Научная статья на тему 'Rheological properties and filterability of the suspension formed during evaporation and distillation of DEA from mother solutions'

Rheological properties and filterability of the suspension formed during evaporation and distillation of DEA from mother solutions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Ключевые слова
distillation / density / viscosity / speed / filtration / process / DEA / solution / temperature / concentration. / дистилляция / плотность / вязкость / скорость / фильтрация / процесс / ДЭА / раствор / температура / концентрация

Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Bobokulov Akbar Nosirovich, Erkayev Aktam Ulashevich, Kucharov Bahrom Khayrievich, Toirov Zokir Kalandarovich

the effect of W: T, and temperature on viscosity, density, light refraction and electrical conductivity of the reaction system, as well as the rate of sedimentation and filtration of a DEA suspension, was studied. It was found that In the studied intervals Ж: Т = 1: 0-16: 1 and temperatures of 20-80 ° С, the density and viscosity decrease with increasing Ж: Т and temperature and fluctuate in the ranges of 1.004-1.220 g / cm3 and 1.8843.86 cps respectively. The filtration rate is strongly influenced by W: T and the temperature of the filtration process.

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изучено влияние Ж:Т, и температуры на вязкость, плотность, показатели светопреломления и электропроводности реакционной системы, а также скорости отстоя и фильтрации суспензии ДЭА. Установлено, что В изученных интервалах Ж:Т=1:0-16:1 и температуры 20-80°С плотность и вязкость снижаются с повышением Ж:Т и температуры и колеблются в интервалах 1,004-1,220 г/см3 и 1,88-43,86 сПз соответственно. На скорость фильтрации сильно влияют Ж:Т и температура процесса фильтрации.

Текст научной работы на тему «Rheological properties and filterability of the suspension formed during evaporation and distillation of DEA from mother solutions»



1Bobokulov Akbar Nosirovich - PhD Student; 2Erkayev Aktam Ulashevich - DSc in Technic, Professor; 3Kucharov Bahrom Khayrievich - DSc in Technic, Assistant Professor; 4Toirov Zokir Kalandarovich - PhD in Technic, Assistant Professor; DEPARTMENT CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES OF INORGANIC SUBSTANCES, TASHKENT CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE, TASHKENT, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: the effect of W: T, and temperature on viscosity, density, light refraction and electrical conductivity of the reaction system, as well as the rate of sedimentation and filtration of a DEA suspension, was studied. It was found that In the studied intervals Ж: Т = 1: 0-16: 1 and temperatures of 20-80 ° С, the density and viscosity decrease with increasing Ж: Т and temperature and fluctuate in the ranges of 1.004-1.220 g / cm3 and 1.88- 43.86 cps respectively. The filtration rate is strongly influenced by W: T and the temperature of the filtration process. Keywords: distillation, density, viscosity, speed, filtration, process, DEA, solution, temperature, concentration.


'Бобокулов Акбар Носирович - базовый докторант; 2Эркаев Актам Улашевич - доктор технических наук, профессор; 3Кучаров Бахром Хайриевич - доктор технических наук, доцент; 4Тоиров Зокир Каландарович - кандидат технических наук, доцент; кафедра химической технологии неорганических веществ, Ташкентский химико-технологический институт, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: изучено влияние Ж:Т, и температуры на вязкость, плотность, показатели светопреломления и электропроводности реакционной системы, а также скорости отстоя и фильтрации суспензии ДЭА. Установлено, что В изученных интервалах Ж:Т=1:0-16:1 и температуры 20-80°С плотность и вязкость снижаются с повышением Ж:Т и температуры и колеблются в интервалах 1,004-1,220 г/см3 и 1,88-43,86 сПз соответственно. На скорость фильтрации сильно влияют Ж:Т и температура процесса фильтрации.

Ключевые слова: дистилляция, плотность, вязкость, скорость, фильтрация, процесс, ДЭА, раствор, температура, концентрация.

During the evaporation and distillation of DEA from the mother liquors during the process, the system gradually concentrates and, at the end, a thick suspension forms depending on the degree of evaporation.

To determine the state of the system, the sequence of processes, the selection of equipment and the control of technology, it is necessary to study the influence of W: T, and temperature on viscosity, density, light refraction and electrical conductivity of the reaction system, as well as the rate of sedimentation and filtration of the suspension (Fig. 1 - 3).

Fig. 1. Change in viscosity of mother liquors depending on the degree of evaporation and temperature

From Fig. 1 it is seen that with increasing concentration and lowering temperature, the viscosity of the system increases. The influence of temperature on the process increases with its decrease to 18 ° C and an increase in the DEA concentration of more than 40%. In fig. 1, a viscosity line was drawn for 26.5 cps d21-d11, the otoganal projection d2-d1 of which shows that in order to maintain a viscosity of 26.5 cps with an increase in the degree of evaporation to 10.20.30%, the temperature of the system should be at least 12.15 , 16 ° C, respectively.

