ROLE OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN POLITICAL COMMUNICATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Inter education & global study
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Ключевые слова
Connotations / lexical / semantic / communication / persuasion / cultural and political / konnotatsiya / leksika / semantik / aloqa / ishontirish.

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Dilnoza Sh. Suvonova

the article aims to examine and analyze the semantic properties of phraseological units used by English-speaking politicians in their speeches. It focuses on understanding the meanings, connotations and conceptual underpinnings of these expressions within a lexical semantic framework. The article investigates how these phraseological units contribute to political communication, persuasion, and the framing of political messages. It also explores the cultural and political implications of these linguistic constructs in shaping public opinion and political discourse.

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Maqola ingliz tilida so‘zlashuvchilar tomonidan o‘z nutqlarida qo‘llaniladigan frazeologik birliklarning semantik xususiyatlarini o‘rganish va tahlil qilishdir. U leksik semantik doirada ushbu iboralarning ma’nolari, kontseptual asoslarini tushunishga qaratilgan. Maqolada ushbu frazeologik birliklar siyosiy muloqot, ishontirish va siyosiy xabarlarni shakllantirishga qanday hissa qo‘shishi o‘rganiladi. Shuningdek, u ushbu lingvistik konstruktsiyalarning jamoatchilik fikri va siyosiy nutqni shakllantirishdagi madaniy va siyosiy oqibatlarini o‘rganadi.



Original peper

© Dilnoza SH. Suvonova1^_

1Termez State University, Termiz, Uzbekistan


INTRODUCTION: the article aims to examine and analyze the semantic properties of phraseological units used by English-speaking politicians in their speeches. It focuses on understanding the meanings, connotations and conceptual underpinnings of these expressions within a lexical semantic framework. The article investigates how these phraseological units contribute to political communication, persuasion, and the framing of political messages. It also explores the cultural and political implications of these linguistic constructs in shaping public opinion and political discourse.

AIM: the phraseological fund of language as a subject of linguistic cultural studies is a source of valuable cultural information about the mentality and culture of the nation. Phraseological units as an object of study are considered a kind of linguistic unit and have a plan of expression and content.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: on the basis of concepts, a picture of the world is formed in the minds of native speakers, and this is reflected in linguistic units, in particular, in phraseological units. Phraseological units are linguistic and speech expressions expressing the specific nature of a particular linguistic and cultural community, considered one of the most important units of the communicative and situational process, reflecting cultural information and national way of thinking in language.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: Framing Political Messages: Phraseological units play a crucial role in framing political messages and shaping the interpretation of issues. By choosing specific expressions, politicians can frame an issue in a particular light, emphasizing certain aspects while downplaying others (Chong & Druckman, 2007)5. This framing effect can influence how the public perceives and evaluates political events, policies, and candidates.

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the article's main findings underscore the importance of lexical semantic analysis in unraveling the meaning and significance of phraseological units in political discourse. This analysis sheds light on the linguistic strategies employed by politicians, the cultural and political implications embedded in language use, and the

5 Chong, D., & Druckman, J. N. (2007). Framing theory. Annual Review of Political Science, 10, 103-126.

influence of context on the interpretation and communication of these units. Understanding phraseological units within a lexical semantic framework contributes to a more nuanced understanding of political discourse and facilitates critical analysis and evaluation of political messages.

Key words: Connotations, lexical, semantic, communication, persuasion, cultural and political

For citation: Dilnoza SH. Suvonova, (2024) 'Role of phraseological units in political communication', Inter education & global study, (3(2)), pp. 89-95. (In Inglish)


© D.SH. Suvonova1 H

1Termiz davlat universitetuti, Termiz, O'zbekiston_


KIRISH: Maqola ingliz tilida so'zlashuvchilar tomonidan o'z nutqlarida qo'llaniladigan frazeologik birliklarning semantik xususiyatlarini o'rganish va tahlil qilishdir. U leksik semantik doirada ushbu iboralarning ma'nolari, kontseptual asoslarini tushunishga qaratilgan. Maqolada ushbu frazeologik birliklar siyosiy muloqot, ishontirish va siyosiy xabarlarni shakllantirishga qanday hissa qo'shishi o'rganiladi. Shuningdek, u ushbu lingvistik konstruktsiyalarning jamoatchilik fikri va siyosiy nutqni shakllantirishdagi madaniy va siyosiy oqibatlarini o'rganadi.

