SCIENTIFIC AND PERFORMING FEATURES OF SALIKHOV BAKHODYR SOBIROVICH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Ключевые слова
music / art / science / heritage / performance / teacher / orchestra / education. / музыка / искусство / наука / наследие / исполнительство / педагог / оркестр / образование.

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Sobirov Sodikjon Salim Ugli

а teacher is the highest status. Not everyone was lucky enough to achieve this honorary name. Honoring the teacher, respect for him is the heritage of the ancestors. The role of teachers in educating the younger generation and finding their place in society is incomparable. For this reason, it is not for nothing that much attention is paid to the traditions of the master-student in the field of education in our country. Studying science is like digging a well with a needle. Indeed, these words indicate a complex process between teacher and student over the years. The hard work of teachers over the years has been to shape the maturity of young people. Of course, there are many requirements for science students. Curiosity, interest in the profession and relentless enthusiasm for the role played by the teacher are the key to success in the chosen field. In our article, we have tried to highlight how the master-disciple tradition has continued in the past and as an example for future youth.

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учитель – это высший статус. Не всем посчастливилось добиться этого почетного имени. Почитание учителя, уважение к нему – наследие предков. Роль учителей в воспитании молодого поколения и поиске своего места в обществе несравнима. По этой причине недаром большое внимание уделяется традициям мастера-ученика в сфере образования нашей страны. Изучение науки похоже на копание колодца иголкой. Действительно, эти слова указывают на сложный процесс между учителем и учеником на протяжении многих лет. Напряженная работа педагогов на протяжении многих лет заключается в формировании зрелости молодежи. Конечно, к студентам, изучающим науку, предъявляется множество требований. Любознательность, интерес к профессии и неустанный энтузиазм в отношении роли, которую проявляет педагог, являются залогом успеха в выбранной сфере. В нашей статье мы попытались осветить, как традиция мастера-ученика продолжалась в прошлый период и как пример для будущей молодежи.





Abstract: а teacher is the highest status. Not everyone was lucky enough to achieve this honorary name. Honoring the teacher, respect for him is the heritage of the ancestors. The role of teachers in educating the younger generation and finding their place in society is incomparable. For this reason, it is not for nothing that much attention is paid to the traditions of the master-student in the field of education in our country. Studying science is like digging a well with a needle. Indeed, these words indicate a complex process between teacher and student over the years. The hard work of teachers over the years has been to shape the maturity of young people. Of course, there are many requirements for science students. Curiosity, interest in the profession and relentless enthusiasm for the role played by the teacher are the key to success in the chosen field. In our article, we have tried to highlight how the master-disciple tradition has continued in the past and as an example for future youth.

Keywords: music, art, science, heritage, performance, teacher, orchestra, education.



Собиров Содикжон Салим угли - музыкант, оркестр Большого театра, Государственная академия им. Алишера Навои, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: учитель - это высший статус. Не всем посчастливилось добиться этого почетного имени. Почитание учителя, уважение к нему - наследие предков. Роль учителей в воспитании молодого поколения и поиске своего места в обществе несравнима. По этой причине недаром большое внимание уделяется традициям мастера-ученика в сфере образования нашей страны.

Изучение науки похоже на копание колодца иголкой. Действительно, эти слова указывают на сложный процесс между учителем и учеником на протяжении многих лет. Напряженная работа педагогов на протяжении многих лет заключается в формировании зрелости молодежи. Конечно, к студентам, изучающим науку, предъявляется множество требований. Любознательность, интерес к профессии и неустанный энтузиазм в отношении роли, которую проявляет педагог, являются залогом успеха в выбранной сфере. В нашей статье мы попытались осветить, как традиция мастера-ученика продолжалась в прошлый период и как пример для будущей молодежи.

Ключевые слова: музыка, искусство, наука, наследие, исполнительство, педагог, оркестр, образование.

Master artist, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan, Professor Bakhodir Sobirovich Salikhov is currently teaching many students in the clarinet class of the Department of Wind and Percussion Instruments of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.

B. Salikhov was admitted to the military music school after his interest in music as a child.

Masters of their profession, mature teachers worked in this educational institution. Including: A.V. Malkeev, L.I. Sukhov, I.I. Esen, A. Malashin and others [1, 5]. These teachers taught music lessons to their students with kindness and enthusiasm. The children were also an example of the teachers, and in response to them, they did not doubt the words of their teachers with respect and courtesy. The discipline of the children studying at the school was exemplary. In this sense, according to the opinion of the older generation of musicians, the reason why the school is so exemplary is the director of the school, Colonel V.N. Matushnenko managed the institution skillfully. In his work, he strictly followed the rules of order, discipline, and etiquette, and he was certainly an example for young students.

The melodious strains of music played in the school from morning till night and it showed its magical effect on the students. Every day, when the children who had just started learning music came early in the morning, they would witness the students of the upper class working on themselves in the morning. When they saw them, they tried to do the same with them, and sometimes they asked the adults to perform the complexities that were incomprehensible to them. The children heard not only the exercises of experienced students, but also excellent performances. Because among the teachers working in this school there were artists and orchestra performers of the capital's musical theaters, as well as teachers working in various music schools.

Naturally, these people and the school environment of that time had a positive effect on the formation of Bahadir Salihov's musical world. Lev Ivanovich Sukhov was Bahadir Salikhov's first clarinet teacher and at the same time played an important role in choosing his future profession.

