Universidad Cesar Vallejo Trujillo Peru1-3-4-5 Universidad del Sinú2 Universidad Sergio Arboleda6
[email protected] manuelnuñ[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] x199003489@ucvvi [email protected]
Abstract-The purpose of this paper was to analyze the validity of the theories of the Schools of Economies in the world on Freedoms and Markets in the integration processes in Latin America. For this, a descriptive documentary methodology is developed. Given the characteristics of the type of study, the design was framed as a bibliographic documentary type. Concluding that the economic thought, collected by the Schools of economics of the world, remains valid in the different models of integration in Latin America. It is affirmed that the different political and economic thoughts do not show supremacy of one with respect to the other, but that the convenience of their application depends on the circumstances of the socio-historical context, among other conclusions.
Keywords. Schools of Economics, Processes of social integration Latin America, Relationship with the Law
The present project develops the line of research derived from the abstract term liberty, which is of an international nature, which has been ratified in different countries that make up Latin America Human Rights, Negative Rights, Justice in the field of interchange between all the countries of the south of the continent, among several characteristics of which will be analyzed the economic, financial, civil conditions, all the human institutions of law, accounting, exchange, market and those that arise spontaneously by the process of the need to trade and generate welfare and capacity for greater interregional mobilization, the emergence of new capacities of products, services that are generated in the process of Latin American integration, the market as the main mechanism to unite nations, in this sense to mention the social process of integration of Latin America.
In this regard, it can be said that one of the key factors for the integration process of Latin America is as a free market that benefits its members, with different capacities to generate and create new forms of production, distribution, consumption in different ranges of products and services that help the quality of life and the progressive development of the hemisphere, the ideas of economic freedoms can not be left aside in the integration process, the market as the complex set of human interactions of exchange, for the results that are expected to be obtained, will justify the actions of civil and social union organizations in the near future in order to provide objective scientific approaches, general vision of the environments and the form of their governmental, economic, political organizations and substantive theory will be formulated that will help to establish the impulse of the quality of life, in a qualitative way and, of transnational tone with the help of the catalectic subdiscipline that has arisen in humanity indispensable for social integration. In today's world freedoms have arisen in an evolutionary way, by each human being in the historical evolution, this philosophy has dilated in time at the discretion of the researcher, imposed by laws
that have made regulations to human life limiting the freedoms to generate progress in the exchanges of goods and services. It can be elucidated that this is little favoring of the needs of human beings, in concrete sense the economic freedom to trade is necessary, that the progress of the peoples of humanity is developing every time that a process of integration is originated. As a result of the free market in measures that have become less restrictive over time, it is expected that the market is the best way to promote the rapprochement between different cultures, forms of governments, companies and people, the economic system is the tip of the iceberg for the maximum union of freedom, prosperity and integration that drives the great social transformations that have led to countless contributions from the scientific, technological, educational, social and cultural point of view.
Through the statements outlined, it is possible to infer that Latin American integration is the instrument through which decisions are made to favor the union system of peoples, of life itself thanks to the impact that is generated when exchange, trade and systems that usually go against freedom and guarantees predominate, these are often associated with deterioration, crisis and social chaos that have been experienced during recent human history, they are societies that disintegrate and close.
This Research induces the social process of integration to the supra nationality that includes the customs system, to the common policies of better benefit, of economic freedoms, which is the driving force of human creativity, generating further profit opportunities, in this case the present project will identify the regional scenarios, making approaches and contributions, on the basis of prospective aspects related to more effective and efficient forms of social and commercial organization that generate more opportunities of benefits for the citizens, through private agreements resulting from the dynamism demanded by the world and the most modern and developed societies, generating new scientific knowledge that contributes to better understand the processes of social integration, commercial and human development.
The authors ask themselves the following question of the problem according to the object of study: Is it possible to identify the influence of the Schools of Economics that have been created in the world regarding freedoms and markets in the current Integration Models in Latin America? It is a question of analyzing the validity of the theories of the Schools of Economics in the world on Freedoms and Markets in the Integration Processes in Latin America.
