была добыта за 20 лет. Из девонских пластов отобрано нефти в два раза больше, чем удалось бы извлечь обычными способами без закачки воды.
Для месторождения актуальной проблемой является повышение конечной нефтеотдачи разрабатываемых пластов и сокращение объемов попутно добываемой воды, снижение обводненности добываемой продукции.
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Reshetnyk M.,
Ph.d., Senior Stuff Researcher, National Museum of Natural History (Geological department),
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev
Starokadomsky D.
Ph.d., Senior Stuff Researcher, Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry (Laboratory of Composites),
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine,
The actual problems of detail studying of geological structures of the Ukrainian Shield were used. The aim of the work was to verify the possibility maping of enderbites&charnokites of the abnormal magnetic field. The magnetic susceptibility Curie points of feromagnetic minerals and other properties of enderbites&charnokites were investigated. It is shown that the studies enderbites not create high positive anomalies of the magnetic field and are actually "dumb" in the anomalous magnetic field. On the prospect of suggested further study of those areas where high positive magnetic field anomalies coincide with places spread enderbite&charnokites. On the prospect of suggested further study of its rocks location where positive Bouguer anomalies and normal ore negative magnetic field anomalies.
Keywords: Ukrainian Precambrian Shield, enderbite, charnokite, granodiorite, magnetic properties, magnetic field, geological structure, density, gravity anomalies.
1. Introduction
Enderbites were discovered by Tiley in 1935 [0] in Antarctida (Enderby Land) and yearly in 1935 - by Bezborodko in SovietUnion [1] (Ukrainian shield, SoutBough river). Thus, as we wrote in [6], the discovery of enderbites-charnokites was even a little earlier on the Ukrainian Shield (with workname "boughites") than in Antarctica on Enderby land. Now, the enderbites rocks investigates in UkrainianShield [1,6,10,2630], Africa [2], India [3,6,20,25], Russia [4,16,22,34], Brazilia [23], China [24]. Now, the number of named researcyers are working on this area - Munyanyiwa [2]; Krivdik, Dubina [19]; Mondal, Piper [3,20]; Korol, [16]; Petrovsky, Bayanova [34]; Parfenova, Guseva [22]; Marangoanha, DallAgnol [23]; Samuel, Kwon [24]; Raith, Srikantappa [25]; Shumlanskyy, Claesson [26,27]; Bogdanova, Belousova [32]; Reshetnyk [13, 28, 30-31], Stepanuk, Lesna and Zaiats, [28,29,31,33].
Today, all work, as will be shown below, is aimed at studying the age and characteristics of the chemical composition of enderbites-charnokites. Because it is one of the most ancient rocks. Their geochemistry and petrography make it possible to restore the conditions for the formation of the ancient earth's crust.
The issue of identifying the localization sites of enderbites-charnokites massifs remains important. Geological survey in the 1990s showed the location of the enderbites-charnokites massifs on the USh. It is important to study these rocks from different blocks of the USh. Now, an actual problem of geological re-maping of USh our government is declared [7-14].
Enderbites have long been studied on the Ukrainian shield (USh) [18,19] (Sherbakov, Krivdik). In this article we investigation massifs enderbite-charnokite in Gaisin block of the USh. We used methods beside on more detailed and complex geology-geophysical. It is known [17-19] because rocks in Gaisin block were cardinally changed during metamorphism. In the study area, there are rocks that are also called sobits (named after the Sob river) [5, 19]. These rocks have a motley appearance. Granites, plagiogranites, chaKnokites, enderbites, granodiorites, diorites and crystalline schists are observed at a distance of several centimeters. The
studied samples have a different petrographic composition; there are charnockites and granodiorites.
2. Methods
In this work the is using method of magnetic scanning (MMS) which let use a new possibilities of mapping for high-differentiated sectors of Precambrian basement. Magnetic Scanning - it is a complex petro-magnetic method of detail investigation of rocks exposures as we described earlier [7-14]. In this method, laboratory and "in field" magnetometry investigations are carried out in direct interrelation with each other.
At the first stage is analyze prior information and correlations "magnetic field - geological structure".
At the second stage is magnetometry investigation "in field" and selection of oriented rock samples. The detailed measuring of magnetic susceptibility (MS) was done on magnetometer KT-5 (Czech production).
