Научная статья на тему 'Scripchenko about the ways of development primary school students’ thinking (1960)'

Scripchenko about the ways of development primary school students’ thinking (1960) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kalinichenko Liudmyla, Grinchenko Borys

The article reveals O. Scripchenko (1921-2007) psychological and pedagogical views according to development of primary school students’ thinking. It focuses on scientist’s researches of generalization and other kinds of thinking operations, the acquirement of them is considered to be the guarantee of development students’ of the 1st 4th forms thinking.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Scripchenko about the ways of development primary school students’ thinking (1960)»

Scripchenko about the ways of development primary school students' thinking (1960)

Section 7. Pedagogy

Kalinichenko Liudmyla, Grinchenko Borys, Kyiv University, postgraduate students E-mail: rexez@meta.ua

Scripchenko about the ways of development primary school students' thinking (1960)

Abstract: The article reveals O. Scripchenko (1921-2007) psychological and pedagogical views according to development of primary school students' thinking. It focuses on scientist's researches of generalization and other kinds of thinking operations, the acquirement of them is considered to be the guarantee of development students' of the 1st - 4th forms thinking. Keywords: O. Scripchenko, primary school students', primary school, intellectual development, thinking.

In the National Strategy for Development of Education in Ukraine until 2021 (2013) one of the strategic direction is reconstruction of the process of teaching and upbringing on the principles of evolving pedagogics which is directed to the precocious identification and the most complete revelation of the children's potential taking into account their age-specific and psychological specialties.

In the context of learning ideas about the ways of formation primary school students' thinking it is worth to analyze the contribution of Ukrainian scientist Oleksandr Scripchenko (1921-2007), who was investigating effectively the special peculiarities ofprimary school students' thinking operations in the process of studying.

The aim of the article is to analyze psychological and pedagogical views of O. Scripchenko about the ways of formation primary school students' thinking (1960s).

During 1960s the scientist had been investigating the development of primary school students' thinking which became the continuation of his researches that were started in 1950s. Theoretical generalization and conclusions determined by him were based on the results of experiments which were held in many institutions of general education and scientific data which he obtained didn't lose their actuality up to this time. So, sind 1964 O. Scripchenko together with his wife, who was a scientist, N. Scripchenko and the teachers had been conducting the complex experiment in the school № 166 in Kyiv, the aim ofwhich was «systematical investigation of the mental development of primary school students in the conditions of learning the educational data according to the experimental programme from language and mathematics» [9, 48]. Saying «mental development» the scientists meant «development thinking and speaking of the students' in the 1st - 4th forms» [5, 90]. Describing the experience of experimental reconstruction of the teaching in the first forms, the scientists mentioned that the experiment held during 1964-1965 school year enclosed all educational categories in two first forms [9, 48]. 79 students were involved to take part in the experiment, their progress was compared to the progress of the control classes (the first and the second) in other schools in Kyiv. The chief thing is that the experimenters accomplished the approbation of original programmes from language and mathematics developed by them, in particular of putting the elements of algebra into the course of mathematics of the 1st - 2nd forms. Later, in the article «Experimental studying of the arithmetic in the 2 form» (1966), analyzing the mentioned experiment, the scientist accentuated that

the aim of it was not only to identificate the peculiarities of children in the sense of mastering new programme material but, also, investigation of «correlation of studying and mental development (of children — L. K.), the dynamics of this development and verification of the effective ness of forming students' generalized methods of execution the educational tasks...» [7, 89]. The scientist proved that educational work from language and mathematics gives rich data for article forming students' generalization and expression of independency according to their age. In his view, «the operation of generalization forms the most effectively in the process of solving mathematical tasks» [8, 17]. O. Scripchenko didn't agree which the point of view of psychologist of that L. Zankov [4, 28], who affirmed that it is difficult for the students of the first form to solve difficult tasks and that's why we shouldn't speed with this category of work but should start to work with the tasks only from the third quarter of the 1st form. O. Scripchenko didn't agree with the approaches of famous scientist V. Davydov in those methodical treatment solving of the tasks didn't occupy a fitting place neither in the 1st or 2nd nor in the 3rd forms [3, 117]. O. Scripchenko, who had his own seeing of the problem, proved that we have to form primary school students' ability of using the generalized methods of solving tasks from the beginning of studying. The letter symbols in this sense were used him as the apparatus of generalization in the process of teaching students to solve the tasks with the help ofboth arithmetical and algebraic methods. The using of schematic notation of the task, graphic diagrams, which showed the full consistency of operations in solving analogical exercises and helped children to think favoured the successful studying. To our mind, such work assuredly motivated students to create, favoured the effective formation of primary school students' creative and other kinds of thinking. In his experiment O. Scripchenko excepted from the content of teaching some unimportant educational data in particular of the number of training exercises, instead of this students were proposed to learn new conceptions and notions which were necessary for general development of students. The scientist thought that «one of the conditions of the developing studying is discovering the most expedient correlation between theoretical and practical components in studying language, mathematics and other subjects» [9, 49]. In his mind, the role of theoretical data in formation of knowledge by students was unappreciated in the programmes of studying in those days, that's why he added in his experimental programme the explanation

Section 7. Pedagogy

of «some theoretical data» to the students of the 1st forms. As the scientist mentioned later, the experimentators were able to speed the learning of summation and subtraction not only within the first but also the second ten exactly due to acquaintance the students of the 1st forms with the elements of the algebraic theory of this operations which students have mastered without any problems. In teaching language scientists were able to extravagate the existing educational programme for the 1st form with the help of introduction the learning of the themes «Unstressed vowels» more detailed learning of the theme « Stress», which helped to activate the students' thinking activity, to form generalized methods of doing tasks [9, 53].

