СЕМАНТИЧЕСКИЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ КОЛИЧЕСТВЕННЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ В РАЗНЫХ ЧАСТЯХ РЕЧИ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Amanaliyeva Aygun Balahuseyn

Язык отображает число, с помощью которого количественная сема имеет различный способ выражения и различные представления. Каждая языковая система выделяет группу лексем, которые относятся к разным частям речи, актуализирующим категорию числа. Первичная количественная актуализация выражается через формы грамматической категории числа, вторичная - с использованием разных лексических единиц разных лексических и грамматических категорий. Семантический континуум количественного языкового поля представлен фоновыми семами числа и экстента. Статья рассмотривает средства выражения понятия количества в английском языка, исследованы применение различных частей речи для реализации понятия количества, проанализированы их особенности и семантические аспекты.

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Language displays the number by means of which quantitative seme has a different way of expression and various representations. Each language system singles out a group of lexemes that relate to different parts of speech actualizing category of number. Primary quantitative actualization is expressed through forms of grammatical category of number, secondary - using different lexical items of different lexical and grammatical categories. Semantic continuum of quantity language field is represented by background semes of number and extent. The article deals with the means of expressing the concept of number in English, studies the use of different parts of speech for the implementation of the concept of number, analyzes their characteristics and semantic aspects.


UOT 8.81.44



Amanaliyeva Aygun Balahuseyn

PhDstudent in Theoretical linguistics, Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy Sciences of Azerbaijan Republic named after Imadaddin Nasimi (ANAS),

c. Baku



Abstract. Language displays the number by means of which quantitative seme has a different way of expression and various representations. Each language system singles out a group of lexemes that relate to different parts of speech actualizing category of number. Primary quantitative actualization is expressed through forms of grammatical category of number, secondary - using different lexical items of different lexical and grammatical categories. Semantic continuum of quantity language field is represented by background semes of number and extent. The article deals with the means of expressing the concept of number in English, studies the use of different parts of speech for the implementation of the concept of number, analyzes their characteristics and semantic aspects.

Аннотация. Язык отображает число, с помощью которого количественная сема имеет различный способ выражения и различные представления. Каждая языковая система выделяет группу лексем, которые относятся к разным частям речи, актуализирующим категорию числа. Первичная количественная актуализация выражается через формы грамматической категории числа, вторичная - с использованием разных лексических единиц разных лексических и грамматических категорий. Семантический континуум количественного языкового поля представлен фоновыми семами числа и экстента. Статья рассмотривает средства выражения понятия количества в английском языка, исследованы применение различных частей речи для реализации понятия количества, проанализированы их особенности и семантические аспекты.

Key words: quantity, vocabulary, quantitative and qualitative data, quantitative units.

Ключевые слова: количество, словарь, количественные и качественные данные, количественные единицы.

Quantitative vocabulary of the English language.

According to Jackson, Vocabulary is the stock of words in a language, or that is known or used by an individual, or that is associated with particular activity. Vocabulary can be defined as the words we teach in the foreign language [3, p. 202]. In addition, according to Merriam, vocabulary is: (1) a list or collection of words and phrases usually alphabetically arranged and explained or defined, (2) a sum or stock of words employed by a language, group, individual, or work or in a field of knowledge, (3) a list or collection of terms or codes available for use (as in an indexing system), (4) a supply of expressive techniques or devices (as of an art from) [8, p. 1400]. Thornbury states vocabulary is very useful for anyone who studying a foreign language In this case that vocabulary is one important are that should not be neglected in language and learning and it is very communication with other people in spoken or written form [12, p. 13]. Nunan explains that as part of language system, vocabulary is intimately interrelated with grammar. In fact, it is possible to decide the lexical system of most language into grammatical words, such as preposition, adverbs and content word [10, p. 101]. Vocabulary is defined as a large numbers of words that students have to know, not only memorizing the form of the word but also understands the meaning [2, p. 2]. From the definition above that vocabulary is a component of language and number of words.