At the next step is laboratory investigation. These measurements allow to calculate the value of the natural remanent magnetization of the sample, its magnetic susceptibility and orientation of remanent magnetization vector on magnetometer LAM-24 (Czech production). The magnetic minerals in rocks are definite by thermomagnetic analysis. It consists in consequent measuring of magnetic susceptibility MS of heated template. The laboratory magnetometer KLY-2 fixes a change MS of sample which heated in an oven. (Now is modern Kappabridges of company AGICO.) The density of sample was measured by method of hydrostatic gravimetry. The dynamic of change of magnetic minerals was investigated by microscope.
3. Geology
In this article investigation area in the USh Ros-Tykych megablock in the Uman smoll blockes in the Gaisin very smoll blockes. Gaisin blockes betwin Gayvoron and Podol block (parts of Dnistrovo-Bug megablock). Nemirov and Obodnov fractures Gaisin from Podol block is separed. Dashev fracture Gaisin from all other Uman block is separed (Figure 1). Gaisin block consists of unique composite rocks, it is the Gai-sin complex [15,16]. Gaisin complex it is vary motley because plagio-granits and grano-diorites is alternated in one metres and contains of gneis, crystal slate, en-derbite. Enderbite is unique rocks in Gaisin complex.
Figure 1: Geological structure position of investigation area in global geological structure of USh.
Enderbites outcrops locate on board of river Go-rodishe (to north of the village Sytkivci, point 1 (Figure 2), coordinates latitude 48 55 42.01 N, longitude 29 11 30.51
Sytkivci territory was geological investigated and created geological map in scale 1:10000 (Katuk and all) [15]. We combined geological map with magnetic
E). Outcrops 1 and 2 is investigated in this article. anomalies field map (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Fragment of geological map combinated with anomalies magnetic field T map of area among villages
Vyshcha Kropyvna and Sytkici (Katuk) [15]: 1 - plagiogranites, 2 - charnokites, 3 - enderbytes, 4 - diorites, 5 - crystals shales, 6 - fracture valid and from geophysical date, 7,8,9 - isolines of high and low T in nanoteslas nTl, 10 - isolines of high gravity field mGl, black point 1 and 2 - outcrops.
On figure 2 you can see then enderbites are sited on different anomalies magnetic field where there is high T (up to 1500 nTl) and low T (-500 nTl). Thus, according [4], the source of negative and positive anomalies of magnetic field are same enerbites. Therefore is actual to study the rock magnetic properties and determined the nature of such ambiguity reflected in the abnormal magnetic field.
4. Results
The gravitational field is generally poorly differentiated. The highest Bouguer anomaly is 0.5 mGal, such anomalies are located where there is a body of en-derbites and diorites, within which there is an outcrop 1 near Sytkivtci (see Figure 2). The rest of the Bouguer anomalies, which are not large in diameter, coincide in location with the xenoliths of the crystalline shales.
One 0.5mGal isometric Bouguer anomaly is not associated with enderbites or crystalline shales. Much of the enderbite bodies plotted on the geological map do not coincide with the positive Bouguer anomalies and are located within both the positive and negative anomalous magnetic fields. If compare the geological map and the map of the Bouguer anomalies, the contours of the bodies of crystalline shales from the contours of the positive Bouguer anomalies are drawn almost one by one. The existing map of the anomalous magnetic field can be seen as not actually now. As example, enderbites according to Katuk [15] are located both where there are large anomalies of the magnetic field (hereinafter T) up to 1500 nT and where there are low values of T (-500 nT) (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Gradient magnetic field is 100 nTl on 100 m on line between outcrops 1 and 2 (point 2 and 1).
Outcrop 1 is a vertical wall with a uniform appearance (Figure 4). Rocks have a gray-green color of medium and large grain size.
Figure 5: Limited fragment of outcrop 1 with markers of sites with MS 40-50103 u.SI.
MS in outcrops measured in 620 points on the network with 0.2m increments showed that 80% of MS numbers is small 0-1210-3 u.SI. Some big MS in the range 40-50 10-3 u.SI interspersed in the total weight with low values of MS 0-12-10-3 u.SI. It big MS found M
on the exposure is not regularly (Figure 5). This can be explained by not-homogenous distribution of magnetite that have a several agglomerates in this rock. Very high values in the range 70-75 10-3 u.SI obtained in only three measuring points.
xx/ txxx —
xx xxxx L _ /
xxx : xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Figure 5: Diagram MS (MS range is 10-3 u.SI) distribution measured for outcrop 1.
