САМООЦЕНКА КАК ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКАЯ ПРОБЛЕМА В ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОЙ И ЗАРУБЕЖНОЙ ПСИХОЛОГИИ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Дубова Д. С.

В статье рассматривается проблема самооценки в трудах отечественных и зарубежных психологов. Самооценка выступает как одна из важнейших, если не ключевых составляющих внутреннего мира человека - его «Я». Несмотря на то, что самооценка уже долгое время находится в сфере внимания психологов, работ, посвященных обобщению разрозненных подходов, точек зрения, идей, исследовательских результатов, накопленных фактов не так много, особенно в отечественной психологии. Самооценка - ценность, значимость, которой индивид наделяет себя в целом и отдельные стороны своей личности, деятельности, поведения и оценки личности. Это не менее важная и наиболее изученная область психологии как сторона самосознания личности.

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The article deals with the problem of self-esteem in the works of domestic and foreign psychologists. Self-esteem acts as one of the most important, if not key components of a person's inner world - his "I". Despite the fact that self-esteem has been in the sphere of attention of psychologists for a long time, there are not so many works devoted to the generalization of disparate approaches, points of view, ideas, research results, accumulated facts, especially in Russian psychology. Self-esteem is the value, the significance that the individual endows himself with as a whole and certain aspects of his personality, activity, behavior and personality assessment. This is an equally important and most studied area of psychology as a side of personality self-awareness.



Dubova Darya Sergeevna, psychology student, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Markov Alexander Vladimirovich, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, Belgorod, Russia

Dubova D.S., dasha_dubova24@mail.ru Markov A.V., markov@bsu.ru


The article deals with the problem of self-esteem in the works of domestic and foreign psychologists. Self-esteem acts as one of the most important, if not key components of a person's inner world - his "I". Despite the fact that self-esteem has been in the sphere of attention of psychologists for a long time, there are not so many works devoted to the generalization of disparate approaches, points of view, ideas, research results, accumulated facts, especially in Russian psychology. Self-esteem is the value, the significance that the individual endows himself with as a whole and certain aspects of his personality, activity, behavior and personality assessment. This is an equally important and most studied area of psychology as a side of personality self-awareness.


В статье рассматривается проблема самооценки в трудах отечественных и зарубежных психологов. Самооценка выступает как одна из важнейших, если не ключевых составляющих внутреннего мира человека -его «Я». Несмотря на то, что самооценка уже долгое время находится в сфере внимания психологов, работ, посвященных обобщению разрозненных

подходов, точек зрения, идей, исследовательских результатов, накопленных фактов не так много, особенно в отечественной психологии. Самооценка -ценность, значимость, которой индивид наделяет себя в целом и отдельные стороны своей личности, деятельности, поведения и оценки личности. Это не менее важная и наиболее изученная область психологии как сторона самосознания личности.

Keywords: self-esteem, self-awareness, personality, level of aspirations, confidence, uncertainty, development.

Ключевые слова: самооценка, самосознание, личность, уровень притязаний, уверенность, неуверенность, развитие.

In Russian psychology, self-esteem was viewed as a problem of the formation and development of self-awareness. In general theoretical and methodological aspects, the question of the formation of self-consciousness in the context of the more global problem of personality development was considered. On this issue, one can note the work of such psychologists, teachers as: S.L. Rubinstein, B.G. Ananiev, M.N. Skatkin, A.N. Leontiev, L.S. Vygotsky. More special issues, which are primarily related to the peculiarities of self-esteem and its relationship with the assessments of others, it is necessary to note the works of E.A. Serebryakova, E.I. Savonko, V.A. Gorbacheva, A.I. Lipkina.

According to A.N. Leont'ev, self-esteem is one of the main conditions, thanks to which the individual becomes a person. It creates the need to meet the level of requirements of others and to match the level of their own personal assessments.

L.V. Borozdina argues that self-esteem is the presence of a critical position of an individual in relation to what he has, this is an assessment from the point of view of a certain system of values.