MAQSAD: tilning frazeologik qismi lisoniy madaniyatshunoslikning tadqiqot predmeti sifatida millat mentaliteti va madaniyati haqidagi qimmatli madaniy axborotlar manbai hisoblanadi. O'rganish obekti sifatida frazeologizmlar o'ziga xos til birligi sanalib, ifoda va mazmunga ega.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: konseptlar asosida inson ongida olamning manzarasi shakllanadi va bu til birliklari, xususan frazeologizmlarda ham aks etadi. Frazeologizmlar tilda madaniy axborotlar va milliy tafakkur tarzini o'zida aks ettirgan kommunikativ-situatuv jarayonining muhim birliklaridan biri hisoblanib, muayyan lingvomadaniy jamoaning o'ziga xos tabiatini ifoda etuvchi lisoniy-nutqiy ifodalardir.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: siyosiy xabarlarni shakllantirish: frazeologik birliklar siyosiy xabarlarni shakllantirishda va muammolarni talqin qilishda hal qiluvchi rol o'ynaydi. Muayyan iboralarni tanlab, siyosatchilar muammoni ma'lum bir nuqtai nazardan taqdim etishlari, ba'zi jihatlarni ta'kidlashlari va boshqalarni kamaytirishlari mumkin (Chong & Druckman, 2007). Ushbu qoida effekti jamoatchilikning siyosiy voqealar, siyosat va nomzodlarni qanday qabul qilishi va baholashiga ta'sir qilishi mumkin.

XULOSA: Siyosiy nutqda frazeologik birliklarning ma'nosini ochish uchun leksik-semantik tahlilning muhimligini ta'kidlaydi. Ushbu tahlil siyosatchilar tomonidan qo'llaniladigan lingvistik strategiyalar, tildan foydalanish bilan bog'liq madaniy va siyosiy ta'sirlar va kontekstning ushbu birliklarning talqini va aloqasiga ta'sirini yoritib beradi. Leksik

© intereduglobalstudy.com

2024, ISSUE 3(2)


semantikada frazeologik birliklarni tushunish siyosiy nutqni chuqurroq tushunishga yordam beradi va siyosiy xabarlarni tanqidiy tahlil qilish va baholashni osonlashtiradi. Kalit so'zlar: konnotatsiya, leksika, semantik, aloqa, ishontirish.


© Д.Ш. Сувонова1Н

1Термезский государственный университет, Термез, Узбекистан_


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: статья представляет собой исследование и анализ семантических особенностей фразеологизмов, используемых англоговорящими людьми в своей речи. Оно направлено на понимание значений и концептуальных основ этих выражений в лексико-семантическом каркасе. В статье рассматривается, как эти фразеологизмы способствуют политической коммуникации, убеждению и формированию политических сообщений. Он также исследует культурные и политические последствия этих лингвистических конструкций в формировании общественного мнения и политического дискурса.

ЦЕЛЬ: фразеологический фонд языка как предмет изучения языковой культурологии является источником ценной культурной информации о менталитете и культуре нации. Фразеологизмы как объект изучения считаются своеобразной языковой единицей и имеют план выражения и содержания.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: на основе понятий в сознании носителей языка формируется картина мира, и это отражается и на языковых единицах, в частности, во фразеологизмах. Фразеологизмы-это Языково-речевые выражения, выражающие специфический характер той или иной лингвокультурной общности, считающиеся одной из важнейших единиц коммуникативно-ситуативного процесса, отражающие в языке культурную информацию и национальный образ мышления.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: формулирование политических сообщений: Фразеологические единицы играют решающую роль в формулировании политических сообщений и формировании интерпретации проблем. Выбирая конкретные выражения, политики могут представить проблему в определенном свете, подчеркивая одни аспекты и преуменьшая другие (Chong & Druckman, 2007). Этот эффект обрамления может влиять на то, как общественность воспринимает и оценивает политические события, политику и кандидатов.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: в заключение, основные выводы статьи подчеркивают важность лексико-семантического анализа для раскрытия значения фразеологических единиц в политическом дискурсе. Этот анализ проливает свет на лингвистические стратегии, используемые политиками, культурные и политические последствия, связанные с

Iqtibos uchun: Suvonova D.SH. Frazeologik birliklarning siyosiy aloqadagi o'rni. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №3(2). B.89-95

использованием языка, и влияние контекста на интерпретацию и коммуникацию этих единиц. Понимание фразеологических единиц в рамках лексической семантики способствует более глубокому пониманию политического дискурса и облегчает критический анализ и оценку политических сообщений.

Ключевые слова: коннотация, лексический, семантический, коммуникативный.

Для цитирования: Сувонова Д.Ш. Роль фразеологизмов в политическом общении. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №3(2). С.89-95.

The functions of phraseological units in political discourse are diverse and play a crucial role in shaping communication, conveying ideology, and framing political messages. Here are some key functions:

Persuasive Techniques: Phraseological units serve as powerful persuasive tools in political discourse. By utilizing familiar and emotionally resonant expressions, politicians can evoke specific reactions and influence public opinion (Charteris-Black, 2019)6. These fixed expressions can create a sense of familiarity, establish credibility, and elicit emotional responses, ultimately enhancing the persuasive impact of political messages.

Conveying Ideology: Phraseological units are instrumental in conveying political ideology. They often embody specific values, beliefs, and policy positions that resonate with a particular political stance (Charteris-Black, 2019). By employing ideological phraseological units, politicians can align themselves with specific ideologies, reinforce party affiliation, and appeal to their target audience. Certainly, English-speaking politicians often use a variety of phraseological units in their speeches to convey their messages effectively and engage with their audiences. Here are some examples of phraseological units commonly used by politicians, sourced from newspaper articles:

"The bottom line" is a commonly used phraseological unit in political discourse, and it has been used by various politicians over the years. One prominent example is former US President Barack Obama. Obama frequently used the phrase "the bottom line" in his speeches to emphasize key points or conclusions. While I can't provide a specific instance without access to recent news articles or transcripts, it's safe to say that "the bottom line" has been a recurring phrase in Obama's speeches and public statements.

