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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Muratova Shohista Nimatullayevna

The article covers the formation of the economic and environmental development pathways of industrial sectors, first of all, the description of the economic and environmental safety of products through the concept of “economic and environmental interaction”, based on the methodological point of view that the problem of economic and environmental development is of vital importance in the growth of the level of industrialization. It is proved that the economic and financial results of the implementation of the environmental protection measures specified in the article should be assessed on the basis of the impact of resource-saving, environmental and social factors on the efficiency of the extraction and use of fuel-mineral raw materials.

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Muratova Shohista Nimatullayevna, PhD in Economics, associate professor Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail: shohista11@mail.ru


Abstract. The article covers the formation of the economic and environmental development pathways of industrial sectors, first of all, the description of the economic and environmental safety of products through the concept of "economic and environmental interaction", based on the methodological point of view that the problem of economic and environmental development is of vital importance in the growth of the level of industrialization. It is proved that the economic and financial results of the implementation of the environmental protection measures specified in the article should be assessed on the basis of the impact of resource-saving, environmental and social factors on the efficiency of the extraction and use of fuel-mineral raw materials.

Keywords: industrial sectors, economic development, environmental impact, economic-environmental development, economic-environmental interaction, ecology, fuel-mineral resources, modernization of the economy.

I. Introduction

Industrial sectors, which are the main link of the development of our economy, have an important place in the economic and social life of our country, and during the reforms carried out in recent years in 2015-2019, due to the consistent continuation of the processes of radical structural changes in our economy, modernization and diversification, special attention is paid to ensure high growth rates with the third priority direction of the strategy of action on the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, ensuring the proportionality and stability ofthe national economy, increasing the share ofindus-try, services, small business and private entrepreneur-ship in its structure is defined as a special task [1].

II. Literature review

The economic development of industrial sectors in the conditions of modernization of the

economy is characterized by an increase in the processes of environmental influences. The problem of economic and environmental development is of paramount importance especially in the growth of industrialization. The formation of the ways of economic and environmental development of industrial sectors requires, first of all, to understand the essence of the concepts of "development" and "economic-environmental interaction". In general, having understood the problem of development of modern economy, it should be noted that this problem has not been fully studied. The first attempts to solve this problem are recorded in the works, as is known, Confucius, Ksenofont, Plato, Aristotle, as well as T. Moore, A. Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, R. Owen and a number of other scientists. The modern interpretation of the essence of economic and environmental impact is contained in

the materials of the United Nations conference on the environment (Stockholm, 1972 y.). The concerted basis of economic and environmental impact was also reflected in the reports of the Roman club in the 70-80-ies. The concept of sustainable development is used in the "Global strategy for the protection of the environment" put forward by the international union for the protection of nature and natural resources, which has been described as a development aimed not only at improving the quality of life of the present-day humanity, but also the quality of life of the future generation, preserving nature [2]. In the interpretation of the concept of "development" we will dwell on the following aspects. The application of the concept of "long-term" in sustainable development takes into account the main parameters S. N. Bobilev, A. Sh. Khodjaev was represented by as follows [3]:

Ft (L, C, N, I) < Ft+1 (L, C, N, I)


Ff (L, K, N, I) - sustainable development function, L - labor resources,

C - artificially generated capital, means of production,

N - natural resources, I - institutional factor, t = 0...n - time.

The global description of the concept of environmental development of the economy is due to the fact that this concept combines with complex environmental, economic, social and institutional problems for a long time. Without refuting the above points, in our opinion, economic and environmental development occurs as a result of an economic-environmental interaction, which is determined by the ecological aspect, the economic element is the leader. Economic-ecological interaction - the dynamics of interaction of economic objects with each other is a process of interaction, based on environmental improvement, which determines the characterization of the existence and organizational structure of economic-ecological systems.

III. Analysis and results

Since 1970, representatives of large-scale business have noted significant achievements in the field of economic and environmental impact on the basis of the introduction of various economic and environmental effective projects. At the price of the International Monetary Fund, natural resources spent on the unit of finished products are reduced by 1,23% per annum. The sphere of use of secondary raw materials has significantly expanded. For example, 90% of agricultural waste in Germany, 98% of machine housings, 90% of used oils are ironed [4]. Recent reviews show that on the basis of the introduction of modern technologies, the effectiveness of the use of natural resources has increased by 4 times. Increasing the efficiency of the use of resources is certainly not easy, but it is being used in practice. In the middle of 1970' s, it was about the fact that the polemics in the field of American engineering economics could make up 10 or 30% of the total used energy without cost savings. In the middle of 1980' s, this figure was considered to be around 50- 80%, while in the middle of 1990' s, experts gave an opinion that this figure could approach 90-99% and make the economy by 10-100 times more energy [5]. Economic and environmental development of activities on an industrial scale requires knowledge of the theoretical foundations of ecologization. The theoretical basis for the ecologization of the economy reflects the main methodological aspects of this problem, on the basis of which further scientific principles are formed.

