Научная статья на тему 'Роль ИКТ в современной технологии преподавания английского языка'

Роль ИКТ в современной технологии преподавания английского языка Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
информационные и коммуникативные технологии (ИКТ) / роль / методы преподавания / иностранные языки / образовательный процесс / образовательные программы / интерактивное учение. / information and communication technologies (ICT) / education / teaching methods / foreign languages / educational process / educational programs / interactive learning.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Молчанова Елена Николаевна

В данной статье рассматривается актуальность использования ИКТ в современных технологиях преподавания английского языка. Сегодняшний мир – это ультрасовременный мир, в котором постоянно исследуются новые способы общения. Технологии продолжают играть важную роль в преподавании английского языка. ИКТ стали неотъемлемой частью образовательных систем стран.

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The role of ICT in modern English language teaching technology

This article examines the relevance of using ICT in modern technologies for teaching English. Today’s world is an ultra-modern world where new ways of communication are constantly being explored. Technology continues to play an important role in ELT. ICT has become an integral part of countries' educational systems.

Текст научной работы на тему «Роль ИКТ в современной технологии преподавания английского языка»

Роль ИКТ в современной технологии преподавания английского языка The role of ICT in modern English language teaching technology

Молчанова Елена Николаевна


«Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет»

Белгород, Россия e-mail: molch-elena86@yandex.ru

Molchanova Elena Nikolaevna

Belgorod State National Research University

Belgorod, Russia e-mail: molch-elena86@yandex.ru

Научный руководитель Зимовец Наталья Викторовна

Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков «Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет»

Белгород, Россия e-mail: zimovets@bsu.edu.ru

Scientific adviser Zimovets Natalia Viktorovna

PhD in Philological sciences, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department

Belgorod State National Research University

Belgorod, Russia e-mail: zimovets@bsu.edu.ru


В данной статье рассматривается актуальность использования ИКТ в современных технологиях преподавания английского языка. Сегодняшний мир - это ультрасовременный мир, в котором постоянно исследуются новые способы общения. Технологии продолжают играть важную роль в преподавании английского языка. ИКТ стали неотъемлемой частью образовательных систем стран.


This article examines the relevance of using ICT in modern technologies for teaching English. Today's world is an ultra-modern world where new ways of communication are constantly being explored. Technology continues to play an important role in ELT. ICT has become an integral part of countries' educational systems.

Ключевые слова: информационные и коммуникативные технологии (ИКТ), роль, методы преподавания, иностранные языки, образовательный процесс, образовательные программы, интерактивное учение.

Key words: information and communication technologies (ICT), education, teaching methods, foreign languages, educational process, educational programs, interactive learning.

The world is not standing still. And the main criterion for the development of modern society is information processes. With new priorities in education, there is a need to search for new modern and effective teaching technologies that allow to achieve higher learning and upbringing results, to introduce new educational technologies into the educational process, which should be considered as a tool through which the new educational paradigm can be implemented.

Significant changes in the field of education have also affected the teaching of foreign languages in secondary schools. In particular, new information technologies have been introduced, such as the use of internet resources in the educational process, educational computer programs, electronic dictionaries, and online classes.

Currently, there are numerous methods that use information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching various subjects, including the English language. It is noted that the use of ICT contributes to increasing students' motivation to learn foreign languages and improving their already acquired knowledge.

Today, the ability to use computer technology and telecommunication and internet communications in education should be considered as a criterion of general literacy, comparable to the traditional interpretation of this concept - the ability to read, write, and count.

Using information and computer technologies opens up new opportunities for us in teaching foreign languages, as we encounter new forms of organizing the learning process and teaching methods.

Using information and computer technologies opens up new opportunities for both students and teachers: the computer takes on the function of knowledge control, helps to save time in the lesson, vividly illustrates material, shows difficult-to-understand points in dynamics, repeats what caused difficulties for students, and differentiates the lesson according to the individual characteristics of each student. At present, not every school has the full opportunity to use ICT in teaching, only a few schools can do so. Therefore, let's consider the possibility of using ICT as a "supporting" tool within the framework of traditional methods of teaching foreign languages.

Without a doubt, the integration of computers into the field of education is changing the forms, content, and means of learning, bringing it closer to the realities of modern life. The main task of the teacher in this case is, as B.S. Gershunsky [7] believes, the development of the learner's personality, creative search in organizing the learning process, and the selection, development, and choice of the best and most appropriate educational software.

The prominent psychologist B. Lomov [5] defines that the computer is a tool of human activity, the use of which will qualitatively change the possibilities of cognition, increase the accumulation and application of knowledge, and considers that its use as a means of human cognition signifies the emergence of new forms of thinking, creative activity, which can be considered as a factor in the historical development of human mental processes.

The works of such scientists as I.B. Gorodinsky [1], A.Yu. Uvarov [8], S.V. Fadeev [7] testify that the rapid intervention of computers in life and the learning process in particular forces teachers of foreign languages to solve problems that no linguist suspected ten years ago. It is not surprising that not every teacher was ready for the wide implementation of computers in such a non-traditional sphere as teaching foreign languages.

