SAFETY OF CHILDREN ON THE INTERNET Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Zhanys Aray Boshanqyzy, Bupezhanova Akmaral Koshkimbaevna, Madi Erzhan Talgatuly, Isskakova Gulnur Oralbaevna

The article is devoted in General to the coverage of the topic "Safety of children in the network" and the solution of the resulting problems, respectively, and a global overview of the situation in the world regarding the above topic. The author reveals the essence of the topic, why it is important, describes the related problems to this topic, what it can lead to. It also points out clear gaps and shows problems regarding the safety of children in the global Internet, provides a classification of Internet threats and offers solutions to them. To write the article, the author relied on the opinion of foreign experts, in particular, the situation in the United States of America, in Europe and the Russian Federation was studied. Other works were taken into account in the face of the authoritative British publication "The Guardian" and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), links to which are indicated in the corresponding paragraph. This work is carried out within the framework of a large dissertation on the topic "Monitoring and monitoring of children in the network and the development of the Child Time application". The theoretical significance of this research is also revealed. Based on the analysis of statistics obtained by surveys of the voluntary society, the effectiveness of its practical activities, as well as the nature of its use in everyday life, the degree of value of this research is determined.

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Текст научной работы на тему «SAFETY OF CHILDREN ON THE INTERNET»

Давление всасывающей жидкости рес, мПа--------------------------------0.35

Коэффициент шероховатости труб р0фф мкм..................................50

Коэффициент шероховатости труб кш мкм..................................50

Средняя вязкость закачиваемой среды ц.р мПа.с :

Раствора ПАА........................................................................7.5

Раствора ПАВ.........................................................................1.5


Средняя плотность закачиваемой среды р, кГ/м3 :

Раствора ПАА......................................................................1040

Раствора ПАВ......................................................................1040


Результаты расчетов для трех значениях темпа пластовой жидкости представлены в таблице. подачи растворов и АСК при различных вязкостях

= 1.0мПа. с_

Растворы ПАВ ПАА АСК

M кГ/c 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5

p3ü6 30.7 32.25 33.75 33.75 41.25 48.75 40 60 80

pHKm 30.75 32.25 33.75 33.75 42.25 48.70 40 60 80

pycm 10.36 12 13.7 13.37 21.03 28.8 7.45 27.6 47.8

Рнаг 10.16 11.8 13.6 13.17 20.87 26.7 7.13 27.3 47.5

ß„n = 2.0мПа. с

Растворы ПАВ ПАА АСК

M кГ/c 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5

p3a6 30.3 31.1 31.8 31.8 35.4 39.4 35 45 55

pHKm 30.3 31.1 31.8 31.8 35.4 39.4 35 45 55

pvcm 10 10.86 11.8 11.5 15.41 19.4 24.5 12.5 23

pHa 9.76 10.7 11.7 11.3 15.25 19.38 21.3 12.3 22.5

Из анализа табличных данных следует, что для рассматриваемых темпов подачи наименьшее давление закачки имеют растворы поверхностно -активных веществ. С ростом темпа подачи увеличение величины необходимого давления для ПАВ и ПАА незначительное, заметный рост наблюдается для АСК. Имеет место аномалия: при некоторых значениях скорости подачи, вязкости пластовой жидкости и нагнетание АСК может быть реализовано при низких давлениях закачки как это видно из таблицы: pнаг =7.13 МПа при М=1 кГ/с, ^пл = 1.0мПа. с и pнаг =12.3 при, М=3 кГ^ = 2.0мПа. с.

Список литературы

1.Казакова Л.В., Южанинов П.М. Технология повышения нефтеотдачи пластов с использованием потокоотклоняющих химреагентов. Геология, геофизика и разработка нефтяных и газовых месторождений. №8, 2002 с.79-80

2.Магадова Л.А. Силин М.А.и др. Кислотная композиция «Химеко ТК - 2» для низкопроницаемых терригенных коллекторов // Нефтяное хозяйство, №5, 2003. С.80-81.

3.Ибрагимов Г.З.,Фазлутдинов К.С.,Хисамутдинов Н.И. Применение химических реагентов для интенсификации добычи нефти. М.: «НЕДРА» 1991.


Zhanys1 Aray Boshanqyzy PhD Bupezhanova 2 Akmaral Koshkimbaevna master Madi3 Erzhan Talgatuly Isskakova4 Gulnur Oralbaevna

Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifyllin, Department of Information Systems, Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan city


The article is devoted in General to the coverage of the topic "Safety of children in the network" and the solution of the resulting problems, respectively, and a global overview of the situation in the world regarding the above topic. The author reveals the essence of the topic, why it is important, describes the related problems to this topic, what it can lead to. It also points out clear gaps and shows problems regarding the safety of children in the global Internet, provides a classification of Internet threats and offers solutions to them. To write the article, the

author relied on the opinion of foreign experts, in particular, the situation in the United States of America, in Europe and the Russian Federation was studied. Other works were taken into account in the face of the authoritative British publication "The Guardian" and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), links to which are indicated in the corresponding paragraph. This work is carried out within the framework of a large dissertation on the topic "Monitoring and monitoring of children in the network and the development of the Child Time application". The theoretical significance of this research is also revealed. Based on the analysis of statistics obtained by surveys of the voluntary society, the effectiveness of its practical activities, as well as the nature of its use in everyday life, the degree of value of this research is determined.

