ROLE OF INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and innovation
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independent work of students / professional activity / educational material.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — M. Ismatova, R. Anvarova

Independent work, its organization play an important role in teaching, as well as in the scientific and creative work of a university student. How well the student is prepared and included in independent activity depends on his success in studies, scientific and professional work. Independent work is not limited to homework alone, which is carried out in lecture classes, in the presence of a teacher and under his guidance. In pedagogical science, there are various approaches to the definition of independent work.

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1 2 Ismatova Magruba Shaukatovna, Anvarova Ruxshona

1Assistant of Physiology Department of Samarkand State Medical University


Student of Samarkand State Medical University "Without known independen in no serious matter the truth can be found " https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7534202

Abstract. Independent work, its organization play an important role in teaching, as well as in the scientific and creative work of a university student. How well the student is prepared and included in independent activity depends on his success in studies, scientific and professional work. Independent work is not limited to homework alone, which is carried out in lecture classes, in the presence of a teacher and under his guidance. In pedagogical science, there are various approaches to the definition of independent work.

Keywords : independent work of students, professional activity, educational material.

The main task of higher education is to form a creative personality of a specialist capable of self-development, self-education, and innovation. The solution to this problem is hardly possible only by transferring knowledge in a finished form from teacher to student. It is necessary to transfer the student from a passive consumer of knowledge to an active creator of knowledge, who is able to formulate a problem, analyze ways to solve it, find the optimal result and prove its correctness.

The analysis shows that independent work still does not have the proper organization, and professional self-education as an important factor in the formation of the personality of a future specialist does not occupy an appropriate place in his training. The study of the real state of independent work indicates that students have little command of general educational skills and abilities: note-taking, reviewing, analysis and synthesis of what has been read. When independently studying the educational material and primary sources, students find it difficult to highlight the main, the main, in the formulation of conclusions, in the development of their opinion, their assessment of what they read.

Active independent work of students is possible only if there is serious and stable motivation. The strongest motivating factor is preparation for further effective professional activity. The essence of independent work, in our opinion, consists in self-organization of understanding of the material being studied, extracted from various sources, in building a student's own point of view, his attitude to what has been studied, in determining the practical significance of the material studied.

Organization of independent work begins, especially with: determining the content and scope of independent work each course; establishing a certain dose of material for independent study in each topic for a specific period of time; determining the content of the workshop on the formation of students' skills of independent work; from an introductory lesson, during which the student gets acquainted with the program and the nature of the tasks, with the requirements that apply to independent work, assessment criteria, methodology for completing tasks, forms of control and timing.

Practice shows that the upbringing of a creative specialist is impossible without mastering the theoretical foundations of disciplines, developing students' skills to operate with theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, and use it in solving professional problems. The student should be able to answer questions, understand the proposed situation, determine the ways out of it, review or annotate a monograph, article, and conduct direct observation of production processes during practice. A variety of tasks for independent work, giving them not only informational, but also professional orientation, establishing a close connection between theory and engineering practice is the incentive that motivates to master the skills and abilities of independent work and contributes to the restructuring of the student's personality structure into the structure of a specialist's personality.

The effectiveness of a student's independent work as a criterion for the quality of pedagogical management of the educational process is determined by its development in two directions: in the level of mastering by the student in the process of self-preparation the ability to navigate in situations that simulate future professional activity through tasks-situations, special exercises, in using theory to solve practical standard tasks; the degree of students' involvement in research activities through the implementation of non-standard tasks and tasks of increased complexity and in real industrial practice with the maximum use of the life experience of students, orienting them towards future professional activities. The effectiveness of students' independent work is largely determined by the presence of active methods of its control.

Based on the above, we can say that independent work, by its very nature, presupposes the maximum activity of each student. It manifests itself in the organization of work, and in the use of purposeful perception, processing, consolidation, application of knowledge and in a conscious desire to turn the acquired knowledge into beliefs, to be steadily guided by them in their daily activities. Properly organized independent work of students is of great educational and educational value. It is a defining condition for achieving high results in learning, in the formation of moral qualities and, therefore, is both a means and a goal of learning.


We agree with those methods that require that, in addition to lectures and textbooks, the student also pays attention to special literature, electronic library, etc. and we believe that the student most fully and deeply perceives only the information that he himself used and improved in the process of his activity, and no one will force him to perceive and process it if he does not want to.


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