ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES: MAIN THEORETICAL APPROACHES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
Law / political party / parto-genesis / state / Закон / политическая партия / партогенез / государство

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Айгуля Эсеналиева, Алина Ташыбаева

The experience of political parties’ and party systems’ formation and functioning presents a particular interest in political science, which is due to the strengthening of a new democratic, competitive and pluralistic party system in many countries of the world. The legislation of each country specifically regulates the role and status of political parties. In the 19th century, parties strengthened their position in the political system of the state and became an important mechanism representing the interests of society. This paper examines the development of political systems and parties, as well as their role and functions in the implementation of democratic processes.

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Опыт формирования и функционирования политических партий и партийных систем вызывает особый интерес в политической науке, что обуславлено усилением формирования новой демократической, конкурентной и плюралистической партийной системы во многих странах мира. Законодательство каждой страны особым образом регулирует роль и статус политических партий. В XIX веке партии укрепили свое положение в политической системе государтства и стала важным механизмом, представляющий интересы общества. В данной работе рассматривается развитие политических систем и партий, а таже их роль и функции в реализации демократических процессов.


ОшМУ Жарчысы №2 2022


УДК 329.8

DOI: 10.52754/16947452_2022_2_119


Esenalieva Aigulia Duishenona Senior lecturer, MA in Regional Studies tsukihanako@mail.ru Tashybaeva Alina Kurmanbaevna Senior lecturer, MA in Political Science alina.tashybaeva@gmail.com Osh State University Osh, Kyrgyzstan

Abstract: The experience of political parties' and party systems' formation and functioning presents a particular interest in political science, which is due to the strengthening of a new democratic, competitive and pluralistic party system in many countries of the world. The legislation of each country specifically regulates the role and status of political parties. In the 19th century, parties strengthened their position in the political system of the state and became an important mechanism representing the interests of society. This paper examines the development of political systems and parties, as well as their role and functions in the implementation of democratic processes.

Key words: Law, political party, parto-genesis, state.


Эсеналиева Айгуля Дуйшеновна,магистр, tsukihanako@mail. ru Ташыбаева Алина Курманбаевна, ст.преподаватель

alina. tashybaeva@gmail. com Ош мамлекеттик университети Ош, Кыргызстан

Аннотация: Саясий партиялардын жана партиялык системалардын тузулушунун жана иштешинин тажрыйбасы саясат таанууда взгвчв кызыгууну туудурат, бул дуйнвнун квптвгвн влквлврундв жацы демократиялык, атаандаштыкка жана плюралисттик партиялык системанын калыптанышынын кучвшунв байланыштуу. Ар бир влквнун мыйзамдары саясий партиялардын ролун жана статусун атайын жвнгв салат. 19-кылымда партиялар мамлекеттин саясий системасындагы позициясын бекемдеп, коомдун кызыкчылыгын билдирген маанилуу механизмге айланган. Бул макалада саясий системалардын жана партиялардын внугуусу, ошондой эле демократиялык процесстерди ишке ашыруудагы алардын ролу жана функциялары каралат.

Вестник ОшГУ №2 2022

Ачкыч свздвр: мыйзам, саясий партия, партогенез, мамлекет.


Эсеналиева Айгуля Дуйшеновна,магистр tsukihanako@mail.ru Ташыбаева Алина Курманбаевна,ст.преподаватель

alina.tashybaeva@gmail.com Ошский государственный университет

Ош, Кыргызстан

Аннотация: Опыт формирования и функционирования политических партий и партийных систем вызывает особый интерес в политической науке, что обуславлено усилением формирования новой демократической, конкурентной и плюралистической партийной системы во многих странах мира. Законодательство каждой страны особым образом регулирует роль и статус политических партий. В XIX веке партии укрепили свое положение в политической системе государтства и стала важным механизмом, представляющий интересы общества. В данной работе рассматривается развитие политических систем и партий, а таже их роль и функции в реализации демократических процессов.

Ключевые слова: Закон, политическая партия, партогенез, государство.