The data show that with a decrease in the residual pressure in the evaporator from 740 to 284 mm Hg, the boiling point of the solution decreases from 83.0, 85.0 ° C to 63.5 and 67.0 ° C, respectively, at a concentration of 10.0 -45.0%.

The refractive indices and electrical conductivity of the samples, depending on the degree of evaporation, range between 1.409-1.433 and 61.59-27.12 cm, respectively. With an increase in the degree of evaporation from 10 to 45%, the refractive index increases by 0.020, and the electrical conductivity, on the contrary, decreases by 34.47 cm.

Figure 2 shows the effect of W: T on the rheological properties and filterability of the suspension formed at a 30% degree of evaporation.

In the studied intervals T =1: 0-16: 1 and temperatures of 20-80 ° C, the density and viscosity decrease with increasing T and temperatures and fluctuate in the intervals of 1.0041.220 g / cm3 and 1.88-43.86 SPZ, respectively.

Fig. 2. The change in viscosity of a 30% one stripped off mother liquor depending on temperature and the

ratio W: T

The filtration rate is strongly influenced by W: T and the temperature of the filtration process. With increasing W: T at a temperature of 60 ° C, the filtration rate decreases by 2.40; 5.20 times with W: T 4: 1 and 8: 1, respectively, than with W: T = 2: 1. This trend intensifies with a decrease in the process temperature to 20 ° C, at which the filtration rate decreases 2.70, 7.15 times, respectively. During evaporation, sludge is formed with W: T greater than 20: 1 and with a temperature of 80-90 ° C. Based on the foregoing, G: T must be reduced to no more than 8: 1, in connection with which we studied the kinetics of the decantation process (Fig. 3).

Within 3 minutes, the degree of clarification of the suspension reaches more than 70% and 75% with a decrease in W: T from 9: 1 to 13: 1, respectively (Fig. 3).

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Fig. 3. Kinetics of sedimentation of sediments formed by evaporation of mother liquors.

Thus, the mother liquor after the evaporation process is left to stand for 10-15 minutes before being fed to the filtration, and the resulting dense mass with W: T of not more than 8: 1 is fed to the filtration stage with a filtration rate of at least 435 kg / m2 * h.


In accordance with the data in the section, during the distillation of evaporated solutions in the presence of milk of lime, depending on the concentration and the norm of the MI, suspensions are formed with W: T of 4.32-15.07: 1. To determine the sequence of stages and conduct hydrodynamic calculations of the equipment, the influence of W: T and temperature on the density, viscosity and filterability of the suspension was studied. The obtained experimental data showed that the pH of the 17% suspension fluctuates between 8.9 and 9.6, and at a concentration of 34% the pH range rises to 10.17-11.02. The suspension filtration rate and sediment moisture are 421.131553.87 kg / m2 * h and 31.97-60.00%, respectively.

The density and viscosity of the suspension was studied at W: T and a temperature in the range of 3: 1 - 100: 0 and 20-800C. With a decrease in W: T and temperature, the density and viscosity indicators increase and fluctuate in the ranges of 1.138-1.450 g / cm3 and 3.177-23.33 cPz, respectively. It should be noted that with Ж: Т 3: 1, a difficult to pump over dense mass is formed.

References / Список литературы

1. Bobokulov A.N., Erkayev A.U., Toirov Z.K., Kucharov B.Kh. The study of the separation of potassium bicarbonate from carbonated suspensions. // Modern problems and prospects of chemistry and chemical-metallurgical production, republican scientific and technical conference. Navoi, 2018. 31-32 st.

2. Bobokulov A.N., Erkayev A.U., Toirov Z.K. Study of the process of obtaining potassium bicarbonate using diethylamine. // UNIVERSUM: Chemistry and Biology. № 10. Moscow, 2017.

3. Bobokulov A.N., Erkayev A.U., Toirov Z.K., Kucharov B.Kh. Investigation of the process of carbonization of potassium chloride solutions in the presence of diethylamine. // Modern problems and prospects of chemistry and chemical-metallurgical production, republican scientific and technical conference. Navoi, 2018. 38-39 st.

4. Bobokulov A.N., Erkayev A.U., Toirov Z.K., Kucharov B.Kh. Research on the Carbonization Process of Potassium Chloride Solutions in the Presence of Diethylamine International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). Volume 8. Issue-9S2. July, 2019. ISSN: 2278-3075.

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