ROLE, STATUS, SIGNIFICANCE AND DEVELOPMENT STAGES OF ANGLICISMS IN THE UZBEK LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Satimova Dilafruz Numonjonovna

The article is devoted to the current issue of researching new lexical units that reflect modern changes and reality in various spheres of society. The language is constantly enriched at the lexical level. As a result of the influence of the international language - English, which is the cause of the development of many languages, the emergence of Anglicisms is taking a sharp turn in the language. This article discusses the acquisition of anglicisms in the Uzbek language for various reasons, the stages of development, and their importance in speech. Furthermore, it is discussed the use of foreign English lexemes in the current Uzbek language, perceived by the host language along with new realities and artefacts in formal and informal situations. In this regard, the article covers, explains, and analyzes Anglicisms scrupulously in the section on examples in the Uzbek language.

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Satimova Dilafruz Numonjonovna, PhD of Philological Sciences Associate professor of Kokand University, Uzbekistan


Abstract. The article is devoted to the current issue of researching new lexical units that reflect modern changes and reality in various spheres of society. The language is constantly enriched at the lexical level. As a result of the influence of the international language - English, which is the cause of the development of many languages, the emergence of Anglicisms is taking a sharp turn in the language. This article discusses the acquisition of anglicisms in the Uzbek language for various reasons, the stages of development, and their importance in speech. Furthermore, it is discussed the use of foreign English lexemes in the current Uzbek language, perceived by the host language along with new realities and artefacts in formal and informal situations. In this regard, the article covers, explains, and analyzes Anglicisms scrupulously in the section on examples in the Uzbek language.

Keywords: neologism, anglicism, parameter, occasionalism, metalanguage, stages, lexical-grammatical, lexical-semantic, tendency, evolution.

Introduction tity. Furthermore, vocabulary allows us to open the

At the end of the 20th century and the beginning linguistic picture of the world and adequately perceive of the 21st century, the impact of modern trends, glo- and utilize words that appear in real-time, reflecting

balization, and the rapid development of the socioeconomics, as a result of such processes as digitali-zation and informationization, gave a great impetus to the emergence of new words, in particular, the emergence of foreign language vocabulary. Any language is closely related to the history and culture of the people as a means of communication and is constantly changing. Such changes are natural and are first reflected in the language's lexical structure. The presence of a large number of English words and phrases in the language shows the flexibility and need for a foreign language.

Vocabulary is sensitive to all changes in various spheres of society. Also, the formation of neologisms, slangisms, and mainly anglicisms created with the help of the activation of human life determines the process of enriching the modern language.

Language is closely related to culture and is considered the guardian of culture and its national iden-

the ongoing historical and cultural processes.

Literature review

The development of the language takes place in the process of its continuous improvement and enrichment at the lexical level. An individual can express the current reality with the help ofvocabulary. An example of the development of any language is the process of the emergence of neologisms, slangisms, anglicisms because the necessary conditions for naming new realities are created in society. In addition, the nomination of new realities and objects often reflects the national and cultural characteristics of the life of a certain speaking audience.

The emergence of neologisms is proof of language evolution. It should be noted that each new word is unchanged in the language. This word is first occasionalism, then gradually assimilated by the language, turns into a neologism, and then becomes fixed in the lexical system or disappears [6, 156].

Researchers give different definitions to the concept of "neologism". I. V. Arnold neologisms are the words or phraseological expressions that are assimilated into the language with the development or change of social relations, the trend in people's daily life and lifestyle [1, 264]. V. Vinogradov defines neologisms as "new words or meanings that name new objects of thought, strengthened in the language" [8, 121].

N. Z. Kotelova states that the uniqueness of neologism requires specification of concretizing parameters, namely: 1) the "time" parameter: neologisms are new words of a certain period compared to previous periods; 2) the "linguistic space" parameter (areas of use and genres): a) generally formed in all languages; b) in the existing national language; c) in literary language; d) in existing metalanguage; 3) the "newness" parameter is related to determining the type ofneolo-gism: a new meaning (semantic neologism), a new form (neologism is a synonym of an existing word), both a new meaning and a new form (original neologism) [5, 201].

