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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Galanina I. A., Ohmura Y.

Rinodina endospora and R. macrospora are reported as new to Japan. These species are known to be rare in Northeastern Asia and have a disjunctive distribution. Rinodina endospora was collected on bark of Alnus sp. and Salix sp. at 290 m a. s. l. in Hokkaido, and R. macrospora was on bark of Abies mariesii at elevation between 1960 and 2000 m a. s. l. in Toyama Prefecture of central Honshu. The paper provides data on morphology, ecology, differentiation and distribution of two Rinodina species.

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Rinodina endospora and R. macrospora (Physciaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) new to Japan

I. A. Galanina1, Y. Ohmura2

'Federal Scientific Center of East Asian Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian

Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia 2Department of Botany, National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba, Japan Corresponding author: I. A. Galanina, gairka@yandex.ru

Abstract. Rinodina endospora and R. macrospora are reported as new to Japan. These species are known to be rare in Northeastern Asia and have a disjunctive distribution. Rinodina endospora was collected on bark of Alnus sp. and Salix sp. at 290 m a. s. l. in Hokkaido, and R. macrospora was on bark of Abies mariesii at elevation between 1960 and 2000 m a. s. l. in Toyama Prefecture of central Honshu. The paper provides data on morphology, ecology, differentiation and distribution of two Rinodina species.

Keywords: biodiversity, biogeography, lichens, new records, North-East Asia.

Rinodina endospora и R. macrospora (Physciaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) —

новые виды для Японии

И. А. Галанина1, Й. Охмура2

'Федеральный научный центр биоразнообразия наземной биоты Восточной Азии ДВО РАН,

Владивосток, Россия 2Department of Botany, National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba, Japan Автор для переписки: И. А. Галанина, gairka@yandex.ru

Резюме. В результате изучения коллекции лишайников рода Rinodina в гербарии TNS (Япония) были обнаружены два новых для Японии вида: Rinodina endospora и R. macrospora. Эти виды являются редкими в Северо-Восточной Азии и имеют дизъюнктивное распространение. Вид R. endospora собран с коры Alnus sp. и Salix sp. на высоте 290 м над ур. м. на о. Хоккайдо, R. macrospora на коре Abies mariesii на высоте от 1960 до 2000 м над ур. м. в префектуре Тояма в центральной части о. Хонсю. В статье приведены данные по морфологии, экологии, отличиям от других видов и распространению изученных видов.

Ключевые слова: биогеография, биоразнообразие, лишайники, новые находки, СевероВосточная Азия.

The genus Rinodina (Ach.) Gray belongs to Physciaceae and comprises approximately 300 species worldwide (Sheard, 2010; Wijayawardene et al, 2022). According to Nadyeina et al. (2010) Rinodina is polyphyletic and includes species with crustose



thalli, lecanorine apothecia, one-septate brown ascospores with inner wall thickenings, and Lecanora-type asci.

Rinodina is a difficult genus in terms of species identification due to the large variety of spore types. Recent studies of the genus Rinodina in the Northeastern Asia including Japan, Russia, China, and South Korea have made a great progress in our understanding of the diversity of this genus in the region (Galanina et al, 2011, 2018, 2021a, b; Galanina, 2016, 2019; Sheard et al,, 2017; Galanina, Ezhkin, 2019). According to the latest data, 30 species of Rinodina were known in Japan (Sheard et al., 2017; Ohmura, Kashiwadani, 2018). The first author had an opportunity to examine herbarium specimens of Rinodina housed in the herbarium of the National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS), Tsukuba, Japan in 2019. As a part of results, we found two species new to Japan. This study provides the detailed description of their morphology, along with ecological notes.

Material and Methods

We studied specimens from the herbaria of the National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS) in Japan in 2019. The morphological and anatomical features of the specimens were examined by standard methods of light microscopy. Chromatography was not necessary because all the studied species can be easily distinguished by anatomy and morphology as well as by standard spot tests with KOH (K) and C6H4(NH2)2 (P). Information on voucher specimens including collection sites is presented. Our determinations fundamentally followed Sheard (2010).

Results and Discussion

Rinodina endospora Sheard, 2002, in Sheard et Mayrhofer, Bryologist 105(4): 658. — Type: [USA] California, Santa Clara Co., Mount Hamilton Range, San Antonio Valley, 4 IX 1968, A. Howard s. n. (UC — holotype). (Fig. 1: C, D)

The detailed description was given by Sheard and Mayrhofer (2002), Sheard (2010), Sheard et al. (2017), and Galanina et al. (2021b). The species is characterized by a gray to gray-brown verrucose or areolate thallus, narrowly attached apothecia with flakes of the epinecral layer on the thallus, large Dirinaria-type ascospores (20.5)23.0-24.0(27.5) x (8.5)9.0-10.0(12.0) ^m of Type B development (Fig. 1: C, D). Rinodina endospora can be confused with R. metaboliza Vain. which also has Dirinaria-type ascospores, but they are of smaller size (13.5)17.5-19.0(23.0) x (8.5)9.0-10.0(11.0) ^m (Sheard, 2010).