This project will seek to shorten or reduce the existing theoretical gaps and academic gaps that will be reviewed with this research, making an approach that will fill this gap, in this regard, highlights the written work of the philosopher, jurist and economist Friedrich Von Hayek called "Roads of Serfdom" in which he recounts the meddling of governments creating new laws, decrees, regulations and resolutions to direct and direct the government, Jurist and Economist Friedrich Von Hayek called "Roads of servitude" in which he recounts the intrusion of governments creating new laws, decrees, regulations and resolutions to direct and direct the individual praxeological life of human beings, restricting their freedom of choice to achieve their particular ends, with the means at their disposal.
Currently, authors such as Hayek (2014) have made approaches to the human phenomenon of behaviors in life to sociology and economics among others, which contribute to many economic, political and philosophical theories that have prevailed in recent decades in the structure of humanity and many of them make societies more efficient, that are adapting to changes that always seek freedom, that is to say or serious synonymous to the quality of life, respecting the legal framework of what with respect to international trade.
Likewise, it is observed in the work of Huerta de Soto (1992) "Socialism, economic calculation and business function", where he criticizes the governmental interventionism to the right of property, coercing concepts of freedom that have been established in the evolution of historical progress that has formalized the law in the different conceptions of the civil statute using for it, This will result
in a great academic and investigative impact projected, thus fulfilling the established goals and managing to understand the current problems and contributing with new knowledge. Freedom and subjective perspective in the market. Praxeology. Carl Menger (1871) was the founder of the Austrian School of Economics, where the basic principles of the marginal analysis of economic development were proposed to explain, from a subjective perspective, the value of goods. Menger, considered that the market is based on the judgments and valuations of individuals of the goods and services that make up the supply of the same, that each one makes from freedom.
Interpreting Jaramillo (2010), economic decisions are based on the consumer's marginal valuation, shaped by tastes and preferences; the demand for goods and services depends on these subjective valuations of each person, which influence the opportunity cost; and temporal structure of production and production decisions.
Political Economy, Milton Friedman (1990). The Chicago School had in Friedman an important economist of the twentieth century, whose planning transformed the science of economics, its methodology, macroeconomics and economic policy. Friedman argues that a laissez-faire market economy is the best way to promote individual freedom; he also argues that a deregulated market economy is the best way to promote economic efficiency and welfare, in terms of political economy.
Friedman argues that neoliberalism, as studied in the U.S., has quite efficient results because it allows someone to improve without making someone else worse off. In this sense, government should stay out of the way, as public policy cannot improve market outcomes, given that income and wealth inequalities can have profound political consequences because they tilt political power in favor of the rich. Furthermore, it is argued that; government complications generally worsen the economy due to bureaucratic incompetence, regulators who are trapped by special interests and political distortions.
Relationship of the Schools of Economics, Processes of social integration with Law. On the relationship of Law with the schools of economics and the integration process, it is relevant to highlight the points expressed by Friedman, specifically "in democracies, freedom implies the exercise of freedom", which is framed in the Fundamental Rights, defined by Ferrajoli quoted by Resendez (2017), as "all those subjective rights that correspond universally to all human beings as endowed with the status of persons, citizens or persons with the capacity to act". Shumpeter's Representative Democracy, Freedoms and Markets (2005) is considered the pioneer of the theory of public elections and the economic analysis of politics. His proposal was based on comparing the actions of vote buyers with those of businessmen who sell goods of various kinds to a clientele oriented partly by their experience and sense of convenience, and partly by the influence of large-scale electoral propaganda.
Classical Liberalism, Friedrich Hayek (2014). The best way to understand Hayek's vast contribution to economics and classical liberalism is to see it in the light of the program for the study of social cooperation established by Mises. Mises, the great system builder, provided Hayek with the research program. Hayek became the great analyst. His life's work is best understood as an effort to make explicit what Mises had left implicit, to restate what Mises had outlined, and to answer the questions Mises had left unanswered. Of Mises, Hayek said: 'There is no other man to whom I owe more intellectually'. The cone-xion with Mises is most evident in his work on the problems of socialism. But Hayek's origi- nality, derived from the analysis of socialism, permeates the whole body of his work, from business cycles to the origin of social cooperation.