Keywords: children, Internet, security, network, rules, crimes, cybercrime.


The abundance of "useless", harmful, propagandizing, perverting content on the network is one of the main reasons for the emergence of various kinds of problems in everyday life, family, at work, etc. The ordinary human factor becomes the reason for the "absorption" of this very content. The ineffective and useless use of the Internet is a big problem in itself, not to mention the consequences. Due to their age, children and adolescent children are more likely to be influenced by the above factors. This article should help illuminate the general situation in the world, including the Republic of Kazakhstan, and suggest ways to deal with the problem.

The relevance of this research topic is due to the fact that among the population of preschool and school age of the Republic of Kazakhstan, due to age and the impact of society, harmful content is widely present. The lack of a complete and complete solution to this problem implies the relevance of the topic. Based on this, there is an increasing need for monitoring and control to prevent the submission of the above content.


Our modern world is the world of computer technology, the world of the Internet and free access to almost any information, and children living in this world feel comfortable in it, they easily master computers, mobile devices, and newfangled gadgets and skillfully use them. However, their knowledge of Internet security lags behind their ability to master new

devices in part because they consider security less important, in part, because the issue itself is not well covered. Every year, the number of Internet users is increasing rapidly and the number of children on the Internet, respectively, so the problem of children's safety on the Internet is very urgent and will remain relevant in the near future. It is necessary for parents, educators and teachers to conduct explanatory talks and events to explain and consolidate the rules of the "Safe Internet".

Media, information and communication technologies play a very important role in the lives of children. Every day, children spend more and more time on the Internet, which they learn on their own or with their peers. On the Internet, children communicate on social networks, play various games, post photos, watch films, videos, listen to music, etc. (Figure 1). Since adults and parents partly do not have a complete, or do not have at all, a picture of what their children are doing at the computer, there is a real mismatch between literacy in relation to media between children and adults. The virtual world can offer many possibilities; it can also cause many problems and set all kinds of traps. On the one hand, using the internet can have a positive impact on everyone and on the development of children: it is fun, it is easy, it teaches and socializes. On the other hand, it also carries the potential for harm to children and their psyche. Of course, it depends on how the network is used.

Fig 1. Statistics of Internet use by children

According to the results of sociological research, of four-year-old children go online with their parents. At the age of 8-9 years, children more and more often go online on their own. By the age of 14, joint, family use of the network remains only for 7% of adolescents. More than half of netizens under the age of 14 browse sites with inappropriate content. 39% of children visit porn sites, 19% watch scenes of violence, 16% are addicted to gambling. 14% of children are interested in drugs and alcohol, and 11% of underage users visit extremist and nationalist resources. Studies have shown that 90% of children have come across pornography online, and 65% have searched for it on purpose. Moreover, 44% of underage Internet users have been sexually harassed at least once online. In addition to social networks, the following types and forms of online entertainment are popular among minors: network games; viewing and downloading films, clips, audio files, programs; file sharing.

Next, you need to consider the main risks of Internet threats.

Classification of Internet threats There are many types of Internet threats. Let's go through the main ones:

- Inappropriate content. When children use the Internet unsupervised, they can and are likely to come across images and videos or information from which they are best protected. Inappropriate and inappropriate content and its content may vary depending on culture, mentality, country, legislation. Depending on the legislation in the country, a group of materials considered indecent is determined. Obscene content may contain violence, erotica and pornography,

obscene language, information inciting racial hatred, propaganda of anorexia and bulimia, suicide, gambling and drugs.

- Abuse of file sharing. Unauthorized sharing of music, videos and other files can be illegal or download malware, which in turn can lead to financial losses.

- Cyber harassment. Both children and adults can use the Internet to harass or intimidate other people. This harassment may contain insults, aggression, and sexual harassment through Internet communications.

- Illegal contact (internet predators). These people use the Internet to lure children into a face-to-face meeting and contact them illegally. Illegal contact is communication between a child and an adult, the purpose of which is to try to establish and enter into a more intimate relationship of a sexual nature.

- Invasion of privacy. When visiting various sites and filling out forms, children may leave confidential information about their family. Attackers can use this information for their own purposes.