2. Grammatical number category.

Each language level generates a categorial system and each in its own way correlates with the number of categories [7, p.121]. A grammatical category or grammatical feature is a property of items within the grammar of a language. Within each category there are two or more possible values (sometimes called grammemes), which are normally mutually exclusive. Number is one of the most frequently encountered grammatical categories. In linguistics, grammatical number is a grammatical category of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verb agreement that expresses count distinctions. English and other languages present number categories with values such as singular or plural, both of which are cited by using the hash sign (#) or by the numero signs "No." and "Nos." respectively. Some languages also have a dual, trial, paucal number, uncountable or partitive, inclusive or exclusive or other arrangements. The plural, in many languages, is one of the values of the grammatical category of number. Plurals of nouns typically denote a quantity other than the default quantity represented by a noun, which is generally one. Most commonly, therefore, plurals are used to denote two or more of something, although they may also denote more than fractional, zero or negative amounts. An example of a plural is the English word cats, which corresponds to the singular cat. Dual is a grammatical number that some languages use in

addition to singular and plural. When a noun or pronoun appears in dual form, it is interpreted as referring to precisely two of the entities identified by the noun or pronoun acting as a single unit or in unison. Verbs can also have dual agreement forms in these languages [4, p. 257-271]. Number is a philosophical category expressing certainty of an object, its size, date, volume, degree of properties development and more. This category is universal and necessary in terms of understanding reality. Category of number in the English language can be expressed by all the independent parts of speech, as well as specific units of structural parts of speech. Category of quantity, as any logical category, finds its reflection in language on the morphemic, grammatical, lexical, phraseological and other levels and sublevels. We should note also that some linguists include in the category of number of categories countability, fractionality and frequency, size and intensity (concentration, intensity, degree, etc.) According to another theory, universal category covers a number of the lower three categories: numbers, measures and chronicle order [7, p. 123]. Most linguists consider the number as a broad concept, which form different elements, including the most relevant ones. These are the number, size and multiplicity. Recognition of the number, size and multiplicity of components of the category number is not random [11, p.12]. The basic means of expression of a discrete number at the lexical level is introduced by numeral, dominant word of counting system, each element of which describes a discrete set.

3. Nouns expressing quantitative relations

Quantitative unit is a lexical unit that indicates or transmits seme of amount. It can be a word or phrase that refers to the lexical-semantic field of quantity. Basic group of quantitative units is nouns. Nouns express quantitative relations more variably than numerals. Nouns can be determined both quantitatively and perform quantitative nominations of indiscrete and discrete items. The choice of words is due to the quantity of their belonging to a specific language structures. For example, the concepts of "group" or "piece" in English refers a number of word-classifiers: a school offish, a slice of cheese, a flight of doves, a colony of bees, a lump of sugar, a pride of lions, etc. [9; 18].

The structure of lexical-semantic field of quantity, as noted by Shvachko S.A. [8, 16], is organized as follows: in the center are direct specific values of quantitatively-defined, self-quantitative, fractional and collective numerals; then go lexemes of indefinite-quantitative meaning; outside - quantitative nouns and noun equivalents of fractional numerals; and apart are numerals that in result of transfer of stylistic and functional characteristics of a load of one part on speech on the characteristics of the other parts of speech lose their semantic function and may be taken as an adjective, pronoun, noun. Peripheral circle contains words of portable quantitative value; there are still derivatives, consisting of adverbs of numerical origin; and the last group consists of phraseological units and components which are devoid of quantitative meaning, but their complete semantics is quantitative [13, p.37].

Noun in the English language has the ability to not only be determined quantitatively, but also serve the function of quantitative determinant. Among nouns there are some that on the one hand relate to counting and on the other hand with measuring. The functioning of these two groups of words is due to the nature of quantified objects. In linguistic studies, quantitative nouns have different terminology:"countable nouns," "quantitative words", "countable words", "defined quantitative word", "word of weights and measures", "substantival quantifiers", "words of number and amount", "quasi nouns". Among nouns in English are such numerical word groups:

- words of collective type: crowd, class, band;

- words related to counting: dozen, score;

- words of measure and weight: foot, yard, fathom, pound.

