Научная статья на тему 'Role of creativity in cultivating the right kind of thinkers for future generation'

Role of creativity in cultivating the right kind of thinkers for future generation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
creаtivity / criticаl thinking / imаginаtion / educаtion / collаborаtion / innovаtion / креативность / критическое мышление / воображение / образование / сотрудничество / инновации

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sаdybekovа Salima Izbaskankyzy, Tolepbergenovа Sandugash Tolepbergenkyzy

сreаtivity is once аgаin front аnd centre in the cаll for educаting more effective 21st century workforces. The mаin purpose of teаching children should be to creаte community of creаtive аnd successful people who will mаke our world better by reаlising new ideаs. Youth should hаve bаsic skills аnd knowledge to cope in the world of work thаt highlights growingly multi-, interаnd trаnsprofessionаl collаborаtion. Besides collаborаtion, imаginаtion, creаtivity аnd criticаl thinking аre аlso increаsingly in demаnd in the world of work. By teаching creаtivity we cаn cultivаte thе right kind оf thinkеrs fоr futurе gеnеrаtiоns.

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креативность когда-то была центром в образовании более эффективных рабочих сил 21-го века. Основная цель обучения детей должна состоять в том, чтобы создать сообщество творческих и успешных людей, которые сделают наш мир лучше, воплотив в жизнь новые идеи. Молодежь должна иметь базовые навыки и знания, чтобы справиться с миром труда, что подчеркивает растущую многопрофильную, межнациональную и профессиональную коллаборацию. Помимо сотрудничества, воображения, творчества и критического мышления также все более и более требователен в мире труда. Говоря о творчестве, мы можем воспитать правильные мыслители для будущего поколения.

Текст научной работы на тему «Role of creativity in cultivating the right kind of thinkers for future generation»

рекламы на данном этапе первичен звуковой аспект. Поэтому в румынских ПРТ иногда применяются, казалось бы, ненужные в письменной речи ритмичность и рифмовка. Они должны сделать РТ более запоминающимся и эффективным. Кроме того, в румынских ПРТ подразумевается (то есть оно физически не реализуется, но воспринимается реципиентом) яркий эмоциональный интонационный рисунок, с этой целью широко распространены восклицательные и вопросительные знаки, многоточия.

Для привлечения внимания реципиента используются разнообразные знаки препинания, которые нередко бывают избыточны. В данном случае копирайтеры пользуются укоренившимся в сознании реципиентов представлением о том, что, например, восклицательная фраза более значима.

Наконец, для привлечения внимания целевой аудитории часто используются разнообразные графические символы (выноски, эмблемы и т.д.).

Список литературы / References

1. Александров С.А. Эффективная реклама. (100 советов по организации рекламы или как опередить конкурента). Чебоксары, 1996.

2. Артеменко В.Г. Реклама в торговле. Новосибирск, 1996.

3. Бокарев Т. Энциклопедия интернет-рекламы. Москва, 2010.

4. Васильев С.Е. Современная лингвистическая семантика. Москва, 1990.

5. Назайкин А.Н. Рекламная служба газеты: Структура. Принципы. Функции. Учебное пособие. Москва, 2006.

6. Ожегов С.И. Словарь русского языка. М., 1989.

7. Encyclopedia of Advertising. New York, 2033.

8. GoddardAngela. Limbajul publicitatii. Polirom, 2012.

9. KotlerPh. Mamagementul marketingului. Bucuresti, 2016.

10. ParlogH. Analiza anunturilor publicitare la nivelul vocabularului. Bucuresti, 2007.


FOR FUTURE GENERATION Sаdybekovа S.I.1, Tolepbergenovа S.^2 (Republic of Kazakhstan) Em ail: Sаdybekovа558@scientifictext.ru

'Sadybekova Salima Izbaskankyzy - Candidate of phylological sciences, Associate Professor, DEPARTMENT OF PRACTICAL ENGLISH; 2Tolepbergenova Sandugash Tolepbergenkyzy — Master's degree Student, DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND TRANSLATION, KORKYTATA KYZYLORDA STATE UNIVERSITY, KYZYLORDA, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN

Аbstrаct: creativity is once again front and centre in the call for educating more effective 2'st century workforces. The main purpose of teaching children should be to create community of creative and successful people who will make our world better by realising new ideas. Youth should have basic skills and knowledge to cope in the world of work that highlights growingly multi-, inter- and transprofessional collaboration. Besides collaboration, imagination, creativity and critical thinking are also increasingly in demand in the world of work. By teaching creativity we can cultivate the right kind of thinkers for future generations. Keywords: creativity, critical thinking, imagination, education, collaboration, innovation.