In his time, L.I.Sukhov learned clarinet lessons very well from the wonderful musician and teacher Y.Rizakulov. He used the knowledge he got from his teacher in his pedagogical activities in the future. He was one of the teachers who developed his pedagogic skills over the years, focusing on improving students' technical skills and working with sound quality and breathing techniques. For this reason, he played regular gammas and etudes to his students in every lesson. Lev Ivanovich was highly interested in the future profession of Bahadir Salikhov. B. Salihov was one of the enthusiastic and enthusiastic students, he was demanding and always in search. His teacher's basic understanding and skills of professionalism taught him daily.

Lev Ivanovich Sukhov knew no bounds in teaching his students new aspects of the instrument. He revealed the secrets of uniting the soul with the instrument, which is one of the most important in musical performance, and how to express oneself through the instrument and show one's talent. In general, Bahadir Salikhov learned to be enthusiastic, expand his level of knowledge, ability to think, understand the world of music, etc., through playing the clarinet.

Bahadir Salikhov practiced the clarinet for several hours a day and achieved excellent results when he graduated from school. Lightness appeared in the tone of the voice, and movement in the technical skills, the voice was surprisingly beautiful. All this allowed the young clarinet player to perform fantasy on the theme of Verdi-Bassi's opera "Rigoletto" and "Rhapsody" by S. Boboev at the graduation exam in 1965.

After the acquired knowledge and skills, practical technical excellence, he was successfully admitted to the class of K.A. Azimov, associate professor of orchestra faculty of the Tashkent State Conservatory. Later, he also conducted research in the field of music theory and historical sciences in order to master his worldview. These were the moments when Bakhodir Salihov went deeper into the world of creativity.

Five years of the conservatory allowed the young talent to expand his musical world, expand his knowledge and skills, and improve his performance. By the way, five-year education was introduced at the Conservatory during the period when B.Salikhov studied. At the conservatory, he began to study in the class of K.A.Azimov and, under the guidance of his teacher, mastered various exercises that served to enhance the beauty of the clarinet timbre. He also did a lot of research to improve his technical skills and musical experience. All this was achieved by the hard work of young Bahadir, his tireless work. He was interested in every news related to his performance in music, and of course these news sometimes gave him difficulties and researches to open up new and new interests.

Along with the solo performance of the clarinet instrument, playing with an ensemble is also important. In addition, the clarinet is a part of the symphony orchestra and percussion orchestra. In clarinet performance, ensemble performance, like solo performance, has its own challenges and demands, and playing together (tutti) in different orchestral ensembles is also important. Applying these features in practice, B.Salikhov participated in concert programs with duet, trio, quartet, quintet and orchestra accompaniment during his studies, and also worked in various orchestra groups during his graduation.

The listeners who were at the concerts of the drum and percussion section remembered his performance and said that since those times his performances were technically, sound and melodically perfect. Salikhov was emphasized at every concert performance. He has always respected and has always respected accuracy in musical performance, he tries to prepare it for the stage without contradicting the rules of the law of the work. He is currently teaching his students using the same rule.

He practiced tirelessly, always playing the necessary exercises: gamma, etudes. He did not forget to play long note exercises every morning for the beauty of his voice. He always came to work on time. He was always disciplined and always approached his work with responsibility. Working in an orchestra, he gained a lot of necessary experience, playing with an ensemble and working hard on orchestral parts. After his hard work, B. Salikhov found his place as an orchestra conductor. Later, he started working as the first clarinet player in the orchestra. They returned with the orchestra group to the regions of our Republic, and also on foreign tours. In 1991, the well-known conductor and People's Artist of Uzbekistan D. Gulyamovna toured several republics: Turkey, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore. L. Minkus performed "Don ki Hot" ballet, P. I. Tchaikovsky "Sleeping Princess", S. Prakofiev "Romeo and Juliet". His performances in concerts were clearly distinguished, because the timbre of the voice was unique, and he had the same polish in the lower and upper registers. Listeners still remember the solos he played in S. Rachmaninov's second symphony, P. Tchaikovsky's "Francesco da Rimini", D. Gershwin's "Rhapsody in style blues" and many other works.

Since 1997, Professor B. Salikhov, an artist who has served Uzbekistan, has been the head of the Department of Wind and Percussion Instruments of the Conservatory. Along with conducting clarinet classes in educational institutions, he worked as a concertmaster in the National Symphony Orchestra of Uzbekistan (formerly the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra) for about 40 years. During this period, he tried to fill the department with new teaching personnel.

B. Salikhov trained a lot of young personnel during his pedagogical activity. More than seventy students have graduated from his class. They are bachelor, master and assistant trainees. By applying the knowledge and skills they received from their teacher, they perform in the orchestra groups of our Republic and abroad, as well as in schools and lyceums. Its students have always shown exemplary grades by participating in national and international

examinations. In particular, in 1997, the 14th Republican competition was held in Tashkent. The clarinetist S. Umarov (B. Salikhov class) won the first place.

It has been several years since B. Salikhov completed his work in the symphony orchestra. In 2015, he completed his performance in the National Symphony Orchestra. However, even though he has been a performer for 47 years, he said in an interview with himself, "I had the intention of extending my performance to 50 years." It can be seen that the dream in this profession is a combination of desire, aspiration and loyalty, and his interest in the world of music shows that it knows no bounds.

References / Список литературы 1. Gulzarova I. Baxodir Salikhov - ispolnitel i pefagog. Т., 2008.

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