On the paradigmatic level, the first group actualizes the meaning of unidentified quantity, while the second two are numerical constants. The first group of words adjacent units that realize the value specified is dangerous quantities. For more detailed analysis, among quantitative semantics groups of nouns in the English language are distinguished collective nouns (1), numerical words (2), the words of measure and weight (3). The first group differs from others in that they are undefined number actualizations (minority, majority, and multitude).

Particular attention is drawn to composite nouns. Quantifying objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is closely related to extralinguistic factors in terms of the ability of sense-data objects to quantitative doubling, tripling and even their existence in an infinite number as opposed to a single object of a given class. This includes names of specific discrete entities that are unmarked form for singular and opposition to it labeled plural form [9; 18].

The task of expressing singularity is in the form of unmarked noun. The set significantly expands the spatial volume, a picture of a large amount of space, the vague plurality. Here intersect quantitative value of the marked and unmarked specific forms of collective nouns - the most mysterious level of English nouns [16, p.94]. The analysis of the papers [6, p.4] concerning the analysis of collective nouns confirms the absence of unanimity in the views of scientists at the category of nouns. Collective nouns are believed to be ones that in their unmarked form express a set of unspecified number of separate homogeneous objects found in the syntactic structure of singularity or plurality through a number of forms that are syntactically dependent and correlated words [11, p.225-230].

Linguists refer to this group of English nouns that in unmarked form of represent indefinite number of identical (at the agreed basis) individual units combined on the basis of genus-species feature, which is conceived as a whole [6, p.30; 14, p. 191].

The idea of "collectivity" occurs:

a) in the category of people united by one goal or purpose, such as: crew, congregation, nation, jury, team, senate, horde, etc;

b) when naming objects species: a flock (of sheep), a brood (of young pigs), a farrow (of young pigs);

c) when marking groups of living beings or inanimate objects: a galaxy (of stars), a crowd (of daffodils);

d) on semantization the multiplicity of diverse elements: finery, furniture, cutlery.

Collective and concrete nouns have certain distinctive features: a concrete noun gives the name of one object, a collective - to the group of objects [14, p.27; 15, p.75]. On the syntagmatic level numerical words (2) and words of measure and weight (3) are capable of implementing a rough and uncertain quantity. These words express the approximate number when:

1) some numerals used in front of them: two-three acres;

2) nouns take prepositive position: a bushel or two.

Nouns implement an undefined quantity when:

a) words, combined with nouns, are deprived of numerical content: some meters, several liters; b) a phrase includes convertible numerals: thousands of gallons, tens of kilometers; c) quantitative words that were changed due to desemantization: pounds of pardon; d) negative words related to numerical phrases: not eight bushels

4. Grammatical forms of Quantitative Adjective.

Quantitative adjectives form the fourth group of quantitative units. Among them there are two groups of words related to the notion of computation and measurement. The first group of words realizes these things among both explicitly and implicitly. For example: decimal, dipterous, tripartite and others. A group of adjectives realizes the meaning of indentified quantity. For example: distant, great, high, long, old, tall, wide, young and others. Some adjectives can take gradual signs: deep knowledge, wide erudition. Grammatical forms of adjectives significantly affect the combination of adjective adverb. For example, adverbs with the meaning of incomplete features combined with the highest degree of adjectives (a bit redder, partially greyer), adverbs with the meaning of full feature are combined with the usual degree of adjectives (quite low, genuinely blue). Parametric adjectives are adjacent postpositively to numerical phrases: three miles long, two fathom deep, 3 in deep.

Quantitative is an adjective that simply means something that can be measured. For example, we can count the number of sheep on a farm or measure the gallons of milk produced by a cow. In a world of abstract findings that can't be quantified, such as anger or memories, it's important to be able to measure what we can. A word that modifies a noun by indicating a number/quantity is called a quantitative adjective. It can be either cardinal or ordinal number. Examples of Quantitative Adjective in Sentences: He has 40 horses; I have been standing here for three hours; Four girls were expelled from the school; The first boy failed in the last exam; Not a single boy is in the classroom; The Second World War still haunts some people; There are 50 boys and 26 girls on this tour; The forest has 2120 animals; The fourth boy became first in the final exam; He is doing it for 66th times now; He ate half of my burger; Albert roasted some chicken for his teammates; Ron has many pens in his large bag; John completed the whole task; There is enough juice for my breakfast; Little water is needed to make that pastry; I do not have any chocolates in my bag; I have sufficient money for shopping; Most people are poor in this world; A Few people are rich and they hold most of the wealth, etc.

