Научная статья на тему 'Scientific-technical terminology of Uzbek language and basic principles of its development'

Scientific-technical terminology of Uzbek language and basic principles of its development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ortiqova Iroda Shuxratovna

This article illustrates the components of vocabulary related to science, technology and manufacture the terminology of science and technology is active and changeable layer of current Uzbek lexis. As author mentioned in her article science and technology is developing intensively because of scientific and technical revolution of our age. The fields of science are increasing, new branches of technology are appearing and as a result, significant changes occurring in language. Extralinguistic development of terminology (development related to science and technology), deep influence of science and technology on human life set linguists crucial tasks.

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Эта статья иллюстрирует компоненты лексики, связанные с наукой, технологией и производством терминология науки и техники является активным и изменчивым слоем нынешней узбекской лексики. Как автор упоминает в своей статье, наука и техника интенсивно развиваются из-за научно-технической революции нашего века. Области науки растут, появляются новые отрасли технологий и, как следствие, происходят значительные изменения в языке. Экстралингвистическое развитие терминологии (развитие, связанное с наукой и технологией), глубокое влияние науки и техники на жизнь человека ставят лингвистам решающие задачи.

Текст научной работы на тему «Scientific-technical terminology of Uzbek language and basic principles of its development»

would not have been accuseds since the only way to). В переводе же можно наблюдать эмоции удивления, которых нет в оригинальном предложении. Однако, в целом, можно отметить, что выполнен адекватный перевод. Также можно наблюдать добавление новых слов и выражений, для более детального описания ситуации.

Исходя из приведённых выше примеров, а также других примеров, рассмотренных в ходе исследования, можно сделать вывод, что при переводе эмоциональных средств выразительности чаще всего прибегают к грамматической трансформации добавление и лексическим трансформациям калькирование, конкретизация и смысловое развитие. Это обусловлено тем, что для русского языка характерна большая детальность, соответственно, переводчики стараются максимально точно передать эмоции оригинала путём их осмысления и передачи на русский. Кроме того, поскольку английский язык - аналитический, фразы в нём построены более ёмко. Порой один фразовый глагол заменяет целое предложение, что вынуждает переводчиков прибегать к приёмам конкретизации и добавление, чтобы описать и объяснить оригинальное предложение.

Список литературы / References

1. КомиссаровВ.Н. Лингвистика перевода. М.: Либроком, 2013. 176 с.



Abstract: this article illustrates the components of vocabulary related to science, technology and manufacture - the terminology of science and technology is active and changeable layer of current Uzbek lexis. As author mentioned in her article science and technology is developing intensively because of scientific and technical revolution of our age. The fields of science are increasing, new branches of technology are appearing and as a result, significant changes occurring in language. Extra- linguistic development of terminology (development related to science and technology), deep influence of science and technology on human life set linguists crucial tasks.

Keywords: Science and technology, terminology, derivations, international words, components of vocabulary, linguistic awareness.


Ортикова Ирода Шухратовна - преподаватель, кафедра методики преподавания английского языка, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: эта статья иллюстрирует компоненты лексики, связанные с наукой, технологией и производством - терминология науки и техники является активным и изменчивым слоем нынешней узбекской лексики. Как автор упоминает в своей статье, наука и техника интенсивно развиваются из-за научно-технической революции нашего века. Области науки растут, появляются новые отрасли технологий и, как следствие, происходят значительные изменения в языке. Экстралингвистическое развитие терминологии (развитие, связанное с наукой и технологией), глубокое влияние науки и техники на жизнь человека ставят лингвистам решающие задачи.

Ключевые слова: наука и техника, деривации, терминология, международные слова, компоненты лексики, лингвистическая осведомленность.

УДК 81-133

Science and technology is developing intensively because of scientific and technic revolution of our age. The fields of science are increasing, new branches of technology are appearing and as a result, significant changes occurring in language. Linguist Z.A. Potixa mentioned: "What happens in a developing society, it reflects on language, too". Today new items, notions are coming into existence and it demands adding new


words and names to vocabulary stock of language. Therefore, the structure of the language vocabulary rises continuously through this way.

The components of vocabulary related to science, technology and manufacture - the terminology of science and technology is active and changeable layer of current Uzbek lexis.

Extra- linguistic development of terminology (development related to science and technology), deep influence of science and technology on human life set linguists crucial tasks. Exceeding expressive possibilities of the language is one of the main tasks in Uzbek terminology. Because these words should express not only current vocabulary of science and technology, but also the words which can be appear in the future development. In order to fulfill this complicated task all the means of expression should be used, such as, active means of word formation, also the means which is passive in literary language, but effective in terminology.[1]It is known that, in our current terminology derived words - Russian- international words and word combinations have their integral role. In that case, the importance and features of derived words should be studied deeper and the problems in this field should be solved objectively.[4]

The next main task of scientific- technic terminology is to systemize the terms, it means to make them more concrete, precise, systematic and easy to pronounce. N.A.Baskarov claimed, "The people of current world need well-organized, systematic and meaningful terms. In order to fulfill this crucial task linguists should acquire not only general linguistic awareness, but also specific skills of terminology.[4] Through this skills complicated processes such as, comprehension of phrases and symbols and express them in the language, systematic formation of terms in each field will be implemented.