In the next 1965-1966 school year the experimental work was continued in the three 2nd forms of the school № 166 in Kyiv. Their progress was compared to the progress of the students in the control classes of the other schools in Kyiv. The programme of experiment involved «all categories of teaching and educational work» [7, 89]. As the scientist affirmed during revising the material which students learn in the first form, it was discovred that second formers of the experimental classes during the holidays «have forgotten generalized, expressed by letter symbols material. And just activating these generalizations, teachers could update the forgotten operations with numbers comparatively easy» [7, 90]. The special head was paid to solving of the tasks on the reduce to one and the reciprocal tasks which were solved by arithmetical method and by generation of education. To the types of their tasks which were solved by the second formers the authors of the experiment the tasks on movement. Moreover, as O. Scripchenko mentioned in the article «Experimental studying of arithmetic in the 2nd form» (1966), firstly was the attempt to form students' conception about the rate of movement which was based on the analysis oftheir living conception and obtained mathematical knowledge and skills [7, 92]. The scientists paid special attention to mastering by students some ways of drawing conclusions by analogy. It is worth to mention that children also were learning to draw conclusions based on their observations [7, 93].

Continuing the experiment in 1966-1967 school year in which the students on the 3rd forms of the school № 166 in Kyiv were involved, the scientists gave each children two check-up tasks every 8-12 days to evaluate the effectiveness of students studying in the experimental and control classes. In sum by the end of the school year the students had solved 16 checking tasks by six variants which were similar in structure that guaranteed independency of doing and objectivity of control the knowledge. The research gave O. Scripchenko

rise to the conclusion about that the reconstruction of the studying process in the experimental classes, in particular of teaching to make formulas, numerical and letters expressions, helped children to master the structure of the task more effectively. Summing up the results of all the experimental researches, O. Scripchenko wrote that «in all experimental classes the educational work changed substantially, especially from language and mathematics» [6, 58]. Thusly, in the article «The influence of the content and methods of teaching on the mental development of students ofthe 1st - 3rd forms» (1967) he described the experimental facts that testified to positive influence of updated content and methods of teaching not only on the quality of knowledge but also on mental development of students. The thing is that the scientist accentuated that obtain much more information, get a better development than by traditional in those days. The scientist proved the opinion that the content and methods of teaching influence on the development of students' thinking, formation generalized methods of solving tasks, on the speeding of transformation from differentiation to integration of thinking structures [6, 10].

It is worth to accentuate that the scientist's researches of development the operations of generalization which primary school students have found practical use in the process of reconstruction the studying ofmathematics in primary school in 1971-1973 school years. Taking into consideration positive results of experiments which O. Scripchenko received and opinions of the teachers, algebraic propedeutics, in particular of solving tasks on generation of education and, also studying letters expressions were involved into teaching programmes for the 2nd - 3rd forms. Scientific innovations propounded by O. Scripchenko later became pedagogical axioms of the content of teaching mathematics in the 1st - 4th forms and were developed creatively in the textbooks of the famous Ukrainian, scientist-methodologist M. Bogdanovich. Substantial is O. Scripchenko's conclusion about that that in primary school age the ability of studying, the main parts of which are generalized mental activities methods of their solving, is formed in students [6, 66]. These scientist's ideas hadn't lost the importance up to this time and the ability of studying is determined nowadays one of the most important competences, the formation of which at the present stage of development primary school education became the learning task for teachers according to National Educational standards ofprimary school [1].

Scientist's masterprice and results of his experimental and theoretical work influenced essentially on improvement the content of the school course from mathematics for primary school.





National Educational standards ofprimary school//[Electronic resource]. - Available from: http://zakon0.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/462-2011 (read directly from the screen 06.15.2015).

National Strategy for Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012-2021 years//[Electronic resource]. - Available from: http://za-kon5.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/344/2013 (read directly from the screen 06.15.2015).

Davydov V. Generalization Types in Learning (logical and psychological problems building a subjects)/V. V. Davydov. - M.: Peda-gogika, 1972. - 424 p.

Zankov L. Development students in the process of learning (Forms 1-2)/L. V. Zankov. - M.: Publishing House of APN RSFSR, 1963. - 39 p.

Lysyanska T. Main scientific school O. Skripchenko/T. V. Lysyanska//Collected Works. - K.: National Pedagogical University M. P. Dragomanov, 1997. - 210 p.

Scripchenko O. Influence of content and teaching methods to the mental development of students of classes I-III/O. V. Scripchen-ko//Soviet school. - 1967. - № 3. - P. 58-67.

Scripchenko O. Experimental study of arithmetic in the second form/O. V. Scripchenko//Soviet school, 1966. - № 3. - P. 89-94. Scripchenko O. Features generalizations students and II classes/Author. Dis. ... Candidate crazy. Sciences: 19.00.07/Olexan-der V. Scripchenko. - K., 1956. - 22 p.

Scripchenko O. Experience experimental restructuring of education in the first class/O. V. Scripchenko, N. F. Scripchenko//Soviet school. - 1965. - № 9. - P. 48-55.







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