Научная статья на тему 'Safety issues of interactions between traditional medicines and pharmaceutical medicines'

Safety issues of interactions between traditional medicines and pharmaceutical medicines Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Safety issues of interactions between traditional medicines and pharmaceutical medicines»


© BocharovE.V.1, Bocharova O.A.1, Karpova R.V.1, Vershinskaya A.A.1, Kucheryanu V.G.2

1 N.N. Blokhin Cancer Research Center, Moscow, Russia;

2 The institute of general pathology and pathophysiology, Moscow, Russia

The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the frequency and size of hepatocarcinomas in CBA inbred mice using multyphytoadaptogene complex dry powder (DMPAC) in early ontogenesis. DMPAC was produced by a special desiccation technology of forty medical herbs water-ethanol extracts mixture (MPAC). MPAC has a wide spectrum of activities including immunomodifying effects [1, 3]. The study was carried out on 131 mice-males of CBA inbred strain. This mice strain is a classical model of cancer susceptibility exhibiting high risk for spontaneous hepatomas [2]. The animals were administered 0,3% DMPAC water solution during the first month of life including the final time period of liver differentiation (as preventive application). Tumour volumes (mm3) were evaluated according to the standard formula. Hepatomas were visible in 15% of control mice at the age of 8 months. Tumours' number per mouse was 0,20 ± 0,10, the average volume of one tumour was 22,6 ± 11,9 mm3, the total hepatomas mass per one animal was 4,5 ± 3,1 mm3. No tumours were seen in the "preventive" group. Hepatomas were found in all control animals (100%) at the age of 22 months. Tumours' number per mouse was 2,8 ± 0,5, the average volume of one tumour was 393,6 ± 102,3 mm3, the total hepatomas mass per one animal was

1120,2 ± 350,5 mm3. At the same time in the DMPAC-exposed mice the tumours occurred with lower frequency (in 66,7% of mice, p < 0,001). The hepatomas number per mouse (1,5 ± 0,4; p = 0,03) and total hepatomas mass per one animal (378,9 ± 126,8; p = 0,04 mm3) were lower than in the control group. However the average volume of one tumor (258,4 ± 71,3 mm3) did not differ statistically from control mice (p = 0,35). Thus, preventive administration of DMPAC during the 1 month of postnatal ontogenesis promotes the reduction of tumours' frequency (for 33,3%), the number per mouse and total hepatomas mass per animal. These results demonstrate a preventive effect for DMPAC able to down-regulate hepatocarcinomas formation in mice-males of CBA inbred strain.


1. Bocharov EV, Kucheryanu VG, Kryzhanovsky GN, Belorustseva SA, Bocharova OA, Kudrin VS, 2006. Bull of Exper Biol and Med. 141(5):560-563.

2. Bocharova OA, Modianova EA, 1982. Ontogenez., 13(4):427-429.

3. Chulkova SV, Bocharova OA, Klimenkov AA, Karpova RV, Benevskyi AI, Gorozhanskaya EG, 2006. Russ. J. of Biotherapy, 5(2):85-92.


© Kelvin Chan

School of Pharmacy Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, and The NICM, Western Sydney University, Australia

The increasing popularity world-wide of using herbal medicinal materials (HMM) from ethnic traditional medicine such as the widely used Chinese materia medica (CMM) or other ethnic herbal medicines and related proprietary health products (PHP), functional food and prescription herbal medicines has raised concerns over their concomitant use with pharmaceutical medicines (PHARMED) and the consequential adverse effects [1]. In most cases the alleged causes of adverse effects are linked with herbal substances, although the authoritive information on the interactions between HMM/PHP and PHARMED is not plentiful in the literature. In the 21st century, the public are more informed, from the internet, about health and medical products and become more knowledgeable about matters relating to their health

conditions and well-being in curing and preventing illnesses. They often self-medicate themselves with various health products as well as those over-the-counter (OTC) PHARMED. Some of these products may have doubtful quality control and contain harmful additives or unchecked ingredients (2). The future professionals in health and medical care should be knowledgeable or aware of what their patients have been taking or given. Their combining medications may be involved with possible outcomes of adverse reactions or beneficial effects. In actual practice the patients may receive both treatments intentionally or unintentionally, with or without the awareness of the practitioner. In these situations an available authoritive database for interactions between HMM/PHP or prescribed PHARMED will be extremely