Distribution. This is the first location of Rinodina endospora in Japan and fourth in Northeastern Asia. The species was found in Hokkaido at 290 m a. s. l. The distribution of the species in Japan suggests that it prefers to grow in wet forest areas on flood-plain at low elevations. Rinodina endospora was previously considered to be a western North American endemic species distributed in California along the coastal ranges and in the Sierra Nevada (Sheard, 2010). Previously, the species was reported in Russia from Kamchatka [Ust'-Bol'sheretsk District, on bark of Chosenia arbutifolia (Pall.)

A. K. Skvortsov] (Sheard et al, 2017), from Sakhalin Island where it was found on bark of Populus sp. in riparian forest (Galanina et al., 2021a), and from Magadan Region (Magadansky Reserve, floodplain forest, on bark of Chosenia arbutifolia) (Galanina et al., 2021b). Rinodina endospora is species with an East Asian — western North American disjunct distribution.

Ecology. The species was found on barks of Alnus sp. and Salix sp. in the mixed forest dominated by Abies sachalinensis (F. Schmidt) Mast., Acer mono Maxim. var. glabrum (Lev. et Vaniot) H. Hara, Betula platyphylla Sukaczev, and Tilia japonica (Miq.) Simonkai.

Specimen examined: Japan, Hokkaido, Prov. Kitami: Ikutahara-Kiyosato, Engaru-cho, Monbetsu-gun, 43°51'06.3"N, 143°29'18.7"E, 290 m a. s. l., on bark of Alnus sp. and Salix sp., 29 V 2012, Ohmura 8897, A. Frisch, det. Galanina, TNS.

Rinodina macrospora Sheard, 2002, in Sheard et Mayrhofer, Bryologist 105(4): 665. — Type: Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Botanical Beach, 4 km SW of Port Renfrew, 14 IX 1975, W. J. Noble 5371 (UBC — holotype; SASK — isotype).

(Fig. 1: A, B)

The detailed description was given by Sheard and Mayrhofer (2002) and Sheard (2010). Rinodina macrospora is characterized by a light gray areolate thallus, areoles discrete, plane, becoming contiguous; cortex contains atranorin (K+ yellow, P+ faint yellow). Apothecia are narrowly attached, with black plane disc, up to 1.4 mm in diam. The species has large Physcia-type ascospores (26.5)28.0-32.0(33.0) x (12.0)13.0-13.5(14.0) |m of Type A development (Fig. 1: A, B). In ontogeny, as-cospores have various stages of locule development. Immature ascospores may have the Physcia-like and Physconia-like lumina with slight apical wall thickening. The habitat of R. macrospora is limited to maritime foreshores, on either driftwood or coniferous trees (Sheard et al., 2017). It should be noted that the ascospores of the studied sample are similar in length but narrower than those of the samples from North America.

Rinodina macrospora can be confused with R. megistospora Sheard et H. Mayrhofer which also has light gray thallus (K+ yellow, P+ faint yellow) consisting of discrete areoles, and large ascospores, but the ascospores of R. megistospora are of Pachyspo-raria-type. Also R. macrospora can be confused with R. ascociscana (Tuck.) Tuck., R. roscida (Sommerf.) Arnold, and R. tenuis Müll. Arg. Rinodina ascociscana differs by having ochraceous to brownish thallus and no atranorin in cortex. Rinodina roscida grows on mosses and decaying plants and is common in oroarctic regions in contrast to the R. macrospora. Rinodina tenuis has Pachysporaria-type ascospores and pannarin in medulla and cortex (P+ cinnabar).

Distribution. This is the first record of this species in Japan and the second in Northeastern Asia. It was found in the central Honshu at elevation between 1960 and 2000 m a. s. l. The distribution of this species in Japan suggests it can be found in

Fig. 1. Rinodina macrospora (Ohmura 8897, A. Frisch, TNS) and Rinodina endospora

(G. Thor 12708, TNS).

A — the thallus and apothecia of Rinodina macrospora, B — Physcia-type spores of R. macrospora, the two left immature spores refer to the Physconia-like lumina with slight apical wall thickening, C — the thallus and apothecia of Rinodina endospora; D — Dirinaria-type spores of R. endospora with Physcia-like lumina, the septal swelling, and no torus.

Scale bars: A — 1 mm; C — 0.5 mm; B, D — 10 |im.

subalpine coniferous forests. Rinodina macrospora was previously considered to be a western North American endemic species distributed from mid-California to Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia. This species is strictly maritime in North America (Sheard, 2010). Previously, it was reported in Russia from coast of the Khabarovsk Territory on Picea jezoensis (Siebold et Zucc.) Carrière (Sheard et al., 2017). Rinodina macrospora is a species with an East Asian — western North American disjunct distribution.

Ecology. The species was found on bark of Abies mariesii Mast. in the fir forest.

Specimen examined: Japan, Honshu, Prov. Etchu (Pref. Toyama): 33 km SEE of Toyama, Midaga-hara, along the path to Tateyama crater 500 m SSE of Midagahara bus stop, Tteyama-cho, Nakasinka-

wa-gun, [36°34'N, 137°34'E], 1960-2000 m a. s. l., subalpine, open mixed deciduous forest with Abies mariesii, on dead still standing exposed A. mariesii, 16 XI 1994, G. Thor 12708, det. Galanina, TNS.


We are very grateful to Dr. J. W. Sheard, a monographer of the genus Rinodina in North America, for the consultations in the study of ascospore types of Rinodina species. The study of I. A. Galanina was carried out within the state assignment of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (theme no. 121031000117-9).

References / Литература

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