RT OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF OVERCOMING COMMUNICATION BARRIERS BY A CREATIVE TEAM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
communication barrier / assessment / overestimated / underestimated / correction / overcoming.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Yusupov A.R.

The article highlights important aspects of overcoming communication barriers. One of the main mistakes that people make in communication is that it seems to them that the interlocutor always understands the thoughts they express in exactly the same way as they themselves. In reality, there are always some factors that can lead to misunderstandings. The interlocutor may understand what is said in a completely different way due to the environment, mood, the presence or absence of certain knowledge and many other fa

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Yusupov A.R., candidate of technical sciences

associate professor Fergana Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Fergana


Abstract. The article highlights important aspects of overcoming communication barriers. One of the main mistakes that people make in communication is that it seems to them that the interlocutor always understands the thoughts they express in exactly the same way as they themselves. In reality, there are always some factors that can lead to misunderstandings. The interlocutor may understand what is said in a completely different way due to the environment, mood, the presence or absence of certain knowledge and many other fa

Key words: communication barrier, assessment, overestimated, underestimated, correction, overcoming.


Communication barriers arise in newly created and supplemented creative teams with new specialists. The fruitful activity and success of the team largely depend on the degree of overcoming this type of difficult barriers [1].

Communication barriers are various obstacles that interfere with the mutual understanding of the parties involved in communication. In simple terms, this is all that prevents people from understanding each other correctly. The main problem that communication barriers create is not that some of the information may be lost, but that it may be accepted or interpreted incorrectly.

One of the main mistakes that people make in communication is that it seems to them that the interlocutor always understands the thoughts they express in exactly the same way as they themselves. In reality, there are always some factors that can lead to misunderstandings. The interlocutor may understand what is said in a completely different way due to the environment, mood, the presence or absence of certain knowledge and many other factors [2].

Materials and methods

This includes empirical methods such as modeling, fact-finding, experiment, description and observation, as well as theoretical methods such as logical and historical methods, abstraction, deduction, induction, synthesis and analysis, as well as methods of heuristic strategies. The research materials are: scientific facts, the results of previous observations, surveys, experiments and tests; means of idealization and rationalization of the scientific approach.

Communication barriers can arise for external reasons, but most often they are caused by internal reasons of a psychological nature. Communication participants can create them consciously or unconsciously.

Often, obstacles in understanding arise as a protective mechanism of the psyche. For example, if a person is not ready for some information, he "defends" himself from it on an unconscious level and interprets what he has heard incorrectly. Sometimes it can also be a conscious (at least partially) protection from someone else's influence or manipulation.

Another common reason for the emergence of communication barriers is the difference in knowledge and experience [3]. For example, professional deformation makes a person perceive everything related to his work in a special way. Accordingly, this can create barriers in communication with untrained people [4]. Using some concepts in a conversation, a person will not even realize that the interlocutor cannot understand most of what is said.

Results and discussion:

There are a large number of different communication barriers that can be classified into groups and types according to the main features:

• Phonetic. These are obstacles that arise due to speech peculiar ities.

• Semantic. Semantics is the science of the semantic units of a language (the meaning of words and phrases). Accordingly, this type of barriers occurs when one of the parties misunderstands the meaning of words or phrases used in communication.

• Stylistic. The style of speech significantly affects its perception and can also lead to incorrect or inaccurate understanding of what is said, it is important that the style meets the expectations of the audience.

• Non-verbal. We transmit a significant part of the information through nonverbal communication. In some cases, non-verbal signals may contradict verbal symbols, making it much more difficult for the interlocutor to understand what was said.

• Logical. These are barriers that arise due to the fact that the participants in the communication have come to different logical conclusions.

• Individual. These are different characteristics of character and temperament.

• Moral and value-based. Differences in worldviews, values, stereotypes and other attitudes can also create serious obstacles to mutual understanding.

• Barriers to bias. A biased attitude towards the interlocutor greatly complicates communication with him, since it prevents him from objectively perceiving his words, decisions and actions.

• Age-related. People belonging to different generations perceive many things differently, and this often leads to mistakes in mutual understanding.

• Ethnic. These are the difficulties of mutual understanding arising from various national characteristics, as well as from a biased attitude towards representatives of other nations and nationalities.

• Religious. Each religion has its own customs, rules and prohibitions, which people of other faiths may not know about.

• Ethical. Each person has their own set of ethical values. Behavior that seems normal and natural to one person will be considered completely unacceptable by another.

• Aesthetic. If people's tastes do not match, it can also lead to problems with mutual understanding.

• Cognitive. Abstract thinking, perceptual skills and other cognitive abilities are developed differently for all people, and the interlocutors perceive the subject of conversation a little differently [5].

• Status cards. Differences in status cause people to perceive each other differently during a conversation. For example, a joke by a person with a higher status may seem like a threat to the second one.

• Professional. Any professional has a large amount of knowledge in his field of activity, and for an outsider his statements may be completely incomprehensible.

• Barriers to knowledge. Each person has a specific profession and area of interest, which affects their knowledge, erudition and life experience. It can be said that everyone has a unique set of knowledge, and this also leads to communication barriers [6].


When resolving communication barriers, the main responsibility always lies with the head of the creative team, therefore it is important to develop organizational and oratorical skills, the ability to correctly formulate thoughts and the ability to inspire researchers. The following techniques will help you do this:

• Empathy. Many people ignore the feelings of the other person, focusing on their own experiences. Empathy is one of the most valuable communication skills. If you understand well what the other person is thinking and feeling, you can significantly increase the level of mutual understanding and make communication more productive.

• Adequate expectations. It is important not to overestimate the level of education or competence of each employee of the creative team [6].


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2. Щербатых Ю. В. Общая психология. Завтра экзамен. — СПб.: Питер, 2008. — 272 с.: ил. — (Серия «Завтра экзамен»). 18ВМ 978-5-388-002303. Юсупов А.Р. Эвристические стратегии интеллектуального образования. "Экономика и социум" №11(102) 2022. www.iupr.ru.

4. Юсупов А.Р. Альтернативные стратегии самостоятельного образования студентов. "Экономика и социум" №12(103) 2022. www.iupr.ru.

5. ЮСУПОВ А.Р. Критерия и этапы решения творческой технической или управленческой проблемы с применением эвристических стратегий. "Экономика и социум" №12(103) 2022. www.iupr.ru.

6. ЮСУПОВ А.Р. Оптимизация процесса математического и иного моделирования строительных конструкций, зданий и сооружений "Экономика и социум" №11(103) 2022. www.iupr.ru.

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