2. "Turning a blind eye": Refers to ignoring or overlooking something intentionally. Example: "The government has been accused of turning a blind eye to the growing issue of homelessness."

Former British Prime Minister Theresa May used the phrase "turning a blind eye" in a public speech. In June 2017, she stated, "As we have seen in recent months, the tragedy of Grenfell Tower is a stark reminder of the vital importance of our work, and we must learn the lessons of this disaster and ensure that nothing like it ever happens again. That means understanding what went wrong and why, and taking the necessary action to prevent such

6 Charteris-Black, J. (2019). Analysing Political Speeches: Rhetoric, Discourse, and Metaphor. Palgrave Macmillan.


a catastrophe from happening again. It means doing everything we can to ensure that people are safe in their homes, and that no one is turning a blind eye to potential risks or failing to take responsibility for their actions." This quote demonstrates her use of the phrase "turning a blind eye" to emphasize the importance of addressing risks and taking responsibility.

3. "Playing politics": Describes engaging in political maneuvering or using political tactics to achieve a goal. Example: "Instead of addressing the issue head-on, they're just playing politics."

4. "Drawing a line in the sand": Signifies establishing a boundary or making a firm decision. Example: "We're drawing a line in the sand and saying enough is enough."

5. "Taking the high road": Means choosing a morally superior or principled course of action. Example: "Rather than resorting to personal attacks, we're taking the high road and focusing on policy issues."

6. "The elephant in the room": Refers to a significant or obvious problem that is being ignored or avoided. Example: "Climate change is the elephant in the room that we can no longer ignore."

7. "Putting lipstick on a pig": Describes attempting to make something unappealing seem more attractive or acceptable through superficial changes. Example: "Their proposal is just putting lipstick on a pig; it doesn't address the underlying issues."

One notable instance of a politician using the phrase "putting lipstick on a pig" occurred during the 2008 United States presidential campaign. Then-Senator Barack Obama used the expression while discussing healthcare reform. He stated, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." While Obama's usage was not directed at a specific individual, it was widely interpreted as a criticism of his opponent's proposed policies. This phrase garnered significant attention and became a memorable moment in the political discourse of that campaign.

8. "Sweating bullets": Means feeling extremely nervous or anxious. Example: "During the debate, you could see him sweating bullets under the pressure."

9. "Throwing in the towel": Signifies giving up or admitting defeat. Example: "Despite their efforts, they eventually had to throw in the towel and accept the inevitable."

10. "Walking a tightrope": Describes navigating a difficult situation or balancing conflicting interests. Example: "In negotiations, we're walking a tightrope between compromise and maintaining our principles."

These examples illustrate how English-speaking politicians use phraseological units to convey complex ideas, evoke imagery, and engage with their audiences effectively in political discourse.

Mobilizing Support: Phraseological units are effective in mobilizing support and rallying political movements. Catchphrases, slogans, and memorable expressions can create a

sense of unity and identity among supporters, energizing them and fostering a shared commitment to a cause or candidate (McGonagle, 2018).7

Enhancing Memorability: Phraseological units enhance the memorability of political messages. These fixed expressions are often catchy, succinct, and easily memorable, making them more likely to be retained by the audience (Charteris-Black, 2019). This aids in the dissemination and recollection of key political ideas and slogans.

These functions highlight the significant role that phraseological units play in political discourse, enabling persuasion, conveying ideology, framing political messages, mobilizing support, and enhancing message memorability. By employing these linguistic devices strategically, politicians can shape public opinion, inspire action, and communicate their political agendas effectively.

The impact of phraseological units on audience perception and the construction of political identities is a subject of significant research in the field of political discourse analysis. Here is an analysis of their impact, supported by scientific references:

Research has highlighted how the use of phraseological units contributes to the construction of political identities by creating a sense of unity and shared commitment among supporters (McGonagle, 2018). Catchphrases, slogans, and memorable expressions serve as markers of group identity, fostering a collective sense of belonging and loyalty. This process of identity construction through phraseological units helps consolidate political support and mobilize individuals around a common cause.

Through their linguistic choices, politicians strategically deploy phraseological units to shape audience perception and construct political identities. By harnessing the emotional resonance, familiarity, and ideological associations embedded in these linguistic constructs, politicians can effectively influence how their messages are perceived and shape the political identities of their supporters. This underscores the importance of studying the impact of phraseological units in political discourse analysis.


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Suvonova Dilnoza Sherali qizi, magistr [Сувонова Дилноза Шерали кизи, магистр],

[Dilnoza SH. Suvonova, master's degree]; manzil: O'zbekiston, 117036, Surxandaryo,

Termiz, 4 mkr 5/2 uy [адрес: Узбекистан, 117036, Сурхандарьинская, Термез, 4 мкр

5/2], [address: Uzbekistan, 117036, Surkhandarya, Termez, 4 mkr 5/2 House];

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