The study of political parties as a political and legal phenomenon, category and institution is one of the most significant areas of modern social science. The theoretical, methodological and practical interest in this area of research in domestic science is greatly enhanced by the formation of a new democratic -competitive and pluralistic party system.

The relevance of this work lies in the fact that the emerging in the modern multi-party system causes an increase in interest, both in world and domestic experience in the formation and functioning of political parties and party systems. The nature and role of a political party in the social and political system are most clearly manifested through its functions.

The methodology for studying political parties is given within the framework of a comparative analysis and typology of political parties and party systems. The degree of development of this research in political science is based on many works and research materials of famous foreign and domestic scientists. They include Bogatyrev V., Imanaliev M., Masaulov S., Khamisov V., Pressure groups, parties and social movements: is there a need for new distinctions? // World economy and international relations; Mapchenko GI Political institutions and social movements; Maklakov V.V. State law of foreign countries; Melville A.Yu. Experience of theoretical and methodological synthesis of structural and

OmMY ^apHbicbi №2 2022

procedural approaches to democratic transits // Political Studies; Montesquieu Sh.L. On the spirit of laws / Comp., Per. and comment. A.V. Mateshuk; Michels R. Sociology of Political Parties in a Democracy: Chapters from a Book // Dialogue; Okounkova L. A. Constitutions of the states of the European Union; Trukhin A.S. Historical prerequisites for the formation and development of political parties (Electronic resource) and etc. Results and discussions

Besides the growing bureaucratization of parties, scientists also noted that parties introducing their ideological principles into electoral processes, which previously attracted ordinary citizens and stimulated their membership, became an obstacle to winning electoral support by the party elite. Therefore, ideology was gradually sacrificed to the pure pragmatism and electoral success. Party leaders were more focused on winning mass support, fearing that their party would be identified with a certain class and corresponding ideological doctrine. The parties turned into "grab all" associations, undertaking the function for expressing the interests of the nation's majority of [4].

According to M. Weber, centralization and pragmatization of the parties' activities increasing made it possible to consider them as associations, whose members are trying to achieve power for their leaders capable for further providing "spiritual or material advantages" for their "active membership". Along with the assessments of the representatives of the Romano-Germanic school, other theoretical positions were formed in science at that time. Thus, Marxists, who emphasized the class foundations of the parties' origin, announced the emergence of the communist parties (parties of a "new type"), which had the ability to lead the political movement of the progressive classes and act as a leading and guiding force for transformation. In contrast to this concept, supporters of the market theory presented the parties as a "free player" on the political stage, capable for "go into the deal" for the sake of "political game" and therefore not possessing any "own", including class positions [1].

American political scientist Sanford D. Horwit assesses parties as a unique political institution that performs a number of interrelated functions that are essential for the democratic governance:

- participation and winning in elections to get a certain control over public authorities;

- reflection and formulation of the community's needs;

- promotion for the political alternatives;

- political skills testing and training of leaders who will take their place in the state government in future.

How successfully a party fulfills its political mission in society depends not only on itself, but also on a number of "external" factors - whether the party operates in a presidential or parliamentary republic, a unitary or federal structure, as well as on the specifics electoral legislation. These and other circumstances impose their own special requirements on the organizational structure, daily activities and on the strategic planning of the party (program, election platform, etc.).

The legislation of each country specifically regulates the role and status of political parties. For example, the fundamental law of the Federal Republic of Germany assigned the parties a function for cooperation to form the political will of people, and also adopted a law on state and public financing the parties [1]. The Italian constitution states that parties are obliged to contribute to the " national policy defining"[2].

In France, right-wing parties were registered under the Law on Associations in 1901 [4]. On the other hand, the leftists do not have a special legal form and organize their work in accordance with Art. 4 of the Republic's Constitution, which states that parties and political associations compete for the electorate, freely form and carry out their activities, but are obliged to respect the principles of national sovereignty and democracy. Of course, the judiciary at any time has the right to stop deviations from such broadly formulated constitutional requirements


The current stage of party genesis indicates that parties have become one of the main elements of the organization of the political order and the functioning of public authority. As the parliamentary, constitutional foundations of bourgeois statehood developed, the parties strengthened their political and legal status. After the Second World War, corresponding articles appeared in the constitutions of various countries, and in the 1970s, sufficient, detailed legislation was formed to regulate their activities. By encouraging the pluralism of political life, the parties have stabilized the system of power based on a stable representation of the interests of citizens. Thus, at this time, parties are such an institution of power, without which elections cannot be carried out as the main mechanism for the formation of statehood, the legal conquest of leading political positions by various segments of the population.

