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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zhu Miao, Romanova A.M.

the article tells about systematic, comprehensive and precise personal characteristics of University students, self-perceived communicative competence such as task-speci c, implying di erences across domains of learning. All of these are essential for modern educational process.

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In practice improvement and development of activities, according to the characteristics of students in higher vocational colleges, starts from the needs of students' own development, focuses on the exercise and improvement of professional skills, and extensively carries out some skills, operability, and intelligence competitions activity.

Vocational education has developed rapidly, the system construction has been steadily advanced, and a large number of intermediate and senior skilled talents have been trained and trained, which has made important contributions to improving the quality of laborers, promoting economic and social development, and promoting employment. At the same time, we must also see that the current vocational education cannot fully meet the needs of economic and social development, the structure is not reasonable, the quality needs to be improved, the conditions for running schools are weak, and the system and mechanism are not smooth. Accelerating the development of modern vocational education is of great significance for the in-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, creating greater talent dividends, accelerating the transformation of methods, adjusting the structure, and promoting upgrading.

References / Список литературы

1. Li Hong. Talking about the current situation and competitiveness of vocational education in China [J]. Journal of Science and Education, 2012. 10:17.

2. Li Shujuan. Research on the application strategy of modern education technology in the teaching reform of higher vocational education [J]. Higher Vocational Education, 2012.4:157-158.

3. Shan Jiaping. New initiatives of vocational education in Britain and its reference [J]. China Adult Education, 2007. 10:110-111.


1Zhu Miao - master Student; 2Romanova Anna Mikhailovna - master Student, BELARUSIANNATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, MINSK, REPUBLIC OF BELARUS

Abstract: the article tells about systematic, comprehensive and precise personal characteristics of University students, self-perceived communicative competence such as task-specific, implying differences across domains of learning. All of these are essential for modern educational process. Keywords: university students, personal characteristics, motivation.



12 Чжу Мяо , Романова А.М.

1Чжу Мяо - студент магистратуры;

2Романова Анна Михайловна - студент ммагистратуры, Белорусский национальный технический университет, г. Минск, Республика Беларусь

Аннотация: статья посвящена таким важным для современного образовательного процесса вопросам, как личные характеристики студентов университета, самовосприятие коммуникативной компетенции, мотивация к обучению.

Ключевые слова: студенты университета, личные характеристики, мотивация.

UDC 378.147.091.3

As Einstein said, "Higher education must focus on training students to be able to think and explore problems. People solve all the problems in the world by using the thinking power and wisdom of the brain, not by moving books".

Students who enter University through University entrance exams feel adolescence, confused. They have many uncertainties in their future development, choose employment or continue school for graduate school as an important step in their life. Therefore, it is important for University students not only to plan their life well, but also to pay attention to the University education process.

On your first entry to the University, you feel that everything is new and relaxed, but the curiosity and newness fades away in your sophomore year, and in China, there are more courses from freshman to junior year, and in your junior year, you start to consider whether to continue your education (graduate school) or work after graduation, and in your senior year, you can choose to do an internship, either on or off campus.

The content of University education is to teach both basic knowledge and professional knowledge, and the education is highly specialized and introduces the latest cutting-edge knowledge and technological development of the profession and industry. The depth and breadth of knowledge is much more extensive than in secondary school. Classroom teaching is often outline type, the teacher in the classroom only talk about the difficult points, doubts, key points or the most insightful part of the teacher, the rest of the students will have to attack, understand, master. Most of the time is left for students to learn on their own. Therefore, to cultivate and improve the ability of self-learning is a necessary skill for University students [1].

It is the University stage that is the golden age of life, an important period for one to acquire knowledge and the way of learning changes to autonomy. The University may change to a new city, whether students are accustomed to the adaptability of the new city, the school should always pay attention to the development of the psychological changes of students and carry out frequent psychological activities. For example, teachers are required to conduct psychological interviews with students once a week to keep track of their psychological changes.

The personal characteristics of University students are more systematic, comprehensive and precise than before. The thinking style and thinking ability of University students have entered the advanced stage of logical thinking, which has prepared a good psychological environment for cultivating innovative talents. However, because of the imperfect quality of their thinking, they seem to be blind and superficial in their daily life because of their individuality.

Some students may have grown up in a bad family environment and developed bad habits and thoughts. They have a very dark side in their hearts, and some may have low self-esteem. After knowing these real situations, mental health teachers should respect these students and try to take care of their self-esteem. They should not develop contempt and disdain for the unhealthy development of the students' mental state. What teachers should do is to guide them in a timely manner, and parents should communicate more with their students [2].

It is worth paying attention to students' academic performance and healthy physical fitness. Many students enter college and often stay up late, resulting in trouble getting up for class the next day, low spirits, and reduced physical fitness. The University should carry out relevant physical activities, (other than physical education classes) such as campus physical exercise, which requires running up to 3 km on campus every day. The safety of the school needs to be strictly managed and prevented so that social undesirables do not enter the school to lure and commit a series of crimes that will cause psychological shadows to the students. To regulate the institutional culture and learning culture of the University students will grow up in a good environment and be nurtured by a good culture.

In many studies, self-perceived communicative competence, or self-efficiency, is found to be an important predictor of performance). The view students have on their own competencies, plays a major role in motivation, choice of learning activities, test anxiety, goal setting and learning results [3].

The level of achieved competence can be assessed by observing student performance in communicative situations, related to the future professional context of social workers. Much research has been done in the field of assessment of communication.

In addition to this, create a harmonious and safe campus environment. In the University, students come from all over the country. Due to different regional customs, cultural differences, as well as different personalities, values and worldviews, there is more or less friction between students, not to mention that there are many others in the dormitory. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the campus spiritual civilization, create a good social atmosphere and strengthen the mental health education of college students. Introduce excellent resources of psychological teachers, arrange and implement necessary practical psychological classes, and the safety of the school needs to be strictly managed and prevented, so as not to allow a series of behaviors such as entrapment and crime to enter the school and bring psychological shadows to students. Standardize the campus institutional culture and learning atmosphere so that students grow up in a good environment and are influenced by a good atmosphere [2].

According to the modern theory extended meaning to develop, the mental health teaching in colleges and universities should be combined with the current affairs hotspots under contemporary society, analyze the direction of college students' psychological dynamics and the overall flow trend, so that the teaching objectives and guidelines as the right starting point, modern education theory also calls for a democratic and equal teacher-student relationship, which is especially important for mental health education, when students receive mental health education, teachers should act as a kind of partner, equal dialogue, and conduct a good guidance, so that students can open their hearts and get the benefits brought by psychological education.

University students have to develop a wide range of abilities, mainly including self-learning ability, operational ability, research ability, expression ability, organizational ability, social ability, the ability to consult materials, select reference books, creative ability.

References / Список литературы

1. Guo Shufen. On The Teaching Design of Mental Health in Colleges and Universities Based on Postmodern Education. China, Liaoning: Fuxin College, 2016.

2. Ding Hong Shan. Psychological Characteristics of University students and their Educational Methods. Chian, Xiangya Medical College of Central South University, 2000.

3. Anouke Bakx. The Role of Students' Personality Characteristics, Self-Perceived Competence and Learning Conceptions in the Acquisition and Development of Social Communicative Competence: A Longitudinal Study. Higher Education (2006) 51. Springer, 2006. P. 71-104.

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