Scientific-technical terminology of Uzbek language is words and word combinations in this language which are used to express the terms in science and technology. These terms have an integral role in the intensive development of Uzbek vocabulary. There are so many terms of different fields in Uzbek terminology, but their origin and historical development differ from each other. For example, a large proportion of words related to cattle, farming, planting and medicine came into existence earlier than other fields. However, the terms of new branches (like, machinery, cybernetics, cosmology, and bionics) are developing along with the development of this field itself. The words of traditional fields developed gradually in a long period of the history, in contrast, the words of new branches developed quickly in a short period ( via extra- linguistic way) . The next difference of these words from traditional ones is their etymology. Most of them are borrowed words.

Derivations in Uzbek language and their linguistic features

Exchanging words in the languages began in the early times. Greek and Latin were the main source to European languages, while Arabic and Persian were the source to Eastern nations. There was tradition among Central Asian scientists during several centuries that they wrote their works in Arabic and Persian languages. In that case, the works of Beruni, Avicenna, A.Navoi, Ulugbek and others were written in these languages. So, the scientific terminology of Uzbek language is connected with these languages. There are so many Arabic-Persian words and terms in the vocabulary stock of Uzbek language so far. Most of these words are belong to traditional fields, such as, social and political life, medicine, music, classic literature (poetry) as well as onomastics. N.A. Baskakov wrote " Arabic- Persian words used for so many centuries in Central Asian languages. As a result, they became as a part of the vocabulary of these nations.

International words are the main and essential source of enlarging the vocabulary not only in Uzbek language, but also other languages. In terminology, the principle of minimum differences is very essential. In that case, the terms of science and technology should be the same or general all of the languages. So, linguists of the each language tries to form and systemize these words taking languages own characteristics into consideration.

When particular language borrows a word from other language, it can affect the language's phonological, morphological features. It connected with nation's life style, historical development, systems of the languages.

We can find so many international words in the vocabulary of Uzbek language. Today Uzbek language is borrowing many international words, like other languages effectively. These derivations not only enlarged the word stock of the language, but also impacted its phonetics, grammar, graphics, and orthography. For

example using double consonants in the beginning of the word is not natural for Uzbek language. But after borrowing international words, like grammar, prospect, they have such phenomenon.

Some borrowed words in Uzbek language belong to different systems. In that case, there are can be common differences while using them in oral and written language, especially, in the pronunciation of these words. While borrowing new words from other languages, every language tries to adapt them in the nature of the speakers. So, the formal or written worm of the derivations can be in as it is, unchangeable. But speakers use it differently in each language.

The facts show that, the derived words sometimes can be essential in the development of language levels, phonetic structure, orthoepic and orthographic rules. Naturally, there can be particular changes in these levels of the language.[3]

International derivations can be changed morphologically while adapting them to the nature of the language. This process can be noticeable in grammatical indicators. For example, changes in number will occur while adapting international words to Uzbek language: вирусы- virus.

The next main point is the issue of gender. There is no grammatical indicator of the gender in the Uzbek language, but large proportion of derived words has it. When the words with the indicators of gender are used in Uzbek, they will lose their indicators. For instance, -ant, -ent, -ariy, -oriy, -ator, - er, -in, -it, -ad and other inflections are indicators of masculine, or -ada , -iya, -era are the indicators of feminine. While using the words armiya, aspirantura, kassa, ariya, assembleya, they have no idea that they are in feminine, because there is not any gender in Uzbek language.

Taking all things into consideration, there are some issues in the field of scientific technic terminology of Uzbek language. In this developing age, there is great demand to technic and scientific terms. So, today linguists should work in this field more than past, because it is age of technology.

References / Список литературы

1. Амосова Н.Н. Основы английской этимологии. Л., 1963.

2. Апресян Ю.Д. Лексическая семантика. М., 1974.

3. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка. М., 1973.

4. AkhmanovaM.O. Lexicology. Theory and Method. M., 1972.

5. Bolinger D. The Phrasal Verb in English. Cambridge, 1974.

"LINGUISTIC - GRAMMAR OF THE TEXT" THE CONTENT AND CORRELATION OF CONCEPTS Sadullaeva G.A. Email: Sadullaeva1147@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: the article analyzes the problem of lexis and grammar correlation. Grammar is considered as a broader science comprising lexicology, morphology and syntax. The correlation between content and context determines the dynamic character of meaning as well as grammatical meaning. Grammar is cognitive and the choice of this or that grammatical form is specified by cognition. The analysis of grammar on the textual level is prominent in the theory of text interpretation as a means of adhering implicit meaning. Keywords: grammar, grammar of discourse, grammatical form, grammatical meaning, context, implication.


Садуллаева Г.А.

Садуллаева Гузал Алиджон кизи — преподаватель, Средняя школа № 11 Сырдарьинского района, г. Сырдарья, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье анализируется проблема соотношения лексики и грамматики. Грамматика рассматривается как более широкая наука, включающая лексикологию, морфологию и синтаксис. Корреляция между содержанием и контекстом определяет динамический характер смысла, а также грамматический смысл. Грамматика когнитивные и выбор той или иной грамматической формы определяется познанием. Анализ грамматики на текстовом уровне занимает видное место в теории интерпретации текста как средства соблюдения неявного смысла.

Ключевые слова: грамматика, грамматика дискурса, грамматическая форма, грамматический смысл, контекст, импликация.

УДК 81-13

It is known that the concepts of "linguistics" and "grammar" are used in many theories of language as complete synonyms. Grammar is "a structured inventory of conventional language signs" [1, p.57]. R. Muncha remarks to the notion of grammar as follow- this is a country without borders with vast areas not yet studied, always open for new discoveries and research; this science has a venerable age, noble origin and today it is still worth to work hard in order to possess.[2, p. 133-141].

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