Ifwe pay attention to the above points, then ecology is a process that characterized a type of economic growth, aimed at the constant gradual implementation of production and technical, organizational and economic, environmental and legal decisions, increasing the efficiency of costs incurred on natural resources, reducing the negative impact on the environment, achieving the results of the best recent economic activity, as a result of which the economy is developing.

Figure 1. Structural scheme of the impact of resource-saving, environmental and social factors on the efficiency of the extraction and use of fuel-mineral raw material resources

R - fuel prices;

Kn. - investments in new energy capacities; Кe - investments in environmental protection and resource-saving technologies;

Sw - payment for emissions into the atmosphere under the base option (without the implementation of new capacities and environmental protection measures);

AS - additional payment for the emissions into

wn /

the environment as a result of the introduction of new energy capacities;

ASwe - eliminated payment for environmental strikes as a result of environmental protection measures;

Y - damage to the health of the population from pollution of the atmosphere by the base option;

AVn - additional damage to the health of the population as a result of the introduction of new energy capacities;

V - secondary resources.

Fuel-mineral raw material resources into an ecologically developed type of production of mining

and their use requires a long period of time, considerable material and labor costs, which is observed with the resolution of a number of problems in real life. First, despite the fact that the economy, which is being done to reduce or eliminate waste disposal, placement and disposal, partially covers the costs, not all existing enterprises also have sufficient resources to carry out environmental innovation. Secondly, in most cases, the effect of introducing low-output technology is felt only after a long period of time, which raises the question of whether it is worthwhile to add capital to the novelty. Thirdly, the object of assessing all types of damage caused by pollution of the environment with the waste of extraction and use of mineral raw materials resources is complicated, in turn, it is reliable to assess the limits of the economically expedient application of the technology of full processing of fuel. At the same time, at the modern stage of development of our society, an important condition for the application of such technologies is their adaptability to the requirements of the conditions of the market economy, commercial efficiency. The solution of environmental protection problems is important in the extraction and use of mineral resources. The economic and financial results of the implementation of the mentioned environmental protection measures should be assessed on the basis of the impact of resource-saving, environmental and social factors on the efficiency of extraction and use of mineral raw materials (Figure 1). IV. Conclusion and discussions The above-mentioned analysis of the theoretical principles of economic and environmental development in the conditions of modernization of the economy, as well as national and foreign studies of the ecological use of nature made it possible to draw the following conclusions at the modern stage of economic reforms carried out in the Republic:

1. In the search for economic growth or the development of industrial development of society, the violation of economic and environmental balance is the primary cause of the occurrence of an ecological

crisis. Today, the provision of economic growth is carried out without taking into account the boundaries of the natural environment. In fact, economic growth based on environmental sustainable development as the main link between community development is essential.

2. The fact that there is no possibility to increase the productivity of the potential of the natural environment creates the need to create more end products from waste, resulting in an increase in the efficiency of the use of natural resources on account of their lack of quantity. Such an acceleration of economic development will not be able to completely eliminate the main obstacles that harm nature, but will make it possible to directly solve many environmental tasks through the ecologiza-tion of production.

3. It is relevant to carry out research on the development of the quantitative measuring instrument of investment and environmental efficiency of measures that protect and restore the natural environment in an economic-mathematical format. The reason is that, firstly, the research and design developments carried out for the purpose of ecological restoration of environmental objects require the investment of innovations in the conservation and restoration of nature and the creation and further use of a uniform framework that unifies the procedures for the selection of economically and environmentally friendly options, and secondly, there is no agreed and recognized, and the concerted-methodical principles of its creation are not sufficiently developed.

4. The relevance of the development of an analytical method of calculation of investment and environmental efficiency of decisions that protect and restore nature is that on its basis it is possible to work with economic loss, to examine whether the participants of production activities directly affected by nature are not economically interested in the ecology of their activities. Such methodologies, based on environmental and socio-economic priorities,

contribute to the formation of economic produc- Therefore, the expediency of carrying out the

tion, stimulating the recognition of environmental above-mentioned functions of ecology should be

dominance in the activities of economic entities in determined on the basis of a complex analysis of the

the conditions of modernization and industrializa- effectiveness of long-term investments that protect

tion of the economy. nature.


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