ROLE AND PLACE OF AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Turaev Sh.Sh., Aminova R.F., Erkinova M.T.

The article considers the role and place of automated information systems in the economy. The specifics of the modern information society is the continuous exchange of information. Information acquires the features of an economic good and is used in the economy as a resource used in economic activity, as well as a commodity. Economic information refers to information characterizing production relations in society, that is, information about the processes of production, exchange, distribution, accumulation and consumption of material goods.

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УДК 004.02:004.5:004.9

Turaev Sh.Sh., Ph.D., docent


of the Faculty of Economics and Management

in the Field of ICT Aminova R.F. student 3rd year Erkinova M. T. student 3rd year

TUIT named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi



Annotation: The article considers the role and place of automated information systems in the economy. The specifics of the modern information society is the continuous exchange of information. Information acquires the features of an economic good and is used in the economy as a resource used in economic activity, as well as a commodity. Economic information refers to information characterizing production relations in society, that is, information about the processes of production, exchange, distribution, accumulation and consumption of material goods.

Key words: automation, information, interconnection, automated control system (ACS), Automated information system (AIS), external sphere.

Before comprehending any complex concept, it is necessary to comprehend the simpler concepts included in it. Based on this, before comprehending the concept of AIS, we define what automation is, information, a system and an information system.

Automation is the replacement of a person's physical and mental labor with the work of technical means ensuring the performance of work with a given productivity and quality without human intervention, which remains the function of monitoring and preparing technical means for operation.

Information - information about objects, phenomena, events, processes of the surrounding world, transmitted orally, in writing or in another way and reducing the uncertainty of knowledge about them. This knowledge reflects reality in the consciousness (thinking) of a person. From the middle of the 20th century information becomes a general scientific concept, including the exchange of information between people, a person and a machine, a machine and a machine.

The information should be reliable, complete, adequate, i.e., a certain level of compliance, concise, clearly and clearly expressed, timely and valuable.

A system can be a single object or a set of heterogeneous, but interacting and interconnected according to certain rules objects.

"A system is a collection of elements, united by the bonds between them and having a certain integrity." Thus, a system is a set of interacting (interconnected) elements, united by a unity of purpose and general purposeful rules of relationships.

By a set of elements is meant a set of elements that allows the system to have common characteristics.

By the interconnectedness of the elements is meant a set of purposeful rules of the relationship between the elements.

The presence of relationships determines the organized complexity of the system. It is a property of the system and determines the number of elements in the system. There are many elements outside the system (external sphere).

The localization of the system determines the boundaries of the system, the allocation of its elements and relationships (existing and non-existent).

Often there are two errors: the exclusion of significant relationships and accounting for non-essential relationships.

When constructing the system, the objective function must be determined and algorithms for the structure and function of the system developed.

When we talk about the information system, we mean an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel that provide for the collection, storage, processing, search and delivery of the information necessary for the consumer.

Information system - an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel used to collect, store, process and issue information in order to solve the tasks. Information systems are necessary in the decision-making process; they help analyze problems and create new products.

"An automated system is a system consisting of personnel and a set of automation tools for its activities that implements information technology for fulfilling established functions." [1, p. 14]

From the perspective of cybernetics, the structure of any economic system can be represented by the subject and the control object (Fig. 1), where the main information flows between the external environment, the control object and the control subject are marked with arrows i-1, i-2, i-3, i-4 and are supported IP.

Fig. 1. Structure of the econom ic system The object of management of an economic object is a production team that performs a set of works aimed at achieving certain goals, and having material, financial and other types of resources for this. The subject or control system of an economic object forms the goals of its functioning and exercises control over their implementation.

Targeted impact on the control object, leading to a change or preservation of its state is provided by the control. The main functions of managing an economic object are planning, accounting, analysis, control and regulation.

The information system is a combination of the functional structure, information, mathematical, technical, organizational and staffing, which are combined into a single system in order to collect, store, process and issue the necessary information to perform management functions. It provides information to the control system, forming the following information flows:

i-1 - information flow from the external environment to the management system, which, on the one hand, is a stream of regulatory information created by state institutions in terms of legislation, and on the other hand, a flow of information on market conditions created by competitors, consumers, suppliers;

i-2 - information flow from the management system to the external environment (reporting information, primarily financial information to government bodies, investors, creditors, consumers; marketing information to potential consumers);

i-3 - information flow from the control system to the facility, is a combination of planned, regulatory and administrative information for the implementation of business processes;

i-4 - information flow from the object to the management system, which reflects accounting information about the state of the object of management of the economic system (raw materials, materials, cash, energy, labor resources, finished products and services performed) as a result of the implementation of business processes. [3, c .103]

The information system accumulates and processes incoming accounting information and existing standards and plans into analytical information, which

serves as the basis for predicting the development of the economic system, adjusting its goals and creating plans for a new reproduction cycle.