5. Quantitative vs. Qualitative Data

Data is the name given to basic facts and entities such as names and numbers. The word data means "known facts". Data is measured, collected and reported, and analyzed, whereupon it can be visualized using graphs, images or other analysis tools. Data as a general concept refers to the fact that some existing information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better usage or processing. Data especially refers to numbers, but can mean words, sounds, and images. Metadata is data about data. So data often gets used as if it were a singular word. Strictly speaking, data is the plural of datum, a single piece of information. The main examples of data are weights, prices, costs, numbers of items sold, employee names, product names, addresses, tax codes, registration marks etc. Numerical data, also known as quantitative data [19].

The two main flavors or types of data: qualitative and quantitative. At the highest level, two kinds of data exist as quantitative and qualitative. As we can see, quantitative information is measurable. It deals with numbers, quantities, and values. This form of data can be expressed in numerical form (i.e., amount, duration, length, price, or size). Since quantitative data is generated through statistics, it has a lot of credibility and is considered to be objective and reliable. Quantitative data are measures of values or counts and are expressed as numbers. Quantitative data are data about numeric variables (e.g. how many; how much; or how often).

But, there's another important kind of data. That is, qualitative data. This is data that's descriptive in nature. It's usually not measurable, at least not directly, but rather it can be gleaned through observation. Qualitative data relies on adjectives and other descriptive words to indicate appearance, color, texture, or other qualities. For example, you might say that one room is brighter than the other. That's qualitative data. However, you can also use scientific tools and instruments (like a light meter) to actually measure the level of brightness in the room and ascribe it a numerical value. When you do that, you get quantitative data. Qualitative data are measures of 'types' and may be represented by a name, symbol, or a number code. Numbers like national identification number, phone

number, etc. are however regarded as qualitative data because they are categorical and unique to one individual. Examples of qualitative data include sex (male or female), name, state of origin, citizenship, etc. Experiments typically yield quantitative data, as they are concerned with measuring things. Quantitative information or data is based on quantities obtained using a quantifiable measurement process. In contrast, qualitative information records qualities that are descriptive, subjective or difficult to measure. However, other research methods, such as controlled observations and questionnaires can produce both quantitative information. There are several methods by which we can collect quantitative data, which include. Let's consider some examples of quantitative data:

Experiments; Controlled observations; Surveys: paper, kiosk, mobile, questionnaires; Longitudinal studies; Polls; Telephone interviews; Face-to-face interviews, etc. [19].

Quantitative data is a bit like a countable noun. They both refer to things that can be counted, even if it seems like it'd take a lifetime to measure. Here are some example of quantitative data: A jug of milk holds one gallon; The painting is 14 inches wide and 12 inches long; The new baby weighs six pounds and five ounces; A bag of broccoli crowns weighs four pounds; A coffee mug holds 10 ounces; John is six feet tall; A tablet weighs 1.5 pounds; 98% of the graduating high school class is going to college; In a first grade classroom, there are 12 girls and 9 boys; In an entire school, there are 523 students; The airplane can hold 93 passengers; The water in the deep end of the pool is nine feet deep; The apartment is 550 square feet in size; The number of letters in the alphabet is 26 and five of them are vowels; There are 10 city blocks in one mile; There were nine puppies in the litter; There were three hurricanes last year; The bed is 7 feet long and 4 feet high; My dog weighs 95 pounds; I received 20 emails this morning; There are 365 days in a year and 24 hours in a day; 5% of the people on the block didn't come to the party; There are nine birds living in a tree in the backyard; She owns 52 pairs of shoes; There are three sticks ofbutter in the sauce; The house has 20 windows; There are three silver cars in the parking lot; 80% of the shoes sold on Tuesday were black; It takes three minutes to heat soup in the microwave; She works five out of seven days each week; The restaurant served 180 people today; 75% of the staff are taking a vacation sometime this summer; It rained 25% of the days in September; 32 people attended the event; Last month, the store sold 342 bottles of soda; The woman weighs 178 pounds; Humans have 10 fingers and 10 toes; The customer bought two televisions; The cat ate four mice [1; 2; 8].