It isn't big for granites of Gaisin complexes. MS is 10-30 10-3 u.SI as a rule in outcrop 2. In this outcrop is plagiogranites and tonalites with higher MS.
MS sample distribution coincided with the distribution of MS measured at the outcrop 1. The most samples on outcrop 1 (43 samples out of 54) has low MS (0-1210-3 u.SI) indicating that a small amount of magnetite (Figure 6).
MS 10"J u.SI - 50
Figure 6: Samples taken from outcrop 1 have mainly MS less than MS samples from outcrop 2.
At the same time, thermomagnetic analysis shows that their templates have magnetite and pirrotite (Figure 7).
MSi /MS1 1,6 -'
,t, °C
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 Figure 6: a) Microscopic photo sample with iron sulphide, b) thermomagnetic curves.
The curve MSi/MS1 falls sharply after heating to has back oriented vector of the remanent magnetization
3800C indicating the presence pirrotite Ore microscopy (Figure 7). Mostly vector of the remanent magnetiza-
revealed the presence of pirrotite grains in rock. Sam- tion is oriented in the direction of modern magnetic
ples with pyrrhotite have heightened the Q factor in the field (for the coordinates: declination 11 37.68 inclina-
range 1.5-2 units (normal 0.4-0.6 units). These samples tion 64 66.05).
0 n
90 270
180 a) 180 b)
Figure 7: Stereoscopic of the remanent magnetization vector of samples from: a) outcrop 2, b) outcrop 1. Black circles - straight, hollow circles - reverse orientation of the vector of the remanent magnetization.
The low values of the magnetic susceptibility, and hence the induced magnetization are indicated that en-derbite charnokite will not significantly affect the nature of the anomalous magnetic field. That part ender-bites it is inversely oriented remanent magnetization can only weaken the magnetic field. Map of the anomalous magnetic field shows that the enderbites exposure is in the negative conjugate field anomalies. The positive part of the conjugate anomaly is located south-west enderbites exposure (see Figure 2). It is necessary to examine the method of magnetic scanning exposure in the area of positive anomalies of the magnetic field (T>1000nTl) in order to identify the source of that.
Place high positive anomalies of the magnetic field coincides with the place enderbite body position (see Figure 2). Our research has shown that enderbites (charnokite, granodiorite) can not create high positive anomalies of the magnetic field. This means that the anomaly magnetic field may cause or other rocks.
Investigation chrnokite and granodiorite from outcrop 1 have density ranges from 2.67 to 2.77 g/sm3 while the granite have a density of 2.6 g/sm3. Plagio-granites from outcrop 2 have a density from 2.6 to 2.7 g/sm3 (Figure 8).
Our research has shown that investigation ender-bites&charnokites and granodiorites have higher density and can produce positive anomalies in the gravitational field.
5. Discussion
The same situation is observed in the North China Craton. In article [24] (Samuel etc) was investigated an example of unmetamorphosed magmatic charnockites (enderbite-charnockite) of the Late Paleoproterozoic Luyashan pluton, where both charnockitic (granitic) and enderbitic (granodioritic) granitoids occurs in the pluton. Like we have here thin section scale, charnock-itic domains (~1-2 cm) are present within the outcrop scale enderbitic granitoid, that are composed of ortho-pyroxene, biotite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz, il-menite, magnetite, and pyrrhotite.
There are studies where a number of transformations of schists into charnockites by means of magmatic replacement in East Antarctica [22] (Parfenova & Guseva). These enderbites include the plagioclase has the composition NAn=28-31 and contains large an-tiperthitic inclusions of potassium feldspar. They considered together with the massive structures of the rocks, these features suggest that the rocks crystallized from melt. Enderbyte has unique macrostructures [1-4, 19-20]. On the Baltic Shield Shemyakin and Shurkin attributed tonalites to enderbites [4].
In [2] (Munyanyiwa H., 1993), which studies the evolution of Magondi Belt's enderbites in northern
Zimbabwe, the conditions of the peak metamorphism facies (700-800 ° C at a pressure of 5-7 kbar) of enderbites were determined.
The article by Abramov and Kurdyukov [21] on the content of REEs in charnockites-enderbites and their origin summarizes a significant array of various experimental data. A europium anomaly (decreased or overestimated Eu concentration) was found in a series of lanthanides recorded in granites of Massif Central, France (in France), monzonite-granodiorites Wmg River (Wyoming, USA) and charnockite-enderbites of Sharyzhalgaya (Baikal , Russian). The REE contents in the equilibrated rock, melt, and fluid were determined by the composition of the percolating fluid. In articles [21, 22], the origin of charnockites-enderbites is the result of the contributions of the magmatic and metaso-matic mechanisms to the origin of charnockites and enderbites.