In the countries of the world, parties play very ambiguous roles. So, in stable democratic states, in addition to their organic arrangement in the mechanisms of state power, the activity of parties is combined with the activity of many participants in the electoral process, not only the interests of various groups, the media, but also successfully competing with them independent candidates. The relationship of the population with the government became more direct, more

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focused on the individual positions of citizens. As Samuel Huntington wrote, the faster the "commitment of Americans to their political beliefs" grew, the more indifferent they were to group forms of expression of their political interests.

At the same time, many parties, having become accustomed to the role of a permanent link in the state decision-making process, often began to see their main goal in the fight against the government, and not in winning the electorate. In this sense, according to the German theorist Klaus von Beyme, the parties, having strengthened their role in the selection of political elites, to a certain extent lost their influence on the political socialization of citizens [8]. A very tangible trend in many Western democracies has also been the decline in party identification [1].

Having strengthened democratic values in the political life of their countries, parties in some countries begin to "go into the shadows", increasing the chances of less formalized and flexible mediators in relations between the population and the authorities. In the parties themselves, these trends of the times stimulate the tendencies of decentralization and strengthening the role of local organizations, weakening the requirements for party discipline, expanding ties with various informal associations of citizens, various structures of civil society [7].

At the same time, in countries undergoing a stage of modernization, other trends in the evolution of party institutions have developed. In particular, in post-totalitarian states that have gone through a period of strict ideological requirements for membership in the ruling parties, there has been a significant rejection of party membership. This hinders the full use of party institutions to bring people back into political life[6].

In fact, the struggle for the choice of the direction of social development, the search for values consolidating society give rise to powerful sources for the formation of new political parties. At the same time, in the newly formed parties, there are tendencies to turn them both into ideologically neutral organizations, designed for the widest possible social support, and into associations with strict ideological requirements for their members, a centralized management organization and an authoritarian role of leaders. A distinctive feature of the development of parties in these countries is the permanent change in the ideological orientation for many of them, the radicalization of their political demands, close ties with pressure groups, and in some cases even with criminal structures.


Today, parties are such an institution of power, without which elections cannot be carried out as the main mechanism for the formation of statehood, the legal conquest of leading political positions by various segments of the population.

This work has made a try to examine the phenomenon of political parties, traces the historical process of gradual growth and transformation of parties from small social groups into larger associations that were able to effectively fight for power and related authority. Indeed, parties today are an integral element of the political system of society. They act as carriers of political courses competing with each other, serve as spokesmen for the interests, needs and goals of certain social groups, being a link between society and the state.

As we can see, the main task of the parties is to transform the multitude of private interests of individual citizens, social strata, interested groups into their single joint political interest. Through parties and electoral systems, the actions of

citizens in political life are formalized.


1. Fundamental Law of the Federal Republic of Germany of May 23, 1949

2. Constitutions of foreign states / Comp. prof. Maklakov V.V. 4th ed., revised. and additional -M., 2003.

3. Constitutions of the states of the European Union / Ed. Okunkova L. A. - M., 1997.

4. Trukhin A.S. Historical prerequisites for the formation and development of political parties (Electronic resource). Dis. cand. polit. Sciences: 23.00.22. M., 2005.

5. Gadzhiev K.S. Political science. - M., 2001.

6. Mapchenko G. I. Political institutions and social movements. M., 1991. P. 29.

7. Sartori D. Parties and party systems. M., 2004.

8. Klaus von Beyme, "West Germany: Pluralism and Federalism" International Political Science Review 5.Winter 1984. 381-397.

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