Quantitative analysis determines the amounts and proportions of the chemical constituents of a substance or mixture. Statistics, also known as quantitative analysis.

6. Definition of quantitative

Definition of quantitative is pertaining to the measureable amount of something. Quantitative involves amounts, or measuring things as amounts. The differences are not measurable in quantitative terms. The definition of quantitative is something that is able to be measured. An example of quantitative used as an adjective is a quantitative review of the farm which reported three sheep.

Primary meanings of quantitative are:

1) expressible as a quantity or relating to or susceptible of measurement;

2) (of verse) having a metric system based on relative duration of syllables.

Examples of quantitative in a sentence:

- After writing down everyone's height in his 4th period class, the student analyzed the quantitative data to determine he was the tallest student in the class;

- Conducting a quantitative analysis of the company's stock over time proved to be helpful when promoting the company's product;

- While deciding on my science project, I realized I wanted to do a quantitative study so that I could analyze the measurements as opposed to a more subjective approach;

- During my quantitative survey, I asked students to write down the number of times they had traveled out of the country;

- When I did my quantitative research about broken bones, I was able to conclude that people break their bones most during their elderly years [19].

Examples from the web for quantitative:

- The laboratory experiments should be both qualitative and quantitative in character.

- Labor, Marx pointed out, has two sides, the qualitative and the quantitative.

- The secret of that obscurity lies hidden in the quantitative side of labor.

- That this is only quantitative, not qualitative, he has already shown.

- The quantitative discrimination of the two is a matter of great difficulty.

- The infinity of God is not a quantitative, but a qualitative infinity.

- Mathematics is conversant with quantities and quantitative relations.

- It is not the quantitative element to which the term is intended to refer.

- A quantitative method has been devised upon these principles.

- We have not been able to give any quantitative measurements of the developments.

7. Words related to quantitative, synonyms and antonyms for quantitative

a) measurable - adjective determinable: significant, quantifiable, weighable, material, perceptible, mensurable, assessable, calculable, commensurate, computable gaugeable, surveyable, fathomable, etc.

b) wholesale - adjective-inclusive: broad, bulk, mass, complete, comprehensive, extensive, far-reaching, general, in bulk, in quantity, in the mass, indiscriminate, large-scale, overall, sweeping, total, wide-ranging, widespread, etc.

c) antonyms for quantitative: imperceptible, insignificant, undeterminable, unmeasurable, etc.

d) words nearby quantitative: quantify, quantifier, quantico, quantile, quantitate(s),

quantitating, quantitation, quantitations, quantitative analysis, quantitative-analyst,

quantitative-analysts, quantitative data, quantitative character, quantitative easing, quantitative genetics, quantitative inheritance, etc.

e) other synonyms of quantitative are: decimal, denary — numbered or proceeding by tens, based on ten; duodecimal — based on twelve; numeric, numerical — measured or expressed in numbers; quantifiable — capable of being quantified; three-figure — (of numbers) written with three figures; valued — (usually used in combination) having value of a specified kind; vicenary — of or relating to or based on 20, consisting of twenty.

f) other words in the numbers, shapes, math category: halves, fahrenheit, dozen, numerator, symmetry, enough, piece, rectangle, megaton, calculation, mileage, quadrant, bisect, equal, dependent, variable, triumvirate, secondary, incalculable, coordinate, solo, etc. [1; 17; 19].

8. Quantitative relations in other parts of speech

English numerals are multifunctional. Therefore the following functions are distinguished: nominativequantitative function, by which results are expressed knowledge of the quantitative relations of the objective world; cognitive function that summarizes and analyzes the complex, stepwise quantitative way of exploring the reality; a pragmatic function that provides emotional and volitional influence on the recipient in terms of idiomatic context; derivational function of numeratives.