In article [23] (Marangoanh etc) is investigated the central portion of the Canaa dos Carajás domain (Ouro Verde area). The results exhibits a peculiar scenario involving two units of orthopyroxene-bearing sodic rocks: (i) the Mesoarchean Ouro Verde felsic granulite with protolith crystallization and metamorphism ages of 3.05-2.93Ga and 2.89-2.84Ga, respectively, and (ii) the Neoarchean Café enderbite, composed of tonalites, trondhjemites and scarce quartz diorites that crystallized at 2.75-2.73Ga and show syntectonic character. Like our simples, in a thin section scale, charnockitic
domains (~1-2 cm) are present within the outcrop scale enderbitic granitoid, that are composed of orthopyrox-ene, biotite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz, ilmenite, magnetite, and pyrrhotite. Whereas the enderbite domain shows amphibole, clinopyroxene and apatite additionally. The authors that mixing of immiscible gran-odioritic and granitic magma caused the formation of the enderbitic and charnockitic domains at similar water activity.
In article [25] (Raith etc.) was showed that the dominant garnetiferous enderbites in the Nilgiri granu-lite terrain were derived from sedimentary precursors by way partial anatexis during Palaeoproterozoic times. The ederbites have enrichment of LREE (LaN 35-70), no to weakly negative Eu anomalies and resemble the REE spectra of tonalitic-trondhjemitic granitoids and greywackes of late Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic age. Other scientists have also investigated Indian enderbits in work [1] (Mondal S. at al.). They made palaeomag-netic and rock magnetic study of charnockites from Tamil Nadu, India.
In [26] (Claesson etc) demonstrate that Podolian and Azov Domains, USh include rocks as old as 3.75 Ga, and identify the ages of Archaean and Palaeoprote-rozoic metamorphic reworking of this old crust. In the enderbite data from the Dniestr-Bug region, Podolian Domain, a period with zirconrecrystallization/new growth, including granulite facies metamorphism, is identified at c. 2.8 Ga. The 2.04 Ga zircon overgrowths are interpreted to reflect a second period of metamor-phic reworking.
In [27] (Shumlyanskyy et al.), Dniester-Bouh Domain of the USh were studied. Zircon U-Pb-geochro-nology indicates enderbite crystallization at 3786±32Ma, followed by asubsequent event at ca.3500Ma. All Eoarchean rocks are depleted in incompatible trace elements and have negative Ta-Nb, P and Ti anomalies. Compared to the typical TTG associations, enderbites record depletion in felsic components (SiO2, NaO, K2O, Rb, Th), and enrichment in mafi-cones (TiO2, MgO, CaO, V), allowing them to be defined as"mafic"or"depleted" TTG.
For rocks from outcrop 1, the age has been determined [28] (Reshetnyk, Stepaniuk). They are younger than the rocks around [29] (Stepaniuk, Kurylo). Geo-chemical analysis and petrography showed that outcrop 1 is represented by charnockites and granodiorites [30] (Reshetnyk, Zaiats). It can be assumed that these rocks are of magmatic origin and have traces of recycling. The content of REZ is similar to the enderbites of the Khlebodarovsky complex [31] (Reshetnyk, Zaiats).
The magnetic susceptibility of enderbites&char-nokites in Gaisin Block are investigated in the first time.
It is established that small-diameter positive Bouguer anomalies are coincide in location with the xenoliths of the crystalline shales. Much of the ender-bite bodies are located within both the positive and negative anomalous magnetic fields.
Investigated outcrops have uniform appearance, but their rocks have different petrophysical properties.
These rocks are weak-magnetic (MS<1210-3 u.SI). It isn't big for granites of Gaisin complexes.
Ferromagnetic minerals in our rocks consists from magnetite+pyrrotite. Orientation of the remanent magnetization vector for enderbites&charnokites are more homogenously than for investigated plagiogranites and tonalites. Experimental data can show that enderbites&charnokites cannot produce a high induction of magnetic field.
Our research has shown that investigation char-nokites and granodiorites have higher density and can produce positive anomalies in the gravitational field.
On the prospect of suggested further study of those areas where positive Bouguer anomalies and normal ore negative magnetic field anomalies coincide with places enderbites&charnokites.
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