The speed and reliability of processing any type of information; expanding the possibilities of presenting information; the ability to model various processes using a computer; the ability to activate the substantive, operational, and motivational aspects of the learning process; the potential for individualization and differentiation of instruction; the ability to foster reflection on their own activities in students through the use of computers; the ability to create conditions for organizing their own learning activities; and the ability of the computer to act as a means of educational communication - all of this constitutes the potential for the use of computers in teaching foreign languages [6].

These potential benefits highlight the need for teachers to adapt to the rapid integration of technology in language education. The works of scientists such as I.B. Gorodinsky, A.Yu. Uvarov, and S.V. Fadeev demonstrate that the use of computers in language education presents challenges that were not previously anticipated by linguists. As a result, it is essential for teachers to be prepared for the wide implementation of computers in non-traditional areas such as teaching foreign languages.

The active integration of information technology in the field of education presupposes, first of all, the use of computers and computer-based educational programs capable of implementing effective teaching methods. Moreover, the computer is used as a source of information, as a multifunctional instrumental tool, and as a means of managing educational activities.

Using multimedia teaching tools in English language classes improves the quality of knowledge, skills, and abilities, increases cognitive activity and motivation, accelerates the pace of learning, improves understanding and memorization of study material, and promotes independent student activity. Multimedia programs help to quickly and effectively develop listening comprehension, correct pronunciation, expand vocabulary, and improve speaking skills.

Thus, the use of multimedia educational tools in English language classes allows to improve the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities, increase cognitive activity and motivation, accelerate the pace of learning, improve understanding and memorization of study material, as well as stimulate independent learning activities of students. Multimedia programs help to quickly and effectively develop listening skills, correct pronunciation, expand vocabulary and improve communication skills in English. Thus, computerized learning provides more accurate and objective control over students' learning activities, providing constant feedback.

The use of ICT in teaching English has proved to be a promising direction. Traditional forms of monitoring educational activities such as written tests, oral exams, dictations, essays, translations, and exams are not sufficiently objective, accurate, and prompt. Computerized learning allows for high-precision and objective control over educational activities, providing constant feedback.

The specific feature of learning English is, firstly, the development of language considering the psychological factors of communication, and secondly, the mastery of linguistic structures and means of communication. The inclusion of a computer as a teacher's assistant in the learning process allows for the optimization of both aspects, assigning routine skills acquisition work to the computer, and leaving the main task to the teacher - organizing communicative communication in classes.

Overall, the integration of multimedia educational tools and ICT in English language classes enhances the effectiveness of teaching and learning, providing students with a more engaging and interactive learning experience. It also helps teachers to better monitor and assess students' progress, leading to more personalized and effective instruction. As technology continues to advance, the use of multimedia and ICT in language education will likely become even more prevalent and essential in the future. This means that computer technology is not just a tool, but an active and effective participant in the learning process, prompting teachers to change the nature of their work in the classroom and seek a more dynamic and flexible methodology that allows for the full utilization of the capabilities of modern information technology.

The effectiveness of using computer technologies largely depends on the consideration by teachers of their didactic features. They include:

- high informational content of these tools;

- the ability to overcome and subjectively change existing temporal and spatial relationships;

- the ability to deeply penetrate the essence of the phenomena and processes being studied;

- demonstration of objects and phenomena, considered in their development, dynamics;

- a variety of visual techniques,

- emotional richness.

The use of computerized English language learning in school has a number of advantages [7] :

- variability of application at different stages of learning;

- the ability to be used at any stage of practical work;

- better perception and easier memorization of study materials;

- efficient use of study time;

- individualization of learning, determining the depth and pace of learning;

- reduction of types of work that cause fatigue;

- use of various audiovisual teaching aids (graphics, sound) for enrichment and motivation of learning, visual and dynamic presentation of material;

- adaptation of existing study materials to computerized learning conditions;

- creation of a comfortable learning environment;

- implementation of experimental research;

- activation of learning activities;

- intensification of learning and increase in motivation level;

- formation of self-assessment and creation of conditions for independent work.

Besides, new technological tools not only bring innovation to academic centers, but also speed up the transfer of information, increase student interest, and allow processes to be automated, among other aspects to be taken into account.

- It improves concentration and comprehension. The activities carried out through digital and interactive tools increase student concentration and, therefore, they assimilate concepts more quickly, enhancing learning. This type of tool involves students in more practical learning, with the aim of reinforcing what they have learnt.

- It promotes student flexibility and autonomy. New technologies promote autonomous learning for students. With the incorporation of digital alternatives such as online courses, each student can learn at their own pace, optimising time and resources thanks to the flexibility provided by digitalisation and connectivity.

- It encourages critical thinking. The diverse sources of information that technologies provide bring new points of view to students. In this way, information and communication technologies encourage debate and the acceptance of other people's opinions. In addition, the exchange of thoughts allows students to l earn about different cultures.

