Malaya and Bol-shaya Ob branches (the Shurishkarskiy district of the YNAD): the first settlement — 65°33'26''N and 65°06'58''E, the second — 65°33'37''N and 65°05'00''E. Anywhere else northward of Dvuobye any tracks of badger presence were not found.

The settlements were on the periphery of small forest islands (remnants of ancient riverside terraces with the local place-name «pugor») in the difficult-to-access part of the floodplain. Those forest islands are never flooded even when the water is very high,

and in this respect they can be regarded as noninundated. Coniferous forests of Siberian pine and spruce are along the perimeter of the pugors. The height of the trees is 12-16 m, crown density — from 0.2 to 0.7. The undergrowth is scanty, birch and rowan are common in the underbrush. Sparse damp forests of spruce, Siberian pine, and birch are in the central part of the pugors. The grass and dwarf plant layer of the pu-gors is dominated by ledum and dwarf birch. The permanent moss cover is formed by true mosses and sphagnum here and there. A line of birch and birch and aspen forests from a few to dozens of meters wide borders the pugors. The height of the trees is 10-12 m, crown density — from 0.5 to 0.6. The underbrush is slight, the grass cover of gramineous plants and motley grass is unsteady, the moss cover is almost lacking.

The residual island where the first badger settlement was situated had an area of 84.5 ha, the other one — 11 ha. The islands were separated by shallow waters. The straight line distance between the settlements was 1.8 km.

The settlement on the larger residual island was built on a northern cape, on an even spot, in birch grass forest. It had 3 rather isolated burrows with 3-5 holes in each of them. The shape of the holes, fresh ejections of soil (App. 1A, E), and traces of dig-

© Golovatin M. G., Paskhalniy S. P., 2015


M^EKOnMTAro^ME ■ М. L. LonoeamuH, C. n. nacxanbHuu

ging everywhere were evidence that it was an inhabited badger settlement. The other settlement was situated on a 4 m high pugor slope covered with a 5-8 m wide line of aspen and birch forest. The settlement was directed southwest. Large soil ejections and the majority of holes located between tree roots were the characteristic features of this settlement (App. 2).

The next year inspection of the settlements found that they were still inhabited. In two years, at the end of July 2012, only the latter settlement was inhabited. In the distance of

about 2.5 km, on a sand bar of a small creek we found tracks of a young animal (App. 3). All this is evidence of badger breeding and dispersion of young animals. As for the former badger settlement, a Khanty village of 3 houses appeared near the pugor where the settlement had been located. The people and dogs began to attend the pugor, and the fate of the settlement is unknown.

This research was done with the support of the Program of the Presidium of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences no. 15-12-4-28.


Kolychev V. B., Sinitsyn A. A., Chesnokov A. D. Small-number commercial mammals of the Lower Ob region, in Vestnik ekologii, lesovedeniya i landshaftovedeniya (Bulletin of Ecology, Forestry, and Landscape Science), Tyumen, 2000, no. 1, pp. 48-55.

Laptev I. P. Mlekopitayushchie taezhnoy zony Zapadnoy Sibiri (Mammals of the Western

Siberia Taiga Zone), Tomsk, 1958.

Sinitsyn A. A., Piminov V. N. Distribution of mustelids and the exploitation of their resources in the Kazym River basin, in Vestnik ekologii, lesovedeniya i landshaftovedeniya (Bulletin of Ecology, Forestry, and Landscape Science), Tyumen, 2000, no. 1, pp. 11-17.

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