Automated control system (ACS) - a man-machine system that implements the automated collection and processing of information necessary for making decisions on the management of the facility. ACS are created for optimal management in various fields of activity.

Automated information systems can be divided into:

• information support systems having an independent purpose and scope;

• systems (subsystems) of information support that are part of automated control systems (ACS).

AIS of the first group, as a rule, contain an information base used by various consumers to satisfy information needs when making decisions. An example of such systems is electronic library catalogs, AIS under the law (for example, Consultant. Guarantor), electronic document management systems for financial documents (for example, "Local level electronic data processing system" to automate the work of district tax inspections).

In ACS, computer technology is used not only in processes such as storage, data storage and processing, but also in management decision-making processes. ACS are based on the use of economic and mathematical methods, computer facilities, means of receiving and transmitting data. A feature is the use of telecommunications to obtain data from their places of origin, as well as to send information to performers and consumers.

ACS is a man-machine system that provides automatic collection and processing of information using various software and hardware, however, control and decision-making functions are performed by a person or group of people.

Decisions in the management system are made by people based on information that is a product of IP. At its entrance is the primary information about all changes occurring in the control object. It is fixed as a result of the performance of operational accounting functions. In IP, primary information is converted into the resultant, suitable for decision making. In automated IPs, part of the procedures for the formal conversion of primary information into resultant information is automatically performed by technical means according to predetermined algorithms, without direct human intervention.

This does not mean that the IC can fully function in automatic mode. The management system staff determines the composition and structure of primary and final information, the procedure for collecting and recording primary information, monitors its completeness and reliability, determines the order in which primary information is converted into final information, and monitors the progress of the transformation process. In addition, the procedure for collecting primary information is still poorly automated, so its input into technical means is also carried out by IS personnel.

The most important part of the technical means of converting information are computers that perform an automatic data processing based on predefined programs. In modern AIS, the procedures of the information process are

decentralized and are performed in the dialogue mode of the user using the computer, which allows him to control the data conversion process, quickly guiding him to the direction he needs. In this they differ from AIS based on large computers, in which the information processing was carried out centrally and was separated from the managerial staff. The latter received only the final results of data processing and, if for some reason (for example, due to late identified errors in the source data) did not suit him, he was forced to make a request to the appropriate services to repeat the process of solving the problem of interest to him.

Thus, in modern AIS, automatically performed information process procedures are integrated with management functions. Along with its main functions, they are directly performed by management personnel. Moreover, using software tools aimed at a user who does not have professional computer training, a specialist manager can often automate the excitement of the data processing procedures he needs, acting as a task director and programmer.

Note that in the modern concept, the term "information systems" means the automation of information processes. Therefore, both terms are used as peers. But it should be remembered that information systems can use non-automated information processing technology. [2, p. 400]

Conclusion. Having considered in this work the role and place of automated information systems in the economy, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The most important component of management information is economic information. The properties of economic information predetermine the scientific and technical necessity and economic feasibility of using computer technology and, above all, computers during its collection, accumulation, transmission and processing.

The structure of economic information is complex and includes such information aggregates as details, indicators, documents.

The system is characterized by the following basic properties: complexity, divisibility, integrity, diversity of elements and the difference in their nature, structuredness.

The complexity of the system depends on the many components included in it, their structural interaction, as well as on the complexity of internal and external relations and dynamism.

Any management system of an economic object has its own economic information system. The modern level of informatization of society determines the use of the latest technical, technological, software in various information systems of economic objects.

An automated information system (AIS) is a combination of information, economic and mathematical methods and models, technical, software, technological tools and specialists, designed to process information and make managerial decisions.

Automated information systems are diverse and can be classified according to a number of signs: according to the sphere of functioning of the control object,

by the type of process being controlled, and by the level in the public administration system.

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2. Automated information technology in the economy: Textbook / Ed. Prof. G.A. Titorenko. - M.: Computer, UNITY, 2003.-400p.

3. Information systems in the economy / Ed. G.A. Titorenko. M., 2006.-103p.

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