Materials and methods

According to the method of formation, neologisms are divided into semantic, lexical and lexical-grammatical groups:

• Semantic method - a method of changing the meaning of an old word;

• Lexical neologisms are neologisms introduced from other languages;

• Lexical-grammatical neologisms are new words created using affixation, change, word combinations, and reduction on the existing basis [6, 156].

Due to the uneven development of different layers of our vocabulary, most of the new words and phrases recorded in mass media, including television, newspapers and magazines, internet publications, social networks, etc., mainly occur in public and everyday life. As a result of studying the modern English language, anglicisms which are the lexical form of neologisms can be observed in many areas. Even the anglicisms that are currently being used to

promote news are attracting attention. Such neologisms reflect various processes of human activity in society and perform the function of encoding new experiences. It can be said that these processes include issues of ecology, socio-political reality, and everyday lifestyle that show changes in human behaviour and relationships [2, 45].

Results and discussion

As a result, such processes change people's thinking, their consumer behaviour and are reflected in new words-neologisms created in various forms. Admittedly, this process itself can be seen as the initial stage of the hybridization of language and culture. In an attempt to determine the causes of this phenomenon and its possible consequences for the Uzbek language and culture, we focus on the following anglicisms:

In Uzbek: Day jesting, brifing, praym-taym, bloger, selfi, favorit, biznesplan, ayfon, konsalting, feyk, breyk, fastfud, mo'l, haytek, heppi-end, sekond-xend va h.k.

In English: Digesting, briefing, prime-time, blog-ger, selfie, favourite, business plan, iPhone, consulting, fake, break, fast food, mall, high-tech, happy-end, second-hand, etc.

Digesting is currently one of the latest Anglicisms, and it is often observed that it is used in the mass media in the official promotion of news in Uzbek. According to the dictionaries, this lexeme has 3 different verb meanings and 1 noun meaning in English. First of all, based on the primary, original meaning of the term, and then based on additional meanings, we turn to one of the most widely used dictionaries "The Cambridge Dictionary" [9, 891]:

1) digest verb (eat)

to change food in your stomach into substances that your body can use:

How can you expect to digest your food properly when you eat your meals so fast? // Ovqatni shunchalik tez iste'mol qilsangiz, uni to'g'ri hazm qilinishini qan-day kutish mumkin?

2) digest verb (understand)

to read or hear new information and take the necessary time to understand it:

This chapter is so difficult to digest, I'll have to read it again later. // Bu bobni tushunish juda qiyin ekan, men uni keyinroq yana o'qishimga to'g'ri keladi.

3) digest noun

a short written report providing the most important parts of a larger piece of writing, or one containing recent news [9, 891]:

A digest of the research findings is now available. // Tadqiqot natijalarining qisqa bayoni hozirda mavjud.

The company publishes a monthly digest of its activities // Kompaniya har oyda oz faoliyati to'g'risidagi qisqa ma'lumotni nashr etadi.

Moreover, another dictionary "Merriam-Web-ster" gives the following two definitions of lexeme [10, 320]:

present participle of the digest

1) as in classifying; to arrange or assign according to the type [10, 320]

This volume digests the state's laws regarding drugs and alcohol for easy reference by local authorities // Ushbu jild mahalliy hokimiyat organlari tomoni-dan oson ma'lumot olish uchun giyohvand moddalar va spirtli ichimliklarga oid davlat qonunlarini jamlaydi

2) as in summarizing; to make a short statement of the main points (as of a report) [10, 320]

I digested the results of my experiments into a few pages //

Tajribalarim natijalarini bir necha sahifaga qisqa-rtirib jamladim

It is understood that this anglicism in the Uzbek language, relying on the last meaning of the above definitions, in conveying the news to the public in the Uzbek language, to give a short summary of it, it is observed that the meanings have been mastered as, "summarizes the content of broad information texts, and then includes the news a short written report received, i.e. a brief statement of the main points (of the report)".

We can find a series of official statement news involving the above-mentioned Anglicism "digest" such as Ta'lim tizimida dayjest nima?[11] // What is the digest in the Education system in Uzbek now?, haftalik

dayjest - Korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashishagentligi [12] // weekly digest - Anti-Corruption Agency, kechki dayjest26 noyabrningengmuhim habarlari [13] // evening digest the most important news of November 26, 18 may kuni Ozbekistonda sodir bo'lgan eng muhim xabarlar - Dayjest // the most important events that happened in Uzbekistan on May 18 News - Digest.