The Internet - there are much more threats, the author went through only the main ones. Uncontrolled use of the Internet can contribute to the spread of the above threats, which in turn contradicts the goals of education and upbringing of children. It makes no sense to give up all the benefits of the Internet. In order to avoid problems and undesirable consequences, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the absorption of unwanted content and to protect children on the Internet.

The opinion of foreign experts

The fact that foreign experts have richer experience in cybersecurity issues is indisputable.

Considering this fact, the author considered it necessary to indicate in the article the opinion of foreign cybersecurity experts who have proven themselves working in various organizations such as Kaspersky LAB, Norton Symantec, NCC Group.

"Start discussing internet safety at an early age."

David Emm, Senior Researcher of the Security Department of the Internet Company "Kaspersky Lab"

"I think one of the key things is to start the process of discussing Internet safety with your children at an early age, when they start doing everything Internet-related."

David believes that children can still use the computer with you, and not independently, and this provides an opportunity to highlight the fact that the online world is parallel to the real world and that there are both safe and unsafe things. It also allows you to discuss things that exist to protect us, such as protecting our internet security, passwords, etc.

"If you don't want to do it face to face - don't do it online."

Sheela McManus, Norton Online Safety Attorney from Symantec

The advice I give to my family and friends is, "If you don't want to do it face to face, don't do it online," for example, would you walk up to a complete stranger and start a conversation? Will you insult friends or strangers in a pub or bar?

Just because you feel protected by the apparent distance the screen gives between you and the person you are talking to, you have to remember that online is still the real world.

"At least I don't feel like a spy ..."

Paul Vlissides, CTO of the cybersecurity firm NCC Group

Paul Vlissides believes that you need to trust children and rely on them: "I have no filtering on the Internet of my children, no espionage and no time limits. I have, of course, talking to each of them about the dangers of the internet, and they know this is an unsafe place if they do not stay on the main sites.

They have an APO [antivirus software] and I regularly scan their machines for malware and make sure they stay fully patched, but that is about it. Mostly I trust them. "

Fig 2. The child at the laptop

How to protect children online?

It is problematic to protect children from harmful content while they play online. But, special protective measures and programs will allow them to play and have fun further. In turn, parents do not have to worry about the safety of their children.

As mentioned above, more than 80% of children use the Internet every day. The human factor contributes to the fact that any person, including a child, can make a wrong decision. So how do you keep kids safe online?

Further, the author will give the types of precautions to protect them from the everyday dangers that await them on the network:

- Blocking sites with inappropriate content. It is far from a secret that not all sites are intended for children and teenagers. A child can easily or accidentally get to a site with indecent content. It is very important to protect the child from this, while not putting undue

pressure on him. Various software programs with the "Parental Control" function can come to the rescue, which can block unwanted content. Also, parents can completely prohibit the issuance of certain requests and track what their child is doing on the network.

- Prohibition of coming into contact with strangers. There are a lot of cybercriminals on the Internet who hide behind avatars, trying to trick your children into revealing personal information. The information can later be used to steal your personal data and money. Programs such as Total Security, which prevent a child from submitting personal information, bank account details, names and addresses, will help.

- Blocking Adware. What is Adware? Adware -programs for displaying advertisements on your computer, redirecting search queries to non-advertising sites and collecting information for subsequent marketing manipulations. It is clear that ads may

contain inappropriate content. And to get such content, it is recommended to use ad blockers such as AdBlock.

Fig 3. The child at the laptop

Who is responsible for our children on the Internet?

The safety of children is one of the main and fundamental tasks of a civilized society; therefore, everyone who is involved in this society should ensure the safety of children on the Internet. Who is involved in this society?

1. Government. There should be laws to help keep children away from inappropriate content. For example, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, almost all schools on the PC are installed special programs to filter the issuance of search queries.

2. Search engines. Many popular search engines have a variety of settings in their arsenal to help parents keep their kids safe from inappropriate content on the Internet. And there are search engines designed specifically for children.

3. Family. Of course, only family members can sufficiently shield their child from inappropriate content.

4. Educational institutions. In educational institutions, including schools, teachers should carry out explanatory work and work on the formation of media literacy.


In conclusion, I would like to say that the topic "Child safety on the Internet" will always be relevant, but I want to believe that someone or something, for example, a complex of solutions will break this vicious circle. The author expects that this article will help to expose and reveal the existing problem and at least partially solve this problem. This article is the beginning of a lot of work and proves the relevance of the topic.


1. «A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety.» Retrieved April, 1, 2014, from http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/parent-guide.

2.The Guardian. Статья «How do I keep my children safe online? What the security experts tell their kids». From https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/aug/11/ how-to-keep-kids-safe-online-children-advice.

3.Kaspersky - https://www.kaspersky.ru

4.A B Zhanys, A F Tursinbaeva Internet technology in electronic commerce. International Conference Information Technologies in Business and Industry 2018 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1015 (2018) 032154 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1015/3/032154

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