The paradigmatic vision of the study was circumscribed in Postpositivism, in the work the acquisition of existing knowledge outside the subject is admitted, becoming objective given the facts presented with a flexible moldable nature, without modifying at the will of an individual, but from the assimilation of the reality of the social world, through observation, to then adopt an objective critical attitude so that proposals for solutions to social problems arise, derived from dissimilar combinations of factors that are studied as a whole, and not in their parts.
The population consisted of Latin American countries, characterized by different documents of authors such as Mises (2015), Hayek (2014), Friedman (1990), Menger (1871), Huerta de Soto and Shumpeter (2005).
The technique used to collect the information was documentary observation. Democracy, freedoms and market In the historical analysis of economic thought in the world, the influence of political ideologies on it has been reflected, or perhaps the changes of the economy and the market in politics, this order to happen in time is not the fundamental purpose of this research, what is established is that economy and politics are closely related, marking guidelines in the historical evolution of humanity.
In this sense, it is affirmed that just as Friedman and the Chicago School have been recognized in the history of economic thought for provoking a counter-revolution in this area by showing the shortcomings of liberalism and the market economy; Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Huerta de Soto, Schumpeter, among others, and the Austrian School of Economics have stood out for having demonstrated in the political and economic framework the impossibility of statistical calculation in socialism, trying to impose the thesis from the socialist system that tries to impose a market development in the absence of a price system, preventing economic calculation, without which the value of goods and services could be preserved; as well as social welfare per se. In the analysis and interpretation of the information gathered, it was determined that the main motivation for the formation of multilateral alliances in this subcontinent has historically been economic in nature, either to expand the marking of goods/services or for more advantageous conditions in terms of tariffs and customs treatment. However, in the first decades of the 21st century, integrationist initiatives that have given preponderance to social and political aspects have deepened, which has marked a paradigm that is under discussion as to its preservation over time, taking into account the changing nature of society and ideological inclinations within the framework of the nuances that distinguish it.
An element of dispersion that is appreciated in Latin America in terms of integration models is the geographical consideration since the division in this field of Central and South America persists, in addition to the insular territories, as opposed to North America; when the ideal is the alliance of all these Nations in a single unit, as it is conformed in Europe, although the potentialities of America and the insular territories that surround it to establish a multilateral confederation far exceeds this continent.
It can be affirmed that underlying the motivations for establishing a multilateral integration alliance is a dogmatic or ideological position that may be framed in the economic sciences or in the political sciences; having in any case an aspiration to consolidate a power that contributes to the expansion and evolution of these positions beyond the borders of each member country of any international alliance002E.
In the study of the validity of the doctrines of the Schools of Economics in the world on freedoms and markets within the framework of social processes, it is found that the economic thought, gathered by the Schools of Economics in the world, is still valid in the different models of integration in Latin America.
When comparing the different doctrines of the Schools of Economics in the world on freedoms and markets, it can be affirmed that the different political and economic thoughts do not show supremacy of one with respect to the other, but that the convenience of their application depends on the circumstances of the socio-historical context. Economic thinking has no discriminatory power to determine the model of integration in a specific region of the world, since the political, economic and social circumstances together determine the benefit of a multilateral integration model suitable for all countries.
Finally, it is possible to draw up a comparative table of the Schools of Economics in the world and their contributions to the integration processes in Latin America of the aspects of Freedoms and Markets, which facilitates the analysis of each one of them.
The authors express their gratitude to the University of Sinú, University of Trujillo Perú and
University Cesar Vallejo Peru, giving us the time and opportunity to participate in the development
of these projects that have to do with schools of economics, processes of social integration in latin
america and its relationship with law.
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