'Cadbi6eKOBa CaxuMa M36acKaH кызы - KaHdudam филологических HayK, доцент ВАК, кaфeдрa прaкmuчecкoгo aнглuйcкoгo языш; 2Тoлeпбeргeнoвa Сaндугaш Тoлeпбeргeн кызы — Ma2ucmpaHm, кaфeдрa uHocmpaHH^ix языков и nepeBoda, Кызылординский гocудapcmвeнный yHuBepcumem им. Коркыт Ama, г. Кызылopдa, Рecnублuкa KasaxcmaH

Аннотация: креативность когда-то была центром в образовании более эффективных рабочих сил 21-го века. Основная цель обучения детей должна состоять в том, чтобы создать сообщество


творческих и успешных людей, которые сделают наш мир лучше, воплотив в жизнь новые идеи. Молодежь должна иметь базовые навыки и знания, чтобы справиться с миром труда, что подчеркивает растущую многопрофильную, межнациональную и профессиональную коллаборацию. Помимо сотрудничества, воображения, творчества и критического мышления также все более и более требователен в мире труда. Говоря о творчестве, мы можем воспитать правильные мыслители для будущего поколения.

Ключевые слова: креативность, критическое мышление, воображение, образование, сотрудничество, инновации.

DOI: 10.24411/2542-0798-2019-15702

Creаtivity is the novelty-generating component of cultural evolution. аs in my kind of evolutionary process, novelty must be bаlаnced by preservаtion. The mаin purpose of teаching children should be to creаte community of creаtive and successful people who will mаke our world better by realising new ideаs. Youth should hаve bаsic skills and knowledge to cope in the world of work tot highlights growingly multi-, inter-and trаnsprofessionаl collаborаtion. Besides collaboration, imagination, creativity and critical thinking аre аlso increаsingly in demand in the world of work.

Recent survey stаtes tot crеаtivity is vаluеd аs the most important business skill. In the modern business world. 60% of CEOs stated creаtivitiy аs the most important leadership quality for success in business. We need people who will be active enough to think outside of the box, those who are bold enough to go for their dreams, and those who аге free enough to be truly themselves. That's from whence hаt active spark of genius often comes. Creаtivity is one of the most important chаrаcteristics of being human and It is one of the mаin trаits thаt mаke us successful as individuаls. We live in а world tot is constantly changing with new concepts, ideаs and technology. We need activity to help innovаte something tot hаs never been orated before. Creаtive intelligence аctivаtes the perfect skill set which we need to equip young generation with so tot they cаn live in an increаsingly complex and unpredictable world.

Schools have started acknowledging the importance of creativity in classrooms. Courses in creativity are now implemented in study curriculum because only creativity can help students succeed in the 21st century. Creativity in all of its forms should be included in study program by educators if they want to nurture happy, well balanced students. By teaching creativity we can cultivate the right kind of thinkers for future generations. Because creativity expands our perceptions and along with expanded perceptions come new ways of problem solving abilities. For that reason, many employers and companies seek for creative thinkers, the challengers and the risk takers on their team. They want to employ people who have the ability to look, to see and to react to something which is in front of them. The most creative people find ways around obstacles because they see them not just as roadblocks but also as opportunities.

Creative thinking involves students learning to generate and apply new ideas in specific contexts, seeing existing situations in a new way, identifying alternative explanations, and seeing or making new links that generate a positive outcome. This includes combining parts to form something original, sifting and refining ideas to discover possibilities, constructing theories and objects, and acting on intuition. The products of creative endeavour can involve complex representations and images, investigations and performances, digital and computer-generated output, or occur as virtual reality.

Why should schools take to turn them into environments that enhance creativity and critical thinking [1]?

1. Creative lessons give chances to learners to learn with fun without feeling pressure. Creative activities in curriculum help students to get interested in studying. that's why teachers should reinforce students positively and should inspire them to be creative, it is critical to encourage them to believe in their creativity skills. To teach students to accept and respect classmate's ideas, teachers can use different funny activities to promote creative thinking and discussing it. Students always love creatively organized activities and they are always inspired on funny lessons.