A. S. Fenogenova proposes to distinguish the following stages of the development of anglicisms:

- "introduction" - the initial stage, acceptance of the word only in its original English meaning;

- "assimilation" - the period when the scope of the word is expanding about the Russian reality;

- "absorption" - the period of the wide spread of the word, acquisitions gradually acquire characteristics typical of words in the Russian language. After anglicisms have passed the stage of"absorption", they often begin to behave like other words that make up the lexical structure of the Russian language: they act as word builders in the production of new words, in word combinations, a chain of related words appears [4, 127].

Another study says about the importance and status of anglicisms in the Russian language: "Anglicisms acquired in the last decade play an important role in the word-formation system of the Russian language: on the one hand, they are the basis for the production of new words; on the other hand, word-forming affixes included in anglicisms enrich the word-forming system of the Russian language with new word-forming elements. In the history of any literary language, the process of replenishment of the lexical fund performs its task. Along with the emergence of new words, acquired words also play an important role in filling the lexical fund of the language. Therefore, studying anglicisms in modern Russian is crucial for its development" [7, 95].

According to E. M. Davlatova, who researched Uzbek anglicisms into several groups, the largest number of acquired anglicisms was observed in the above lexical-semantic groups in our sources. Also, the researcher admits that words borrowed from Western European languages are widespread in the

modern Uzbek language, that it has penetrated into almost all spheres of activity (political, economic, sports, scientific and household) [3, 36].


Pushing off from the above said that the period of stages of acquisition of anglicisms in the modern Uzbek language has been expanding for a long time. These stages of the development of the Uzbek language help the development of synonymy in colloquial speech in the active entry and use of foreign words. The process of filling the vocabulary of the language with new words is dynamic. Language is an integral part of culture, it reflects the new reality and

leads to the emergence of neologisms, slangisms, anglicisms to describe the new reality. It should also be noted that not all neologisms, especially anglicisms, are reflected in dictionaries, but they can take a firm place in colloquial speech and are universally recognized. The analysis of the presented anglicisms made it possible to determine some of the reasons for their appearance: the result of learning a foreign language (English), a reflection of the mood and concerns of society, global problems, the activity of the population in social networks and their reaction to certain events, violent political processes interest, as well as the development of information and digital technologies.


1. Arnold I. V. Lexicology of modern English: textbook. allowance. 2nd ed., revised. M.: FLINTA: Nauka, 2012.- 376 p.

2. Barannikova L. I. Introduction to linguistics. Saratov: Publishing House of the Saratov State University, 1973.- 384 p.

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4. Fenogenova A. S., Karpov I. A., Kazorin V. I., Lebedev I. V. Comparative analysis ofAnglicism distribution in Russian Social network texts // Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Proceedings of the International Conference "Dialogue 2017". - Moscow, May 31-June 3, 2017.- P. 126-134.

5. Kotelova N. Z. Selected Works / Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute for Linguistic Research. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2015.- 276 p.

6. Peshkova D. Yu. English neology: ways of replenishing the vocabulary at the present stage // Proceedings of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University. - No. 6 (139).2019. - P. 155-160.

7. Semenova E. V. Neologisms in modern English and their causes // Germanic languages | Philological aspect No. 02 (70). February 2021. URL: https://scipress.ru/philology/articles/neologizmy-v-sovre-mennom-anglijskom-yazyke-i-prichiny-ikh-vozniknoveniya.html

8. Vinogradov V. S. Introduction to translation studies (general and lexical issues). - Moscow: Publishing House of the Institute of General Secondary Education of the Russian Academy of Education, 2001.- 224 p.

9. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Kate Woodford. Cambridge University Press. 2003.- 1550 p. Electronic resource. URL: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/digesting

10. Merriam-W. Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms: A Dictionary of Discriminated Synonyms with Antonyms and Analogous and Contrasted Words.- Merriam Webster.1984.- 909 p.

11. URL: https://new.tdpu.uz/page/5278

12. URL: https://anticorruption.uz/uz/item/haftalik-dayjest

13. URL: https://www.gazeta.uz/oz/2021/05/18/day-dayjest

14. URL: https://kun.uz/uz/10628004?q=%2F10628004

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