Научная статья на тему 'Semantic peculiarities of Turkish lexicology'

Semantic peculiarities of Turkish lexicology Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abdurahimova Nigora Azizovna

The relevance of the problem underneath investigation is decided via the want to enhance the strategies of instructing the Turkish language to university students. The purpose of the article is to comprehensively symbolize the lexical aspects of the Turkish language and analyze teaching strategies of introduction of lexical material at the lessons of the Turkish language to university students. The main approach to the study of this hassle is a problem thematic approach. The key findings of investigation are systematization of lexical features of the Turkish language, lexical evaluation of the speech of college students at the preliminary stage of getting to know the Turkish language. The primary factors of the methodology of studying the Turkish language by the college students in universities have been presented.

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Актуальность исследуемой проблемы определяется необходимостью совершенствования методики преподавания турецкого языка студентам вузов. Цель статьи всесторонне охарактеризовать лексические особенности турецкого языка и проанализировать методики преподавания введения лексического материала на уроках турецкого языка студентам вузов. Ведущим подходом к изучению данной проблемы является проблемный тематический подход. Основными выводами исследования являются систематизация лексических особенностей турецкого языка, лексический анализ речи студентов на начальном этапе изучения турецкого языка. Представлены основные элементы методики изучения турецкого языка студентами вузов.

Текст научной работы на тему «Semantic peculiarities of Turkish lexicology»

СЕМАНТИЧЕСКИЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ ТУРЕЦКОЙ ЛЕКСИКОЛОГИИ Абдурахимова Н.А. Email: Abdurahimova17147@scientifictext.ru

Абдурахимова Нигора Азизовна — преподаватель, кафедра интенсивного обучения второму иностранному языку,

Узбекский государственный университет иностранных языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: актуальность исследуемой проблемы определяется необходимостью совершенствования методики преподавания турецкого языка студентам вузов. Цель статьи -всесторонне охарактеризовать лексические особенности турецкого языка и проанализировать методики преподавания введения лексического материала на уроках турецкого языка студентам вузов. Ведущим подходом к изучению данной проблемы является проблемный тематический подход. Основными выводами исследования являются систематизация лексических особенностей турецкого языка, лексический анализ речи студентов на начальном этапе изучения турецкого языка. Представлены основные элементы методики изучения турецкого языка студентами вузов.

Ключевые слова: лексическая единица, методы обучения, турецкий язык, типичные ошибки, речь.



Abstract: the relevance of the problem underneath investigation is decided via the want to enhance the strategies of instructing the Turkish language to university students. The purpose of the article is to comprehensively symbolize the lexical aspects of the Turkish language and analyze teaching strategies of introduction of lexical material at the lessons of the Turkish language to university students. The main approach to the study of this hassle is a problem thematic approach. The key findings of investigation are systematization of lexical features of the Turkish language, lexical evaluation of the speech of college students at the preliminary stage of getting to know the Turkish language. The primary factors of the methodology of studying the Turkish language by the college students in universities have been presented. Keywords: lexical unit, teaching methods, the Turkish language, typical mistakes, speech.

UDC 34 7.78.034

Introduction: People's need for communication, trade ofjourney with people's of different international locations provide upward push to the necessity to advance similarly pastime in overseas languages, particularly Asian languages. In the past few years social lifestyles has been marked by using the enlargement of economic, political and cultural ties between Russia and different countries, which required deep understanding of right language capabilities needed to complete language communication in extraordinary life situations.

The ideas of "bilingual education" and "polylingual training" have emerged. In our ever changing world, people can no longer have enough money to understand and understand only their mother tongue.

Man wants to come to be bilingual, however "one can call an individual to be bilingual who, in addition to their first language, has another language competence in a similar degree, is successful of the usage of one or the other of the languages with a similar efficacy in all circumstances" [4]. Therefore, purposeful formation and improvement of bilingual schooling in the machine of present day Russian schooling have to make a contribution to the sensible mastery of overseas languages, including Turkish that "implies the development of verbal exchange abilities in learning activity, domestic, reliable commercial enterprise and socio - cultural spheres" [7]. In this connection, the Turkish language educating in excessive college is of specific importance. At the equal time, first priority project is the improvement of the content and machine of the Turkish language learning.