Obzory po kliniceskoj farmacologii i lekarstvennoj terapii [Reviews of clinical pharmacology and drug therapy] vol. 15/2017/suppLement 1

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useful for consultation when treatment problems appear or during emergency situations [3]. The author has been involved in various research projects of basic and clinical aspects in mainly Chinese medicines among other herbal and pharmaceutical medicines hence examples will be given largely on those related to these disciplines as illustrations in this presentation.


1. Chan K. 2016. World J Trad Chin Med. 2(4):6-28.

2. Williamson EM et al. 2014. Science: S21-S23.

3. Chan K et al. 2015. Br J of Clin Pharmacol. 80(4): 834-843.


© EmreCeyhan12, Ceyda Sibel Kilig3, Safa Gümü§ok3, Mediha Canbek1

1 Eski§ehirOsmangaziUniversity, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Biology, Division of Molecular Biology, Eski§ehir, Turkey;

2 Eski§ehirOsmangaziUniversity, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biophysics, Eski§ehir, Turkey;

3 Ankara University Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Ankara, Turkey

In this study, apoptotic effect of methanolic extract of the aerial parts of Heliotropium hirsutissimum GRAUER (Boraginaceae) on liver regeneration induced after 70% surgically formed partial hepatectomy (PH) was determined. This species is known to contain pyrrazolidin alkaloids and is hepatotoxic; however it is being used for different ailments in traditional medicine [1].

Methanolic extract of the aerial parts of H. hirsutissimum has has inhibitory effect on cell proliferation, as well [2]. Study was performed on Wistar albino male rats (5 groups, each group consisting of 3 rats, all processes performed following partial hepatectomy).While only laparotomy was performed on Sham control Group (Group I), a single dose of intraperitoneal (i.p.) methanol was administered to Group II. Group III, IV and V were administered 200 mg • kg-1, 400 mg • kg-1 and 800 mg • kg-1 extract, respectively via i.p. injection.

Rats were sacrificed 6 hours after the surgical procedure and their livers were removed. Stimulative

or preventive effects of different doses of extracts on 87 genes that are found in the NF-kB pathway were determined with mini array technique and it was demonstrated that intraperitoneally administered

H. hirsutissimum extract inhibited hepatocyte proliferation and induced apoptosis 6 hours after the performance of partial hepatectomy at doses of 400 mg • kg-1 and 800 mg • kg-1. Thus we can conclude that methanolic extract of this species has apoptotic effect on tumor cells in general. We are planning to continue our studies to determine the active substance(s) responsible for this effect and also to carry out our studies on different cancer series.


I. Togola A, Diallo D, Dembele S, Barsett H and Paulsen BS, 2005. J Ethnobiol Ethnomedicine, 1(1):7.

2. Dash KG, Abdullah SM. 2013. Int J of Pharm Sci and Res. 4(4):1253-1258.


© Pérez Damonte Silvia2, Redko Flavia1, Repetto Marisa3, Teves Sergio4, Segall Adriana5, Clavin María L.1

1 Cátedra de Farmacognosia- IQUIMEFA (UBA_CONICET);

2 CLAIM, José Bonifacio 717, Buenos Aires, Argentina;

3 Cátedra de Química General e Inorgánica;

4 Cátedra de Microbiología;

5 Cátedra de Calidad de Medicamentos, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad de Buenos Aires

In previous work, some argentine plant species were selected to investigate different activities related to potential uses in cosmethic. Thus, the hidroalcoholic extract of the argentine medicinal species Eupatorium

candolleanum (ECH) presented high in vitro antioxidant activity [1]. These results make ECH a promisory active for the investigarion of its possible use as antioxidant. Thus, the aim of the present work was to evaluate the

Obzory po kliniceskoj farmacologii i lekarstvennoj terapii [Reviews of clinical pharmacology and drug therapy]

vol. 15/2017/suppLeMEnT 1

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