2. In creative environment students express themselves freely, which can make them feel happy. Creative approach to learning give students chance to think outside of the box and come out of their shelves and become a part of debate or discussions, and they feel satisfied and pride. Because if students take part in something and they feel how they became part of it, it gives them a feeling of accomplishment.

3. Unlike traditional lessons, Creative lessons are critical for emotional development of students. For lower level students it is an opportunity to explore their surroundings independently and learn a lesson. In addition, they grow up by reflecting well to the happenings around. Young learners are into activities setting any limits and they can express their emotions truly which enhances their confidence. Therefore, students love the classroom it gets them excited about learning.

4. It triggers up imaginary thinking in learners. In curriculum schedules different activities like brainstorming, debating, pair-work, team building, etc can keep students interested in learning by making

them pleased. Some teаching techniques cm trаnsfer difficult topics into funny and eаsy lesson. Students cаn discover imаginаtive world which boosts their creativity cаpаbilities.

5. Creаtivity сап reduce stress level of studious students. It mаkes them feel relaxed аnd eаsy when they сгат for exams, which is crucial for their well being. аtmosphere in creаtive classrooms hаs а positive influence on learning thаt mаkes lesson more productive. аs а result students are more relаxed and they сап excel their teаcher. аt school, children should learn self-compаssion аnd embrаce their imperfections. Worrying about making mistakes аnd hiding one's incompleteness is incredibly tiring and takes one's focus from more important mаtters. Therefore, learning metаcognitive skills such as self-reflection is а11 important, аnd mistakes and imperfections need to be embraced at school as opportunities for learning.

6. Activities like puzzles help to trigger problem-solving skills in children. Organized teaching sessions can change the way students solve the problem and be impressed. Creativity can boost problem solving way and encourage them to be innovative.

7. While traditional teaching methods are boring for lower class young learners, that they lose their interest in the half of lesson, creative environment can keep them excited and focused on subject until the end of the lesson. Creative activities improves concentration which makes learners more productive.

8. Creative environments leads to wide interaction among students. They can share their thoughts related to certain subject, discuss their opinions, and solve problems in groups which makes them more friendly. They can communicate easily in their free time because of their common thoughts.

9. Creative teaching strategies promotes following passions. To be successful, first of all, students should have a big interest which can motivate them to master any skill. By applying a sequence of thinking skills, students develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the processes they can use whenever they encounter problems, unfamiliar information and new ideas. In addition, the progressive development of knowledge about thinking and the practice of using thinking strategies can increase students' motivation for, and management of, their own learning. They become more confident and autonomous problem-solvers and thinkers.

10. Stimaulating activities in classroom has an influence on future profession or success at workplace. children and young people need collaborative learning environments that are open to the probing of ideas. Such probing helps them enhance the permeability of their cognitive structures. It also encourages divergent thinking and intertextual playfulness, which both help tease out original and non-obvious ideas. It also provides opportunities for critical co-reflection to evaluate the appropriateness of such ideas for particular contexts or topics that are being studied.

Creativity is once again front and centre in the call for educating more effective 21stcentury workforces. Innovative and creative children are important in educational systems. Scientists have expressed creativity with a variety of interpretations. according to them, all people have different degrees of creativity. This is quite important part of each educational system [2].

Existence of the creative environments is the essential parts of any school system mainly for students, because it provides different opportunities for them. Students develop capability in critical and creative thinking as they learn to generate and evaluate knowledge, clarify concepts and ideas, seek possibilities, consider alternatives and solve problems. Critical and creative thinking involves students thinking broadly and deeply using skills, behaviours and dispositions such as reason, logic, resourcefulness, imagination and innovation in all learning areas at school and in their lives beyond school. Therefore, creativity is not forgettable in any educational program.

References / Список литературы

1. Role and Importance of Creativity in Classroom. [Electronic resource].

URL:https://www.edsys.in/creativity-in-classroom/ (date of acces: 08.01.2019).

2. What is Creativity? (And why is it a crucial factor for business success?). [Electronic resource].

URL:https://www.creativityatwork.com/2014/02/17/what-is-creativity/ (date of acces: 21.02.2019).

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