Currently, due to the inadequate readiness of the studies on the hassle of getting to know lexical points of the Turkish language, being conductive to enhancing the effectiveness of instructing the Turkish spoken language to be oriented towards the improvement of procedural communicative speech features of a character of the student, the improvement of the techniques of teaching lexical abilities of the Turkish language looks to be actual.

Methodology. Turkish educating strategies as a science, from our factor of view, is based totally specifically on the psychological points of manipulate of the academic process, therefore, it is not possible to reject the questions relating to psychological attributes of speech production, which should have a extra active help in improving effectiveness of Turkish speech teaching. According to A.A. Leontiev, the psychological patterns beneath consideration are divided into:

1) psychological patterns of learning;

2) psychological patterns of communication;

3) psychological patterns associated with the peculiarities of the goal language [2].

In terms of these patterns, the trainer desires to develop in students the capability for verbal exchange in the Turkish language inside sure spheres. "Speech is a manner of the use of the language for communication, i. e., and use (functioning) of the language" [5].

Thus, to enhance the first-rate of the Turkish spoken language, the college students need to have intensive practice on the use of language units. Competent determination and introduction of linguistic material at the classes of the Turkish language would permit "to attain a lot through small means" [1]. Methodology of look up techniques enables to see the main tendencies of improvement of such science as an approach of instructing the Turkish language, examine the multifarious practice of theoretical researchers, methodologists and practicing teachers understand the shape and degree of methodological information of predecessors and contemporaries.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the competence about are the conceptual propositions of scientific lookup in the subject of analyzing the issues of Turkish teaching in schools and universities. Using the methodology and techniques of current studies contributes to the development of strategies and techniques of teaching the Turkish language, on the whole, and the lexical units of the Turkish language, in particular [5].

By defining the meanings of a delivered word, the teacher offers its fundamental that means and some connotations, attempting to display divergence (taking location in most cases) of meanings of a Turkish word with the meanings of a corresponding Russian word. At the equal time, one ought to function with the Russian examples ("стол" -"паспортный стол", "письменный стол", "и под каждым ей кустом, был готов и стол , и дом", pointing that the Turkish "masa " corresponds to the Russian one only in the 2nd meaning) and the Turkish examples ("gitmek" - otomobille gitmek, ikinci fakulteye gitmek and so on). In introducing the new phrases the so referred to as "conditional translation" proves to be very useful [6].

The instructor offers students the sentences in Russian (after the which means of a new phrase having been defined) ("Я иду из института", "Я поехал в Ленинград", "Мы шли по улице ", "Он приезжает завтра" and so on), the students point to the sentences in which of them the word " gitmek" need to be used, in which -" gelmek". Conclusion: Thus, in this learn about methodical points of vocabulary training of the contemporary Turkish language have been developed. The aspects of Turkish language, causing the greatest difficulties and mirrors in teaching college students to spoken language at the preliminary stage of gaining knowledge of the Turkish language have been singled out. A stepwise algorithm of the students' work with the lexical devices of the Turkish language has been designed. A specific function of this methodology is its specialization in applying workouts where lexical devices are studied not in isolation from everyday speech communication situations, and new vocabulary is delivered in the study room based on the student's native language. In addition, it appears promising to use the elements of the proposed methodology in instructing not only vocabulary however also grammatical and linguistic factors of the Turkish language.

References / Список литературы

1. Bim I.L., 1977. Language Teaching Methods as the Science and the Problems of School Textbook. Moscow: The Russian Language.

2. Leontiev А.А., 1988. Psychological Background of Early Language Acquisition, Foreign Languages in School. № 5. Р. 24-29. Moscow.

3. Razumovskaya R.N., 1948. The Mistakes Made by Students in Foreign Language (based on the material of the English Language), Foreign Languages in School. № 3. Р. 68. Moscow.

4. Siguan М., McKee Ch.F., 1990. Education and Bilingualism. Moscow: Pedagogics.

5. Starostov L.N., 1953. Turkish Teaching Methods at Initial Stage ofLearning: Diss. ... cand. of pedagogy (p.398). Moscow.

6. Tsvetkova Z., 1949. About language teaching in high school. Р. 13-14. Moscow.

7. Shafigullina L.Sh., 2006. Development of foreign speech activity in students of pedagogical higher school. Kazan: School.

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