- It facilitates communication between teachers and students. The whole educational community has quick access to the same resources. In this way, digital tools allow direct and immediate interaction, without the need to be physically present. This was especially important during the confinement experienced during the 2020 health crisis.

- Increased classroom productivity and collaborative work. New technologies in the classroom, specifically those that allow access to online content, improve learning productivity by optimising instruction time, and thanks to connectivity, it feeds collaborative work, thanks to new teaching formulas.

- It stimulates motivation. The incorporation of technologies in the classroom improves the motivation of students, it is a quick and practical technique to stimulate the study of new concepts. Digital tools are the daily communicative support of the new generations, therefore, they are easily handled in this environment.

- It incorporates new learning methods. Another of the advantages of ICT in education is that teaching professionals can incorporate new teaching methodologies, thus improving academic results and encouraging dynamism in the classroom. Moreover, their use implies the development of the digital skills needed to avoid the digital divide.

The use of ICT in teaching English language presents teachers with a number of serious tasks:

- mastering new information technologies of teaching;

- studying the influence of ways of presenting information on the process of mastering study materials;

- developing game elements of the learning process;

- applying active teaching methods;

- mastering methods of graphical representation of information and combining them with printed materials;

- developing methodological recommendations, tests, control tasks, consultations, etc.

Therefore, the use of computers in English language teaching significantly enhances the intensity of the educational process. Interactive learning with educational computer programs helps to implement a whole range of

methodological, pedagogical, didactic, and psychological principles, making the learning process more interesting. This method of teaching allows for the consideration of each student's pace of work. At the same time, the student's cognitive activity increases, undoubtedly contributing to the effective improvement of knowledge and skills. However, it is important to remember that a computer cannot replace a teacher in the educational process. Careful planning of the time spent using the computer is necessary, and it should only be used when required by the educational process.

In other words, the implementation of ICT contributes to achieving the main goal of modernizing education -improving the quality of education, increasing access to education, ensuring the harmonious development of individuals who are oriented in the information space, familiar with the information and communication possibilities of modern technologies, and possessing information culture [4].

In conclusion, it can be said that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have become an integral part of modern English language teaching. Thanks to the rapid development of technologies, teachers now have access to a wide range of digital tools and resources that can significantly improve the quality of students' learning. From interactive online platforms to personalized learning materials, ICT has revolutionized the teaching of English language in classrooms around the world.

In addition, ICT facilitate communication and collaboration between students and teachers, regardless of their physical location. Through video conferencing, messaging applications and online forums, students can participate in real-time discussions, engage in collaborative projects and receive instant feedback from their teachers. This not only improves students' language skills, but also fosters a sense of community and cooperation in the classroom.

Moreover, ICT has enabled English language learners to access a wide range of authentic materials and resources from around the world. At the click of a button, learners can access news articles, videos, podcasts and other authentic materials that can help them improve their language skills and better understand English language and culture.

Overall, ICT has changed the way English is taught by providing innovative tools and platforms that can enhance learning, increase engagement and facilitate effective communication and collaboration. As technology advances, the role of ICT in English language teaching will become more and more prominent and important in modern education. It is obvious that ICT has revolutionized modern English teaching technology and will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of language education.

In conclusion, it can be said that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become an integral part of the modern technology of teaching English. With the rapid advancement of technology, educators now have access to a wide range of digital tools and resources that can greatly enhance the learning experience for students. From interactive online platforms to personalized learning materials, ICT has revolutionized the way English is taught in classrooms around the world.

One of the key benefits of ICT in teaching English is the availability of various platforms for interactive learning. Online language learning apps, educational websites, and multimedia resources offer engaging and interactive content that can help students improve their English language skills in a more dynamic and effective way. These platforms provide students with the opportunity to practice their language skills through interactive exercises, games, and multimedia content, making the learning process more enjoyable and engaging.

In addition, ICT enables teachers to create personalized learning experiences for students. Digital learning materials, virtual classrooms, and online assessments allow for a more tailored approach to teaching English, catering to the individual needs and learning styles of each student. With the use of digital tools, teachers can create customized lesson plans, provide additional resources, and track students' progress more effectively.

Furthermore, ICT facilitates communication and collaboration among students and teachers, regardless of their physical location. Through video conferencing, messaging apps, and online forums, students can engage in real-time

discussions, collaborative projects, and receive instant feedback from their teachers. This not only enhances students' language skills but also fosters a sense of community and collaboration within the classroom.

Moreover, ICT has made it possible for English language learners to access a wide range of authentic materials and resources from around the world. With the click of a button, students can access news articles, videos, podcasts, and other authentic materials that can help them improve their language skills and gain a better understanding of English language and culture.

Overall, ICT has transformed the way English is taught by providing innovative tools and platforms that can enhance the learning process, increase engagement, and facilitate effective communication and collaboration. As technology continues to advance, the role of ICT in teaching English will only become more prominent and essential in modern education. It is clear that ICT has revolutionized the modern technology of teaching English and will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of language education.

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