Self-esteem can be adequate and inadequate. Adequate self-esteem presupposes a critical attitude of a person towards himself, allows him to adequately evaluate his own strengths and weaknesses.

Adequate self-esteem is centered on the necessary knowledge and experience. Inadequate self-esteem tells us about an unjustified self-assessment. As a rule, this opinion does not agree with the opinion of the people around. They distinguish inadequately underestimated and inadequately underestimated self-esteem.

Zakharova argues that overestimated self-esteem is a function of protection through emotional barriers that block the perception of external influences.

Inadequately low self-esteem is the result of subjects' underestimation of themselves. As a rule, low self-esteem affects goal setting, since a person sets a goal as low as he could actually achieve, thereby exaggerating failure. Also, a person is not too confident in himself, which is a consequence of the development of such traits as passivity, insecurity.

I.S. Cohn wrote that men, even in old age, remain less critical of themselves, in contrast to women. However, there is a possibility of inadequacy of the opposite sign - underestimation of self-esteem in men, overestimation in women. It depends on various factors - upbringing, personal characteristics of a person in general, his style of life, etc.

In foreign psychology, the concept of "self-esteem" is equated with the concept of "I-concept". The self-concept assumes a major role in the development of personality. The reasons that have a direct impact on its development are: self-analysis (analysis of one's own strengths and weaknesses), self-assessment by other people (parents, friends), ideals, appearance, health, a sense of strength, behavior, moral values [7].

Self-esteem is one of the main problems of personality psychology. This problem was dealt with by various foreign psychologists: R. Burns, W. James, K. Rogers, S. Coopersmith, K. Levin, I. Branden, Z. Freud, A. Adler, K. Horney, M. Rosenberg.

W. James can be called a pioneer in the field of self-esteem research. He began studying this phenomenon in 1892. James formulated a formula according to

which self-esteem is directly proportional to success and inversely proportional to aspirations, that is, the acceptable success that a person tried to achieve.

Self-Esteem = Success / Level of Claim.

Foreign psychologist R. Burns consider self-esteem as an emotional component of the self-concept (meaningful structure of self-awareness), associated with his own attitude to himself or his own individual qualities. And this is defined as the degree of reflection of a sense of self-esteem, self-esteem and a positive attitude towards everything within the framework of one's "I".

The main age for the formation of self-esteem is primary school age. At this time, changes occur to the full extent of all its elements, level representations acquire special maturity; the activity of self-assessment is being improved, as a means of self-assessment, the child is systematically starting to refer to the analysis of his actions and deeds as to the strongest evidence-based grounds that determine the formation of its optimal structures. Revealing the relationship between the means of self-assessment used by the child and its level representations suggests that it is the means of self-assessment that act as a system-forming factor in its formation as an integral education.

Self-esteem naturally, persistently affects the effectiveness of activities and the formation of the personality, including all stages of development:

- high self-esteem is most often a necessary quality of a successful person, regardless of his profession, of his mission - a lawyer, an accountant, as well as many creative professions.

- low self-esteem endows a person with uncertainty, confusion, not the ability to make decisions on his own;

- adequate self-esteem provides a person with self-confidence, allows him to successfully set and achieve goals in his personal life, study, career, business, creativity and in life in general

Self-esteem of a person can be understood as a unique value that an individual assigns to himself or his personal properties and qualities. The main functions that self-assessment performs are regulatory; on its basis, the tasks of

personal choice are solved. The second function is protective, which ensures the relative stability and independence of the individual. In addition, we can assume that self-esteem is a state of a person when he evaluates himself in different areas, actions, then evaluates one or another of his qualities (charisma, professionalism, fascination, etc.).


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2. Borozdina, L.V. The essence of self-esteem and its relationship with the self-concept / L.V. Furrow. M .: - 2011 .-- 65 p.

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6. Leontiev, A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. / A.N. Leontiev. - M .: Academy, 2005 .-- 352 p.

7. Molchanova, ON. Self-esteem. Theoretical problems and empirical research: textbook / ON. Molchanov. - M .: Flinta, 2010 .-- 46 p.

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