The next group consists of pronouns. Among pronouns a group of quantitative function is singled out that implements quantitative determinants that are important for precision specified is dangerous and quantity. For example a group of pronouns showing "singularity" forms the semantic opposition definite: indefinite (each: every). The value of many / few in English is presented by a number of lexical, forming the opposition much -little, many - few. Among pronouns that indicate indefinite quantity, following units are distinguished: all, some, whole, expressing the idea of the total number, partially et al. [15, p.251].

The third group is not numerous. It includes the verbs, the semantics of which are quantitative. The verb because of its semantics rarely expresses quantity. Grammatical characteristics of verbs are of indirect nature, lexical expression of number in the verb is able to differentiate the dynamics of quantitative relations based on the categorical meaning of procedure, which is characteristic of the verb. So, in the semantic structure of verbs in English that correlate with the number of lexical means of expression quantity, along with semes of action quantitative features of action are distinguished. For example, to increase, to decrease, to lower. These verbs reveal indefinite quantity, which is characteristic of English verbs. Unlike nouns and adjectives, verbs do not show definite number. The exceptions are only conversives to double, to quarter et al. [5, p. 93]. At the same time, the verb can transmit the concept of quantity more specifically. The category of number realizes through the verb-forms in opposition "boundedness - unboundedness" or through generic forms. In this case, the verb does not nominate the quantity but reflects the dynamic of the quantitative relations in the direction of their increase or decrease:

a) reduce (to decrease, to decline, to fall, to drop).

b) increase (to add, to reach, to climb, to jump).

Verbs "to multiply, to expand, to rise, to increase" express quantitative feature and action simultaneously. Semantic implicit meaning finds its expression in the grammatical form: to people, to troop do not combine with the subject in the singular [15, p. 39].

The next group of typological lexical-grammatical means of expression quantity is adverbs. Adverbs in English are also used to express large, small, excessive, insufficient, full or partial degree or extent of some characteristic or feature, which by means of words is combined with adverbs. For example, in combination with adjectives or numerals adverbs perform emphasizing or weakening function; they neutralize or stress features marked with an adjective or numerals. For example: just four hours, nearly eight o'clock. Adverb indicates the extent of the number both independently and in combination with other words: lately, not far from here, more than two hours. Adverbs in English are able to express the meaning of the degree and extent, for example: very, enough, nearly, almost, hardly, rather, etc. Expressing the degree or extent of a quantitative characteristic, adverbs realize the inexact quantity both independently and in combination with other words: time and again, not far from here, soon. Number of items can be expressed in different ways: many books, much rice, little hail, few cats. Much, many, few, little are used to indicate indefinite quantity.

In English, the number can be expressed through some structural parts of speech, namely, functional words, for example, among, between. The first one indicates the presence of more than two persons and objects, the latter - only two.

With all the above mentioned and the analysis conducted it can be said that quantity and number in English language is a category that can be realized through different units of speech and language.


The category of quantity and quantitative vocabulary in English may be expressed by all independent and different parts of speech, as well as by certain units of service parts of speech. On this occasion Shvachko S.A. said that numerals are central to the lexical-semantic field of quantity. This is due to their regular correlation with the range of natural numbers, their replacement of countable items (words), their massive use, involvement in direct and indirect counting, ability to nominate exact, approximate and indefinite quantitative characteristics [13, p. 42]. It follows that each of the numerals realizing these things total numbers, which gives him reason to be correlated with the total number of words, the value of, and the specific number of these things that separates one numeral from another [6, p. 20].


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17. The Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies. 1st Edition, 2019, 618 p.

18. Yunusov D.N. Khanbutayeva L.M. Comparative Typology of the English and

Azerbaijani Languages. Baku: Mutarjim, 2008. - 222 p.

19. Vocabulary and English for Specific Purposes Research: Quantitative and

Qualitative Perspectives (Routledge Research in English for Specific Purposes)

1st Edition, 2017, 210 p.

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